
Defines functions reform_dates

Documented in reform_dates

#' Reformat dates from long to wide.
#' This is, broadly speaking a helper function, that turns the \code{txvis} object from a long
#' table to a wide table with rows for each patient
#' and columns for regular intervals of dates from a defined \code{start} and \code{end} along
#' a regular \code{interval}.  In cases where treatments overlap within a time bin there are 
#' three coded \code{conflict} resolution methods: (1) \code{majority} in which coding priority 
#' is given to the treatment that occupies the most time within the interval (2) \code{first} in 
#' which coding priority is given to the treatment that occurs first chronologically within the interval (3) \code{last} in which coding priority is given to the treatment that occurs last chronologically within the interval
#' @param x A \code{txvis} object
#' @param nsequ The number of drug treatment sequences to use (default is \code{NULL})
#' @param start The starting period for the date matrix. Default is the earliest date in the \code{txvis} object.
#' @param end The ending period for the date matrix. Default is the earliest date in the \code{txvis} object.
#' @param interval The length of the interval in text format.  See Details.
#' @param conflict Conflict resolution.
#' @details The \code{interval} argument accepts a range of terms
#' @return A \code{data.frame}.
#' @examples
#'  hlth_data <- create_txvis(patient   = treat$pat_id, 
#'                            treatment = treat$treatment,
#'                            start     = treat$start,
#'                            end       = treat$end,
#'                            date_format = "%d%B%Y")
#'  wide <- reform_dates(hlth_data)
#' @export

reform_dates <- function(x, 
                         start = NULL, 
                         end = NULL, 
                         interval = "month", 
                         conflict = "majority"){
  # Basic check:
  if (!"txvis" %in% class(x)) {
    stop("You must pass a txvis object.")
  # The default will be to use the date range:
  if (is.null(start)) {
    start <- min(x[[1]]$start)
  if (is.null(end)) {
    end <- max(x[[1]]$end)
  # Generate the sequence of dates:
  out_dates <- seq(start, end, by = interval)
  out_intervals <- lubridate::interval(out_dates[1:length(out_dates) - 1],
  treat_out <- lapply(unique(x[[1]]$pt_id), function(pat){
    x[[1]]$intervals <- lubridate::interval(x[[1]]$start, x[[1]]$end)
    short_patient <- x[[1]]$intervals[x[[1]]$pt_id %in% pat]
    short_tx <- as.character(x[[1]]$tx[x[[1]]$pt_id %in% pat])
    treatments <- lapply(short_patient, 
                         function(y) { lubridate::int_overlaps(y, out_intervals) })
    treatments <- do.call(rbind,
                                 function(y) { ifelse(treatments[[y]], short_tx[y], NA)}))
    colnames(treatments) <- out_dates[-length(out_dates)]
    if (any(colSums(!is.na(treatments)) > 1)) {
      warning("Treatment overlaps.")
      overlaps <- which(colSums(!is.na(treatments)) > 1)
      # There are overlapping treatments within a time period we assign treatments based on the passed rules:
      # Type "majority": we need to test which of the records is longer:
      if (conflict == "majority") {
        for (k in 1:length(overlaps)) {
          durations <- lubridate::as.duration(lubridate::intersect(out_intervals[overlaps[k]], 
          # This works with one overlap or multiple.
          drop <- (!(1:nrow(treatments)) == which.max(durations))
          treatments[drop,overlaps[k]] <- NA
      if (conflict == "first") {
        # Whichever treatment is already in progress, or is "earliest" in the time period.
        for (k in 1:length(overlaps)) {
          starts <- lubridate::int_start(lubridate::intersect(out_intervals[overlaps[k]], 
          # This works with one overlap or multiple.
          drop <- (!(1:nrow(treatments)) == which.min(starts))
          treatments[drop,overlaps[k]] <- NA
      if (conflict == "last") {
        # Whichever treatment initiates, or is "latest" in the time period.
        for (k in 1:length(overlaps)) {
          starts <- lubridate::int_start(lubridate::intersect(out_intervals[overlaps[k]], 
          # This works with one overlap or multiple.
          drop <- (!(1:nrow(treatments)) == which.max(starts))
          treatments[drop,overlaps[k]] <- NA

    apply(treatments, 2, function(x) {ifelse(all(is.na(x)), NA, x[!is.na(x)])})
  filled <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(treat_out, list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
  rownames(filled) <- unique(x[[1]]$pt_id)
  colnames(filled) <- out_dates[-length(out_dates)]
  # `nsequ` will override start and end date specifications, to only return that 
  # number of intervals.
  nseq <- ifelse(!is.null(nsequ), nsequ, ncol(filled)) 
  filled$pt_id <- rownames(filled)
  colorder <- c("pt_id", colnames(filled[, 1:(ncol(filled) - 1)]))
  filled <- filled[, colorder]
  filled <- filled[, 1:(nseq + 1)]
  colnames(filled) <- c("pt_id", paste("seq", rep(1:nseq), sep = "_"))
johnwilsonICON/txvis documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:18 p.m.