
## Venn memes
## aka concept Venns

#' Venn Meme
#' Venn Meme or Concept Venn
#' This function is a simple wrapper to `venndir()` with
#' settings designed to create a Venn Meme. This output
#' is expected to display usually one or a few item labels
#' inside each Venn overlap region, and no other counts or
#' set labels.
#' The argument `item_cex` is used to adjust item font size,
#' and this vector is applied to items in each overlap set in order,
#' by the number of overlap sets, then in sorted order of the set
#' names in the order provided. For specific definitive ordering,
#' run `make_venn_combn_df(x)` where `x` is the vector of set names.
#' The `rownames` of the output will determine the order in which
#' `item_cex` is applied. In practice, use trial and error to adjust
#' each label to a suitable size.
#' The input `x` is intended to be a convenient method for specifying
#' items in each overlap set. If `x` has no names, then it is assumed
#' to represent a convenient Venn diagram based upon the length of `x`:
#' * `length(x)` is 1, 2, or 3: two-way Venn diagram
#' * `length(x)` is up to length 7,15,31: three-way Venn diagram
#' * `length(x)` is up to length 15: four-way Venn diagram
#' * `length(x)` is up to length 31: five-way Venn diagram
#' When more than three sets are represented, it may be helpful to
#' use a proportional Venn diagram, known as a Euler diagram,
#' with `proportional=TRUE`. Note that circular shapes cannot
#' always represent every overlap, and you can use proportional
#' ellipse shapes with `proportional=TRUE, shape="ellipse"`.
#' When an overlap set cannot be displayed in a proportional
#' diagram, the default `plot_warning=FALSE` which means no warning
#' will be displayed. The intent of this function is to provide
#' an easy "clean" diagram.
#' @param x `vector` or `list` containing overlap items, where
#'    names represent overlaps. For example the name `"A&B"`
#'    represents the overlap between set `"A"` and set `"B"`.
#'    This input is passed to `overlaplist2setlist()`. Input `x`
#'    can be a vector of single items for each overlap, or
#'    when there are multiple items per overlap, the input `x`
#'    should be a list of item vectors. Note that if a `setlist`
#'    is passed to `overlaplist2setlist()` it will return
#'    the `setlist` unchanged.
#' @param proportional,item_degrees,plot_style,plot_warning
#'    default arguments passed to `venndir()`.
#' @param item_cex `numeric` passed to `venndir()`, however when
#'    `item_cex` is length=1, it is extended to length=2 in order
#'    to prevent the auto-scaling adjustment typically used,
#'    which adjusts the font size based upon the relative area
#'    of each overlap polygon. In most cases this scaling is
#'    not helpful for Venn memes. To enable auto-scaling, use
#'    `item_cex=NULL`. See help text in `venndir()` for more
#'    details.
#' @param ... additional arguments are passed to `venndir()`.
#' @family venndir core
#' @examples
#' bix <- list(
#'    s="Stats",
#'    cs="Computer<br>Science",
#'    b="Biology",
#'    `s&b`="Biostatistics",
#'    `s&cs`="Data<br>Science",
#'    `cs&b`="Computational<br>Biology",
#'    `s&cs&b`="Bioinformatics")
#' venn_meme(bix)
#' venn_meme(bix, proportional=TRUE)
#' venn_meme(bix,
#'    proportional=TRUE,
#'    rotate_degrees=360/6,
#'    item_cex=rep(c(2, 1.4, 2), c(3, 3, 1)))
#' # what the heck
#' wth <- list(
#'    WHAT=c("What", "What the", "What heck", "What the heck"),
#'    THE=c("the", "What the", "the heck", "What the heck"),
#'    ACTUAL=c("actual"),
#'    HECK=c("heck", "What heck", "the heck", "What the heck"))
#' wth <- lapply(wth[c(1,2,4)], function(i){gsub(" ", "<br>", i)})
#' venn_meme(wth, item_cex=2)
#' # what the actual heck
#' wtahv <- c("What", "the", "actual", "HECK");
#' wtah <- (unlist(lapply(seq_along(wtahv), function(i){
#'    im <- t(combn(wtahv, i))
#'    jamba::nameVector(
#'       jamba::pasteByRow(sep="<br>", im),
#'       jamba::pasteByRow(sep="&", im))
#' })))
#' venn_meme(wtah)
#' # by default any hidden overlaps do not trigger a warning to be displayed
#' # Note: using shape="circle" triggers an error in polygon_label_fill()
#' # that needs to be debugged
#' # venn_meme(wtah, proportional=TRUE)
#' # for proportional diagrams it may be helpful to use shape="ellipse"
#' venn_meme(wtah, proportional=TRUE, shape="ellipse")
#' # superhero?
#' avlist <- c(
#' AV="LEX<br>LUTHOR",
#' `AV&ML`="Wants to<br>kill you",
#' `AV&T`="Goes off on<br>a lot of rambling<br>monologues",
#' `ML&T`="Resists<br>taking a bath",
#' `AV&ML&T`="Impossible<br>to reason with"
#' )
#' venn_meme(avlist,
#'    item_cex=rep(c(2, 1.6, 1.3, 1.7, 1.5),
#'       c(3, 1, 1, 1, 1)))
#' # happiness in sports
#' em <- list(
#'    a="short-lived<br>happiness",
#'    b="prolonged<br>suffering",
#'    c="sudden<br>rage",
#'    `a&b`="Eating<br>too much<br>spicy<br>food",
#'    `b&c`="Stubbing<br>your toe,<br>twice",
#'    `a&b&c`="Scrolling<br>through your<br>Twitter feed",
#'    `a&c`="Being<br>a sports<br>fan"
#' )
#' #   `a&c`="Scrolling<br>through your<br>Twitter feed",
#' #   `a&b&c`="Being<br>a sports<br>fan"
#' venn_meme(em,
#'    set_colors=c("gold", "dodgerblue3", "firebrick3"),
#'    item_cex=rep(c(2.3, 1.4, 1.7), c(3, 3, 1)))
#' # Mister Venn
#' mrvenn <- c(
#' sty="Style",
#' fh="Facial<br>Hair",
#' str="Strong",
#' t="Team",
#' f="Fools",
#' fu="Funny",
#' r="Rich",
#' `sty&fh`="Mr<br>Potato<br>Head",
#' `fh&str`="Mr Ed",
#' `str&t`="Mr<br>Incredible",
#' `t&f`="Mr<br>Bump",
#' `f&fu`="Mr<br>Bean",
#' `fu&r`="Mr<br>Burns",
#' `r&sty`="Mr<br>Peanut",
#' `sty&fh&str`="Mr<br>Motivator",
#' `fh&str&t`="Mr<br>Baseball",
#' `str&t&f`="Mr<br>Strong",
#' `t&f&fu`="Mr<br>Funny",
#' `f&fu&r`="Mr<br>Magoo",
#' `fu&r&sty`="Mr<br>Benn",
#' `r&sty&fh`="Mr<br>Monopoly",
#' `sty&fh&str&t&f&fu&r`="Mr T"
#' )
#' venn_meme(mrvenn, proportional=TRUE, item_style="text")
#' @export
venn_meme <- function
 # plot_style=c("gg", "base"),
 item_style=c("gridtext", "text"),
   if (length(names(x)) == 0) {
      if (length(x) <= 3) {
         setnames <- rownames(make_venn_combn_df(LETTERS[1:2]));
         names(x) <- setnames[seq_along(x)];
      } else if (length(x) <= 7) {
         setnames <- rownames(make_venn_combn_df(LETTERS[1:3]));
         names(x) <- setnames[seq_along(x)];
      } else if (length(x) <= 15) {
         setnames <- rownames(make_venn_combn_df(LETTERS[1:4]));
         names(x) <- setnames[seq_along(x)];
      } else if (length(x) <= 31) {
         setnames <- rownames(make_venn_combn_df(LETTERS[1:5]));
         names(x) <- setnames[seq_along(x)];
      } else {
         stop("Input x must have names, or be length <= 31 for 5-way Venn");
   item_style <- match.arg(item_style);
   if ("text" %in% item_style) {
      x <- lapply(x, function(i){
         gsub("<br>", "\n", i);
   } else if ("gridtext" %in% item_style) {
      x <- lapply(x, function(i){
         gsub("\n", "<br>", i);
   # convert to setlist
   if (verbose) {
      jamba::printDebug("venn_meme(): ",
         "Calling overlaplist2setlist()");
   setlist <- overlaplist2setlist(x);

   if (length(item_cex) == 1) {
      item_cex <- rep(item_cex, 2);
   if (verbose) {
      jamba::printDebug("venn_meme(): ",
         "Calling venndir()");
   vo <- venndir(setlist,
      # label_preset="meme",
jmw86069/venndir documentation built on June 15, 2024, 1:52 p.m.