
Defines functions aml_random_forest aml_gbm create_tree predict.aml_tree predict.aml_random_forest predict.aml_gbm predict_all sum_of_squares .create_bootstrapped_data .find_one_column_split .find_one_split .build_tree

Documented in aml_gbm aml_random_forest create_tree predict_all predict.aml_gbm predict.aml_random_forest predict.aml_tree

#' AML Random Forest
#' Trains an ensemble of trees via random forest
#' @param data Input data.frame of dimension n x p for training the random forest
#' @param response Response vector of size nx1 corresponding to the training
#' data
#' @param b Number of bootstrap iterations to perform (trees to build)
#' @param m Number of columns to randomly use at each splitting iteration, 
#' defaults to all columns
#' @param evaluation_criterion Function that calculates error criterion for
#' fitting, defaults to sum of squares
#' @param min_obs Minimum observations allowed to end up in a single node,
#' defaults to 5
#' @param max_depth Maximum number of successive splits allowed to happen
#' in the tree, defaults to 8
#' @param verbose Flag to display training updates in the console
#' @return Results trained list of class aml_random_forest filled with random forest trees
#' @export
aml_random_forest <- function(data, response, b, m = NULL, evaluation_criterion = sum_of_squares, min_obs = 5, max_depth = 8, verbose = FALSE){    
        m = ncol(data)
    bootstrapped_trees = lapply(1:b, function(i){
        if(verbose & (i %% 10) == 1){
            print(paste("Iteration", i, "of", b))
        bootstrapped_data = .create_bootstrapped_data(data, response)
        sampled_columns = sample(names(data), m)
                    bootstrapped_data$bootstrapped_response, evaluation_criterion, 
    bootstrapped_trees[["n_trees"]] = b
    forest = .prepend_class(bootstrapped_trees, "aml_random_forest")

#' AML Gradient Boosted Machine (GBM)
#' Trains an ensemble of trees via gradient boosting
#' @param data Input data.frame of dimension n x p for training the GBM
#' @param response Response vector of size nx1 corresponding to the training
#' data
#' @param learning_rate Shrinkage factor used to dictate learning speed, 
#' defaults to .1
#' @param n_trees Number of trees to train, defaults to 10
#' @param m Number of columns to randomly use at each splitting iteration, 
#' defaults to all columns
#' @param evaluation_criterion Function that calculates error criterion for
#' fitting, defaults to sum of squares
#' @param min_obs Minimum observations allowed to end up in a single node,
#' defaults to 5
#' @param max_depth Maximum number of successive splits allowed to happen
#' in the tree, defaults to 8
#' @param verbose Flag to display training updates in the console
#' @return Results trained list of class aml_random_forest filled with random forest trees
#' @export
aml_gbm <- function(data, response, learning_rate = .1, n_trees = 10, m = NULL, evaluation_criterion = sum_of_squares, min_obs = 5, max_depth = 8, verbose = FALSE){    
        m = ncol(data)

    ensemble = list()
    current_response = response - mean(response)
    for(tree_number in 1:n_trees){
        if(verbose & (tree_number %% 10) == 1){
            print(paste("Iteration", tree_number, "of", n_trees))
        sampled_columns = sample(names(data), m)
        tree = create_tree(data=data[,sampled_columns], response=current_response, evaluation_criterion=evaluation_criterion, min_obs=min_obs, max_depth=max_depth)
        tree_predictions = sapply(1:nrow(data), function(i){predict(tree, data[i,])})
        tree_residuals = current_response - tree_predictions

        ensemble[[tree_number]] = list(tree=tree, tree_predictions=tree_predictions, tree_residuals=tree_residuals)

        current_response = current_response - learning_rate * tree_predictions

    ensemble[["learning_rate"]] = learning_rate
    ensemble[["n_trees"]] = n_trees
    ensemble[["mean_value"]] = mean(response)
    ensemble = .prepend_class(ensemble, "aml_gbm")

#' Produces a single decision tree.
#' @param data Input data.frame dimension n x p for training decision tree
#' @param response Response vector of size nx1 corresponding to the training
#' data
#' @param evaluation_criterion Function that calculates error criterion for
#' fitting, defaults to sum of squares
#' @param min_obs Minimum observations allowed to end up in a single node,
#' defaults to 5
#' @param max_depth Maximum number of successive splits allowed to happen
#' in the tree, defaults to 8
#' @return Single decision tree in list format of class aml_tree
#' @export
create_tree = function(data, response, evaluation_criterion = sum_of_squares, min_obs = 5, max_depth = 8){
    first_split = .find_one_split(data, response, evaluation_criterion)

    tree = .build_tree(data = data, 
                       response = response, 
                       split = first_split, 
                       max_depth = max_depth,
                       evaluation_criterion = evaluation_criterion, 
                       min_obs = min_obs)
    tree = .prepend_class(tree, "aml_tree")

#' AML single tree predict method
#' Returns prediction for a single tree when given a row of data.
#' @param tree Single fitted tree returned by the `create_tree` function
#' @param data Data.frame row of size `1 x p` for prediction
#' @return Prediction value
#' @export
predict.aml_tree <- function(tree, data){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame")
    if(nrow(data) != 1){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame of dimension 1 x p")
    while(!"prediction" %in% names(tree)){
        if(!tree$split_column %in% names(data)){
            stop("ERROR: Split column not provided in prediction data row")
        if(data[[tree$split_column]] < tree$split_value){
            tree = tree$left
            tree = tree$right

#' AML random forest predict method
#' Returns prediction for a randomm forest when given a row of data.
#' @param forest Forest of trees trained by `aml_random_forest`
#' @param data Data.frame row of size `1 x p` for prediction
#' @param n_trees Number of trees used in prediction, uses all trees by default
#' @return Prediction value
#' @export
predict.aml_random_forest <- function(forest, data, n_trees = NULL){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame")
    if(nrow(data) != 1){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame of dimension 1 x p")
        n_trees = forest[["n_trees"]]
    predictions = sapply(1:n_trees, function(i){predict(forest[[i]], data)})

#' AML GBM predict method
#' Returns prediction for a GBM when given a row of data.
#' @param gbm Ensemble of trees trained by `aml_gbm`
#' @param data Data.frame row of size `1 x p` for prediction
#' @param n_trees Number of trees used in prediction, uses all trees by default
#' @return Prediction value
#' @export
predict.aml_gbm <- function(gbm, data, n_trees = NULL){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame")
    if(nrow(data) != 1){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame of dimension 1 x p")
        n_trees = gbm[["n_trees"]]

    prediction = predict(gbm[[1]]$tree, data)

    if(n_trees <= 1){

    for(i in 2:n_trees){
        prediction = prediction + gbm[["learning_rate"]] * predict(gbm[[i]]$tree, data)

    gbm[["mean_value"]] + prediction

#' AML predict method for more than one observation, works for GBM and RF
#' Returns prediction for a GBM/RF when given data frame
#' @param ensemble Ensemble of trees trained by `aml_gbm`
#' @param data Data.frame row of size `n x p` for prediction
#' @param n_trees Number of trees used in prediction, uses all trees by default
#' @return Vector of predictions
#' @export
predict_all <- function(ensemble, data, n_trees = NULL){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame")
    if(nrow(data) < 1){
        stop("ERROR: data must be a data.frame of dimension n x p")
        n_trees = ensemble[["n_trees"]]

    ensemble_predictions = sapply(1:nrow(data), function(i){
        predict(ensemble, data[i,], n_trees = n_trees)


sum_of_squares <- function(response_vector, prediction){
    sum((response_vector - prediction)^2)

.create_bootstrapped_data <- function(data, response){
    row_indicators = sample(1:nrow(data), nrow(data), replace = TRUE)
    list(bootstrapped_data=data[row_indicators,], bootstrapped_response=response[row_indicators])

.find_one_column_split <- function(data, split_column_name, response, evaluation_criterion){
    # Exit if all column values are equal
    if(all(diff(data[[split_column_name]]) == 0)){
        output_frame = data.frame("split_column_name" = split_column_name,
                                  "criterion_value" = NA,
                                  "split_value" = data[[split_column_name]][1],
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # Get the midpoints between each unique value
        split_values = sort(unique(data[[split_column_name]]))
        distance_to_midpoint = diff(split_values) / 2
        split_values = split_values[-length(split_values)]
        split_values = split_values + distance_to_midpoint

        error_values = sapply(split_values, function(split_value){
            indicators = data[[split_column_name]] < split_value
            response_left = response[indicators]
            response_right = response[!indicators]
            evaluation_criterion(response_left, mean(response_left)) + evaluation_criterion(response_right, mean(response_right))

        output_frame = data.frame("split_column_name" = split_column_name,
                                  "criterion_value" = min(error_values),
                                  "split_value" = split_values[which.min(error_values)],
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  

.find_one_split <- function(data, response, evaluation_criterion){
    all_splits = lapply(names(data), function(split_column_name){
        .find_one_column_split(data, split_column_name, response, evaluation_criterion)
    all_splits = do.call(rbind, all_splits)
    all_splits$split_column_name = as.character(all_splits$split_column_name)

.build_tree <- function(data, response, split, max_depth, evaluation_criterion, min_obs, count = 1){
    indicators = data[[split$split_column_name]] < split$split_value
    if(count == max_depth | (sum(indicators) <= min_obs) | (sum(!indicators) <= min_obs) | all(lapply(data[indicators,], var) == 0) | all(lapply(data[!indicators,], var) == 0)){
                          prediction = mean(response), 
                          count = length(response),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        left_split = .find_one_split(data[indicators,], response[indicators], evaluation_criterion)
        right_split = .find_one_split(data[!indicators,], response[!indicators], evaluation_criterion)
        return(list(split_column = split$split_column_name, 
                    criterion_value = split$criterion_value,
                    split_value = split$split_value, 
                    left = .build_tree(data = data[indicators,], 
                                       response = response[indicators], 
                                       split = left_split, 
                                       max_depth = max_depth,
                                       evaluation_criterion = evaluation_criterion,
                                       min_obs = min_obs, 
                                       count = count + 1), 
                    right = .build_tree(data = data[!indicators,], 
                                        response = response[!indicators], 
                                        split = right_split, 
                                        max_depth = max_depth,
                                        evaluation_criterion = evaluation_criterion,
                                        min_obs = min_obs,
                                        count = count + 1)))
jmwerner/ArtisanalMachineLearning documentation built on Jan. 7, 2020, 1:50 a.m.