
##' Get TAMS dataframe from a saved RData file
##' Given the TAMS site number, the year, and the direction, will get
##' the correct RData file from some directory under the path
##' parameter.  If it exists, will return the reconstituted dataframe.
##' If not, not.
##' @title load.tams.from.csv
##' @param tams.site the TAMS site number
##' @param year the year
##' @param direction the direction
##' @param tams.path the root path in the file system to start looking
##'     for the RData files.  The code will add in the year, then the
##'     site number, then the direction, so that the file can be found
##'     in the expected place
##' @param filename.pattern the pattern to use when searching.  Will
##'     look for tams.agg.RData by default, but if, say, you want to
##'     load the imputation output file, then pass in "imputed.RData"
##'     or similar
##' @return a dataframe with the raw, unimputed data, or NULL
##' @author James E. Marca
##' @export
load.tams.from.csv <- function(tams.site,year,direction,
    if(filename.pattern == ''){
        filename.pattern <- paste('^',tams.site,'_',year,'.*\\.(csv|csv.gz)$',sep='')
    isa.csv <- dir(tams.path, pattern=filename.pattern,full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE,recursive=TRUE,all.files=TRUE)
    load.result <- list()
        load.result <- do.call("rbind",lapply(isa.csv,readr::read_csv,progress=FALSE))
    if(length(load.result) > 0){
        matched <- load.result$detstaid == tams.site
        ## just in case something strange gets in there
        load.result <- load.result[matched,]

    return (load.result)

##' recode the TAMS lanes to have the usual names
##' @title tams.recode.lanes
##' @param df the TAMS dataframe
##' @return the modified data frame with the lane names changed
##' @author James E. Marca
tams.recode.lanes <- function(df){

  ## recode to be right lane (r1), right lane but one (r2), r3, ... and then
  ## left lane (l1)

  lanes <- max(df$lane)
  Y <- wim.lane.numbers(lanes) ## nothing unique to WIM
  df$lane <- as.factor(Y[df$lane])

##' recode the TAMS lane_dir to have canonical N,S,E,W
##' @title tams.recode.lane_dir
##' @param df the TAMS dataframe
##' @return the modified df with the lane_dir changed from numeric to letters
##' @author James E. Marca
tams.recode.lane_dir <- function(df){

    ## according to Andre, 1=N, 2=S, 3=E, 4=W
    ## see email reply in file lane_dir.txt
    canonical_direction <- c('N','S','E','W')

    df$lane_dir <- as.factor(canonical_direction[df$lane_dir])


##' Wild craziness for timestamps in and around midnight needs fixing.
##' This function stares at the data really hard and tries to clean
##' things up.
##' @title timestamp_insanity_fix
##' @param df the data frame to fix
##' @return a list of the bad hours...those that are repeated and that
##'     should be dropped (because they can't be fixed by logic alone)
##' @author James E. Marca
timestamp_insanity_fix <- function(df){

    ## make sure df is sorted by id, not time
    id_order <- order(df$sig_id)
    df <- df[id_order,]
    ## expect hrly exists and is what I want
    hrly <- df$hrly

    ## expect time to monotonically increase.
    ## that means any repeated hours is a bad thing (TM)

    ## step through the times.  If hour goes backwards, flag it as bad
    len <- length(hrly)
    time_shifts <- hrly[-1] - hrly[-len]
    hr_shifts <- c(hrly[1],hrly[-1][time_shifts != 0])
    temp_df <- tibble::tibble(hr=hr_shifts,n=1)

    sqlstatement <- paste("select min(hr) as hr",
                          ', total(1) as cnt',
                          'from temp_df group by hr order by hr',
                          sep=' ',collapse=' '
    result <- sqldf::sqldf(sqlstatement,drv="SQLite")
    dupes <- result$cnt>1

    ## keepers <- ! is.element(hrly,result$hr[dupes])
    ## keepers

##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' @title off_timestamp
##' @param times the vector of times to inspect
##' @param offset positive looks for too soon a day jump, negative
##'     looks for too late a day jump
##' @return an index of the ones that are a day off.  If all false,
##'     then you are done
##' @author James E. Marca
off_timestamp <- function(times,offset=-23){
    last.idx <- length(times)
    timestamp_diff <- as.numeric(times[-1] - times[-last.idx],units="hours")
    bad_time <- NULL
    round_midnight <- NULL
    ts.lt <- as.POSIXlt(times)

    if(offset < 0){
        round_midnight <- (ts.lt$hour[-1] == 0  & ts.lt$min[-1] == 0)
        bad_time <- timestamp_diff < -23 & timestamp_diff > -25
        round_midnight <- (ts.lt$hour[-1] == 23 & ts.lt$min[-1] == 59)
        bad_time <- timestamp_diff > 23 & timestamp_diff < 25

    ten.or.less <- min(10,length(bad_time[bad_time & round_midnight]))
    print(paste('got',length(bad_time[bad_time & round_midnight]),'problem entries'))
    if(length(bad_time[bad_time & round_midnight])>0){
        print('first few erroneous entries')
        print(times[-1][bad_time & round_midnight][1:ten.or.less])
        print('entries immediately preceding bad entries')
        print(times[bad_time & round_midnight][1:ten.or.less])
    bad_time & round_midnight

##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' @title day_back_timestamp
##' @param times the vector of times to inspect
##' @return an index of the ones that are a day off.  If all false,
##'     then you are done
##' @author James E. Marca
day_back_timestamp <- function(times){

##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' Do the work of calculating the timestamps affected by the day fail
##' to roll over bug
##' @title day_forward_timestamp
##' @param times the vector of times to inspect
##' @return an index of the ones that are a day off.  If all false,
##'     then you are done
day_forward_timestamp <- function(times){

##' A function to fix the cases where the date doesn't increment
##' properly but the hour:minute do switch over to 00:00
##' This function should be passed the times from almost pure CSV
##' data.  The only modification should be that the directions are
##' uniform (I'm going to expect all lane_dir is the same).  The
##' sequence of times will be checked to make sure that the date
##' increments properly when it should.
##' This fixes both problem cases identified: that the date increments
##' slightly before midnight, and that the date does not increment
##' slightly after midnight.
##' @title date_rollover_bug
##' @param times a list of times to analyze
##' @return a corrected list of times to use instead of the passed in
##'     list
##' @author James E. Marca
date_rollover_bug <- function(times){

    ## time by lane and direction should be uniformly increasing
    ## except it doesn't always.  The only real bug is when it rolls
    ## over the end of the day, resets the hour to 00, but doesn't
    ## properly increment the date.  Sadly there might be a few of
    ## these.

    loopcount <- 0
    positive_time <- day_forward_timestamp(times)
    while(length(positive_time[positive_time]) > 0 && loopcount < 10){
        print(loopcount <- loopcount + 1)
        times[-1][positive_time] <- times[-1][positive_time] - 24 * 60 * 60
        negative_time <- day_back_timestamp(times)
            times[-1][negative_time] <- times[-1][negative_time] + 24 * 60 * 60
        positive_time <- day_forward_timestamp(times)
    negative_time <- day_back_timestamp(times)
    while(length(negative_time[negative_time])>0 && loopcount < 10){
        print(loopcount <- loopcount + 1)
        times[-1][negative_time] <- times[-1][negative_time] + 24 * 60 * 60
        negative_time <- day_back_timestamp(times)

##' reshape.tams.from.csv.by.dir.by.lane
##' Take tams raw CSV, and turn it into one tibble per lane,direction
##' Given a csv file, this function will process the CSV into one tibble per direction.
##' @title reshape.tams.from.csv
##' @param tams_csv csv file read from csv, for example, by
##'     readr::read_csv
##' @param lane  the lane
##' @return aggregated CSV by hour
##' @author James E. Marca
##' @export
reshape.tams.from.csv.by.dir.by.lane <- function(tams_csv,lane){

    ## prep for sqldf if you need postgresql
    config <- rcouchutils::get.config()

    ## make sure order is correct.  No guarantee that files are read
    ## in in sig_id ordering
    ## o <- order(tams_csv$sig_id)
    ## tams_csv <- tams_csv[o,]

    ## extract some info

    mean.var.names <- c('not_heavyheavy','heavyheavy')

    sqlstatement2 <- paste("select min(hrly) as ts,",
                           paste('sum (',
                                 ') as ',
                                 sep=' ',
                                 collapse=', '),
                           ', sum(any_vehicle) as ',
                           'from tams_csv group by hrly ',
                           sep=' ',collapse=' '



save.tams.rdata <- function(tams.by.hr.direction

    filename <- make.tams.output.filename(tams.site,direction,year)
    savepath <- tams.path
    savepath <- paste(tams.path,year,sep='/')
    savepath <- paste(savepath,tams.site,sep='/')
    savepath <- paste(savepath,direction,sep='/')
    filepath <- paste(savepath,filename,sep='/')

clean.tams.csv.lanes <- function(tams_csv){
    ## ugly data hacking:
    ## site 10002 has lanes 2,3,12,13.  this routine truncates to just 2,3
    lanes <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(tams_csv$lane)))
    theoretical_lanes <- min(tams_csv$lane):max(tams_csv$lane)
    missing_lanes <- setdiff(theoretical_lanes,lanes)
    if(length(missing_lanes) > 0){
        max_allowed <- min(missing_lanes)
        good.lane.value <- tams_csv$lane < max_allowed
        tams_csv <- tams_csv[good.lane.value,]
    return (tams_csv)

trim.to.year <- function(tams_csv,year){
    ts.ct   <- as.POSIXct(tams_csv$timestamp_full,tz='UTC')

    ## trim any records not in the requested year
    print(paste('trimming to year',year))
    keep.records <- (1900 + as.POSIXlt.date(ts.ct)$year) ==  year


tams.extra.vars <- function(tams_csv){
    tams_csv$any_vehicle <- 1
    tams_csv$heavyheavy <- 0
    tams_csv$not_heavyheavy <- 0
    tams_csv$heavyheavy[tams_csv$calvad_class == 'HHDT'] <- 1
    tams_csv$not_heavyheavy[tams_csv$calvad_class == 'NHHDT'] <- 1

## ##' cleanup.tams.from.csv
## ##' Take tams raw CSV, and turn it into one tibble per direction
## ##'
## ##' Given a csv file, this function will process the CSV into one tibble per direction.
## ##'
## ##' @title cleanup.tams.from.csv
## ##' @param tams_csv csv file read from csv, for example, by
## ##'     readr::read_csv
## ##' @param tams.path Where to save RData files, one per direction
## ##' @param year the year
## ##' @param trim.to.year whether to trim the data to the specified
## ##'     year.  defaults to true
## ##' @return A list of dataframs, one per direction in the original CSV
## ##'     data.
## ##' @author James E. Marca
## ##' @export
## ##'
## cleanup.tams.from.csv <- function(tams_csv,tams.path,year,trim.to.year=TRUE){

##     ## extract some info
##     tams.site <- tams_csv$detstaid[1]

##     ##if(length(levels(tams_csv$lane_dir)) > 1)
##     tams_csv$keep <- FALSE

##     directions <-  levels(as.factor(tams_csv$lane_dir))
##     bad_hrs_set <- c()

##     for(direction in directions){
##         print(paste('processing',tams.site,direction))
##         ## index rather than split
##         dir_idx <- tams_csv$lane_dir == direction
##         cdb.tamsid <- paste('tams',tams.site,direction,sep='.')
##         ## using indices, so tams = tams_csv[dir_idx,]
##         ## tams <- tams.by.dir[[direction]]

##         if(length(dir_idx[dir_idx]) ==  0){
##             ## probably have an issue here
##             print(paste("no data loaded for",tams.site,direction," ---  skipping"))
##             next
##         }

##         ## preplot prior to cleaning??

##         tams.data.hr.lane <- list() ## list for output results
##         lanes <- levels(as.factor(tams_csv[dir_idx,]$lane))

##         for (l in lanes){
##             ## redo dir_idx here because I delete rows in tams_csv below
##             dir_idx <- tams_csv$lane_dir == direction
##             lane_dir_idx <- tams_csv$lane == l & dir_idx

##             ## temp_df <- tams.data.hr.lane[[l]]

##             ## fix the date rollover bug
##             fixed_times <- date_rollover_bug(tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,]$timestamp_full)
##             tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,'timestamp_full'] <- fixed_times
##             ts.ct   <- as.POSIXct(fixed_times,tz='UTC')
##             tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,'hrly'] <- as.numeric(trunc(ts.ct,"hours"))
##             bad_hrs <- timestamp_insanity_fix(tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,])
##             bad_hrs_set <- union(bad_hrs_set,bad_hrs)
##             keepers <- ! is.element(tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,]$hrly,bad_hrs)
##             drops_num <- length(keepers[!keepers])
##             prior_num <- length(keepers)
##             print(paste('dropping',drops_num,'out of',prior_num,'total records (or',round(100*(drops_num/prior_num),2),'percent) due to duplicated hours'))

##             tams_csv[lane_dir_idx,][keepers,'keep'] <- TRUE
##         }

##     }
##     tams_csv[tams_csv$keep,]

## }

##' Make the canonical TAMS output filename.
##' Given the site number, direction, and year, create a filename that
##' can be used for saving the data.frame for that site, year,
##' direction to the filesystem.  Did this so that I can use it again
##' when fetching files.
##' @title make.tams.output.filename
##' @param tams.site the tams site
##' @param direction the direction, one of [NSEW]
##' @param year the year
##' @return a string that can be used as a filename
##' @author James E. Marca
make.tams.output.filename <- function(tams.site,direction,year){

##' Load TAMS data from a saved RData file.
##' This function will use the provided site number, year, and
##' direction to look below the tams.path to find if a suitable RData
##' file already exists.  If so, it will load it and return it as a
##' data.frame.  If not, it will return the character string 'todo'.
##' @title load.tams.from.file
##' @param tams.site the tams site
##' @param year the year
##' @param direction the direction, 'N', 'S', 'E', or 'W'
##' @param tams.path the relative path to where to find TAMS files
##' @return a data frame or a string
##' @author James E. Marca
##' @export
load.tams.from.file <- function(tams.site,year,direction,tams.path){

    target.file <- make.tams.output.filename(tams.site,direction,year)
    target.file <- paste(target.file,'$',sep='')
    savepath <-  paste(tams.path,year,tams.site,sep='/')
    isa.df <- dir(savepath, pattern=target.file,full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE,recursive=TRUE,all.files=TRUE)
  ## print(paste(path,target.file,paste(isa.df,collapse=','),sep=' : '))
    ## keep the file with the correct year
    right_file <- grep(pattern=year,x=isa.df,value=TRUE)
    if(length(right_file) == 0){
        print(paste('failed to find year',year,'in list',paste(isa.df,collapse=',')))

    if(length(right_file) > 1){
        print(paste('failed to isolate one file from list',paste(isa.df,collapse=','),'got',paste(right_file,collapse=',')))

    env <- new.env()
    res <- load(file=right_file,envir=env)
    return (env[[res]])


##' Load both directions of TAMS data from saved RData files
##' This function is different from load.tams.from.file in that it
##' will load up both directions, not just one.  It calls
##' load.tams.from.file to do the actual work.  If not done yet, it
##' will return the character string 'todo'.
##' @title load.tams.from.fs
##' @param tams.site the tams site
##' @param year the year
##' @param tams.path the relative path to where to find TAMS files
##' @param trackingdb the couchdb database to use to retrieve lane info
##' @return a list of data frames or a string
##' @author James E. Marca
##' @export
load.tams.from.fs <- function(tams.site,year,tams.path,trackingdb){
    tams.data <- list()
    directions <- c('N','S','E','W')
    number.lanes <- NULL
    for (direction in directions){
        df <- load.tams.from.file(tams.site,year,direction,tams.path)
        if(length(df) > 1 & length(dim(df) == 2)){
            cdb.tamsid <- paste('tams',tams.site,direction,sep='.')
            is.stored <- rcouchutils::couch.check.state(year=year,
            if(is.stored == 'todo'){
                print('must process CSV---tams lane data not saved yet')
                return ('todo')
                number.lanes <- is.stored
                tams.data[[direction]] <- df
    if(length(tams.data) == 0){
        print(paste('failed to find saved data for',year,',',tams.site))
    return (list(tams.data,number.lanes))
jmarca/calvad_rscripts documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:50 p.m.