
Defines functions ModelMatrix

Documented in ModelMatrix

# jonashaslbeck@gmail.com; May 2018

ModelMatrix <- function(data,  # matrix
                        type,  # type vector (I think not needed, level should be sufficient)
                        level, # level vector
                        d, # largest neighborhood size
                        moderators = NULL,
                        v = NULL,
                        allCats = FALSE # if true, the model matrix does not use all unique categories, but the categories specified in level, this exists because I use this function within the sampling function
  # Delete variable v: only for MGMs!
  if(!is.null(v)) {
    data <- data[, -v]
    type <- type[-v]
    level <- level[-v]
    labels <- labels[-v]
  # ---------- Calculate Auxilliary variables ----------
  p <- ncol(data) # note that we have only the predictors here!!
  n <- nrow(data)
  # mSpec <- ifelse(class(moderators) %in% c("integer", "numeric"), "vector", "matrix")
  mSpec <- ifelse(any(class(moderators) %in% c("integer","numeric")), "vector", "matrix")
  # ---------- Input Checks ----------
  if(p != length(type)) stop('Length of type has to match the number of columns in data.')
  if(p != length(level)) stop('Length of level has to match the number of columns in data.')
  if(!(inherits(level, "numeric") | inherits(level, "integer"))) stop('level has to be an integer vector.')
  # ---------- Calculate Indicator Functions for all Variables ----------
  l_ind_datasets <- list()
  for(j in 1:p) {
    if(type[j] != 'c') {
      l_ind_datasets[[j]] <- as.matrix(data[, j])
      colnames(l_ind_datasets[[j]]) <- paste0(labels[j])
    } else {
      if(allCats==FALSE) {
        unique_labels <- unique(data[, j])
        unique_labels_sorted <- sort(unique_labels)
        n_labels <- length(unique_labels_sorted)
        ind_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol=n_labels)
        for(s in 1:n_labels) ind_matrix[, s] <- data[, j] == unique_labels_sorted[s]
      } else {
        # This is used in mvarsampler() and avoids that the design matrix is too small cases early in the time series, where not all categories are seen yet
        unique_labels <- 1:level[j]
        n_labels <- level[j]
        ind_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol=n_labels)
        for(s in 1:n_labels) ind_matrix[, s] <- data[, j] == unique_labels[s]
      # Add Var names
      cn <- paste0(labels[j], 1:n_labels)
      colnames(ind_matrix) <- cn
      l_ind_datasets[[j]] <- ind_matrix
  # ---------- Collect d = 1 interaction Terms ----------
  # In this case we just use the indicator functions computed above
  l_ind_datasets_nV <- l_ind_datasets
  Xd1 <- do.call(cbind, l_ind_datasets_nV)
  # ---------- Compute all d>1 Interaction Terms ----------
  # Here we loop over all orders, in each order over all interactions, and in each interaction over all combinations of the levels of all variables
  if(!is.null(moderators)) d <- 2 # If first-order moderation (three way interactions) is specified, we fix k = 3, d = k - 1 = 2
  if(d > 1) {
    ## List all possible Interactions
    l_interactions <- vector('list', length = d)
    # Case I: No Moderation
    if(is.null(moderators)) {
      for(ord in 1:d) l_interactions[[ord]] <- combn((1:p), ord, simplify = FALSE) # note that the numbers here refer to the all variables minus variable v
    } else {
      l_interactions[[1]] <- list()
      for(i in 1:p) l_interactions[[1]][[i]] <- i
      # Case II: Moderation
      if(mSpec == "vector") {
        if(v %in% moderators) {
          l_interactions[[2]] <- combn(1:p, 2, simplify = FALSE) # all combinations of the remaining (here denoted by 1:p) variables
        } else {
          ind_mod_MM <- (1:(p+1) %in% moderators)[-v] # indicator(moderator?) for 1:p predictors
          n_mods <- sum(ind_mod_MM)
          which_mod <- which(ind_mod_MM)
          l_mods <- list()
          for(i in 1:n_mods) l_mods[[i]] <- expand.grid((1:p)[-which_mod[i]], which_mod[i]) # loop over moderators
          m_mods <- do.call(rbind, l_mods)
          m_mods <- as.matrix(m_mods)
          l_mods_combn <- list()
          for(i in 1:nrow(m_mods)) l_mods_combn[[i]] <- m_mods[i, ] # turn each row into list entry
          l_interactions[[2]] <- l_mods_combn
        } # end: v = moderator?
      } # end if: vector specification?
      if(mSpec == "matrix") {
        nrow_mods <- nrow(moderators)
        ind_v_inMod <- as.logical(apply(moderators, 1, function(x) v %in% x  ))
        if(sum(ind_v_inMod)>0) { # if variable v is involved in at least one interaction
          # get interaction terms for node v
          int_terms <- t(apply(matrix(moderators[ind_v_inMod], ncol=3), 1, function(x) x[x!=v]))
          # To get the predictors on that weird "other variable" vector I use in this script
          for(i in 1:nrow(int_terms)) for(j in 1:2) if(int_terms[i, j] > v) int_terms[i, j] <- int_terms[i, j] - 1
          # fill in existing structure:
          for(i in 1:nrow(int_terms)) l_interactions[[2]][[i]] <- int_terms[i, ]
        } else {
          d <- 1 # for the present node v, to skip the below which takes l_interactions[[2]] as input
      } # end if: matrix specification?
    } # end if: moderators?
  } # end if: d>1    
  # if statement again here, because it can happen that there is no interaction term in regression on variable v    
  if(d > 1) {
    # storage for all interactions of all orders
    l_collect_terms <- list()
    # Loop over order of interactions;
    for(ord in 2:d) {
      n_terms <- length(l_interactions[[ord]])
      # storage for all interactions of fixed order
      l_ord_terms <- list()
      # Loop over the interactions of a given order
      for(it in 1:n_terms) {
        # Storage: collect here all interaction terms of one interaction
        l_it_terms <- list()
        # For fixed interaction: which variables are involved?
        inter_it <- l_interactions[[ord]][[it]] # select interactions one by one
        # Compute amount of levels of each variable (continuous=1)
        l_indicator_it <- list()
        for(i in 1:ord) l_indicator_it[[i]] <- 1:(level[inter_it[i]])
        # List all combination of levels of variables in the interaction it
        all_combs <- expand.grid(l_indicator_it)
        n_combs <- nrow(all_combs)
        # Loop over all combinations of levels of variables in interaction and collect in matrix
        for(comb in 1:n_combs) {
          tarmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = ord)
          for(i in 1:ord) tarmat[, i] <- as.matrix(l_ind_datasets[[inter_it[i]]])[,all_combs[comb, i]]
          l_it_terms[[comb]] <- apply(tarmat, 1, prod)
        # combine all level combinations for interaction it
        it_data <- do.call(cbind, l_it_terms)
        # Create Names for all (combinations of) interactions
        all_combs_char <- apply(all_combs, 2, function(x) {
          if(length(unique(x))==1) {
            out <- rep("", length(x))
          } else {
            out <- x
        cn <- rep(NA, n_combs)
        # DEV: check whether this still works:
        for(comb in 1:n_combs) cn[comb] <- paste0(labels[inter_it], matrix(all_combs_char, ncol=ord)[comb,], collapse=':')
        # the point above added to deliminate category flag
        colnames(it_data) <- cn
        l_ord_terms[[it]] <- it_data
      # Collapse over interactions of fixed order
      l_collect_terms[[ord]] <- do.call(cbind, l_ord_terms)
    # Collapse across order of interactions
    # l_collect_terms[[1]] <- NULL
    all_HOI_terms <- do.call(cbind, l_collect_terms)
  } # end if: d>1
  # Combine with d=1 size neighborhoods (singletons)
  if(d > 1) {
    X <- cbind(Xd1, all_HOI_terms)
  } else {
    X <- Xd1
  # ---------- Output----------
} # end of function
jmbh/mgm documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 9:20 a.m.