
#' Jam Linear Color Gradients
#' Jam Linear Color Gradients that are color-blind-friendly.
#' This data contains a `list` of linear/sequential color
#' gradients generated with
#' a multi-hue technique similar to that used by `RColorBrewer`
#' to expand the visual clarity of a linear single-hue color
#' gradient. Colors were chosed to avoid common color-blindness
#' problems, and to maximize visual differences between
#' color gradients.
#' The colors in `jam_linear` are designed so that colors
#' in `jam_divergent` can be chosen for consistency.
#' For example linear color gradient `"firebrick"` can
#' be used to show coverage values, and `"skyblue_firebrick"`
#' can be used to show coverage difference from control,
#' and in both cases the maximum color is `"firebrick"`.
#' These linear gradients are designed with a white background
#' color. Note the `jam_divergent` colors are designed with
#' a black background, intended to help indicate that these
#' colors are divergent.
#' In general, there are seven warm color tones, and seven cool color
#' tones. Visual distinction is only expected between warm and
#' cool color tones, and is not distinct within the same color
#' tone.
#' Each color is named by the closest corresponding R color:
#' * firebrick
#' * orangered
#' * tomato
#' * sienna
#' * goldenrod
#' * gold
#' * skyblue
#' * dodgerblue
#' * royalblue
#' * slateblue
#' * orchid
#' * magenta
#' * maroon
#' @family colorjam data
#' @examples
#' data(jam_linear)
#' jamba::showColors(jam_linear)
#' # show the same with dichromat adjustment
#' if (require(dichromat)) {
#'    jamba::showColors(lapply(jam_linear, dichromat::dichromat))
#' }

#' Jam Divergent Color Gradients
#' Jam Divergent Color Gradients that are color-blind-friendly.
#' This data contains a `list` of divergent color gradients generated
#' similar to `jam_linear` with multi-hue technique based upon
#' `RColorBrewer`. Each gradient is designed so that
#' the two colors are visibly distinct even under three
#' different color blindness simulations from `dichromat::dichromat()`.
#' Each gradient is named by the closest corresponding R colors,
#' where the same names are used in `jam_linear` so that colors
#' can be matched where appropriate:
#' * skyblue_firebrick
#' * dodgerblue_orangered
#' * royalblue_tomato
#' * slateblue_sienna
#' * orchid_orange
#' * magenta_goldenrod
#' * maroon_gold
#' * firebrick_skyblue
#' * orangered_dodgerblue
#' * tomato_royalblue
#' * sienna_slateblue
#' * orange_orchid
#' * goldenrod_magenta
#' * gold_maroon
#' These linear gradients are designed with a white background
#' color.
#' These divergent gradients are designed with
#' a black background, intended to help indicate that these
#' colors are divergent. Note that linear gradients `jam_linear`
#' are designed with a white background color.
#' @family colorjam data
#' @examples
#' data(jam_divergent)
#' jamba::showColors(jam_divergent)
#' # show the same with dichromat adjustment
#' if (require(dichromat)) {
#'    jamba::showColors(lapply(jam_divergent, dichromat::dichromat))
#' }

#' named_colors from meodai/color-names and R colors()
#' named_colors including 4447 entries from meodai/color-names,
#' and 436 entries from R `colors()`.
#' @format a `character` vector with length 4883, containing
#'    hexadecimal colors named with human-assigned color names.
#' ## Processing
#' Named colors were obtained from the amazing Github repository
#' [meodai/color-names](https://github.com/meodai/color-names).
#' This resource provided 30200 total named colors.
#' A subset of 4447 color names were denoted "good names" and were
#' included here.
#' R colors from `grDevices::colors()` whose hex values were not already
#' included in the Meodai resource were added, after removing identical
#' hex colors such as `"darkred"` and `"red4"`.
#' These R colors were named with prefix `"R"` so labels such as
#' `"darkred"` became `"Rdarkred"`. The `"R"` prefix was used to avoid
#' name clashes, and to permit the Meodai color names to take precedence
#' whenever the same name was used in both resources.
#' The Meodai resource seemed visually preferable to similarly-named
#' R `grDevices::colors()` such as `"brown"`, and `"chartreuse"`,
#' however there could be benefit in using R color names since they
#' appear to match the W3C color name standard used by HTML and CSS.
#' @source <https://github.com/meodai/color-names>
#' @family colorjam data
#' @examples
#' jamba::showColors(colorjam::named_colors)
#' # subset for color chroma at least 30
#' colorjam::color_pie(unname(
#'    colorjam::subset_colors(colorjam::named_colors, C >= 30)))
jmw86069/colorjam documentation built on March 18, 2024, 3:32 a.m.