#' @include Methods.R
#' @title Map protein-relative coordinates to positions within the transcript
#' @name proteinToTranscript
#' @aliases proteinToTranscript proteinToTranscript,EnsDb-method
#' @description
#' `proteinToTranscript` maps protein-relative coordinates to positions within
#' the encoding transcript. Note that the returned positions are relative to
#' the complete transcript length, which includes the 5' UTR.
#' The regions within the protein sequence need to be provided as a named
#' `IRanges` object with the names being protein identifiers and the start and
#' end coordinates (within these proteins) defined by the `IRanges` object. As
#' an alternative to the `IRanges`' names, protein identifiers can also be
#' provided through a metadata column (see details below).
#' Similar to the [proteinToGenome()] function, `proteinToTranscript` compares
#' for each protein whether the length of its sequence matches the length of
#' the encoding CDS and throws a warning if that is not the case. Incomplete
#' 3' or 5' CDS of the encoding transcript are the most common reasons for a
#' mismatch between protein and transcript sequences.
#' @details
#' Protein identifiers (supported are Ensembl protein IDs or Uniprot IDs) can
#' be passed to the function as `names` of the `x` `IRanges` object, or
#' alternatively in any one of the metadata columns (`mcols`) of `x`.
#' @note
#' While mapping of Ensembl protein IDs to Ensembl transcript IDs is 1:1, a
#' single Uniprot identifier can be annotated to several Ensembl protein IDs.
#' `proteinToTranscript` calculates in such cases transcript-relative
#' coordinates for each annotated Ensembl protein.
#' Mapping using Uniprot identifiers needs also additional internal checks that
#' can have a significant impact on the performance of the function. It is thus
#' strongly suggested to first identify the Ensembl protein identifiers for the
#' list of input Uniprot identifiers (e.g. using the [proteins()] function and
#' use these as input for the mapping function.
#' @inheritParams proteinToGenome
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed on.
#' @return
#' `IRangesList`, each element being the mapping results for one of the input
#' ranges in `x`. Each element is a `IRanges` object with the positions within
#' the encoding transcript (relative to the start of the transcript, which
#' includes the 5' UTR). The transcript ID is reported as the name of each
#' `IRanges`. The `IRanges` can be of length > 1 if the provided
#' protein identifier is annotated to more than one Ensembl protein ID (which
#' can be the case if Uniprot IDs are provided). If the coordinates can not be
#' mapped (because the protein identifier is unknown to the database) an
#' `IRanges` with negative coordinates is returned.
#' The following metadata columns are available in each `IRanges` in the result:
#' + `"protein_id"`: the ID of the Ensembl protein for which the within-protein
#' coordinates were mapped to the genome.
#' + `"tx_id"`: the Ensembl transcript ID of the encoding transcript.
#' + `"cds_ok"`: contains `TRUE` if the length of the CDS matches the length
#' of the amino acid sequence and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' + `"protein_start"`: the within-protein sequence start coordinate of the
#' mapping.
#' + `"protein_end"`: the within-protein sequence end coordinate of the mapping.
#' @family coordinate mapping functions
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' ## Restrict all further queries to chromosome x to speed up the examples
#' edbx <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "X")
#' ## Define an IRange with protein-relative coordinates within a protein for
#' ## the gene SYP
#' syp <- IRanges(start = 4, end = 17)
#' names(syp) <- "ENSP00000418169"
#' res <- proteinToTranscript(syp, edbx)
#' res
#' ## Positions 4 to 17 within the protein span are encoded by the region
#' ## from nt 23 to 64.
#' ## Perform the mapping for multiple proteins identified by their Uniprot
#' ## IDs.
#' ids <- c("O15266", "Q9HBJ8", "unexistant")
#' prngs <- IRanges(start = c(13, 43, 100), end = c(21, 80, 100))
#' names(prngs) <- ids
#' res <- proteinToTranscript(prngs, edbx, idType = "uniprot_id")
#' ## The result is a list, same length as the input object
#' length(res)
#' names(res)
#' ## No protein/encoding transcript could be found for the last one
#' res[[3]]
#' ## The first protein could be mapped to multiple Ensembl proteins. The
#' ## region within all transcripts encoding the region in the protein are
#' ## returned
#' res[[1]]
#' ## The result for the region within the second protein
#' res[[2]]
setGeneric("proteinToTranscript", signature="db",
function(x, db, ...) standardGeneric("proteinToTranscript")
setMethod("proteinToTranscript", "EnsDb",
function(x, db, id = "name", idType = "protein_id") {
if (missing(x) || !is(x, "IRanges"))
stop("Argument 'x' is required and has to be an 'IRanges' object")
if (missing(db) || !is(db, "EnsDb"))
stop("Argument 'db' is required and has to be an 'EnsDb' object")
coords_cds <- .proteinCoordsToTx(x)
## 1) retrieve CDS for each protein
message("Fetching CDS for ", length(x), " proteins ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_for_id_range(db, x, id = id, idType = idType)
miss <- lengths(cds_genome) == 0
if (any(miss))
warning("No CDS found for: ", paste0(names(cds_genome)[miss],
collapse = ", "))
message(sum(!miss), " found")
## 2) ensure that the CDS matches the AA sequence length
message("Checking CDS and protein sequence lengths ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_matching_protein(db, cds_genome)
are_ok <- vapply(cds_genome, function(z) {
if (is(z, "GRangesList"))
else NA
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
are_ok <- are_ok[!is.na(are_ok)]
## We've got now a list of GRanges
message(sum(are_ok), "/", length(are_ok), " OK")
## Get for each transcript it's 5' UTR and add its width to the coords_cds
tx_ids <- unique(unlist(lapply(cds_genome, names), use.names = FALSE))
if (length(tx_ids)) {
five_utr <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(db, filter = TxIdFilter(tx_ids))
## Calculate 5' widths for these
five_width <- sum(width(five_utr))
cds_genome, as(coords_cds, "IRangesList"), split(x, 1:length(x)),
FUN = function(gnm, cds, prt) {
if (is.null(gnm)) {
## Define the metadata columns
mc <- DataFrame(protein_id = NA_character_,
tx_id = NA_character_,
cds_ok = NA,
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt))
if (idType == "uniprot_id")
mc$uniprot_id <- names(prt)
else mc$protein_id <- names(prt)
ir <- IRanges(start = -1, width = 1)
mcols(ir) <- mc
mcols(ir) <- cbind(mcols(ir),mcols(prt))
} else {
ids <- names(gnm)
res <- IRanges(start = start(cds) + five_width[ids],
end = end(cds) + five_width[ids],
names = ids)
## Populate mcols
mc <- DataFrame(
protein_id = unlist(
lapply(gnm, function(z) z$protein_id[1])),
tx_id = ids,
cds_ok = gnm[[1]]$cds_ok[1],
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt)
if (idType == "uniprot_id")
mc$uniprot_id <- names(prt)
mcols(res) <- mc
mcols(res) <- cbind(mcols(res),mcols(prt))
}), "IRangesList")
#' @rdname proteinToTranscript
#' @aliases proteinToTranscript proteinToTranscript,Preloaded-method
#' @inheritParams proteinToGenome
#' @param fiveUTR A `CompressedGRangesList` object generated by
#' [fiveUTRsByTranscript()].
#' @family coordinate mapping functions
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Meanwhile, this function can be called in parallel processes if you preload
#' ## the CDS data with desired data columns and fiveUTR data
#' cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c(listColumns(edbx,'tx'),'protein_id','uniprot_id','protein_sequence'))
#' # cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c(listColumns(edbx,'tx'),'protein_id','protein_sequence'))
#' # cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c('tx_id','protein_id','protein_sequence'))
#' fiveUTR <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(edbx)
#' ## Define an IRange with protein-relative coordinates within a protein for
#' ## the gene SYP
#' syp <- IRanges(start = 4, end = 17)
#' names(syp) <- "ENSP00000418169"
#' res <- proteinToTranscript(syp, cds, fiveUTR = fiveUTR)
#' res
#' ## Positions 4 to 17 within the protein span are encoded by the region
#' ## from nt 23 to 64.
#' ## Perform the mapping for multiple proteins identified by their Uniprot
#' ## IDs.
#' ids <- c("O15266", "Q9HBJ8", "unexistant")
#' prngs <- IRanges(start = c(13, 43, 100), end = c(21, 80, 100))
#' names(prngs) <- ids
#' res <- proteinToTranscript(prngs, cds, idType = "uniprot_id", fiveUTR = fiveUTR)
setMethod("proteinToTranscript", "CompressedGRangesList",
function(x, db, id = "name", idType = "protein_id", fiveUTR) {
if (missing(x) || !is(x, "IRanges"))
stop("Argument 'x' is required and has to be an 'IRanges' object")
if (missing(db) || !is(db, "CompressedGRangesList"))
stop("Argument 'db' is required and has to be an 'CompressedGRangesList' object")
if (missing(fiveUTR) || !is(fiveUTR, "CompressedGRangesList"))
stop("Argument 'fiveUTR' is required and has to be an 'CompressedGRangesList' object")
coords_cds <- .proteinCoordsToTx(x)
## 1) retrieve CDS for each protein
message("Fetching CDS for ", length(x), " proteins ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_for_id_range(db, x, id = id, idType = idType)
miss <- lengths(cds_genome) == 0
if (any(miss))
warning("No CDS found for: ", paste0(names(cds_genome)[miss],
collapse = ", "))
message(sum(!miss), " found")
## 2) ensure that the CDS matches the AA sequence length
message("Checking CDS and protein sequence lengths ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_matching_protein(cds_genome)
are_ok <- vapply(cds_genome, function(z) {
if (is(z, "GRangesList"))
else NA
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
are_ok <- are_ok[!is.na(are_ok)]
## We've got now a list of GRanges
message(sum(are_ok), "/", length(are_ok), " OK")
## Get for each transcript it's 5' UTR and add its width to the coords_cds
tx_ids <- unique(unlist(lapply(cds_genome, names), use.names = FALSE))
if (length(tx_ids)) {
five_utr <- fiveUTR[names(fiveUTR) %in% tx_ids]
## Calculate 5' widths for these
five_width <- sum(width(five_utr))
cds_genome, as(coords_cds, "IRangesList"), split(x, 1:length(x)),
FUN = function(gnm, cds, prt) {
if (is.null(gnm)) {
## Define the metadata columns
mc <- DataFrame(protein_id = NA_character_,
tx_id = NA_character_,
cds_ok = NA,
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt))
if (idType == "uniprot_id")
mc$uniprot_id <- names(prt)
else mc$protein_id <- names(prt)
ir <- IRanges(start = -1, width = 1)
mcols(ir) <- mc
mcols(ir) <- cbind(mcols(ir),mcols(prt))
} else {
ids <- names(gnm)
res <- IRanges(start = start(cds) + five_width[ids],
end = end(cds) + five_width[ids],
names = ids)
## Populate mcols
mc <- DataFrame(
protein_id = unlist(
lapply(gnm, function(z) z$protein_id[1])),
tx_id = ids,
cds_ok = gnm[[1]]$cds_ok[1],
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt)
if (idType == "uniprot_id")
mc$uniprot_id <- names(prt)
mcols(res) <- mc
mcols(res) <- cbind(mcols(res),mcols(prt))
}), "IRangesList")
#' @title Map within-protein coordinates to genomic coordinates
#' @name proteinToGenome
#' @aliases proteinToGenome proteinToGenome,EnsDb-method
#' @description
#' `proteinToGenome` maps protein-relative coordinates to genomic coordinates
#' based on the genomic coordinates of the CDS of the encoding transcript. The
#' encoding transcript is identified using protein-to-transcript annotations
#' (and eventually Uniprot to Ensembl protein identifier mappings) from the
#' submitted `EnsDb` object (and thus based on annotations from Ensembl).
#' The regions within the protein sequence need to be provided as a named
#' `IRanges` object with the names being protein identifiers and the start and
#' end coordinates (within these proteins) defined by the `IRanges` object. As
#' an alternative to the `IRanges`' names, protein identifiers can also be
#' provided through a metadata column (see details below).
#' Note that not all coding regions for protein coding transcripts are
#' complete, and the function thus checks also if the length of the coding
#' region matches the length of the protein sequence and throws a warning if
#' that is not the case.
#' The genomic coordinates for the within-protein coordinates, the Ensembl
#' protein ID, the ID of the encoding transcript and the within protein start
#' and end coordinates are reported for each input range.
#' @details
#' Protein identifiers (supported are Ensembl protein IDs or Uniprot IDs) can
#' be passed to the function as `names` of the `x` `IRanges` object, or
#' alternatively in any one of the metadata columns (`mcols`) of `x`.
#' @note
#' While the mapping for Ensembl protein IDs to encoding transcripts (and
#' thus CDS) is 1:1, the mapping between Uniprot identifiers and encoding
#' transcripts (which is based on Ensembl annotations) can be one to many. In
#' such cases `proteinToGenome` calculates genomic coordinates for
#' within-protein coordinates for all of the annotated Ensembl proteins and
#' returns all of them. See below for examples.
#' Mapping using Uniprot identifiers needs also additional internal checks that
#' have a significant impact on the performance of the function. It is thus
#' strongly suggested to first identify the Ensembl protein identifiers for the
#' list of input Uniprot identifiers (e.g. using the [proteins()] function and
#' use these as input for the mapping function.
#' A warning is thrown for proteins which sequence does not match the coding
#' sequence length of any encoding transcripts. For such proteins/transcripts
#' a `FALSE` is reported in the respective `"cds_ok"` metadata column.
#' The most common reason for such discrepancies are incomplete 3' or 5' ends
#' of the CDS. The positions within the protein might not be correclty
#' mapped to the genome in such cases and it might be required to check
#' the mapping manually in the Ensembl genome browser.
#' @param x `IRanges` with the coordinates within the protein(s). The
#' object has also to provide some means to identify the protein (see
#' details).
#' @param db `EnsDb` object to be used to retrieve genomic coordinates of
#' encoding transcripts.
#' @param id `character(1)` specifying where the protein identifier can be
#' found. Has to be either `"name"` or one of `colnames(mcols(x))`.
#' @param idType `character(1)` defining what type of IDs are provided. Has to
#' be one of `"protein_id"` (default), `"uniprot_id"` or `"tx_id"`.
#' @return
#' `list`, each element being the mapping results for one of the input
#' ranges in `x` and names being the IDs used for the mapping. Each
#' element can be either a:
#' + `GRanges` object with the genomic coordinates calculated on the
#' protein-relative coordinates for the respective Ensembl protein (stored in
#' the `"protein_id"` metadata column.
#' + `GRangesList` object, if the provided protein identifier in `x` was
#' mapped to several Ensembl protein IDs (e.g. if Uniprot identifiers were
#' used). Each element in this `GRangesList` is a `GRanges` with the genomic
#' coordinates calculated for the protein-relative coordinates from the
#' respective Ensembl protein ID.
#' The following metadata columns are available in each `GRanges` in the result:
#' + `"protein_id"`: the ID of the Ensembl protein for which the within-protein
#' coordinates were mapped to the genome.
#' + `"tx_id"`: the Ensembl transcript ID of the encoding transcript.
#' + `"exon_id"`: ID of the exons that have overlapping genomic coordinates.
#' + `"exon_rank"`: the rank/index of the exon within the encoding transcript.
#' + `"cds_ok"`: contains `TRUE` if the length of the CDS matches the length
#' of the amino acid sequence and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' + `"protein_start"`: the within-protein sequence start coordinate of the
#' mapping.
#' + `"protein_end"`: the within-protein sequence end coordinate of the mapping.
#' Genomic coordinates are returned ordered by the exon index within the
#' transcript.
#' @family coordinate mapping functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{proteinToGenome}} in the
#' \pkg{GenomicFeatures} package for methods that operate on a
#' TxDb or GRangesList object.
#' @author Johannes Rainer based on initial code from Laurent Gatto and
#' Sebastian Gibb
#' @md
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' ## Restrict all further queries to chromosome x to speed up the examples
#' edbx <- filter(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, filter = ~ seq_name == "X")
#' ## Define an IRange with protein-relative coordinates within a protein for
#' ## the gene SYP
#' syp <- IRanges(start = 4, end = 17)
#' names(syp) <- "ENSP00000418169"
#' res <- proteinToGenome(syp, edbx)
#' res
#' ## Positions 4 to 17 within the protein span two exons of the encoding
#' ## transcript.
#' ## Perform the mapping for multiple proteins identified by their Uniprot
#' ## IDs.
#' ids <- c("O15266", "Q9HBJ8", "unexistant")
#' prngs <- IRanges(start = c(13, 43, 100), end = c(21, 80, 100))
#' names(prngs) <- ids
#' res <- proteinToGenome(prngs, edbx, idType = "uniprot_id")
#' ## The result is a list, same length as the input object
#' length(res)
#' names(res)
#' ## No protein/encoding transcript could be found for the last one
#' res[[3]]
#' ## The first protein could be mapped to multiple Ensembl proteins. The
#' ## mapping result using all of their encoding transcripts are returned
#' res[[1]]
#' ## The coordinates within the second protein span two exons
#' res[[2]]
setMethod("proteinToGenome", "EnsDb",
function(x, db, id = "name", idType = "protein_id") {
if (missing(x) || !is(x, "IRanges"))
stop("Argument 'x' is required and has to be an 'IRanges' object")
if (missing(db) || !is(db, "EnsDb"))
stop("Argument 'db' is required and has to be an 'EnsDb' object")
coords_cds <- .proteinCoordsToTx(x)
## 1) retrieve CDS for each protein
message("Fetching CDS for ", length(x), " proteins ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_for_id_range(db, x, id = id, idType = idType)
miss <- lengths(cds_genome) == 0
if (any(miss))
warning("No CDS found for: ", paste0(names(cds_genome)[miss],
collapse = ", "))
message(sum(!miss), " found")
## 2) ensure that the CDS matches the AA sequence length
message("Checking CDS and protein sequence lengths ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_matching_protein(db, cds_genome)
are_ok <- unlist(lapply(cds_genome, function(z) {
if (is(z, "GRangesList") & length(z) > 0)
else NA
message(sum(are_ok, na.rm = TRUE), "/", length(are_ok), " OK")
are_ok <- are_ok[!is.na(are_ok)]
## We've got now a list of GRanges
## Perform the mapping for each input range with each mapped cds
x_IRangesList <- as(x, "IRangesList") ## preserve the metadata
x_IRangesList@unlistData@elementMetadata <- x@elementMetadata
res <- mapply(
cds_genome, as(coords_cds, "IRangesList"), x_IRangesList,
FUN = function(gnm, cds, prt) {
if (!length(gnm)) { ## addresses NULL and empty elements
} else {
## Unlist because we'd like to have a GRanges here. Will split
## again later.
maps <- unlist(.to_genome(gnm, cds))
## Don't want to have GRanges names!
names(maps) <- NULL
mcols(maps) <- cbind(mcols(maps),
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt))
mcols(maps) <- cbind(mcols(maps),mcols(prt))
## Split each element again, if there are more than one protein_id. Names
## of the elements are then the protein_id.
lapply(res, function(z) {
if (length(unique(z$protein_id)) > 1)
split(z, f = z$protein_id)
else z
#' @rdname proteinToGenome
#' @aliases proteinToGenome proteinToGenome,Preloaded-method
#' @param db For the method for `EnsDb` objects: An `EnsDb` object to be used to
#' retrieve genomic coordinates of encoding transcripts.<br><br>
#' For the method for `CompressedGRangesList` objects: A `CompressedGRangesList` object
#' generated by [cdsBy()] where by = 'tx' and columns = c('tx_id'
#' ,'protein_id','uniprot_id','protein_sequence').
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Meanwhile, this function can be called in parallel processes if you preload
#' ## the CDS data with desired data columns
#' cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c(listColumns(edbx,'tx'),'protein_id','uniprot_id','protein_sequence'))
#' # cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c(listColumns(edbx,'tx'),'protein_id','protein_sequence'))
#' # cds <- cdsBy(edbx,columns = c('tx_id','protein_id','protein_sequence'))
#' ## Define an IRange with protein-relative coordinates within a protein for
#' ## the gene SYP
#' syp <- IRanges(start = 4, end = 17)
#' names(syp) <- "ENSP00000418169"
#' res <- proteinToGenome(syp, cds)
#' res
#' ## Positions 4 to 17 within the protein span two exons of the encoding
#' ## transcript.
#' ## Perform the mapping for multiple proteins identified by their Uniprot
#' ## IDs.
#' ids <- c("O15266", "Q9HBJ8", "unexistant")
#' prngs <- IRanges(start = c(13, 43, 100), end = c(21, 80, 100))
#' names(prngs) <- ids
#' res <- proteinToGenome(prngs, cds, idType = "uniprot_id")
setMethod("proteinToGenome", "CompressedGRangesList",
function(x, db, id = "name", idType = "protein_id") {
if (missing(x) || !is(x, "IRanges"))
stop("Argument 'x' is required and has to be an 'IRanges' object")
if (missing(db) || !is(db, "CompressedGRangesList"))
stop("Argument 'db' is required and has to be an 'CompressedGRangesList' object")
coords_cds <- .proteinCoordsToTx(x)
## 1) retrieve CDS for each protein
message("Fetching CDS for ", length(x), " proteins ... ",
appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_for_id_range(db, x, id = id, idType = idType)
miss <- lengths(cds_genome) == 0
if (any(miss))
warning("No CDS found for: ", paste0(names(cds_genome)[miss],
collapse = ", "))
message(sum(!miss), " found")
## 2) ensure that the CDS matches the AA sequence length
message("Checking CDS and protein sequence lengths ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
cds_genome <- .cds_matching_protein(cds_genome)
are_ok <- unlist(lapply(cds_genome, function(z) {
if (is(z, "GRangesList") & length(z) > 0)
else NA
message(sum(are_ok, na.rm = TRUE), "/", length(are_ok), " OK")
are_ok <- are_ok[!is.na(are_ok)]
## We've got now a list of GRanges
## Perform the mapping for each input range with each mapped cds
x_IRangesList <- as(x, "IRangesList") ## preserve the metadata
x_IRangesList@unlistData@elementMetadata <- x@elementMetadata
res <- mapply(
cds_genome, as(coords_cds, "IRangesList"), x_IRangesList,
FUN = function(gnm, cds, prt) {
if (!length(gnm)) { ## addresses NULL and empty elements
} else {
## Unlist because we'd like to have a GRanges here. Will split
## again later.
maps <- unlist(.to_genome(gnm, cds))
## Don't want to have GRanges names!
names(maps) <- NULL
mcols(maps) <- cbind(mcols(maps),
protein_start = start(prt),
protein_end = end(prt))
mcols(maps) <- cbind(mcols(maps),mcols(prt))
## Split each element again, if there are more than one protein_id. Names
## of the elements are then the protein_id.
lapply(res, function(z) {
if (length(unique(z$protein_id)) > 1)
split(z, f = z$protein_id)
else z
#' @description Convert within-protein coordinates to transcript (CDS) relative
#' coordinates.
#' @param x `IRanges` object with coordinates within a protein sequence.
#' @return `IRanges` with the coordinates within the coding region (!) of the
#' encoding transcript.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' prt <- IRanges(start = 23, end = 27)
#' .proteinCoordsToTx(prt)
.proteinCoordsToTx <- function(x) {
end(x) <- end(x) * 3
start(x) <- 1 + (start(x) - 1) * 3
#' @description
#' Fetch the CDS for all transcripts encoding the specified protein.
#' @param x `EnsDb` object.
#' @param id `character` with the protein ID(s).
#' @param idType `character(1)` defining what type of IDs are provided. Has to
#' be one of `"protein_id"` (default), `"uniprot_id"` or `"tx_id"`.
#' @return a `list` with the CDS of the encoding transcript(s) for each provided
#' id (as a `GRangesList`). Names of the `list` are the ids, if no
#' transcript was found `NULL` is returned.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.cds_for_id <- function(x, id, idType = "protein_id") {
cds <- lapply(id,
FUN = function(x_id) {
res <-
cdsBy(x, by = "tx",
filter = .filter_for_idType(x_id, idType),
columns = unique(c(idType,
if (length(res) == 0)
warning("No CDS found for '", x_id, "'",
call. = FALSE)
names(cds) <- id
#' @description Fetch the CDS for all transcripts encoding the specified protein.
#' @note
#' Use one query to fetch CDS for all (unique) input IDs. If input IDs are
#' Uniprot identifiers we have to perform additional checks and data
#' re-organizations because one transcript (and thus CDS) can be associated
#' with multiple Uniprot identifiers.
#' @param x `EnsDb` object.
#' @param id `character` with the protein ID(s).
#' @param idType `character(1)` defining what type of IDs are provided. Has to
#' be one of `"protein_id"` (default), `"uniprot_id"` or `"tx_id"`.
#' @return a `list` with the CDS of the encoding transcript(s) for each provided
#' id (as a `GRangesList`). Names of the `list` are the ids, if no
#' transcript was found `NULL` is returned.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.cds_for_id2 <- function(x, id, idType = "protein_id") {
if (idType != "tx_id") {
map <- transcripts(x, filter = .filter_for_idType(unique(id), idType),
columns = c("tx_id", idType), order.by = "tx_id",
return.type = "data.frame")
tx_id <- split(map$tx_id, map[, idType])
} else {
tx_id <- id
tx_id <- split(tx_id, id)
if (length(tx_id)) {
cds <- cdsBy(
x, columns = unique(c(idType, "tx_id", "protein_id")), by = "tx",
filter = TxIdFilter(unique(unlist(tx_id, use.names = FALSE))))
if (length(cds)) {
if (idType == "uniprot_id") {
## Additional (in)sanity checks for Uniprot identifiers
## This has a significant impact on performance, but otherwise
## we end up with duplicated transcript entries!
tmp <- unlist(cds)
tmp <- as.list(split(unname(tmp), tmp$uniprot_id))
cds <- lapply(tmp, function(z) split(z, z$tx_id))
} else
cds <- lapply(tx_id, function(z) cds[z])
else cds <- list()
} else cds <- list()
cds <- cds[id]
names(cds) <- id # to add also names for elements not found
#' @description Fetch the CDS for all transcripts encoding the specified protein using
#' preloaded data.
#' @note
#' Use one query to fetch CDS for all (unique) input IDs using preloaded data. If input
#' IDs are Uniprot identifiers we have to perform additional checks and data
#' re-organizations because one transcript (and thus CDS) can be associated
#' with multiple Uniprot identifiers.
#' @param x `CompressedGRangesList` object generated by [cdsBy()] where
#' by = 'tx' and columns = c(listColumns(edb,'tx'),'protein_id','uniprot_id','protein_sequence').
#' @param id `character` with the protein ID(s).
#' @param idType `character(1)` defining what type of IDs are provided. Has to
#' be one of `"protein_id"` (default), `"uniprot_id"` or `"tx_id"`.
#' @return a `list` with the CDS of the encoding transcript(s) for each provided
#' id (as a `GRangesList`). Names of the `list` are the ids, if no
#' transcript was found `NULL` is returned.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Boyu Yu
#' @md
#' @noRd
setMethod(".cds_for_id2", "CompressedGRangesList",
function(x, id, idType = "protein_id") {
## No need for get the transcripts first, just use the metadata of CDS
## if you find this modification well, you may want to change the
## generic .cds_for_id2 function above
if (!all(c("tx_id", "protein_id",idType,"protein_sequence") %in% colnames(mcols(x[[1]]))))
"CDS must have",
unique(c("'tx_id'","'protein_sequence'", "'protein_id'",paste("'",idType,"'",sep=''))),
"in the metadata."
collapse = ' ')
map <- x@unlistData[as.data.frame(x@partitioning)[,1]]@elementMetadata[,unique(c('tx_id', 'protein_id', idType))]
map <- map[map[,idType] %in% id,]
if (idType != "tx_id") {
tx_id <- split(map$tx_id, map[, idType])
} else {
tx_id <- id
tx_id <- split(tx_id, id)
if (length(tx_id)) {
cds <- x[names(x) %in% unique(unlist(tx_id, use.names = FALSE))]
if (length(cds)) {
if (idType == "uniprot_id") {
## Additional (in)sanity checks for Uniprot identifiers
## This has a significant impact on performance, but otherwise
## we end up with duplicated transcript entries!
tmp <- unlist(cds)
tmp <- as.list(split(unname(tmp), tmp$uniprot_id))
cds <- lapply(tmp, function(z) split(z, z$tx_id))
} else if ("uniprot_id" %in% colnames(mcols(x[[1]]))) {
"Multiple uniprot ids were preserved for the same transcript entry. ",
"Please don't include uniprot_id column in cdsBy() if unneeded."
cds <- lapply(tx_id, function(z) cds[z])
} else {
cds <- lapply(tx_id, function(z) cds[z])
else cds <- list()
} else cds <- list()
cds <- cds[id]
names(cds) <- id # to add also names for elements not found
#' @description
#' Uses .cds_for_id to fetch CDS for protein identifiers and in addition
#' checks that the CDS has a length that fits the range.
#' @param x `EndDb` object.
#' @param range The `IRange` with the position within protein.
#' @param id `character(1)` specifying where the protein identifier can be found.
#' Has to be either `"name"` or one of `colnames(mcols(prng))`.
#' @param idType `character(1)` defining what type of IDs are provided. Has to
#' be one of `"protein_id"` (default), `"uniprot_id"` or `"tx_id"`.
#' @return `list` of `GRangesList`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.cds_for_id_range <- function(x, range, id = "name", idType = "protein_id") {
idType <- match.arg(idType, c("protein_id", "uniprot_id", "tx_id"))
if (!(id %in% c("name", colnames(mcols(range)))))
stop("'id' should be either \"name\" (if identifiers are provided as ",
"the IRanges' names) or one of the column names of the IRanges ",
"metadata (mcols()).", call. = FALSE)
if (id == "name")
ids <- names(range)
else ids <- mcols(range)[, id]
if (length(ids) != length(range) | all(is.na(ids)))
stop("No protein/transcript identifiers found. Please provide the ",
"IDs through the IRanges' names or one of its metadata columns.",
call. = FALSE)
cds <- .cds_for_id2(x, ids, idType = idType)
## check returned CDS if their width matches the provided protein ranges
mapply(cds, end(range) * 3,
FUN = function(x, x_end) {
if (!is.null(x))
x[sum(width(x)) >= x_end]
#' @description
#' Fetches the protein sequence using the provided `"protein_id"` in `cds` and
#' checks whether the cds lenghts match the protein sequence. The
#' function returns all CDS for each protein/transcript that have the correct
#' length) and throws a warning if none of the specified CDS matches the
#' protein sequence. In the latter case a single CDS (the one with the CDS
#' length closest to the expected length). Whether a CDS has the expected length
#' or not is also reported in the metadata column `"cds_ok"`.
#' @details
#' Mismatch between the CDS and the AA sequence are in most instances caused by
#' incomplete (3' or 5') CDS sequences.
#' @param x `EnsDb` object.
#' @param cds `GRangesList`
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed on..
#' @return `list` of `GRangesList`s with one list element per input protein,
#' and the `GRangesList` containing the CDS of all matching (or one not
#' matching) transcripts.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
setGeneric(".cds_matching_protein", signature="x",
function(x, ...) standardGeneric(".cds_matching_protein")
setMethod(".cds_matching_protein", "EnsDb",
function(x, cds) {
## Fetch the protein sequences, all in one go.
## Loop through the cds
prot_ids <- unique(unlist(lapply(cds, function(z) {
lapply(z, function(y) y$protein_id)
}), use.names = FALSE))
if (length(prot_ids) == 0)
return(lapply(cds, function(z) NULL))
prot_seqs <- proteins(x, filter = ProteinIdFilter(prot_ids),
columns = c("protein_id", "protein_sequence"))
## Calculate the expected CDS length (add +3 to add the stop codon).
exp_cds_len <- nchar(prot_seqs$protein_sequence) * 3 + 3
names(exp_cds_len) <- prot_seqs$protein_id
mapply(cds, names(cds), FUN = function(z, nm) {
if (!is.null(z)) {
cds_lens <- sum(width(z))
prt_ids <- unlist(lapply(z, function(y) unique(y$protein_id)))
diffs <- cds_lens - exp_cds_len[prt_ids]
## Return all for which diff is 0, or otherwise the one with the
## smallest diff.
if (any(diffs == 0)) {
z <- lapply(z, function(grng) {
mcols(grng)$cds_ok <- TRUE
GRangesList(z[diffs == 0])
} else {
warning("Could not find a CDS whith the expected length for ",
"protein: '", nm, "'. The returned genomic ",
"coordinates might thus not be correct for this ",
"protein.", call. = FALSE)
## Alternatively we could align the RNA and AA sequences and
## trim the protein sequence...
z <- lapply(z, function(grng) {
mcols(grng)$cds_ok <- FALSE
#' @description
#' Fetches the protein sequence using the provided `"protein_id"` in `cds` and
#' checks whether the cds lenghts match the protein sequence. The
#' function returns all CDS for each protein/transcript that have the correct
#' length) and throws a warning if none of the specified CDS matches the
#' protein sequence. In the latter case a single CDS (the one with the CDS
#' length closest to the expected length). Whether a CDS has the expected length
#' or not is also reported in the metadata column `"cds_ok"`.
#' @details
#' Mismatch between the CDS and the AA sequence are in most instances caused by
#' incomplete (3' or 5') CDS sequences.
#' @param x `list` object generated by .cds_for_id2.
#' @return `list` of `GRangesList`s with one list element per input protein,
#' and the `GRangesList` containing the CDS of all matching (or one not
#' matching) transcripts.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Boyu Yu
#' @md
#' @noRd
setMethod(".cds_matching_protein", "list",
function(x) {
mapply(x, names(x), FUN = function(z, nm) {
if (!is.null(z)) {
cds_lens <- sum(width(z))
exp_cds_len <- unlist(lapply(z, function(y) nchar(unique(y$protein_sequence)) * 3 + 3))
## Calculate the expected CDS length (add +3 to add the stop codon).
diffs <- cds_lens - exp_cds_len
## Return all for which diff is 0, or otherwise the one with the
## smallest diff.
if (any(diffs == 0)) {
z <- lapply(z, function(grng) {
mcols(grng)$cds_ok <- TRUE
GRangesList(z[diffs == 0])
} else {
warning("Could not find a CDS whith the expected length for ",
"protein: '", nm, "'. The returned genomic ",
"coordinates might thus not be correct for this ",
"protein.", call. = FALSE)
## Alternatively we could align the RNA and AA sequences and
## trim the protein sequence...
z <- lapply(z, function(grng) {
mcols(grng)$cds_ok <- FALSE
#' @description
#' Function to map coordinates within a CDS to genomic coordinates, based on the
#' genomic coordinates of the exons of the CDS. See examples below.
#' @note
#' While designed for cds-relative coordinates, the function should also
#' work for `g_coords` that represent the exons of a transcript and
#' `cds_coords` being transcript-relative.
#' @param g_coords `GRanges` with the exons encoding the CDS. These have to be
#' provided in the correct order (i.e. first element being the first exon
#' etc, also for genes on the reverse strand!). If `g_coords` is a
#' `GRangesList`, `cds_coords` is mapped to genomic coordinates using each
#' `GRanges` in the `GRangesList`.
#' @param cds_coords `IRanges` with CDS-relative coordinates.
#' @return A `GRanges` with the result from the within-cds coordinate mapping
#' to the genome.
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer based on code from Laurent Gatto and Sebastian Gibb
#' @examples
#' g_coords <- GRanges("1",
#' ranges = IRanges(start = c(3, 8, 15, 19), end = c(5, 12, 16, 21)),
#' strand = "+")
#' cds_coords <- IRanges(start = 5, end = 12)
#' ## Expect: 9:20
#' .to_genome(g_coords, cds_coords)
#' ## Reverse strand example
#' g_c <- GRanges("1", IRanges(start = c(28, 21, 16, 10, 3),
#' end = c(30, 25, 17, 12, 6)), strand = "-")
#' c_c <- IRanges(start = 2, end = 2)
#' ## Expect: 29:29
#' .to_genome(g_c, c_c)
#' c_c <- IRanges(start = 8, end = 16)
#' ## Expect: 4:6, 10:12, 16:17, 21:21
#' .to_genome(g_c, c_c)
#' ## What if we've got a GRangesList?
#' g_l <- GRangesList(g_c, g_c[2:5])
#' c_c <- IRanges(start = 4, end = 9)
#' ## Expect: 17:17, 21:25
#' ## 11:12, 16:17, 21:22
#' .to_genome(g_l, c_c)
.to_genome <- function(g_coords, cds_coords) {
## TODO: preserve mcols.
if (is(g_coords, "GRangesList"))
lapply(g_coords, .to_genome, cds_coords = cds_coords)))
if (!is(g_coords, "GRanges"))
stop("'g_coords' is supposed to be a 'GRanges' object")
cds_rel <- .splice(g_coords)
strnd <- unique(as.character(strand(g_coords)))
seqlvl <- unique(seqnames(g_coords))
if (length(strnd) > 1)
stop("All exons are expected to be located on the same strand")
if (length(seqlvl) > 1)
stop("All exons are expected to be located on the same chromosome")
if (strnd == "-")
strnd_num <- -1L
strnd_num <- 1L
cums <- cumsum(width(cds_rel))
## Find the exons in which the start and end is located.
start_exon <- which(start(cds_rel) <= start(cds_coords) &
end(cds_rel) >= start(cds_coords))
end_exon <- which(start(cds_rel) <= end(cds_coords) &
end(cds_rel) >= end(cds_coords))
if (length(start_exon) == 0 | length(end_exon) == 0) {
warning("The within transcript/CDS coordinates are outside the region ",
"defined by the provided exons", call. = FALSE)
## Convert within CDS coordinates into within exon coordinates.
exon_rel_start <- start(cds_coords) + width(cds_rel)[start_exon] -
exon_rel_end <- end(cds_coords) + width(cds_rel)[end_exon] -
## Convert into genomic coordinates.
if (strnd_num > 0) {
genome_start <- start(g_coords)[start_exon] + exon_rel_start - 1
genome_end <- start(g_coords)[end_exon] + exon_rel_end - 1
} else {
genome_end <- end(g_coords)[start_exon] - exon_rel_start + 1
genome_start <- end(g_coords)[end_exon] - exon_rel_end + 1
genome_coords <- GRanges(seqnames = seqlvl,
IRanges(start = genome_start, end = genome_end),
strand = strnd)
seqinfo(genome_coords) <- seqinfo(g_coords)
genome_coords <- intersect(genome_coords, g_coords)
## Now grab all of the metadata columns from the second...
mcols(genome_coords) <- mcols(g_coords[findOverlaps(genome_coords,
select = "first")])
.filter_for_idType <- function(x, idType) {
if (idType == "protein_id")
if (idType == "uniprot_id")
if (idType == "tx_id")
#' @description
#' *Splices* the provided `GRanges`/`IRanges` by removing all intronic ranges.
#' @param x `IRanges`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ir <- IRanges(start = c(5, 10, 15), end = c(7, 13, 16))
#' .splice(ir)
.splice <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "IRangesList") | is(x, "list") | is(x, "GRangesList"))
lapply(x, .splice)
IRanges(start = c(1, cumsum(width(x)[-length(x)]) + 1),
width = width(x))
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