
Defines functions summary.discretePopSim summary.discreteABMSim summary.numericDistriPopSim summary.numericDistriABMSim r r.discretePopSim lambda.discretePopSim trendsProp trendsProp.discretePopSim trendsProp.discreteABMSim trendsProp.numericDistri plot.discretePopSim hist.discretePopSim

# pop: matrix(nrow=replicates, ncol=tf+1, dimnames=list(replicate=NULL, t=0:tf)) from models-discreteTime.R
# pop<- mSurvBV.t(broods=2, b=2, breedFail=.5, j=.5, a=.7, N0=20, replicates=100, tf=10)
#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @param object 
#' @param dt 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
summary.discretePopSim<- function(object, dt=1, ...){
  R<- as.numeric(r(object, dt=dt)) # intrinsic growth rate
  L<- as.numeric(lambda(object, dt=dt)) # lambda
  meanR<- mean(R, na.rm=TRUE)
  varR<- var(R, na.rm=TRUE)
  meanL<- mean(L, na.rm=TRUE)
  varL<- var(L, na.rm=TRUE)
  GR<- G(meanR, varR)
  GL<- G(meanL, varL)
  trends<- trendsProp(object)

  res<- c(trends, GR=GR, meanR=meanR, varR=varR, GL=GL, meanL=meanL, varL=varL)


#' @rdname discreteABMSim
#' @param object 
#' @param dt 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
summary.discreteABMSim<- function(object, dt=1, ...){
  summary(discreteABMSim2discretePopSim(object), dt=dt)

## TODO: implement numericDistriPopSim functions ----
#' @rdname numericDistriPopSim
#' @param object 
#' @param dt 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
summary.numericDistriPopSim<- function(object, dt=1, ...){
  N0<- sum(object[[1]])
  tf<- which(sapply(object, inherits, "numericDistri"))
  if (length(tf) > 0){
    tf<- tf[length(tf)]
    Ntf<- object[[tf]]
    res<- res<- structure(rep(NA_real_, 13),
                          names=c("increase", "decrease", "stable", "extinct", "increaseTrans", "decreaseTrans", "stableTrans",
                                  "GR", "meanR", "varR", "GL", "meanL", "varL"))

  R<- r(Ntf, N0=N0, dt=dt) # intrinsic growth rate
  L<- lambda(Ntf, N0=N0, dt=dt) # lambda
  meanR<- mean(R, na.rm=TRUE)
  varR<- var(R, na.rm=TRUE)
  meanL<- mean(L, na.rm=TRUE)
  varL<- var(L, na.rm=TRUE)
  GR<- G(meanR, varR)
  GL<- G(meanL, varL)
  trends<- trendsProp(Ntf, N0=N0)
  res<- c(trends, GR=GR, meanR=meanR, varR=varR, GL=GL, meanL=meanL, varL=varL)

#' @rdname numericDistriABMSim
#' @param object 
#' @param dt 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
summary.numericDistriABMSim<- function(object, dt=1, ...){
  summary(numericDistriABMSim2numericDistriSim(object), dt=dt)

#' @export
r<- function(...){

#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @export
r.discretePopSim<- function(x, dt=1, ...){
  sampleT<- seq(1, ncol(x), by=dt)
  if (length(sampleT) < 2) {warning("length(sampleT) < 2")}
  x<- x[, sampleT, drop=FALSE]
  dN<- t(diff(t(x))) # dN =  N_t+1 - N_t
  N0<- x[, -ncol(x), drop=FALSE]
  r<- (dN / dt) / N0
#   names(r)<- colnames(dN) # otherwise it takes the names from N0 (0:(tf-1) instead of 1:tf as does lambda function
  return (r) # intrinsic grow rate (r = dN / dt / N)

# r.numericDistri on models-compoundDistributions.R

#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @export
lambda.discretePopSim<- function(x, dt=1, ...){
  sampleT<- seq(1, ncol(x), by=dt)
  if (length(sampleT) < 2) {warning("length(sampleT) < 2")}
  x<- x[,sampleT, drop=FALSE]
  return (x[, -1, drop=FALSE] / x[, -ncol(x), drop=FALSE]) # lambda = Nt+1 / Nt

# lambda.leslieMatrix on model-deterministic.R
# lambda.numericDistri on models-compoundDistributions.R

# Proportions for trends. Decrease includes extinct.
#' @export
trendsProp<- function(...){

#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @param x 
#' @param dt 
#' @export
trendsProp.discretePopSim<- function(x, dt=1, ...){
  pop0<- x[, 1, drop=FALSE]
  # final population
  popF<- apply(x[, -1, drop=FALSE], 1, function(y) y[which(match(y, NA) == 1)[1] - 1])
  popF[is.na(popF)]<- x[is.na(popF), ncol(x)] # replicates which run until tf (no extinction nor maxN)
  popF<- matrix(popF, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=1, dimnames=list(replicate=NULL, t="tf"))
  replicates<- nrow(x)
  sampleT<- seq(1, ncol(x), by=dt)
  if (length(sampleT) < 2) {warning("length(sampleT) < 2")}
  x<- x[, sampleT, drop=FALSE]
  dN<- t(diff(t(x))) # dN =  N_t+1 - N_t
  nTransitions<- sum(!is.na(dN))
  if (nTransitions > 0){
    increaseTrans<- sum(dN > 0) / nTransitions
    decreaseTrans<- sum(dN < 0) / nTransitions
    stableTrans<- sum(dN == 0) / nTransitions
    increase<- sum(popF > pop0) / replicates
    decrease<- sum(popF < pop0) / replicates
    stable<- sum(popF == pop0) / replicates
    extinct<- sum(popF == 0) / replicates
    res<- structure(c(increase, decrease, stable, extinct, increaseTrans, decreaseTrans, stableTrans),
                    names=c("increase", "decrease", "stable", "extinct", "increaseTrans", "decreaseTrans", "stableTrans"))
    res<- structure(rep(NA_real_, 7),
                    names=c("increase", "decrease", "stable", "extinct", "increaseTrans", "decreaseTrans", "stableTrans"))

#' @rdname discreteABMSim
#' @param x 
#' @param dt 
#' @return
#' @export
trendsProp.discreteABMSim<- function(x, dt=1, ...){
  trendsProp(discreteABMSim2discretePopSim(x), dt=dt)

#' @rdname numericDistri
#' @param x a numeric distri object
#' @param N0 initial population size, a numeric value
#' @param dt integer
#' @export
trendsProp.numericDistri<- function(x, N0, ...){
  increase<- sum(x$p[which(x$x == (N0 + 1)):nrow(x)])
  decrease<- sum(x$p[1:which(x$x == (N0 - 1))])
  stable<- x$p[x$x == N0]
  extinct<- x$p[x$x == 0]
  increaseTrans<- decreaseTrans<- stableTrans<- NA
  res<- structure(c(increase, decrease, stable, extinct, increaseTrans, decreaseTrans, stableTrans),
                  names=c("increase", "decrease", "stable", "extinct", "increaseTrans", "decreaseTrans", "stableTrans"))

## Graphics ----

#' Plot population size time series of a discretePopSim simulation with replicates.
#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @param x a discretePopSim object.
#' @param ... parameters to \code{\link[graphics]{matplot}}.
#' @return
#' @export
plot.discretePopSim<- function(x, type="l", xlab="t", ylab="N", ...){
  x<- t(x)
  graphics:: matplot(x, type=type, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)

#' Plot a histogram with the final population size of each replicate.
#' @rdname discretePopSim
#' @param x 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
hist.discretePopSim<- function(x, xlab="N_tf", ...){
  main<- as.expression(bquote("N_t=" * .(ncol(x) - 1) * " for " * .(nrow(x)) * " replicates", where=environment()))
  x<- x[, ncol(x)]
  x[is.na(x)]<- 0 # extinct populations
  graphics::hist(x, main=main, xlab=xlab, ...)

## Ideas: Lyapunov exponents
jmaspons/LHR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:52 p.m.