

# The basic idea here is to take a set of variables and covariates,
# then perform regression on all of them in a computationally  
# efficient manner.
# Test One : Accuracy compared to lm 

# this is a list of all dependent and independent variables
covarList <- c("CoVar1", "CoVar2", "Var1", "Var2", "Var3")

# these are dependent variables that we will record model parameters for
varList <-  c("Var1", "Var2", "Var3")

# simulation parameters
n <- 100

# variable relationsips
covarMatrix <- c( 
#          CoVar1  CoVar2  Var1  Var2  Var3
# 1. CoVar1
# 1. CoVar2
                0.33,      2.00,
# 1. Var1
                0.50,      0.00,    2.00,
# 2. Var2
                0.25,      0.50,    0.75,    2.00,
# 3. Var3
                0.60,      0.10,    0.10,    0.20,    2.00

# simulation of variables under the variable relationships

p <- floor(sqrt(2*length(covarMatrix))) 
S <- matrix(0,p,p)
S[upper.tri(S,T)] <- covarMatrix
S <- t(S)
S[upper.tri(S,T)] <- covarMatrix

# cholesky
U <- chol(S)

X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n) %*% U
colnames(X) <- covarList

################ start here ###################

XX <- t(X) %*% X

#XX <- S
#colnames(XX) <- covarList 
#rownames(XX) <- covarList 

fitMatrix <- matrix( c( 
#          CoVar1  CoVar2  Var1  Var2  Var3
# 1. Var1
                T,      T,    F,    F,    F,
# 2. Var2
                T,      F,    T,    F,    F,
# 3. Var3
                T,      T,    T,    T,    F 

colnames(fitMatrix) <- covarList 
rownames(fitMatrix) <- varList 

# create tree
sweep.time <- proc.time()
E<-  sweepTree(XX,fitMatrix,df=n)
print(proc.time() - sweep.time)


################ start here ###################
## prep
X.df <- as.data.frame(X)

E2 <- E

fit.time <- proc.time()
for( i in 1:nrow(fitMatrix) ) {

  a <- sprintf("%s ~ -1  + %s",
  paste( colnames(fitMatrix)[fitMatrix[i,]], collapse=" + ") 

  fit <- lm( as.formula(a) , data=X.df)

  E2[ rownames(fitMatrix)[i], names(fit$coefficients) ] <- fit$coefficients
  E2[ rownames(fitMatrix)[i], ncol(E) ] <- sum(fit$residuals^2)/(fit$df.residual) 

print(proc.time() - fit.time)


print(max(abs(E - E2)))

################  ###################
#betas <- E[,rownames(E)]
#sigmas <- E[,ncol(E)]
##betas <- betas[1:2,1:2]
##sigmas <- sigmas[1:2]
#fit.time <- proc.time()
#CISR3 <- rebuildCovar( E )
#print(proc.time() - fit.time)
#fit.time <- proc.time()
#CISR <- getCovs(betas,sigmas) 
#print(proc.time() - fit.time)
#a <- c( -0.06745585, 0.09634714 ) 
#B <- matrix( c(
#                186432.64,  67964.87,
#                 67964.87, 196401.92
#                ), byrow=T,nrow=2)
jlisic/isr3 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 12:46 p.m.