
## TODO:
## setlist_from_signed_combinations

#' venndir conversion from overlap counts to setlist
#' venndir conversion from overlap counts to setlist
#' This function takes input in the form of named `vector`
#' with overlap counts, which is the input to similar Venn
#' functions in `eulerr::euler()`, and is called "expressionInput"
#' when used with `upsetr::fromExpression()`.
#' @return `list` where the list names are the names of each set,
#'    and values of each list element is a vector of items.
#'    The items are artificial labels used for convenience.
#' @family venndir conversion
#' @examples
#' # example from eulerr::euler()
#' combo <- c(A = 2,
#'    B = 2,
#'    C = 2,
#'    "A&B" = 2,
#'    "A&C" = 1,
#'    "B&C" = 1,
#'    "A&B&C" = 4)
#' setlist <- counts2setlist(combo)
#' setlist;
#' # Venn diagram
#' venndir(setlist)
#' # Proportional Venn (Euler) diagram
#' venndir(setlist, proportional=TRUE)
#' @export
counts2setlist <- function
   ## input is assumed to be numeric/integer vector whose
   ## names represent Venn overlap combinations
   ## All missing combinations are assumed to be zero.
   combo_value_list <- lapply(names(x), function(i){
      paste0(rep(i, x[[i]]),
         rep("_", x[[i]]),
   combo_sets <- strsplit(names(x),
   combo_im <- list2im_opt(combo_sets,
   set_names <- rownames(combo_im);
   set_values <- lapply(jamba::nameVector(set_names), function(i){
      j <- which(combo_im[i,]);
      #jamba::printDebug("i:", i, ", j:", j);

#' venndir conversion from overlap list to setlist
#' venndir conversion from overlap list to setlist
#' This function takes input in the form of named `list`
#' of `vectors`. The list names represent set overlaps.
#' The vectors each contain items contained in that
#' overlap. This content is similar to the input to
#' `counts2setlist()` except in that case the input
#' only contains the number of items per overlap,
#' and not the items. In this case each overlap contains
#' the vector of items also.
#' @return `list` where the list names are the names of each set,
#'    and values of each list element is a vector of items.
#' @family venndir conversion
#' @examples
#' # example from eulerr::euler()
#' av_overlap_list <- list(
#'    ML="MOUNTAIN<br>LION",
#'    T="TODDLER",
#'    `AV&ML`="Wants to<br>kill you",
#'    `AV&T`="Goes off on<br>a lot of rambling<br>monologues",
#'    `ML&T`="Resists<br>taking a bath",
#'    `AV&ML&T`="Impossible<br>to reason with"
#' )
#' setlist <- overlaplist2setlist(av_overlap_list);
#' # Venn diagram
#' venndir(setlist,
#'    show_items="item",
#'    label_preset="items",
#'    item_degrees=0,
#'    item_cex=rep(c(2, 1.6, 1.35, 1.5), c(3, 1, 2, 1)),
#'    item_buffer=-0.95)
#' # Proportional Venn (Euler) diagram
#' venndir(setlist,
#'    show_items="item",
#'    label_preset="items",
#'    item_degrees=0,
#'    item_buffer=-0.95,
#'    proportional=TRUE)
#' @export
overlaplist2setlist <- function
   combo_sets <- strsplit(names(x),
   combo_im <- list2im_opt(combo_sets,
   set_names <- rownames(combo_im);
   set_values <- lapply(jamba::nameVector(set_names), function(i){
      j <- which(combo_im[i,]);
      #jamba::printDebug("i:", i, ", j:", j);

#' venndir conversion from signed overlap counts to setlist
#' venndir conversion from signed overlap counts to setlist
#' This function takes input in the form of a `list`
#' whose names are set overlap labels, for example `"set_A"`,
#' or `"set_A&set_B"`.
#' Each list element is an `integer` vector whose names
#' are value overlaps, for example `"1"`, or `"-1_1"`,
#' and whose `integer` values contain the overlap counts.
#' @return `list` where the list names are the names of each set,
#'    and values of each list element is a vector of items.
#'    The items are artificial labels used for convenience.
#' @family venndir conversion
#' @examples
#' x <- list(
#'    "set_A"=c(
#'       "1"=80,
#'       "-1"=95
#'    ),
#'    "set_B"=c(
#'       "1"=15,
#'       "-1"=30
#'    ),
#'    "set_A&set_B"=c(
#'       "1_1"=100,
#'       "-1_-1"=125,
#'       "1_-1"=3,
#'       "-1_1"=4
#'    )
#' )
#' setlist <- signed_counts2setlist(x)
#' # default Venn diagram
#' vo <- venndir(setlist, overlap_type="each")
#' # show counts,percent outside, and sign for each item inside
#' venndir(setlist,
#'    overlap_type="each",
#'    show_labels="NCSPi",
#'    show_items="sign",
#'    item_degrees=10)
#' # show counts inside without set label (which is in the legend)
#' vo <- venndir(setlist,
#'    show_labels="cs",
#'    proportional=TRUE,
#'    label_style="fill_box")
#' @export
signed_counts2setlist <- function
   ## input is assumed to be a list named by set overlap
   ## where each list element is a list named by value
   ## overlap
   combo_value_list <- unlist(recursive=FALSE, lapply(names(x), function(i){
      j <- x[[i]];
      unlist(recursive=FALSE, lapply(names(j), function(kname){
         k <- j[[kname]];
         inames <- strsplit(i, split=sep)[[1]];
         knames <- strsplit(kname, split=value_sep)[[1]];
         valuenames <- paste0(
            rep(i, k),
            lapply(seq_along(inames), function(m){
               v <- list(jamba::nameVector(
                  rep(knames[m], length(valuenames)),
               names(v) <- inames[m];
   set_names <- unique(names(combo_value_list));
   set_values <- lapply(jamba::nameVector(set_names), function(i){
      unlist(unname(combo_value_list[(names(combo_value_list) %in% i)]))
jmw86069/venndir documentation built on July 12, 2024, 12:21 a.m.