
Defines functions .read.ft ft_reference ft_schedule ft_track ft_reference_search

Documented in ft_reference ft_reference_search ft_schedule ft_track

.ft.env <- new.env()
.read.ft <- function() {

      filename <- system.file("flytr", "flytr.txt", package="flytr")
      if (!file.exists(filename)) stop("Hm, file", filename, "is missing.", call.=FALSE)
      data <- readLines(filename, encoding="UTF-8", warn = F)
      data <- data[! grepl("^##", data)]
#' Quickly and Easily Track a Flight
#'Function without param which lists the reference code and the name of company both chained up
#' @export
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes
#' @importFrom rvest html_text

ft_reference <- function(){

  if (is.null(.ft.env$ft.data)) .ft.env$ft.data <- .read.ft()

          ft <- .ft.env$ft.data[1]
          y <- read_html(ft)

          airline <- html_nodes(y,".text-right")
          airline <- html_text(airline)
          air <- html_nodes(y,".notranslate")
          air <- html_text(air)
          air <- ft_cleanup(air,"air")
          airline <- ft_cleanup(airline,"airline")

          df <- data.frame( reference = tolower(paste(air,airline,sep="-")))
#' Quickly and Easily Track a Flight
#'This function accepts parameters like listed on \code{\link{ft_reference}()} and gives the schedule of flights in realtime
ft_schedule <- function(reference){

  if (is.null(.ft.env$ft.data)) .ft.env$ft.data <- .read.ft()

          ft <- .ft.env$ft.data[1]
          ft <- paste(ft,reference,sep="/")
          y <- read_html(ft)
          w <- html_nodes(y,"tbody tr td")
          w <- html_text(w)

          data <- cbind(cell = trimws(w))
          data <- stringr::str_trim(data)
          data <- data[!stringr::str_length(data) == 2]
          data <- data[!data == "Live"]
          data <- data[!data == ""]
          data <- data.frame(data)

  n <- nrow(data)
  t <- 5
  df <- data.frame()

  for ( i in 1 : n){

    if ( i %% t == 0) {
      w <- data.frame(
                         flight = data[i-t+1,],
                         from = data[i-t+2,],
                         to = data[i-t+3,],
                         aircraft = data[i-t+4,],
                         destination = stringr::str_replace_all(data[i-t+5,],"-","")
      df <- rbind(df,w)

  if(nrow(df) == 0){
         df <- "No data found"
         df <- noquote(df)
return (df)

#' Quickly and Easily Track a Flight
#' @param dest flight destination code
#' @param tr.mode report mode to track one or many destinations c("single","multiple"). For example tr.mode = "multiple"
#' @param tr.limit limit of dest code. Only four (4) dest could be track in multiple tr.mode and one (1) for single
#' @export
#' @importFrom webshot webshot
#' @details
#' This function uses the destination code of the flight, visualizes the route of the flight and gives the information on remaining time,airport,and so on

ft_track <- function(dest, tr.mode = c("single", "multiple"), tr.limit = 4){

  f <- formals(fun = ft_track)
  fct_name <- names(f)

  fct_mode <-  do.call(missing,  list(fct_name[2]))
  fct_limit <- do.call(missing,  list(fct_name[3]))

  dst <- length(dist)
  tr_lmt <- 0

  if(is.null(.ft.env$ft.data)) .ft.env$ft.data <- .read.ft()

    tr.limit <- 4

         if(tr.limit > 4 || dst  > 4){
           stop("The Limit should be less or equal to 4", call. = FALSE)
         }else{ tr_lmt <- tr.limit }

  if(fct_mode == TRUE){
            if(fct_limit){ tr_lmt <- 1 }
            if(tr_lmt > 1 || tr_lmt < 1){
               stop("The Limit should be equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
       if(length(tr.mode) > 1){ stop("Track mode is either single or multiple", call. = FALSE)}
       if(tolower(tr.mode) %in% c("s","single") && tr_lmt > 1){ stop("The required length for the track mode single is 1", call. = FALSE)}

  ft <- .ft.env$ft.data[2]
  y <- paste(ft,dest,sep="")
  browseURL(webshot(y, "report.png",cliprect = "viewport"))

#' Quickly and Easily Track a Flight
#' @export
#'@param pattern is the key word for searching the reference of the company among others
#'This function makes the search of a reference from \code{\link{ft_reference}()} using a particular pattern

ft_reference_search <- function(pattern){

  if (pattern == ""){stop("No empty pattern")}
  else{ pattern <- tolower(pattern)}
  return (subset(ft_reference(), grepl(pattern, ft_reference()$reference)))
jmcimula/flytr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:52 p.m.