
Defines functions compare_ssnet

Documented in compare_ssnet

#' Fit Several Models and Compare
#' Fit \code{\link[glmnet]{glmnet}} and/or \code{\link[ssnet]{ssnet}} models
#' and output measures of model fit for each. Allows multiple scale values for
#' spike-and-slab models.
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
#' @param models A vector that determines which models to fit. Options include
#' \code{c("glmnet", "ss", "ss_iar")}. The default is to fit all three models.
#' @param s0,s1 A vector of user-selected possible values for the spike scale
#' and  slab scale parameter, respectively. The default is
#' \code{s0 = seq(0.01, 0.1, 0.01)} and \code{s1 = 1}. However, the user
#' should select values informed by the practical context of the analysis.
#' @param output_param_est Logical. When \code{TRUE} adds an element to the
#' output list that includes parameter estimates for each model fit. Defaults
#' to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param model_fit A vector containing measures of model fit to output.
#' Options include  \code{c("deviance", "mse", "mae")} for all models, and
#' when \code{family = "binomial"}, also \code{c("auc", "misclassification")}.
#' When \code{model_fit = "all"}, then all appropriate measures of model fit
#' are output.
#' @param variable_selection Logical. When \code{TRUE}, outputs the false
#' discovery proportion (FDP), family-wise error (FWE), and power for the
#' model. Requires that parameter vector \code{B} be specified. Default is
#' \code{FALSE}, and is only appropriate for simulated data, when the true and
#' false positives can be known.
#' @param type_error Determines whether models are selected based on training
#' error (\code{"training"}) or k-fold cross validated estimates of prediction
#' error (\code{"kcv"}). Defaults to \code{"kcv"}, which is recommended because
#' training error tends to underestimate the generalization error. See, e.g.,
#' Ch. 7 in \insertCite{Hastie:2009}{ssnet}.
#' @param B When \code{variable_selection} is \code{TRUE}, a vector of "true"
#' parameter values must be input in order to calculate the false discovery
#' proportion (FDR), family-wise error (FWER), and power for the data. This
#' vector should NOT contain a value for the intercept.
#' @inheritParams ssnet
#' @inheritParams glmnet::glmnet
#' @inheritParams glmnet::cv.glmnet
#' @inheritParams BhGLM::glmNet
#' @inheritParams glmnet_measure
#' @inheritParams measure_glm_raw
#' @param criteria Specifies the criteria for model selection. Options are
#' \code{"deviance"}, \code{"mse"}, \code{"mae"} for deviance, mean-square
#' error, and mean absolute error, respectively. When
#' \code{family = "binomial"}, additional options are \code{"auc"} and
#' \code{"misclassification"}, for area under the ROC curve and the percentage
#' of cases where the difference between the observed and predicted values is
#' greater than 1/2.
#' @param fold.seed A scalar seed value for cross validation; ensures the
#' folds are the same upon re-running the function. Alternatively, use
#' \code{foldid} to manually specify folds.
#' @param output_cv Logical. When \code{TRUE}, generates a list with an
#' element for all output generated by \code{cv.bh3}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' The master list has an element for every combination of model, alpha, and
#' s0. Each element is itself a list, the first element being the model
#' fitness measures, and the second element the observed outcomes, fitted
#' outcomes, linear predictor, and fold identifier. When \code{ncv > 1}, the
#' latter three will consist of multiple columns, one for each run of k-fold
#' CV; e.g., the column containing the fitted outcomes for the second CV run
#' is \code{y.fitted_2}.
#' @return When \code{output_param_est = FALSE} returns a data frame of model
#' fitness summaries. Otherwise, returns a list whose first element is a
#' dataframe whose rows contain parameter estimates for each model fit, and
#' whose second element is a dataframe of model fitness summaries.
#' @note Models fit with `glmnet` never select the penalty/tuning parameter
#' using the training error; however, when \code{type_error = "training"},
#' the measure used to compare `glmnet` with the other models is based on
#' prediction error estimates from training error. That is, model selection
#' within `glmnet` is still based on k-fold cross validation, even if
#' comparisons with other models is not.
#' @examples
#' library(sim2Dpredictr)
#' ## generate data (no intercept)
#' set.seed(4799623)
#' ## sample size
#' n <- 30
#' ## image dims
#' nr <- 4
#' nc <- 4
#' ## generate data
#' cn <- paste0("x", seq_len(nr * nc))
#' tb <- rbinom(nr * nc, 1, 0.05)
#' tx <- matrix(rnorm(n * nr * nc), nrow = n, ncol = nr * nc,
#'              dimnames = list(seq_len(n), cn))
#' ty <- tx %*% tb + rnorm(n)
#' ## build adjacency matrix
#' adjmat <- proximity_builder(im.res = c(nr, nc), type = "sparse")
#' ## fit multiple models and compare
#' compare_ssnet(x = tx, y = ty, family = "gaussian",
#'               alpha = c(0.5, 1), s0 = c(0.01, 0.05),
#'               type_error = "kcv", nfolds = 3, im.res = c(4, 4),
#'               model_fit = "all", variable_selection = TRUE,
#'               B = tb)
#' @export
compare_ssnet <- function(models = c("glmnet", "ss", "ss_iar"),
                          alpha = c(0, 0.5, 1),
                          model_fit = "all", variable_selection = FALSE,
                          classify = FALSE, classify.rule = 0.5,
                          type_error = "kcv", nfolds = 10, ncv = 1,
                          foldid = NULL, fold.seed = NULL,
                          s0 = seq(0.01, 0.1, 0.01), s1 = 1, B = NULL,
                          x, y, family = "gaussian",
                          offset = NULL, epsilon = 1e-04,
                          maxit = 50, init = NULL, group = NULL,
                          Warning = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                          opt.algorithm = "LBFGS",
                          iar.data = NULL, iar.prior = FALSE,
                          p.bound = c(0.01, 0.99), tau.prior = "none",
                          stan_manual = NULL,
                          plot.pj = FALSE, im.res = NULL,
                          nlambda = 100,
                          type.measure = c("default", "mse", "deviance",
                                           "class", "auc", "mae", "C"),
                          lambda.criteria = "lambda.min",
                          output_param_est = FALSE,
                          output_cv = FALSE) {

  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (variable_selection == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(B) == TRUE | length(B) != ncol(x)) {
      stop("Variable selection measures requires a true parameter vector of appropriate length. \n Did you forget to remove the intercept or specify B?")
  if (!all(models %in% c("glmnet", "ss", "ss_iar"))) {
    stop("Models must be a combination of all, glmnet, ss, ss_iar.")
  if (!all(family %in% c("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson", "cox"))) {
    stop("Models must be a combination of gaussian, binomial, poisson, cox.")
  if (model_fit == "all") {
    if (family == "binomial") {
      model_fit <- c("deviance", "mse", "mae", "auc", "misclassification")
    } else {
      model_fit <- c("deviance", "mse", "mae")

  out <- NULL
  glmnet.fit.a <- NULL

  if (output_cv == TRUE) {
    cv_bh3_out <- list()

  # variable names
  xi <- c("x0")
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
    xi <- c(xi, paste0("x", i))

  if (output_cv == TRUE) {
    # column names for data frame containing cv output
    # each u is the id for a separate run of k-fold cv
    y.fitted.lab <- c()
    lp.lab <- c()
    foldid.lab <- c()
    for (u in seq_len(ncv)){
      y.fitted.lab[u] <- paste0("y.fitted_", u)
      lp.lab[u] <- paste0("lp_", u)
      foldid.lab[u] <- paste0("foldid_", u)

  # fit glmnet
  if ("glmnet" %in% models) {

        glmnet.params <- NULL

    for (a in seq_len(length(alpha))) {
      if (type_error == "training") {
        glmnet.fit.a <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(
          x = x, y = y,
          family = family,
          alpha = alpha[a],
          type.measure = type.measure,
          nlambda = nlambda,
          nfolds = nfolds
        glmnet.mp.a <- glmnet_measure(
          x = x, y = y,
          family = family,
          type.measure = type.measure,
          lambda.criteria = lambda.criteria,
          alpha = alpha[a]
        glmnet.mp.a <- data.frame(
          model = "glmnet",
          alpha = alpha[a],
        if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
          glmnet.params.a <- as.vector(
                                s = lambda.criteria)
          glmnet.params.a <- data.frame(
            model = "glmnet",
            alpha = alpha[a],
            s0 = glmnet.fit.a[[lambda.criteria]],
            s1 = glmnet.fit.a[[lambda.criteria]],
          names(glmnet.params.a) <- c(
          if (a == 1) {
            glmnet.params <- glmnet.params.a
          } else {
            glmnet.params <- rbind(glmnet.params,
          # print(glmnet.params)
      } else {
        glmnet.fit.a <- BhGLM::glmNet(
          x = x, y = y, family = family,
          alpha = alpha[a],
          nfolds = nfolds, ncv = ncv,
          verbose = verbose

        glmnet.cv.a <- cv.bh3(
          nfolds = nfolds, ncv = ncv, foldid = foldid,
          classify = classify, classify.rule = classify.rule,
          verbose = verbose, fold.seed = fold.seed
        if(output_cv == TRUE) {
          # label location in list
          gfa <- paste0("glmnet_", alpha[a])

          # extract output
          y.obs.a <- data.frame(y.obs = glmnet.cv.a$y.obs)
          y.fitted.a <- data.frame(glmnet.cv.a$y.fitted)
            names(y.fitted.a) <- y.fitted.lab
          lp.a <- data.frame(glmnet.cv.a$lp)
            names(lp.a) <- lp.lab
          foldid.a <- data.frame(glmnet.cv.a$foldid)
            names(foldid.a) <- foldid.lab

          # merge output into data frame
          glmnet.cv.a.red <- list(
            measures = glmnet.cv.a[[1]],
            cv.estimates = cbind(
          cv_bh3_out[[gfa]] <- glmnet.cv.a.red
        if (ncv == 1) {
          glmnet.mp.a <- as.data.frame(t(glmnet.cv.a$measures))
        } else {
          glmnet.mp.a <- as.data.frame(t(glmnet.cv.a$measures[1, ]))
        glmnet.mp.a <- cbind(
          model = "glmnet",
          alpha = alpha[a],
          s0 = glmnet.fit.a$lambda,
          s1 = glmnet.fit.a$lambda,
        if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
          glmnet.params.a <- data.frame(
            model = "glmnet",
            alpha = alpha[a],
            s0 = glmnet.fit.a$lambda,
            s1 = glmnet.fit.a$lambda,
          names(glmnet.params.a) <- c("model", "alpha", "s0", "s1", xi)
          glmnet.params <- rbind(

      if (variable_selection == TRUE) {
        glmnet.rej.a <- rep(0, ncol(x))
        glmnet.est.a <- stats::coef(glmnet.fit.a, s = lambda.criteria)[-1]
        glmnet.rej.a[glmnet.est.a != 0] <- 1
        glmnet.vs.a <- sim2Dpredictr::sample_FP_Power(
          rejections = glmnet.rej.a,
          B = B,
          B.incl.B0 = FALSE
        glmnet.mp.a <- cbind(
      if (a == 1) {
        glmnet.mp <- glmnet.mp.a
      } else {
        glmnet.mp <- rbind(
      # print(glmnet.mp)

  if (is.null(glmnet.fit.a) == FALSE) {
    out <- glmnet.mp
    if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
      param.est <- glmnet.params
  } else {
    out <- NULL
    if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
      param.est <- NULL

  # fit ssnet
  if ( "ss" %in% models) {

    ss.mp <- NULL
    ss.params <- NULL
    ss.fit.ij.a <- NULL
    ssiar.fit.ij.a <- NULL

    for (i in seq_len(length(s0))) {
      for (j in seq_len(length(s1))) {
        ss <- c(s0[i], s1[j])
        for (a in seq_len(length(alpha))) {
          ss.fit.ij.a <- ssnet::ssnet(
            x = x,
            y = y,
            family = family,
            ss = ss,
            offset = offset, init = init,
            group = group, alpha = alpha[a],
            iar.prior = FALSE,
            verbose = verbose
          if(output_param_est == TRUE) {
            ss.params.a <- data.frame(
              model = "ss",
              alpha = alpha[a],
              s0 = s0[i],
              s1 = s1[j],
            ss.params <- rbind(

          # model fit measures
          if (type_error == "training") {
            ss.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
              t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                  s0 = s0[i], s1 = s1[j],
          } else {
            ss.cv.ij.a <- cv.bh3(
              nfolds = nfolds,
              ncv = ncv,
              foldid = foldid,
              fold.seed = fold.seed,
              classify = classify,
              classify.rule = classify.rule,
              verbose = verbose
            if(output_cv == TRUE) {
              ss.cv.ij.a.lab <- paste0(
                "ss_s0=", s0[i],
                "_s1=", s1[j],
                "_alpha=", alpha[a]

              # extract output
              y.obs.ss.ij.a <- data.frame(
                y.obs = ss.cv.ij.a$y.obs
              y.fitted.ss.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(y.fitted.ss.ij.a) <- y.fitted.lab
              lp.ss.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(lp.ss.ij.a) <- lp.lab
              foldid.ss.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(foldid.ss.ij.a) <- foldid.lab

              # merge output into data frame
              ss.cv.ij.a.red <- list(
                measures = ss.cv.ij.a[[1]],
                cv.estimates = cbind(
              cv_bh3_out[[ss.cv.ij.a.lab]] <- ss.cv.ij.a.red

            if (ncv == 1) {
              ss.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
                t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                    s0 = s0[i], s1 = s1[j],
            } else {
              ss.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
                t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                    s0 = s0[i], s1 = s1[j],
                    ss.cv.ij.a$measures[1, ]))
          # varaible selection performance
          if (variable_selection == TRUE) {
            ss.rej.ij.a <- rep(0, ncol(x))
            ss.est.ij.a <- ss.fit.ij.a$coefficients[-1]
            ss.rej.ij.a[ss.est.ij.a != 0] <- 1
            ss.vs.ij.a <- sim2Dpredictr::sample_FP_Power(
              rejections = ss.rej.ij.a,
              B = B,
              B.incl.B0 = FALSE
            ss.mp.ij.a <- cbind(
          ss.mp <- rbind(

    ss.mp <- data.frame(
      model = rep("ss", nrow(ss.mp)),
    #ss.mp$model <- "ss"
    row.names(ss.mp) <- NULL

    # combine with previous models
    # print(ss.mp)
    if (is.null(out) == FALSE) {
      # print(head(out))
      # print(head(ss.mp))
      out <- rbind(
      if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
        names(ss.params) <- c("model", "alpha", "s0", "s1", xi)
        param.est <- rbind(
    } else {
      out <- ss.mp
      if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
        names(ss.params) <- c("model", "alpha", "s0", "s1", xi)
        param.est <- ss.params

  # fit ssnet_iar
  if ( "ss_iar" %in% models) {

    ssiar.mp <- NULL
    ssiar.params <- NULL

    for (i in seq_len(length(s0))) {
      for (j in seq_len(length(s1))) {
        ss <- c(s0[i], s1[j])
        for (a in seq_len(length(alpha))) {
          ssiar.fit.ij.a <- ssnet::ssnet(
            x = x,
            y = y,
            family = family,
            ss = ss,
            offset = offset,
            init = init,
            group = group,
            alpha = alpha[a],
            iar.prior = TRUE,
            verbose = verbose,
            iar.data = iar.data,
            p.bound = p.bound,
            tau.prior = tau.prior,
            stan_manual = stan_manual,
            im.res = im.res
          if(output_param_est == TRUE) {
            ssiar.params.a <- data.frame(
              model = "ss_iar",
              alpha = alpha[a],
              s0 = s0[i],
              s1 = s1[j],
            ssiar.params <- rbind(

          # model fit measures
          if (type_error == "training") {
            ssiar.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
              t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                  s0 = s0[i],
                  s1 = s1[j],
          } else {
            ssiar.cv.ij.a <- cv.bh3(
              nfolds = nfolds,
              ncv = ncv,
              foldid = foldid,
              fold.seed = fold.seed,
              classify = classify,
              classify.rule = classify.rule,
              verbose = verbose
            if(output_cv == TRUE) {
              ssiar.cv.ij.a.lab <- paste0(
                "ssiar_s0=", s0[i],
                "_s1=", s1[j],
                "_alpha=", alpha[a]

              # extract output
              y.obs.ssiar.ij.a <- data.frame(
                y.obs = ssiar.cv.ij.a$y.obs
              y.fitted.ssiar.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(y.fitted.ssiar.ij.a) <- y.fitted.lab
              lp.ssiar.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(lp.ssiar.ij.a) <- lp.lab
              foldid.ssiar.ij.a <- data.frame(
              names(foldid.ssiar.ij.a) <- foldid.lab

              # merge into data frame
              ssiar.cv.ij.a.red <- list(
                measures = ssiar.cv.ij.a[[1]],
                cv.estimates = data.frame(
              cv_bh3_out[[ssiar.cv.ij.a.lab]] <- ssiar.cv.ij.a.red
            if (ncv == 1) {
              ssiar.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
                t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                    s0 = s0[i],
                    s1 = s1[j],
            } else {
              ssiar.mp.ij.a <- as.data.frame(
                t(c(alpha = alpha[a],
                    s0 = s0[i],
                    s1 = s1[j],
                    ssiar.cv.ij.a$measures[1, ]))
          # varaible selection performance
          if (variable_selection == TRUE) {
            ssiar.rej.ij.a <- rep(0, ncol(x))
            ssiar.est.ij.a <- ssiar.fit.ij.a$coefficients[-1]
            ssiar.rej.ij.a[ssiar.est.ij.a != 0] <- 1
            ssiar.vs.ij.a <- sim2Dpredictr::sample_FP_Power(
              rejections = ssiar.rej.ij.a,
              B = B,
              B.incl.B0 = FALSE
            ssiar.mp.ij.a <- cbind(
          ssiar.mp <- rbind(

    ssiar.mp <- data.frame(
      model = rep("ss_iar", nrow(ssiar.mp)),
    #ssiar.mp$model <- "ss"
    row.names(ssiar.mp) <- NULL

    # combine with previous models
    # print(ssiar.mp)
    if (is.null(out) == FALSE) {
      out <- rbind(out, ssiar.mp)
      if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
        names(ssiar.params) <- c("model", "alpha", "s0", "s1", xi)
        param.est <- rbind(
    } else {
      out <- ssiar.mp
      if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
        names(ssiar.params) <- c("model", "alpha", "s0", "s1", xi)
        param.est <- ssiar.params

  if (output_param_est == FALSE & output_cv == FALSE) {
  } else {

    out <- list(inference = out)

    if(output_param_est == TRUE) {
      out$estimates <- param.est

    if(output_cv == TRUE) {
      out$cv <- cv_bh3_out


  # if (output_param_est == TRUE) {
  #   return(list(estimates = param.est, inference = out))
  # } else {
  #   return(out)
  # }

jmleach-bst/ssnet documentation built on March 4, 2024, 5:04 p.m.