
Defines functions rd_roclet roc_process.had invert get_values roclet_rd_one roc_output.had clean.had process_description process_methods process.examples process.section process.docType process_had_tag process_param process_slot process_field process_def_tag

Documented in rd_roclet

#' @include parse-registry.R
#' @import stringr






#' Roclet: make Rd files.
#' This roclet is the workhorse of \pkg{roxygen}, producing the Rd files that
#' document that functions in your package.
#' @family roclets
#' @seealso \code{vignette("rd", package = "roxygen2")}
#' @export
rd_roclet <- function() {
  new_roclet(list(), "had")

#' @export
roc_process.had <- function(roclet, parsed, base_path, options = list()) {
  env <- parsed$env
  partita <- parsed$blocks

  # Remove srcrefs with no attached roxygen comments
  partita <- Filter(function(x) length(x) > 1, partita)

  topics <- list()
  for (partitum in partita) {
    errors_with_srcref(partitum$srcref, {
      new <- roclet_rd_one(partitum, base_path, env)

    if (is.null(new)) next

    old <- topics[[new$filename]]
    topics[[new$filename]] <- if (is.null(old)) new$rd else merge(old, new$rd)

  # Second parse through to process @family
  topics <- process_family(topics)
  # Final parse to process @inheritParams
  # Postprocessing to reset ordering of parameter documentation

invert <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) return()
get_values <- function(topics, tag) {
  tags <- lapply(topics, get_tag, tag)
  tags <- Filter(Negate(is.null), tags)
  lapply(tags, "[[", "values")

roclet_rd_one <- function(partitum, base_path, env) {
  rd <- new_rd_file()

  # Add in templates
  partitum <- process_templates(partitum, base_path)

  has_rd <- any(names(partitum) %in% c("description", "param", "return",
    "title", "example", "examples", "name", "rdname", "usage",
    "details", "introduction", "describeIn"))
  if (!has_rd) return()

  if (any(names(partitum) == "noRd")) return()

  name <- partitum$name %||% default_topic_name(partitum$object) %||%
    stop("Missing name")

  # Process describeIn, which may affect file name
  describe_in <- process_describeIn(partitum, env)
  filename <- paste0(describe_in$rdname %||% partitum$rdname %||%
    nice_name(name), ".Rd")
  add_tag(rd, describe_in$tag)

  # Add source reference as comment
  if (!is.null(partitum$backref))
    add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'backref'))
    add_tag(rd, new_tag("backref", partitum$srcref$filename))

  # Work out file name and initialise Rd object
  add_tag(rd, new_tag("encoding", partitum$encoding))
  add_tag(rd, new_tag("name", name))
  add_tag(rd, alias_tag(partitum, name, partitum$object$alias))

  if (is.function(partitum$object$value)) {
    formals <- formals(partitum$object$value)
    add_tag(rd, new_tag("formals", names(formals)))

  add_tag(rd, process_description(partitum, base_path))
  add_tag(rd, process_methods(partitum))

  add_tag(rd, usage_tag(partitum))
  add_tag(rd, process_param(partitum))
  add_tag(rd, process_slot(partitum))
  add_tag(rd, process_field(partitum))
  add_tag(rd, process.docType(partitum))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'note'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'family'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'inheritParams'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'author'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'format'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'source'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'seealso'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, "references"))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'concept'))
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'return', function(tag, param) {
      new_tag("value", param)
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'keywords', function(tag, param, all, rd) {
      new_tag("keyword", str_split(str_trim(param), "\\s+")[[1]])
  add_tag(rd, process_had_tag(partitum, 'section', process.section))
  add_tag(rd, process.examples(partitum, base_path))

  list(rd = rd, filename = filename)

#' @export
roc_output.had <- function(roclet, results, base_path, options = list(),
                           check = TRUE) {
  man <- normalizePath(file.path(base_path, "man"))

  contents <- vapply(results, format, wrap = options$wrap,
    FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  paths <- file.path(man, names(results))
  mapply(write_if_different, paths, contents, MoreArgs = list(check = check))

  if (check) {
    # Automatically delete any files in man directory that were generated
    # by roxygen in the past, but weren't generated in this sweep.

    old_paths <- setdiff(dir(man, full.names = TRUE), paths)
    old_paths <- old_paths[!file.info(old_paths)$isdir]
    old_roxygen <- Filter(made_by_roxygen, old_paths)
    if (length(old_roxygen) > 0) {
      cat(paste0("Deleting ", basename(old_roxygen), collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")


#' @export
clean.had <- function(roclet, base_path) {
  rd <- dir(file.path(base_path, "man"), full.names = TRUE)
  rd <- rd[!file.info(rd)$isdir]
  made_by_me <- vapply(rd, made_by_roxygen, logical(1))


# Process title, description and details.
# Split the introductory matter into its description followed
# by details (separated by a blank line).
process_description <- function(partitum, base_path) {
  intro <- partitum$introduction

  if (!is.null(intro)) {
    paragraphs <- str_trim(str_split(intro, fixed('\n\n'))[[1]])
  } else {
    paragraphs <- NULL

  # 1st paragraph = title (unless has @title)
  if (!is.null(partitum$title)) {
    title <- partitum$title
  } else if (length(paragraphs) > 0) {
    title <- paragraphs[1]
    paragraphs <- paragraphs[-1]
  } else {
    title <- NULL

  # 2nd paragraph = description (unless has @description)
  if (!is.null(partitum$description)) {
    description <- partitum$description
  } else if (length(paragraphs) > 0) {
    description <- paragraphs[1]
    paragraphs <- paragraphs[-1]
  } else {
    # Description is required, so if missing description, repeat title.
    description <- title

  # Every thing else = details, combined with @details.
  details <- c(paragraphs, partitum$details)
  if (length(details) > 0) {
    details <- paste(details, collapse = "\n\n")
  } else {
    details <- NULL

  c(new_tag("title", title),
    new_tag("description", description),
    new_tag("details", details))

process_methods <- function(block) {
  obj <- block$object
  if (!inherits(obj, "rcclass")) return()

  methods <- obj$methods
  if (is.null(obj$methods)) return()

  desc <- lapply(methods, function(x) docstring(x$value@.Data))
  usage <- vapply(methods, function(x) {
    usage <- function_usage(x$value@name, formals(x$value@.Data))
  }, character(1))

  has_docs <- !vapply(desc, is.null, logical(1))
  desc <- desc[has_docs]
  usage <- usage[has_docs]

  new_tag("rcmethods", setNames(desc, usage))

# If \code{@@examples} is provided, use that; otherwise, concatenate
# the files pointed to by each \code{@@example}.
process.examples <- function(partitum, base_path) {
  out <- list()
  if (!is.null(partitum$examples)) {
    out <- c(out, new_tag("examples", partitum$examples))

  paths <- unlist(partitum[names(partitum) == "example"])
  if (length(paths) > 0) {
    paths <- file.path(base_path, str_trim(paths))
    examples <- unlist(lapply(paths, readLines))
    examples <- escape_examples(examples)

    out <- c(out, new_tag("examples", examples))

process.section <- function(key, value) {
  pieces <- str_split_fixed(value, ":", n = 2)[1, ]

  if (str_detect(pieces[1], "\n")) {
    stop("Section title spans multiple lines: \n",
      "@section ", value, call. = FALSE)

  new_tag("section", list(list(name = pieces[1], content = pieces[2])))

process.docType <- function(partitum) {
  doctype <- partitum$docType

  if (is.null(doctype)) return()
  tags <- list(new_tag("docType", doctype))

  if (doctype == "package") {
    name <- partitum$name
    if (!str_detect(name, "-package")) {
      tags <- c(tags, new_tag("alias", paste0(name, "-package")))


process_had_tag <- function(partitum, tag, f = new_tag) {
  matches <- partitum[names(partitum) == tag]
  if (length(matches) == 0) return()

  unlist(lapply(matches, function(p) f(tag, p)), recursive = FALSE)

# Name + description tags ------------------------------------------------------

process_param <- function(block) {
  process_def_tag(block, "param")

process_slot <- function(block) {
  process_def_tag(block, "slot")

process_field <- function(block) {
  process_def_tag(block, "field")

process_def_tag <- function(block, tag) {
  tags <- block[names(block) == tag]
  if (length(tags) == 0) return()

  desc <- str_trim(sapply(tags, "[[", "description"))
  names(desc) <- sapply(tags, "[[", "name")

  new_tag(tag, desc)
johnmchambers/roxygen2 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:16 p.m.