
Defines functions traceplot.bpnme traceplot.bpnr print.bpnme print.bpnr fit.bpnme fit.bpnr coef_circ.bpnme coef_circ.bpnr coef_lin.bpnme coef_lin.bpnr coef_ran.bpnme BFc.bpnme BFc.bpnr coef_ran coef_circ coef_lin fit BFc traceplot

Documented in BFc BFc.bpnme BFc.bpnr coef_circ coef_circ.bpnme coef_circ.bpnr coef_lin coef_lin.bpnme coef_lin.bpnr coef_ran coef_ran.bpnme fit fit.bpnme fit.bpnr print.bpnme print.bpnr traceplot traceplot.bpnme traceplot.bpnr

#' Traceplots
#' Traceplot function for a \code{bpnr object} or \code{bpnme object}.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @param parameter one of \code{c("b1", "b2", beta1", "beta2", a.x", "a.c",
#'   "b.c", "SAM", "AS", "SSDO", "circ.diff", "omega1", "omega2", "cRI", "cRS")}
#'   to indicate for which parameter a traceplot is required. \code{beta1} and
#'   \code{beta2} are the linear intercepts and coefficients of the first and
#'   second component for a regression model and the fixed effects coefficients
#'   of a mixed-effects model. \code{b1} and \code{b2} are the random effects
#'   coefficients of a mixed-effects model. \code{circ.diff} are the circular
#'   differences with the intercept on the outcome variable for the different
#'   levels of categorical variables. \code{omega1} and \code{omega2} are the
#'   linear random effect variances and \code{cRI} and \code{cRS} are the
#'   variances of the circular random intercept and circular random slope.
#' @param variable a character string with variable name(s) to indicate for
#'   which variable(s) a traceplot is required.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' traceplot(fit.Motor, parameter = "beta1")
#' @export

traceplot <- function(object, parameter = "SAM", variable = NULL){

UseMethod("traceplot", object)


#' Bayes Factors
#' \code{BF} gives Bayes factors for inequality constrained hypotheses on
#' circular mean differences.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @param hypothesis the inequality constrained hypothesis to test.
#' @param type type of hypothesis to test \code{c("anchor", "isotropic")}. As of
#'   yet only anchor hypotheses can be tested.
#' @details the methods \link[bpnreg]{BFc.bpnr} and
#'   \link[bpnreg]{BFc.bpnme} have their own help page.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' BFc(fit.Motor, hypothesis = "Condsemi.imp < Condimp")
#' @export

BFc <- function(object, hypothesis, type = "anchor"){

  UseMethod("BFc", object)


#' Model fit
#' \code{fit} gives several model fit statistics.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @details the methods \link[bpnreg]{fit.bpnr} and
#'   \link[bpnreg]{fit.bpnme} have their own help page.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' fit(fit.Motor)
#' @export

fit <- function(object){

  UseMethod("fit", object)


#' Linear coefficients
#' \code{coef_lin} gives posterior summaries of the linear coefficients.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @details the methods \link[bpnreg]{coef_lin.bpnr} and
#'   \link[bpnreg]{coef_lin.bpnme} have their own help page.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' coef_lin(fit.Motor)
#' @export

coef_lin <- function(object){

  UseMethod("coef_lin", object)


#' Circular coefficients
#' \code{coef_circ} gives posterior summaries of the circular coefficients.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @param type one of \code{c("continuous", "categorical")} to get either the
#'   coefficients for the continuous or categorical predictor variables.
#' @param units one of \code{c("degrees", "radians")} to get categorical
#'   coefficients estimates and estimates for \code{$ac$, $bc$, AS and SAM} in degrees or
#'   radians.
#' @details the methods \link[bpnreg]{coef_circ.bpnr} and
#'   \link[bpnreg]{coef_circ.bpnme} have their own help page.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' coef_circ(fit.Motor)
#' coef_circ(fit.Motor, type = "categorical")
#' @export

coef_circ <- function(object, type = "continuous", units = "radians"){

  UseMethod("coef_circ", object)


#' Random effect variances
#' \code{coef_ran} gives posterior summaries of the circular or linear random
#' effect variances.
#' @param object an object used to select a method.
#' @param type one of \code{c("linear", "circular")} to get either the linear or
#'   circular random effect variances.
#' @details the method \link[bpnreg]{coef_ran.bpnme} has its own help page.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' coef_ran(fit.Maps)
#' coef_ran(fit.Maps, type = "circular")
#' @export

coef_ran <- function(object, type = "linear"){

  UseMethod("coef_ran", object)


#' Bayes Factors for a Bayesian circular regression model
#' Outputs Bayes Factors for the circular differences between several levels of
#' a categorical variable and the baseline.
#' @param object a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function \code{bpnr()}.
#' @param hypothesis the inequality constrained hypothesis to test.
#' @param type type of hypothesis to test \code{c("anchor", "isotropic")}. As of
#'   yet only anchor hypotheses can be tested.
#' @return Bayes Factors for inequality constrained hypotheses on mean
#'   differences.
#' @method BFc bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' BFc(fit.Motor, hypothesis = "Condsemi.imp < Condimp")
#' @export

BFc.bpnr <- function(object, hypothesis, type = "anchor"){

  if(!(type == "anchor")){

    stop("Invalid type argument")


  if(type == "anchor"){

    hypothesis2 <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", hypothesis)
    variables <- unlist(strsplit(hypothesis2, split = "[<&>]"))

    all <- unlist(strsplit(hypothesis, split = "[[:space:]]"))
    logical.index <- attr(regexpr("[<&>]", all), "match.length")
    logical <- all[logical.index == 1]

    no.diff <- length(variables)

    data <- as.data.frame(abs(object$circ.diff))[,variables]

    colnames(data) <- letters[1:no.diff]

    new.hyp <- c()

    for(i in 1:no.diff){

      name <- letters[i]

      if(i <= no.diff-1){

        new.hyp <- c(new.hyp, name, logical[i])


        new.hyp <- c(new.hyp, name)



    new.hyp <- paste(new.hyp, collapse = "")

    subset <- subset(data, eval(parse(text = new.hyp)))

    fit <- nrow(subset)/nrow(data)

    complexity <- 1/factorial(length(unique(variables)))

    BF <- fit/complexity

    out <- matrix(NA, 2L, 3L)
    rownames(out) <- c("hypothesis", "complement")
    colnames(out) <- c("fit", "complexity", "Bayes Factor")

    out[1,] <- c(fit, complexity, BF)
    out[2,] <- c(1-fit, 1-complexity, (1-fit)/(1-complexity))

  }else if(type == "isotropic"){




#' Bayes Factors for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Outputs Bayes Factors for inequality constrained hypotheses on the circular
#' differences between several levels of a categorical variable and the
#' baseline.
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}.
#' @param hypothesis the inequality constrained hypothesis to test.
#' @param type type of hypothesis to test \code{c("anchor", "isotropic")}. As of
#'   yet only anchor hypotheses can be tested.
#' @return Bayes Factors for inequality constrained hypotheses on mean
#'   differences.
#' @method BFc bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps, its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' BFc(fit.Maps, hypothesis = "Maze1 < Trial.type1")
#' @export

BFc.bpnme <- function(object, hypothesis, type = "anchor"){

  if(!(type == "anchor")){

    stop("Invalid type argument")


  if(type == "anchor"){

    hypothesis2 <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", hypothesis)
    variables <- unlist(strsplit(hypothesis2, split = "[<&>]"))

    all <- unlist(strsplit(hypothesis, split = "[[:space:]]"))
    logical.index <- attr(regexpr("[<&>]", all), "match.length")
    logical <- all[logical.index == 1]

    no.diff <- length(variables)

    data <- as.data.frame(abs(object$circ.diff))[,variables]

    colnames(data) <- letters[1:no.diff]

    new.hyp <- c()

    for(i in 1:no.diff){

      name <- letters[i]

      if(i <= no.diff-1){

        new.hyp <- c(new.hyp, name, logical[i])


        new.hyp <- c(new.hyp, name)



    new.hyp <- paste(new.hyp, collapse = "")

    subset <- subset(data, eval(parse(text = new.hyp)))

    fit <- nrow(subset)/nrow(data)

    complexity <- 1/factorial(length(unique(variables)))

    BF <- fit/complexity

    out <- matrix(NA, 2L, 3L)
    rownames(out) <- c("hypothesis", "complement")
    colnames(out) <- c("fit", "complexity", "Bayes Factor")

    out[1,] <- c(fit, complexity, BF)
    out[2,] <- c(1-fit, 1-complexity, (1-fit)/(1-complexity))

  }else if(type == "isotropic"){




#' Obtain random effect variances of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Gives posterior summaries of the circular or linear random effect variances.
#' The circular random intercept variance and circular random slope variance of
#' categorical predictors is computed as 1 - mean resultant length.
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}.
#' @param type one of \code{c("linear", "circular")} to get either the linear or
#'   circular random effect variances.
#' @return A matrix with posterior summaries of the random effect variances.
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' coef_ran(fit.Maps)
#' coef_ran(fit.Maps, type = "circular")
#' @export

coef_ran.bpnme <- function(object, type = "linear"){

  if(!(type == "linear" | type == "circular")){

    stop("Invalid type argument")


  if(type == "linear"){

    return(rbind(object$lin.res.varrand.I, object$lin.res.varrand.II))

  }else if(type == "circular"){



    stop("type not recognized")



#' Obtain the linear coefficients of a Bayesian circular regression model
#' Gives the coefficients tables of the linear coefficients for a circular
#' regression model.
#' @param object a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnr}}.
#' @return A matrix with posterior summaries of the linear coefficients in a
#'   Bayesian circular regression model.
#' @method coef_lin bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' coef_lin(fit.Motor)
#' @export

coef_lin.bpnr <- function(object){

  return(rbind(object$lin.coef.I, object$lin.coef.II))


#' Obtain the linear coefficients of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Gives the coefficients tables of the linear coefficients for a Bayesian
#' circular mixed-effects model.
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}.
#' @return A matrix with posterior summaries of the linear coefficients in a
#'   Bayesian circular mixed-effects model.
#' @method coef_lin bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' coef_lin(fit.Maps)
#' @export

coef_lin.bpnme <- function(object){

  return(rbind(object$lin.coef.I, object$lin.coef.II))


#' Obtain the circular coefficients of a Bayesian circular regression model
#' Gives the coefficients tables of the circular coefficients for a Bayesian
#' circular regression model.
#' @param object a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnr}}
#' @param type one of \code{c("continuous", "categorical")} to get either the
#'   coefficients for the continuous or categorical predictor variables
#' @param units one of \code{c("degrees", "radians")} to get categorical
#'   coefficients estimates and estimates for \code{$ac$, $bc$, AS and SAM} in degrees or
#'   radians.
#' @return A matrix or list with posterior summaries of the circular
#'   coefficients in a Bayesian circular regression model.
#' @method coef_circ bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' coef_circ(fit.Motor)
#' coef_circ(fit.Motor, type = "categorical")
#' @export

coef_circ.bpnr <- function(object, type = "continuous", units = "radians"){

  if(!(type == "continuous" | type == "categorical")){

    stop("Invalid type argument")


  if(!(units == "degrees" | units == "radians")){

    stop("Invalid units argument")


  if(type == "continuous"){

    if(inherits(object$circ.coef, "character")){



      a.x <-  object$circ.coef[,1:5]
      if(units == "degrees"){
        a.c <-  object$circ.coef[,6:10]*(180/pi)
        b.c <- object$circ.coef[,11:15]*(180/pi)
        AS <-  object$circ.coef[,16:20]*(180/pi)
        SAM <-  object$circ.coef[,21:25]*(180/pi)
      }else if(units == "radians"){
        a.c <-  object$circ.coef[,6:10]
        b.c <- object$circ.coef[,11:15]
        AS <-  object$circ.coef[,16:20]
        SAM <-  object$circ.coef[,21:25]

      SSDO <-  object$circ.coef[,26:30]

      coefficients <- (rbind(a.x, a.c, b.c, AS, SAM, SSDO))

      colnames(coefficients) <-  c("mean", "mode", "sd", "LB HPD", "UB HPD")
      rownames(coefficients) <- paste(rownames(object$circ.coef),
                                      rep(c("ax", "ac", "bc",
                                            "AS", "SAM", "SSDO"),
                                          each = length(rownames(coefficients))/6))



  }else if(type == "categorical"){

    if(inherits(object$circ.coef.cat, "character")){



      if(units == "degrees"){

        return(list(Means = object$circ.coef.means*(180/pi),
                    Differences = object$circ.coef.cat*(180/pi)))

      }else if(units == "radians"){

        return(list(Means = object$circ.coef.means,
                    Differences = object$circ.coef.cat))




    stop("type not recognized")



#' Obtain the circular coefficients of a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Gives the coefficients tables of the circular coefficients for a Bayesian
#' circular mixed-effects model.
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}
#' @param type one of \code{c("continuous", "categorical")} to get either the
#'   coefficients for the continuous or categorical predictor variables
#' @param units one of \code{c("degrees", "radians")} to get categorical
#'   coefficients estimates and estimates for \code{$ac$, $bc$, AS and SAM} in degrees or
#'   radians.
#' @return A matrix or list with posterior summaries of the circular
#'   coefficients in a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model.
#' @method coef_circ bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' coef_circ(fit.Maps)
#' @export

coef_circ.bpnme <- function(object, type = "continuous", units = "radians"){

  if(!(type == "continuous" | type == "categorical")){

    stop("Invalid type argument")


  if(!(units == "degrees" | units == "radians")){

    stop("Invalid units argument")


  if(type == "continuous"){

    if(inherits(object$circ.coef, "character")){



      a.x <- object$circ.coef[,1:5]

      if(units == "degrees"){
        a.c <-  object$circ.coef[,6:10]*(180/pi)
        b.c <- object$circ.coef[,11:15]*(180/pi)
        AS <-  object$circ.coef[,16:20]*(180/pi)
        SAM <-  object$circ.coef[,21:25]*(180/pi)
      }else if(units == "radians"){
        a.c <-  object$circ.coef[,6:10]
        b.c <- object$circ.coef[,11:15]
        AS <-  object$circ.coef[,16:20]
        SAM <-  object$circ.coef[,21:25]
      SSDO <-  object$circ.coef[,26:30]

      coefficients <- (rbind(a.x, a.c, b.c, AS, SAM, SSDO))

      colnames(coefficients) <-  c("mean", "mode", "sd", "LB HPD", "UB HPD")
      rownames(coefficients) <- paste(rownames(object$circ.coef),
                                      rep(c("ax", "ac", "bc",
                                            "AS", "SAM", "SSDO"),
                                          each = length(rownames(coefficients))/6))



  }else if(type == "categorical"){

    if(inherits(object$circ.coef.cat, "character")){



      if(units == "degrees"){

        return(list(Means = object$circ.coef.means*(180/pi),
                    Differences = object$circ.coef.cat*(180/pi)))

      }else if(units == "radians"){

        return(list(Means = object$circ.coef.means,
                    Differences = object$circ.coef.cat))




    stop("type not recognized")



#' Model fit for a Bayesian circular regression model
#' Outputs several model fit statistics for the Bayesian circular regression
#' model
#' @param object a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function \code{bpnr()}.
#' @return a matrix containing the computed log pointwise predictive density
#'   (lppd), Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), an alternative version of the
#'   DIC (DIC_alt), and the Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion computed in
#'   two different ways (WAIC1, WAIC2). The matrix also contains the number of
#'   parameters or 'effective number' of parameters that the several statistics
#'   are based on. Computation of the criteria is done according to Gelman et.al
#'   (2014) in *Bayesian Data Analysis*.
#' @method fit bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' fit(fit.Motor)
#' @export

fit.bpnr <- function(object){

  mf <- matrix(NA, 5L, 2L)
  colnames(mf) <- c("Statistic", "Parameters")
  rownames(mf) <- c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC.alt", "WAIC1", "WAIC2")
  mf[,1] <- unlist(object$model.fit[c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC_alt", "WAIC", "WAIC2")])
  mf[,2] <- c(object$p1 + object$p2,
              unlist(object$model.fit[c("pD", "pV", "pWAIC", "pWAIC2")]))


#' Model fit for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Outputs several model fit statistics for the Bayesian circular mixed-effects
#' model
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}.
#' @return a matrix containing the computed log pointwise predictive density
#'   (lppd), Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), an alternative version of the
#'   DIC (DIC_alt), and the Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion computed in
#'   two different ways (WAIC1, WAIC2). The matrix also contains the number of
#'   parameters or 'effective number' of parameters that the several statistics
#'   are based on. Computation of the criteria is done according to Gelman et.al
#'   (2014) in *Bayesian Data Analysis*.
#' @method fit bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' fit(fit.Maps)
#' @export

fit.bpnme <- function(object){

  mf <- matrix(NA, 5L, 2L)
  colnames(mf) <- c("Statistic", "Parameters")
  rownames(mf) <- c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC.alt", "WAIC1", "WAIC2")
  mf[,1] <- object$model.fit[dimnames(object$model.fit)[[2]] %in%
                          c("lppd", "DIC", "DICalt", "WAIC", "WAIC2")]
  mf[,2] <- c(object$p1 + object$p2,
              object$model.fit[dimnames(object$model.fit)[[2]] %in%
                            c("pD", "pV", "pWAIC", "pWAIC2")])


#' Print output from a Bayesian circular regression model
#' Prints selected output from a Bayesian circular regression model.
#' @param x a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function \code{\link{bpnr}}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A print of selected output from a Bayesian circular regression model.
#' @method print bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' print(fit.Motor)
#' @export

print.bpnr <- function(x, ...){

  cat("Projected Normal Regression \n\n")
  cat("Model \n\n")

  cat("Call: \n",
      paste(deparse(x$Call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
      "\n\n", sep = "")

  cat("MCMC: \n", paste("iterations = ", x$its, "\n",
                        "burn-in = ", x$burn, "\n",
                        "lag = ", x$n.lag,
                        sep = ""),
      "\n\n", sep = "")

  cat("Model Fit: \n")
  mf <- matrix(NA, 5L, 2L)
  colnames(mf) <- c("Statistic", "Parameters")
  rownames(mf) <- c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC.alt", "WAIC1", "WAIC2")
  mf[,1] <- unlist(x$model.fit[c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC_alt", "WAIC", "WAIC2")])
  mf[,2] <- c(x$p1 + x$p2,
              unlist(x$model.fit[c("pD", "pV", "pWAIC", "pWAIC2")]))

  cat("Linear Coefficients \n\n")

  cat("Component I: \n")

  cat("Component II: \n")

  cat("Circular Coefficients \n\n")

  cat("Continuous variables: \n")
  if(inherits(x$circ.coef, "character")){

  cat("Categorical variables: \n\n")
  cat("Means: \n")
  cat("Differences: \n")


#' Print output from a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' Prints selected output from a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model.
#' @param x a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function \code{bpnme()}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A print of selected output from a Bayesian circular mixed-effects
#'   model.
#' @method print bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' print(fit.Maps)
#' @export

print.bpnme <- function(x, ...){

  cat("Projected Normal Mixed Effects \n\n")
  cat("Model \n\n")

  cat("Call: \n",
      paste(deparse(x$Call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
      "\n\n", sep = "")

  cat("MCMC: \n", paste("iterations = ", x$its, "\n",
                        "burn-in = ", x$burn, "\n",
                        "lag = ", x$n.lag,
                        sep = ""),
      "\n\n", sep = "")

  cat("Model Fit: \n")
  mf <- matrix(NA, 5L, 2L)
  colnames(mf) <- c("Statistic", "Parameters")
  rownames(mf) <- c("lppd", "DIC", "DIC.alt", "WAIC1", "WAIC2")
  mf[,1] <- x$model.fit[dimnames(x$model.fit)[[2]] %in%
                          c("lppd", "DIC", "DICalt", "WAIC", "WAIC2")]
  mf[,2] <- c(x$p1 + x$p2,
              x$model.fit[dimnames(x$model.fit)[[2]] %in%
                            c("pD", "pV", "pWAIC", "pWAIC2")])

  cat("Fixed Effects \n\n")

  cat("Linear Coefficients \n\n")

  cat("Component I: \n")

  cat("Component II: \n")

  cat("Circular Coefficients \n\n")

  cat("Continuous variables: \n")
  if(inherits(x$circ.coef, "character")){

  cat("Categorical variables: \n\n")
  cat("Means: \n")
  cat("Differences: \n")

  cat("Random Effects \n\n")

  cat("Linear Coefficients \n\n")

  cat("Component I: \n")

  cat("Component II: \n")

  cat("Circular Coefficients \n\n")


#' Traceplots for a Bayesian circular regression model
#' General plot function for a \code{bpnr object}.
#' @param object a \code{bpnr object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnr}}
#' @param parameter one of \code{c("beta1", "beta2", "a.x", "a.c", "b.c", "SAM", "AS",
#'   "SSDO", "circ.diff")} to indicate for which parameter a traceplot is
#'   required. \code{beta1} and \code{beta2} are the linear intercepts and
#'   coefficients of the first and second component. \code{circ.diff} are the
#'   circular differences with the intercept on the outcome variable for the
#'   different levels of categorical variables.
#' @param variable a character string with variable name(s) to indicate for
#'   which variable(s) a traceplot is required.
#' @method traceplot bpnr
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Motor <- bpnr(pred.I = Phaserad ~ 1 + Cond, data = Motor,
#' its = 100, burn = 10, n.lag = 3)
#' traceplot(fit.Motor, parameter = "beta1")
#' @export

traceplot.bpnr <- function(object, parameter = "SAM", variable = NULL){

  if(parameter %in% c("B1", "B2", "Beta.I", "Beta.II", "B.I", "B.II", "VCov.I", "VCov.II")){
    stop("The names of the mcmc output objects have changed. `B1`, `B2`, `Beta.I`, `Beta.II`, `B.I`, `B.II`, `VCov.I` and `VCov.II` are now named `beta1`, `beta2`, `beta1`, `beta2`, `b1`, `b2`, `omega1` and `omega2` respectively",
         call. = FALSE)


   text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", parameter)
   plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text)),
           xlab = "Iteration",
           main = "Traceplots",
           mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))


   text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", parameter)
   plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text))[,variable],
           ylab = variable,
           xlab = "Iteration",
           main = "Traceplots")



#' Traceplots for a Bayesian circular mixed-effects model
#' General plot function for a \code{bpnme object}.
#' @param object a \code{bpnme object} obtained from the function
#'   \code{\link{bpnme}}
#' @param parameter one of \code{c(beta1", "beta2", "b1", "b2", a.x", "a.c",
#'   "b.c", "SAM", "AS", "SSDO", "circ.diff", "omega1", "omega2", "cRI", "cRS")}
#'   to indicate for which parameter a traceplot is required. \code{beta1} and
#'   \code{beta2} are the fixed effects coefficients of a mixed-effects model.
#'   \code{b1} and \code{b2} are the random effects coefficients of a
#'   mixed-effects model. \code{circ.diff} are the circular differences with the
#'   intercept on the outcome variable for the different levels of categorical
#'   variables. \code{omega1} and \code{omega2} are the linear random effect
#'   variances and \code{cRI} and \code{cRS} are the variances of the circular
#'   random intercept and circular random slope.
#' @param variable a character string with variable name(s) to indicate for
#'   which variable(s) a traceplot is required. This cannot be used in
#'   combination with the parameters \code{c("omega1", "omega2", "cRI", "cRS")}.
#' @method traceplot bpnme
#' @examples
#' library(bpnreg)
#' fit.Maps <- bpnme(pred.I = Error.rad ~ Maze + Trial.type + L.c + (1|Subject),
#' data = Maps,
#' its = 100, burn = 1, n.lag = 1)
#' traceplot(fit.Maps)
#' @export

traceplot.bpnme <- function(object, parameter = "SAM", variable = NULL){

  if(parameter %in% c("B1", "B2", "Beta.I", "Beta.II", "B.I", "B.II", "VCov.I", "VCov.II")){
    stop("The names of the mcmc output objects have changed. `B1`, `B2`, `Beta.I`, `Beta.II`, `B.I`, `B.II`, `VCov.I` and `VCov.II` are now named `beta1`, `beta2`, `beta1`, `beta2`, `b1`, `b2`, `omega1` and `omega2` respectively",
            call. = FALSE)


    if(parameter == "omega1"){

      Vars <- as.matrix(object$omega1[1,1,])

      if(object$q1 > 1){

        for(i in 2:object$q1){

          Vars <- cbind(Vars, object$omega1[i,i,])



      colnames(Vars) <- colnames(object$mm$mm_ran.I)

              xlab = "Iteration",
              main = "Traceplots",
              mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))

    }else if(parameter == "omega2"){

      Vars <- as.matrix(object$omega2[1,1,])

      if(object$q2 > 1){

        for(i in 2:object$q2){

          Vars <- cbind(Vars, object$omega2[i,i,])



      colnames(Vars) <- colnames(object$mm$mm_ran.II)

              xlab = "Iteration",
              main = "Traceplots",
              mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))

    }else if(parameter == "cRI"){

      Vars <- as.matrix(object$cRI)
      colnames(Vars) <- "(Intercept)"

              xlab = "Iteration",
              main = "Traceplots")

    }else if(parameter == "cRS"){


        text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", "cRScat")

        plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text)),
                xlab = "Iteration",
                main = "Traceplots",
                mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))

      }else if(is.character(object$cRScat)){

        text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", "cRSnum")

        plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text)),
                xlab = "Iteration",
                main = "Traceplots",
                mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))

      }else if(is.character(object$cRSnum) & is.character(object$cRScat)){

        stop("there is no random slope in the model")


        text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", parameter)

        plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text)),
                xlab = "Iteration",
                main = "Traceplots",
                mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))



      text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", parameter)
      plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text)), xlab = "Iteration", main = "Traceplots",
              mar.multi=c(gap=0.5, 5.1, gap=0.5, 2.1))



    if(parameter == "omega1" | parameter == "omega2" |
       parameter == "cRI" | parameter == "cRS"){

      stop("Cannot request separate plots for random effect variances")


      text <- paste0(as.character(bquote(object)), "$", parameter)

      plot.ts(eval(parse(text = text))[,variable],
              ylab = variable,
              xlab = "Iteration",
              main = "Traceplots")



joliencremers/bpnreg documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 4:55 a.m.