
Defines functions ala_config ala_reasons convert_reason

Documented in ala_config ala_reasons

#' Get or set configuration options that control ALA4R behaviour
#' @author Atlas of Living Australia \email{support@@ala.org.au}
#' @references \url{http://api.ala.org.au/}
#' @references \url{http://spatial.ala.org.au/layers-service/} this will eventually move to the api link
#' Invoking \code{ala_config()} with no arguments returns a list with the current values of the options. 
#' \code{ala_reasons()} returns a data frame with information describing the valid options for \code{download_reason_id}
#' @param \dots Options can be defined using name=value. Valid options are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item reset: \code{ala_config("reset")} will reset the options to their default values
#'   \item caching string: caching can be 
#'     "on" (results will be cached, and any cached results will be re-used), 
#'     "refresh" (cached results will be refreshed and the new results stored in the cache), or 
#'     "off" (no caching, default).
#'   \item cache_directory string: the directory to use for the cache. 
#'     By default this is a temporary directory, which means that results will only be cached 
#'     within an R session and cleared automatically when the user exits R. The user may wish to set this to a non-temporary directory for 
#'     caching across sessions. The directory must exist on the file system.
#'   \item verbose logical: should ALA4R give verbose output to assist debugging?  (default=FALSE)
#'   \item warn_on_empty logical: should a warning be issued if a request returns an empty result set? (default=FALSE)
#'   \item user_agent string: the user-agent string used with all web requests to the ALA servers.
#'     Default = "ALA4R" with version number, R version and date and user platform
#'   \item download_reason_id numeric or string: the "download reason" required by some ALA services, either as a numeric ID (currently 0--11) 
#'   or a string (see \code{ala_reasons()} for a list of valid ID codes and names). By default this is NA. Some ALA services require a valid 
#'   download_reason_id code, either specified here or directly to the associated R function. 
#'   \item base_url_spatial string: the base url for spatial web services (default="http://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/")
#'   \item base_url_bie string: the base url for BIE web services (default="http://bie.ala.org.au/ws/")
#'   \item base_url_biocache string: the base url for biocache web services (default="http://biocache.ala.org.au/ws/")
#'   \item base_url_alaspatial string: the base url for older ALA spatial services (default="http://spatial.ala.org.au/alaspatial/ws/")
#' }
#' @return For ala_config(), a list of all options. When ala_config(...) is
#' called with arguments, nothing is returned but the configuration is set.
#' @examples
#' ala_config()
#' ala_config(caching="off")
#' ala_reasons()
#' ala_config(download_reason_id=9,verbose=TRUE)
#' ala_config("reset")
#' @export ala_config
ala_config=function(...) {
    ## get or set options that control ALA4R behaviour
    ## options are stored as a global option with the name defined in ala_option_name
    user_options=list(...) ## the options passed by the user

    ## default user-agent string
    version_string="version unknown"
    suppressWarnings(try(version_string<-utils::packageDescription('ALA4R')[["Version"]],silent=TRUE)) ## get the ALA4R version, if we can
    user_agent_string=paste("ALA4R ",version_string," (",R.Version()$version.string,"/",R.Version()$platform,")",sep="")

    ## set default options

    ## define allowed options, for those that have restricted values
    ## ideally, the valid download_reason_id values should be populated dynamically from the ala_reasons() function. However if that is called (from here) before the AL4R_config option has been set, then we get infinite recursion. To be addressed later ...

    ## has the user asked to reset options to defaults?
    if (identical(tolower(user_options),"reset")) {
    } else {
        ## has the user specified something we don't recognize?
        if (length(unknown)>0) {
            stop("unknown ALA4R options: ", str_c(unknown,collapse=", "))
        if (is.null(current_options)) {
            ## ALA4R options have not been set yet, so set them to the defaults
            ## set the global option

        ## convert reason from char to numeric if needed
        if (!is.null(user_options$download_reason_id)) {
        ## override any defaults with user-specified options
        if (length(user_options)>0) {
            for (i in 1:length(user_options)) {
                if (! is.null(allowed_options[[this_option_name]])) {
                    ## there are restrictions on the allowed values for this option
                    ## could use match.arg here but the output is a bit obscure
                    if (! (user_options[[i]] %in% allowed_options[[this_option_name]])) {
                        stop("value \"",user_options[[i]],"\" is not a valid choice for ",this_option_name," (should be one of ", str_c(allowed_options[[this_option_name]],collapse=", "),")")
                ## any other specific checks ...
                if (identical(this_option_name,"cache_directory")) {
                    if (!see_if(is.string(user_options[[i]]))) {
                        stop("cache_directory should be a string")
                    ## strip trailing file separator, if there is one
                    if (! (file.exists(user_options[[i]]) && file.info(user_options[[i]])$isdir)) {
                        ## cache directory does not exist. We could create it, but this is probably better left to the user to manage
                        stop("cache directory ",user_options[[i]]," does not exist");
                if (identical(this_option_name,"user_agent")) {
                    if (!see_if(is.string(user_options[[i]]))) {
                        stop("user_agent should be a string")
                if (identical(this_option_name,"verbose")) {
                    if (!see_if(is.flag(user_options[[i]]))) {
                        stop("verbose should be TRUE or FALSE")
                if (identical(this_option_name,"warn_on_empty")) {
                    if (!see_if(is.flag(user_options[[i]]))) {
                        stop("warn_on_empty should be TRUE or FALSE")
            ## set the global option
        } else {
            ## no user options were provided, so user is asking for current options to be returned

#' @rdname ala_config
#' @export
ala_reasons=function() {
    ## return list of valid "reasons for use" codes
    ## Values at 6-Feb-2014:
    ##[{"id":0,"name":"conservation management/planning","rkey":"logger.download.reason.conservation"},
    ##{"id":1,"name":"biosecurity management, planning","rkey":"logger.download.reason.biosecurity"},
    ##{"id":2,"name":"environmental impact, site assessment","rkey":"logger.download.reason.environmental"},
    ##{"id":4,"name":"scientific research","rkey":"logger.download.reason.research"},
    ##{"id":5,"name":"collection management","rkey":"logger.download.reason.collection.mgmt"},
    ##{"id":7,"name":"ecological research","rkey":"logger.download.reason.ecological.research"},
    ##{"id":8,"name":"systematic research","rkey":"logger.download.reason.systematic.research"},
    ##{"id":9,"name":"other scientific research","rkey":"logger.download.reason.other.scientific.research"},

convert_reason=function(reason) {
    ## unexported function to convert string reason to numeric id
    if (is.character(reason)) {
        tryCatch({ reason<-match.arg(tolower(reason),valid_reasons$name)
                 error=function(e){ stop("could not match download_reason_id string \"",reason,"\" to valid reason string: see ala_reasons()") }
jjvanderwal/ALA4R documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:40 a.m.