
Defines functions DBHCriticalValues fit2d3rdDegree checkMultiDays previoustick weightedaverage makePsd applyGetList

Documented in makePsd

### Do a daily apply but with list as output:
#' @importFrom xts try.xts
#' @importFrom xts endpoints
#' @keywords internal
applyGetList <- function(x, FUN, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, makePsd = NULL,...){
  on <- "days" 
  k <- 1
  x <- try.xts(x, error = FALSE)
  INDEX <- endpoints(x, on = on, k = k)
  D <- length(INDEX)-1
  result <- list()
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  for(i in 1:(length(INDEX)-1)){
    if (is.null(makePsd)) {
      result[[i]] <- FUN(x[(INDEX[i] + 1):INDEX[i + 1]], cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, ...)
    } else {
      result[[i]] <- FUN(x[(INDEX[i] + 1):INDEX[i + 1]], cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, makePsd = makePsd, ...)

#' Returns the positive semidefinite projection of a symmetric matrix using the eigenvalue method
#' @description Function returns the positive semidefinite projection of a symmetric matrix using the eigenvalue method.
#' @param S a non-PSD matrix.
#' @param method character, indicating whether the negative eigenvalues of the correlation or covariance should be replaced by zero. Possible values are "covariance" and "correlation".
#' @details We use the eigenvalue method to transform \eqn{S} into a positive
#' semidefinite covariance matrix (see, e.g., Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard, 2004, and Rousseeuw and Molenberghs, 1993).  Let \eqn{\Gamma} be the
#' orthogonal matrix consisting of the \eqn{p} eigenvectors of \eqn{S}. Denote
#' \eqn{\lambda_1^+,\ldots,\lambda_p^+} its \eqn{p} eigenvalues, whereby the negative eigenvalues have been replaced by zeroes.
#' Under this approach, the positive semi-definite
#' projection of \eqn{S} is \eqn{ S^+ = \Gamma' \mbox{diag}(\lambda_1^+,\ldots,\lambda_p^+) \Gamma}. 
#' If method = "correlation", the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix corresponding to the matrix \eqn{S} are 
#' transformed, see Fan et al. (2010).  
#' @return A matrix containing the positive semi definite matrix.
#' @references 
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E. and Shephard, N. (2004). Measuring the impact of jumps in multivariate price processes using bipower covariation. Discussion paper, Nuffield College, Oxford University.
#' Fan, J., Li, Y., and Yu, K. (2012). Vast volatility matrix estimation using high frequency data for portfolio selection. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 107,  412-428
#' Rousseeuw, P. and Molenberghs, G. (1993). Transformation of non positive semidefinite correlation matrices. \emph{Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods}, 22, 965-984.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @export
makePsd <- function(S, method = "covariance") {
  if (method == "correlation" & !any(diag(S) <= 0) ) {
    # Fan, J., Y. Li, and K. Yu (2010). Vast volatility matrix estimation using high frequency data for portfolio selection.
    D <- matrix(diag(S)^(1/2), ncol=1)
    R <- S / (D %*% t(D))
    out <- eigen(x = R , symmetric = TRUE)
    mGamma <- t(out$vectors)
    vLambda <- out$values
    vLambda[vLambda<0] <- 0
    Apsd  <- t(mGamma)%*%diag(vLambda)%*%mGamma
    dApsd <- matrix(diag(Apsd)^(1/2),ncol=1)
    Apsd  <- Apsd/(dApsd%*%t(dApsd))
    D     <- diag( as.numeric(D)  , ncol = length(D) )
    Spos  <- D %*% Apsd %*% D
    colnames(Spos) <- rownames(Spos) <- colnames(S)
  } else {
    # Rousseeuw, P. and G. Molenberghs (1993). Transformation of non positive semidefinite correlation matrices. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 22, 965-984.
    out     <- eigen(x = S , symmetric = TRUE)
    mGamma  <- t(out$vectors)
    vLambda <- out$values
    vLambda[vLambda<0] <- 0
    Apsd    <- t(mGamma) %*% diag(vLambda) %*% mGamma
    colnames(Apsd) <- rownames(Apsd) <- colnames(S)

# #' @importFrom xts is.xts
# #' @importFrom xts ndays
# #' @keywords internal
# isMultiXts <- function(x, y = NULL) { 
#   if (is.null(y)) {
#     test <- is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1)
#     return(test)
#   } else {
#     test <- (is.xts(x) && (ndays(x)!=1)) || (ndays(y)!=1 && is.xts(y))
#     if (test) {
#       isEqualDimensions <- (dim(y) == dim(x))
#       if (isEqualDimensions) { 
#         test <- list(TRUE, cbind(x,y))
#         return(test) 
#       } else {
#           warning("Please make sure x and y have the same dimensions") 
#       }
#     } 
#   } 
# } 
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @keywords internal
weightedaverage <- function(a){
  aa <- as.vector(as.numeric(a[,1]))
  bb <- as.vector(as.numeric(a[,2]))
  c  <- weighted.mean(aa,bb)

#' @keywords internal
previoustick <- function(a) {
 a <- as.vector(a)
 b <- a[length(a)]

#' @importFrom xts reclass
#' @keywords internal
periodApply2 <- function (x, INDEX, FUN2, ...) {
  x <- try.xts(x, error = FALSE)
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN2)
  xx <- sapply(1:(length(INDEX) - 1), function(y) {
    FUN(x[(INDEX[y] + 1):INDEX[y + 1]], ...)
  reclass(xx, x[INDEX])

#' @importFrom xts is.xts
#' @importFrom xts ndays
#' @keywords internal
checkMultiDays <- function(x) { 
  if ((is.matrix(x) | is.numeric(x)) & !is.xts(x)) {
  if (!is.xts(x)) {
    stop("Please provide xts-object or simple numeric vector.")
  if (ndays(x) != 1) {
  } else {

### functions used to calculate whether a burst of drift has occured.
#' @keywords internal
fit2d3rdDegree <- function(A, X, Y){
  X <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(X), 4), ncol = 4)
  Y <- matrix(Y, ncol = 16, nrow = length(Y), byrow = FALSE)
  Z <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(Y), nrow = nrow(Y))
  for (i in 1:3) {
    Z[,1:i] <- Z[,1:i] * X[,1:i]
  for (i in 1:3) {
    foo <- 4*i
    Z[, 1:foo] <- Z[, 1:foo] * Y[, 1:foo]
    for (j in 1:3) {
      Z[, (foo+1):(foo+j)] <- Z[, (foo+1):(foo+j)] * X[,1:j]
  p <- mldivide(Z, as.numeric(A))

#' @importFrom stats acf approx
#' @keywords internal
DBHCriticalValues <- function(x, alpha){
  tStat <- as.numeric(x$tStat)
  alpha_used <- alpha
  nObs <- length(tStat)
  rho <- DBHSysData$rho
  alpha <- DBHSysData$alpha
  if(!alpha_used %in% alpha){
   warning(c("alpha is not available please set alpha to one of: ", paste(as.numeric(alpha), collapse = ", ")))
  m <- DBHSysData$m
  arr <- array(DBHSysData$arr, dim = c(23, 14, 6), dimnames = list('m' = m, 'rho' = rho,'alpha' = alpha))  
  rho_used   <- acf(tStat, plot = FALSE)$acf[2]
  A          <- matrix(NA, ncol = nrow(arr), nrow = nrow(arr))
  P          <- matrix(NA, ncol = dim(arr)[3], nrow = 16)
  rho        <- as.numeric(dimnames(arr)$rho)
  add_rho    <- c(0.75,0.85,0.91,0.92,0.93,0.94,0.96,0.97,0.98)
  rho_i      <- sort(c(rho, add_rho))
  logRho     <- log(1 - rho)
  logRho_i   <- log(1 - rho_i)
  logM       <- matrix(log(as.numeric(dimnames(arr)$m)), ncol = nrow(arr), nrow = nrow(arr), byrow = TRUE)
  logRho_mat <- matrix(logRho_i, ncol = nrow(arr), nrow = nrow(arr), byrow = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(alpha)) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(arr)) {
      A[ ,j] <- approx(logRho, arr[j, ,i], logRho_i)$y
    P[,i] <- fit2d3rdDegree(A, logM, logRho_mat)
  idx <- alpha %in% alpha_used
  normalizedQuantile <- P[1,idx]
  for (i in 1:3) {
    normalizedQuantile  <- normalizedQuantile * log(nObs) + P[1+i, idx]
  for (i in 1:3) {
    foo <- 4 * i + 1
    g <- P[foo, idx]
    for (j in 1:3) {
      g <- g * log(nObs) + P[j+ foo, idx]
    normalizedQuantile <- normalizedQuantile * log(1 - rho_used) + g
  AM <- sqrt(2 * log(nObs))
  BM <- AM - 0.5 * log(pi * log(nObs)) / AM
  quantile <- normalizedQuantile / AM + BM
  return(list("normalizedQuantile" = normalizedQuantile, "quantile" = quantile))
jonathancornelissen/highfrequency documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 7:29 p.m.