## Methods for the classes
setMethod("cliques", "missing", function(...){
## FAKinGroupResults
setMethod("show", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object){
cat(paste0("Result info:\n"))
cat(paste0(" * Dimension of result data.frame: ",
cat(paste0(" * Number of simulations: ", object@nsim, ".\n"))
setMethod("affectedKinshipGroups", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object){
setMethod("independentGroupCount", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object,
method <- match.arg(method, c("jo", "daniel"))
if(length(object@affectedKinshipGroups) == 0)
stop("No affected kinship groups present!")
affectedKins <- object@affectedKinshipGroups
indGroupCount <- 0
## on the long run we want to get rid of this...
AffIds <- lapply(affectedKins, function(z){return(z$aff)})
for(i in 1:length(AffIds)){
## check: any of the group's ids also in any of the other groups?
if(length(intersect(unlist(AffIds[i]), unlist(AffIds[-i]))) == 0)
indGroupCount <- indGroupCount + 1
temp <- c()
for(i in 1:length(affectedKins)) {
if(length(intersect(temp, affectedKins[[i]]$aff)) == 0) {
indGroupCount <- indGroupCount + 1
temp <- c(temp, affectedKins[[i]]$aff)
## calling the trait replacement method from FAResult and in addition reset the
## simulation result.
setReplaceMethod("trait", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object, value){
object <- callNextMethod()
## reset the result
object@affectedKinshipGroups <- list()
object@sim <- list()
object@nsim <- 0
object@traitname <- character()
## The analysis method.
setMethod("runSimulation", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object, nsim=50000,
if(length(trait(object)) == 0)
stop("No trait information available!")
kin <- kinship(object)
## Get the ids of the affected and of the phenotyped.
affectedIds <- affectedIndividuals(object)
phenotypedIds <- phenotypedIndividuals(object)
## Ensure again that we do have pedigree information for these.
affectedIds <- intersect(colnames(kin), affectedIds)
phenotypedIds <- intersect(colnames(kin), phenotypedIds)
## break...
if(length(affectedIds) <= 1){
warning("Trait ", object@traitname, ": only one or none affected ",
message("Cleaning data set (got in total ", nrow(kin), " individuals):")
## Dummy for removing unaffected:
message(" * not phenotyped individuals...")
if(length(phenotypedIds) != nrow(kin)){
message(" ", nrow(kin)-length(phenotypedIds), " removed")
message(" none present.")
## Strata. First check that strata has the correct length, then ensure
## that all of the affected and phenotyped ids have a non-NA value in
## strata.
if(length(strata) != length(object$id))
stop("Argument 'strata' has to have the same length than there ",
"are individuals in the pedigree!")
nas <- is.na(strata)
names(strata) <- object$id
newAffIds <- affectedIds[affectedIds %in% names(strata)[!nas]]
message(" * affected individuals without valid strata values...",
if(length(newAffIds) != length(affectedIds)){
message(" ", length(affectedIds)-length(newAffIds), " removed.")
affectedIds <- newAffIds
message(" none present.")
newPheIds <- phenotypedIds[phenotypedIds %in% names(strata)[!nas]]
message(" * unaffected individuals without valid strata values...",
if(length(newPheIds) != length(phenotypedIds)){
message(" ", length(phenotypedIds)-length(newPheIds), " removed.")
phenotypedIds <- newPheIds
message(" none present.")
## Subset strata and ensure same ordering than phenotypedIds
strata <- strata[phenotypedIds]
## Subset the kinship matrix
## Transform the Matrix into a matrix... needs more memory, but runs faster.
affectedIds <- as.character(affectedIds)
phenotypedIds <- as.character(phenotypedIds)
kinAffected <- as.matrix(kin[affectedIds, affectedIds])
kinPhenotyped <- as.matrix(kin[phenotypedIds, phenotypedIds])
## Remove self-self kinship
diag(kinAffected) <- NA
diag(kinPhenotyped) <- NA
## Get groups of affected related individuals around each affected
## individual affectedKins is then a list one element for each affected
## individual with $aff being all affected individuals having kinship with
## the individual and $phe all phenotyped individuals up to a kinship
## being smaller or equal to the smallest kinship of the individual with
## any other affected.
## $kinfreq: a table with the frequency (counts) of kinship values
## (smaller 0.5) the names of the table correspond to the kinship
## values increasingly ordered.
affectedKins <- lapply(as.list(affectedIds), function(z){
## process all affected around the current affected
currentKin <- kinAffected[, z] ## that's a numeric now...
## get all individuals that share kinship...
currentKin <- currentKin[which(currentKin > 0)]
affIds <- c(z, names(currentKin))
## remove the self-self kinship
## currentKin <- currentKin[-(match(z, affIds))]
minKin <- ifelse(length(currentKin) > 0,
yes=min(currentKin, na.rm=TRUE), no=NA)
meanKin <- ifelse(length(currentKin) > 0,
yes=mean(currentKin, na.rm=TRUE), no=NA)
## process all phenotyped around the current affected
currentKin <- kinPhenotyped[, z]
## Note: which works nicely here even if minMin is NA
phenIds <- names(currentKin[which(currentKin >= minKin)])
## the kinship frequencies:
## returning a table with the count of all kinship values < 0.5; names
## of the table are the kinship values, increasingly ordered.
if(length(affIds) >= 2){
idx <- match(affIds, colnames(kinPhenotyped))
temp <- kinPhenotyped[idx, idx]
kinFreq <- table(as.vector(temp))
kinFreq <- NULL
return(list(aff=sort(affIds), pheno=sort(phenIds), kinfreq=kinFreq,
meankin=meanKin, minkin=minKin))
names(affectedKins) <- affectedIds
## remove duplicated entries...
## re-order affectedKins by phenotyped size... that way we select below the
## smaller kinship group if two groups have the same affected individuals.
## We select the smaller group to get more conservative p-values in the
## permutation below <- CHRIS
affectedKins <- affectedKins[order(unlist(lapply(affectedKins, function(z){
})), decreasing=FALSE)]
tmp <- lapply(affectedKins, function(z){z$aff})
affectedKins <- affectedKins[match(unique(tmp), tmp)] ## match returns only the first hit
## remove groups with a single affected
affectedKins <- affectedKins[unlist(lapply(affectedKins, function(z){
})) > 1]
## re-order the affectedKins
commonIds <- affectedIds[affectedIds %in% names(affectedKins)]
affectedKins <- affectedKins[commonIds]
## break...
if(length(affectedKins) == 0){
warning(paste0("Trait ",
": No family with more than one affected member found!"))
## Finally, do the simulations.
## 1) Sample number of affected individuals (length(affectedIds)) from all
## phenotyped (phenotypedIds).
## 2) Loop over the affected kin groups (affectedKins)
## 2.1) get those phenotyped in the affected kinship group that match the
## sampled ids.
## 2.2) if the expected overlap is >= than the observed -> +1 to
## frequency ratio.
## 2.3) get the kinship matrix for the overlap (if overlap >=2)
## 2.4) make a frequency table of the expected kinship values and check:
## a) if the largest expected kinship value is > any of the
## observed kinship values: -> +1 to the kinship frequency.
## b) if the largest expected kinship value == the largest observed
## kinship value: compare their counts and if the expected
## count >= the observed count: -> +1 to the kinship frequency.
## In other words:
## Define random sets of affected individuals by randomly selecting X
## individuals among all phenotyped individuals, with X being the total
## number of affected cases. Then, for each group, iteratively determine
## the number of individuals from the group which have been labeled as
## affected in the simulation and their kinship value.
ExpRatio <- ExpKin <- rep(0, length(affectedKins))
expTable <- expDensity <- vector("list", length(affectedKins))
nr.sim.todo <- nsim
while( nr.sim.todo>0 ) {
## Step size.
## We compute small chunks of simulated data in order to keep the memory
## footprint low. This involves strategies to add data to fixed vectors
## and compute incremental tables and densities. A set of tables is
## ultimately transformed to a histogram.
## Last simulation loop: run only the leftover number of steps.
nr.inc.sim <- min(1000, nr.sim.todo)
Sims <- lapply(1:nr.inc.sim, function(z){
return(sample(phenotypedIds, length(affectedIds)))
affStrataCounts <- table(strata[affectedIds])
affStrataCounts <- affStrataCounts[affStrataCounts > 0]
Sims <- lapply(1:nr.inc.sim, function(z){
idx <- stratsample(strata, counts=affStrataCounts)
BigRes <- vector("list", nr.inc.sim)
for( i in 1:nr.inc.sim ) {
ExpRes <- do.call(rbind, lapply(affectedKins, FUN=function(z){
Res <- c(0, 0, 0)
expectedAffInKin <- intersect(Sims[[i]], z$phe)
Res[3] <- length(expectedAffInKin)
if(length(expectedAffInKin) >= length(z$aff)){
Res[1] <- 1
## check frequency...
if(length(expectedAffInKin) >= 2){
## that's the slowest part of the function... subsetting of the
## kinship matrix...
## we get some speedup if we subset a matrix, not a Matrix!
expectedAffInKin <- match(expectedAffInKin,
expectedKin <- kinPhenotyped[expectedAffInKin, expectedAffInKin]
diag(expectedKin) <- NA
## get the table with the frequencies of kinship values...
expectedKinFreqs <- table(as.vector(expectedKin))
observedKinFreqs <- z$kinfreq
if(length(expectedKinFreqs) > 0 & length(observedKinFreqs) > 0){
## names of the table are the kinship values, ordered increasingly by size.
expKinShipValue <- names(expectedKinFreqs[length(expectedKinFreqs)])
obsKinShipValue <- names(observedKinFreqs[length(observedKinFreqs)])
if(as.numeric(expKinShipValue) >= as.numeric(obsKinShipValue)){
## if the kinship value is the same, compare the counts.
if(expectedKinFreqs[expKinShipValue] >=
Res[2] <- 1
## means it's larger, so add +1
Res[2] <- 1
ExpRatio <- ExpRatio + ExpRes[, 1]
ExpKin <- ExpKin + ExpRes[, 2]
BigRes[[i]] <- ExpRes[, 3]
## BigRes is now a list of length nr.inc.sim, each element a vector
## of length affectedKins.
ExpVals <- do.call(rbind, BigRes)
for( i in 1:ncol(ExpVals) ) {
expDensity[[i]] <- inc.density(ExpVals[, i], expDensity[[i]])
expTable[[i]] <- inc.table(ExpVals[, i], expTable[[i]])
names(expDensity) <- names(expTable) <- colnames(ExpVals)
nr.sim.todo <- nr.sim.todo - nr.inc.sim
## Done with the simulation. Compute the P values, histograms, and
## densities and get the hell outta here.
ExpRatio <- ExpRatio / nsim
ExpKin <- ExpKin / nsim
names(ExpRatio) <- names(affectedKins)
names(ExpKin) <- names(affectedKins)
expDensity <- expDensity[names(affectedKins)]
expHist <- lapply(expTable, FUN=table2hist.int)
expHist <- expHist[names(affectedKins)]
object@affectedKinshipGroups <- affectedKins
object@sim <- list(pvalueKinship=ExpKin, pvalueRatio=ExpRatio,
expDensity=expDensity, expHist=expHist)
object@nsim <- nsim
setMethod("result", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object, method="BH"){
## generate the result table...
method <- match.arg(method, p.adjust.methods)
Trait <- trait(object, na.rm=TRUE)
TraitName <- object@traitname
TraitName <- NA
## generate a dummy matrix...
MyRes <- data.frame(trait_name=TraitName,
check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
warning(paste0("No simulation data available! This means that",
" either no simulation was run yet (using the ",
"kinshipTest function or runSimulation method) ",
"or that the simulation returned no result."))
affKin <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)
ped <- pedigree(object)
ped <- ped[ped$id %in% names(affKin), c("id", "family")]
pedL <- split(ped, f=ped$id)
fams <- unlist(lapply(pedL, function(z){
return(paste(unique(z[, "family"]), collapse=", "))
fams <- fams[names(affKin)]
MyRes <- data.frame(trait_name = rep(TraitName, length(affKin)),
total_phenotyped = rep(length(Trait), length(affKin)),
total_affected = rep(sum(Trait!=0), length(affKin)),
phenotyped = rep(
affected = rep(
group_id = names(affKin),
family = fams,
group_phenotyped = unlist(lapply(affKin, function(z){
group_affected = unlist(lapply(affKin, function(z){
ratio_pvalue = object@sim$pvalueRatio,
ratio_padj = p.adjust(object@sim$pvalueRatio,
mean_kinship = unlist(lapply(affKin,
function(z) z$meankin)),
kinship_pvalue = object@sim$pvalueKinship,
kinship_padj = p.adjust(object@sim$pvalueKinship,
check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE
MyRes <- MyRes[order(MyRes$ratio_pvalue, MyRes$kinship_pvalue,
-MyRes$mean_kinship), ]
rownames(MyRes) <- as.character(MyRes$group_id)
## plotting method...
## plotPed representing the results from the kinship test.
## plotPed for FAKinGroupResults does only support plotting for id.
setMethod("plotPed", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object, id=NULL,
family=NULL, filename=NULL,
device="plot", ...){
stop("Generating a pedigree for a family is not supported for ",
"FAKinGroupResults. See help for more information.")
affGroup <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)
if(!any(names(affGroup) == id))
stop("The id should be one of the names of the affected kinship ",
"groups (i.e. names(affectedKinshipGroups(object)))!")
id <- as.character(id)
affGroup <- affGroup[[id]]
callNextMethod(object = object, id = id, family = family,
filename = filename, device = device,
proband.id = unique(c(affGroup$aff, affGroup$pheno)), ...)
## this buildPed simply ensures that all phenotyped in the group will be
## included in the pedigree.
setMethod("buildPed", "FAKinGroupResults",
function(object, id = NULL, max.generations.up = 3,
max.generations.down = 16, prune = FALSE) {
if (is.null(id))
stop("The id of the group has to be speficied!")
affGroup <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)
id <- as.character(id)
if (!any(names(affGroup) == id))
stop("The id should be one of the names of the affected ",
"kinship groups (i.e. ",
affGroup <- affGroup[[id]]
phenoAndAff <- as.character(unique(c(affGroup$aff,
kin <- kinship(object)
ped <- family(object, id=id)
whichs <- which(colnames(kin) %in% ped$id)
## get the kinship of the kin with all other in the pedigree
kin <- kin[id, whichs]
keep <- names(kin)[kin >= affGroup$minkin]
keep <- unique(c(keep, affGroup$pheno, affGroup$aff))
ped <- callNextMethod(object=object, id=keep, prune=prune,
## this is to get all those that are related with any individuals of the group!!!
setMethod("shareKinship", "FAKinGroupResults",
function(object, id = NULL, rmKinship = 0) {
if (is.null(id))
stop("The id of the group has to be speficied!")
affGroup <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)
id <- as.character(id)
if (!any(names(affGroup) == id))
stop("The id should be one of the names of the affected kinship ",
"groups (i.e. names(affectedKinshipGroups(object)))!")
affGroup <- affGroup[[id]]
allids <- unique(c(affGroup$aff, affGroup$pheno))
## get all individuals of the group...
doShareKinship(kin=kinship(object), id=allids, rmKinship=rmKinship)
## plot the pedigree for the kinship group...
## the function does add eventually missing parents.
plotPedForKinshipResult <- function(object, groupid=NULL, filename=NULL,
device="pdf", ...){
stop("No id specified!")
if(length(groupid) > 1){
groupid <- groupid[1]
warning("length groupid > 1; using only the first element!")
groupid <- as.character(groupid)
if(!any(names(affectedKinshipGroups(object)) == groupid))
stop("groupid should be one of the names of the affected kinship ",
"groups (i.e. names(affectedKinshipGroups(object)))!")
affs <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)[[groupid]]$aff
phens <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)[[groupid]]$pheno
fam <- buildPedigree(family(object, id=groupid), ids=unique(c(affs, phens)))
cat("nrow fam ", nrow(fam), " length affs phens: ",
length(unique(c(affs, phens))), "\n")
## check if we've got affected
affected <- fam[, "affected"]
affected <- rep(NA, nrow(fam))
names(affected) <- fam$id
## check ages...
ages <- age(object)[fam$id]
ages[!is.na(ages)] <- paste(format(ages[!is.na(ages)], digits=3), "years")
## ages[!is.na(ages)] <- sprintf("%d years", ages[!is.na(ages)])
ages[is.na(ages)] <- ""
## do not have affected... obviously...
is.proband <- rep(FALSE, nrow(fam))
names(is.proband) <- fam$id
is.proband[as.character(groupid)] <- TRUE
## how is the code from Daniel labeling the affected:
## - any phenotyped: 1
## - any affected: 4
## - any affected in the affected group: 2.
## OK, now plot!!!
res <- doPlotPed(family=fam$family, individual=fam$id, father=fam$father,
mother=fam$mother, gender=fam$sex, is.proband=is.proband,
text1.below.symbol=ages, affected=affected,
filename=filename, device=device, ...)
setMethod("[", "FAKinGroupResults", function(x, i, j, ..., drop){
stop("Subsetting of a FAKinGroupResults object is not supported!")
## This will be a crazy funky method to plot the simulation results.
setMethod("plotRes", "FAKinGroupResults", function(object, id = NULL,
family = NULL,
addLegend = TRUE,
type = "density", ...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("density", "hist"))
if(length(object@sim) == 0)
stop("No analysis performed yet!")
stop("The id of the affected individual for whom the simulation ",
"results should be displayed has to be specified!")
id <- as.character(id)
## result on family is not allowed.
if(!is.null(family) | length(id) > 1)
stop("plotRes for FAKinGroupResults does only support specifying ",
"a single id!")
## check if the id is an affected for which we tested...
if(!any(names(object@sim$pvalueKinship) == id))
stop("No simulation result is available for individual ", id,
". id should be one of result(object)$group_id.")
## OK, now we can really start doing things...
affGroup <- affectedKinshipGroups(object)[[id]]
meanKin <- affGroup$meankin
affCount <- length(affGroup$aff)
pheCount <- length(affGroup$phe)
kinPval <- object@sim$pvalueKinship[id]
fam <- family(object, id=id)[1, "family"]
ratioP <- object@sim$pvalueRatio[id]
kinP <- object@sim$pvalueKinship[id]
if(type == "density"){
toplot <- object@sim$expDensity[[id]]
XL <- range(c(range(toplot$x), affCount))
plot(toplot, main=paste0("Affected: ", id, ", family: ", fam),
xlab="Affected count", type="h",
lwd=3, col="lightgrey", xlim=XL)
points(toplot, col="grey", type="l", lwd=2)
if(type == "hist"){
toplot <- object@sim$expHist[[id]]
XL <- range(c(range(toplot$mids), affCount))
plot(toplot, main=paste0("Affected: ", id, ", family: ", fam),
xlab="Affected count",
col="lightgrey", border="grey", xlim=XL)
Blue <- "#377EB8"
abline(v=affCount, col=Blue)
legend=c(paste0("affect. count: ", affCount),
paste0("pheno. count: ", pheCount),
paste0("ratio p-value: ", format(ratioP, digits=3)),
paste0("mean kinship: ", format(meanKin, digits=3)),
paste0("kinhip p-value: ", format(kinPval, digits=3))
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