
Defines functions cat qqcat find_code qq

Documented in qq qqcat

# == title
# Simple variable interpolation in texts
# == param
# -...          Text string in which variables are marked with certain rules
# -envir        Environment where to look for variables. By default it is the environment
#               where `qq` is envoked. It can also be a list in which element names are
#               the variable names to be interpolated.
# -code.pattern Pattern of marks for the variables. By default it is ``@\\\\{CODE\\\\}`` which means
#               you can write your variable as ``@{variable}``. This value can be a vector that all 
#               patterns are searched.
# -collapse     If variables return vector of length larger than one, whether collapse into one string
#               or return a vector
# -sep          Separator character when there are multiple templates.
# == details
# I like variable interpolation in Perl. But in R, if you want to concatenate plain text and variables,
# you need to use functions such as `base::paste`. However, if there are so many variables, quotes, braces 
# in the string you want to construct, it would be painful.
# This function allows you to construct strings as in Perl style. Variables are
# marked in the text with certain rule. `qq` will look up these variables in user's
# environment and replace the variable marks with their real values.
# For more explaination of this function, please refer to vignette.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# a = 1
# b = "text"
# qq("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'")
# qq("a = @{a}", "b = '@{b}'", sep = ", ")
# a = 1:2
# qq("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'")
# qq("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'", collapse = FALSE)
# a = 1
# qq("a = `a`, b = '`b`'", code.pattern = "`CODE`")
qq = function(..., envir = parent.frame(), code.pattern = NULL, collapse = TRUE, sep = " ") {

	lt = list(...)

	if(length(lt) == 1) {
		text = lt[[1]]
	} else {
		text = paste(unlist(lt), collapse = sep)
	if(is.null(code.pattern)) {
		if(!is.null(options("code.pattern")[[1]])) {
			code.pattern = options("code.pattern")[[1]]
		} else {
			code.pattern = qq.options("code.pattern")
    if(length(text) != 1) {
        stop("Now only support text with length of 1.\n")
    if(!is.null(envir)) {
		if(is.environment(envir)) {
			e = envir
		} else {
			e = as.environment(envir)
    } else {
        e = .GlobalEnv
#    for (i in 1:length(text)) {
        # check wether there are code replacements
    	template = NULL
    	code = NULL
    	for(i in seq_along(code.pattern)) {
	        fc = find_code(code.pattern[i], text)
	        template = c(template, fc[[1]])
	        code = c(code, fc[[2]])
        if(length(template)) {   # if there is code replacement
            # replace the code with its value
            return_value = lapply(code, function(c) {
				x = eval(parse(text = c), envir = e)
                if(is.null(x)) {
				} else if(length(x) == 0) {
				} else {
					if(is.factor(x)) {
						x = as.vector(x)
			})  # anony function is the first level parent
			is_return_value_vector = sapply(return_value, function(r) is.atomic(r))
			if(! all(is_return_value_vector)) {
				stop("All your codes should only return simple atomic vectors.\n")
            # length of the return value
            # need to test it since not all code returns a scalar
            return_value_length = sapply(return_value, function(x) length(x))
            if(max(return_value_length) > 1) {
            # if some piece of codes return a vector
            # recycle to `max(return_value_length)`
                current = rep(text, max(return_value_length))
                for(ai in 1:max(return_value_length)) {
                    for(iv in 1:length(template)) {
                        current[ai] = gsub(template[iv],
                                           return_value[[iv]][(ai-1) %% length(return_value[[iv]]) + 1],
                                           current[ai], fixed = TRUE)
				if(collapse) {
					text = paste(current, collapse = "")
				} else {
					text = current
            } else if(max(return_value_length == 1)) {   # all variable returns a scalar
                current = text
                for(iv in 1:length(template)) {
                    current = gsub(template[iv], return_value[[iv]], current, fixed = TRUE)
                text = current
#    }
find_code = function(m, text) {
    if(length(text) != 1) {
        stop("text must be length of 1.")
    m2 = gsub("CODE", ".+?", m)
    reg = gregexpr(m2, text)[[1]]
    v1 = character(0)
    if(reg[1] > -1) {
        v1 = sapply(1:length(reg), function(i) substr(text, as.numeric(reg)[i], as.numeric(reg)[i]+ attr(reg, "match.length")[i] - 1))
    edge = strsplit(m, "CODE")[[1]]
    v2 = gsub(paste("^", edge[1], "|", edge[2], "$", sep=""), "", v1)
    return(list(template=v1, code=v2))

# == title
# Print a string which has been intepolated with variables
# == param
# -...         text string in which variables are marked with certain rules
# -envir          environment where to look for those variables
# -code.pattern pattern of marks for the variables
# -file        pass to `base::cat`
# -sep         pass to `base::cat`
# -fill        pass to `base::cat`
# -labels      pass to `base::cat`
# -append      pass to `base::cat`
# -cat_prefix  prefix string. It is prior than ``qq.options(cat_prefix)``.
# -strwrap     whether call `base::strwrap` to wrap the string
# -strwrap_param parameters sent to `base::strwrap`, must be a list
# -sep2          Separation character when there are multiple templates.
# == details
# This function is a shortcut of
#     cat(qq(text, envir, code.pattern), ...)
# Additionally, you can add global prefix:
#     qq.options("cat_prefix" = "[INFO] ")
#     qq.options("cat_prefix" = function(x) format(Sys.time(), "[\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S] "))
#     qq.options("cat_prefix" = NULL)
# You can also add local prefix by specifying ``cat_prefix`` in `qqcat`.
#     qqcat(text, cat_prefix = "[INFO] ")
# Please refer to `qq` to find more details.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# a = 1
# b = "text"
# qqcat("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'\n")
# qqcat("a = `a`, b = '`b`'\n", code.pattern = "`CODE`")
# qq.options("cat_prefix" = function(x) format(Sys.time(), "[\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S] "))
# qqcat("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'\n")
# Sys.sleep(2)
# qqcat("a = @{a}, b = '@{b}'\n")
# qq.options(RESET = TRUE)
qqcat = function(..., envir = parent.frame(), code.pattern = NULL, file = "",
    sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL, append = FALSE, cat_prefix = NULL,
    strwrap = qq.options("cat_strwrap"), strwrap_param = list(), sep2 = "") {

	lt = list(...)
	if(length(lt) == 1) {
		text = lt[[1]]
	} else {
		text = paste(unlist(lt), collapse = sep2)

	text = qq(text, envir = envir, code.pattern = code.pattern)
	if(strwrap) {
		if(!inherits(strwrap_param, "list")) {
			stop("`strwrap_param` must be a list.")
		if(grepl("\n$", text)) {
			text = paste(do.call("strwrap", c(strwrap_param, list(x = text))), collapse = "\n")
			text = paste0(text, "\n")
		} else {
			text = paste(do.call("strwrap", c(strwrap_param, list(x = text))), collapse = "\n")
	cat(text, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append, cat_prefix = cat_prefix)

cat = function(..., file = "", sep = " ", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL, append = FALSE, cat_prefix = NULL) {
	if(!is.null(options("cat_verbose")[[1]])) {
		if(!options("cat_verbose")[[1]]) {
	if(!qq.options("cat_verbose")) {
	if(is.null(cat_prefix)) {
		if(!is.null(options("cat_prefix")[[1]])) {
			cat_prefix = options("cat_prefix")[[1]]
		} else {
			cat_prefix = qq.options("cat_prefix")
	if(is.function(cat_prefix)) {
		cat_prefix = cat_prefix()
    base::cat(cat_prefix, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)
    base::cat(... , file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels, append = append)
jokergoo/GetoptLong documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 5:44 p.m.