
Defines functions has_rproj has_git get_project_git_url test_git_repo

Documented in test_git_repo

#' Test a git repository
#' @param x A project directory
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to test_fun
#' @param branch The branch to copy from the repository (default: "master")
#' @param test_fun A function to apply for testing (default: "devtools::test");
#'   Note: the copied directory for testing is passed as the first argument
#' @param options A named list of `options()` to temporarily set
#' @export

test_git_repo <- function(
    branch = "master",
    test_fun = devtools::test,
    options = NULL
) {
  op <- options()
  on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

  x <- mark::norm_path(x, check = TRUE)

  if (!has_git(x)) {
    stop("N git directory detected")

  if (!has_rproj(x)) {
    stop("No .Rproj found in project_dir")

  temp_dir <- mark::file_path(
    tempdir(check = TRUE),

  on.exit(unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(temp_dir)) {
    unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

  args <- sprintf(
    " clone --branch %s --depth=1 %s %s",

  system2("git", args)
  (match.fun(test_fun))(temp_dir, ...)

# TODO Maybe add a FAIL argument for mark::norm_path?
# Passed to normalizePath(., mustWork = fail)
#> norm_path(x, check = fail, remove = check, fail = FALSE)

get_project_git_url <- function(path) {
  git_folder <- tryCatch(
    file_path(path, ".git", check = TRUE),
    warning = function(e) {
      stop(e$message, call. = FALSE)
  args <- sprintf(" --git-dir %s remote get-url origin", git_folder)
  system2("git", args, stdout = TRUE)

has_git <- function(x) {
  dir.exists(mark::file_path(x, ".git"))

has_rproj <- function(x) {
  file.exists(file_path(x, paste0(basename(x), ".Rproj")))
jmbarbone/jordanExtra documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 12:33 p.m.