
Defines functions mantaAttempt

Documented in mantaAttempt

# Roxygen Comments mantaAttempt
#' raw REST API Manta Caller with exception handling for internal 
#' use. 
#' Exported to access HTTPS Manta API and metadata retrieval.
#' If \code{test == TRUE}, it returns pass/fail logical
#' If passed a Manta subdirectory, it returns the directory
#' JSON according to the length limit set with \code{mantaSetLimits}
#' Note getURL \code{verbose = TRUE} writes to UNIX \code{stderr} 
#' which is invisible on Windows R. 
#' @param action character, optional. Path to a manta object or
#' directory with optional query terms. When unspecified, 
#' uses current Manta Directory
#' and returns JSON listing values for the directory.
#' @param method character, optional. Default is \code{"GET"}, passed
#' \code{"GET", "POST", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE"} or \code{"HEAD"} 
#' from higher level library callers.
#' @param headers, array of named characters, optional. The headers
#' follow the \code{RCurl} structure of vector of characters where HTTP 
#' header tags are the names, values as 
#' named characters, no semicolons or delimiters.
#' @param returncode, character, optional. Set to expected HTTP
#' return code, e.g. \code{"200", "204"} - used when test is TRUE.
#' @param limit, numeric, optional. Set to limit number of
#' returned listed JSON lines - number of directory entries
#' Otherwise uses default value in \code{mantaSetLimits}
#' @param marker, character, optional. Name or id character value of
#' directory entry to start next listing segment of length \code{limit}.
#' @param json logical, optional. \code{FALSE} means return R data, 
#' \code{TRUE} means return JSON data.
#' @param test logical, optional, Set to \code{TRUE} to return logical 
#' as to whether the request passed or failed.  Also
#' affects the behavior of the \code{silent} parameter. See Value for
#' output table.
#' @param silent logical, optional. Controls whether \code{> "400"} service
#' errors are emitted by \code{cat} or \code{stop} depending on the value
#' of test. See Value for output table.
#' @param verbose logical, optional. Passed to \code{RCurl} \code{GetURL}, 
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to see background HTTPS REST communication.
#' @return The Manta reply data in JSON or R format, OR a logical
#' value if \code{test = TRUE}. Return values and Manta server 
#' error message display or \code{stop} behavior depends on values of
#' \code{test, silent}:\cr \cr
#' \code{test = TRUE, silent = TRUE}\cr
#' logical - success returned, Errors are logged.\cr 
#' \code{test = TRUE, silent = FALSE}\cr   
#' logical - success returned, Errors are logged, emitted to console.\cr
#' \code{test = FALSE, silent = TRUE}\cr   
#' data returned, Errors are logged, empty data on error.\cr
#' \code{test = FALSE, silent = FALSE}
#' data returned, Errors are logged, stop() on 400 series errors.\cr
#' @keywords Manta
#' @export
mantaAttempt <-
function(action, method, headers, returncode, limit, marker, json = TRUE, test = FALSE, silent = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (missing(headers)) headers <- NULL

  if (missing(returncode)) returncode <- 0
  # If this is the first export function called in the library
  if (manta_globals$manta_initialized == FALSE) {
    mantaInitialize(useEnv = TRUE)

  action_has_query <- FALSE

  # for now - for Setwd... to be refactored
  if (missing(action)) {
    manta_do <- manta_globals$manta_cwd
  } else {
    manta_do <- action
    # In the case of mantaJob.running, call to mantaAttempt has a query in the action.
    # so we need to stop pasting additional query info to the end of this as is
    # the case for mantaLs.
    if (grepl("state=running", action)) {
      # action has some additional query parameters and is not from mantaLs()
      action_has_query <- TRUE

  # Note about mapping of HTTP methods to Manta function groups (Node.js names)
  # "GET" mls, mget, mjob (list, get, outputs, errors, failures, inputs)
  # "POST" mjob (create, add, end input, cancel)
  # "PUT" mmkdir, mln, mput
  # "DELETE" mrm, mrmdir
  # "OPTIONS" used for CORS headers
  # "HEAD" possible to use for mls to get directory length

  if (missing(method)) {
      curl_method <- "GET"
  } else {
     curl_method <- method
     if (is.na(charmatch(curl_method,manta_globals$manta_methods))) {
       msg <- paste("mantaAttempt: Error invalid RCURL method. \nPassed [", curl_method, 
           "] , is not in ", manta_globals$manta_methods, "\n",sep="" )

  # Use a handle for multiple passes for long directory listings
  curl_handle <- getCurlHandle()

  # not sure - I have to change timeouts depending on methods in use??
  # or more timeout options for getURL
  curl_timeout <- manta_globals$manta_defaults$connect_timeout

  manta_call <- paste(manta_globals$manta_url, manta_do, sep="")

#  for mantaLs()
#  limit and marker go in query character... appended to manta_call
#  ?limit=1000&marker=00026001.jpg

  queries <- 0
  if (!missing(limit)) {
    q_limit <- paste("limit=",limit,sep="")
    queries <- queries + 1
  } else q_limit <- ""

  if (!missing(marker)) {
    q_marker <- paste("marker=",marker,sep="")
    queries <- queries + 1
  } else q_marker <- ""

  if (action_has_query == FALSE) { 
   # Ok to add the marker and limit query
   if (queries >  0) manta_call <- paste(manta_call,"?",sep="")
   if (queries == 1) manta_call <- paste(manta_call, q_marker, q_limit, sep="")
   if (queries == 2) manta_call <- paste(manta_call, q_marker, "&", q_limit, sep="")

## Bunyan Error Logging, encode the request
  httpheader = c(headers, mantaGenHeaders())

  req <- list(url = manta_call, method = curl_method, headers = httpheader)
  bunyanLog.debug(msg ="getURL", req = req, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version) 
  msg <- ""

 # Yes, the HEAD method requires the nobody = TRUE parameter, hence the duplication.

 opts <- list(httpheader = httpheader, 
              verbose = verbose, 
              header = TRUE,
              customrequest = curl_method,
              nobody = FALSE,
              timeout = curl_timeout

  if (curl_method == "HEAD") {
    opts$nobody <- TRUE

  reply <- tryCatch(getURL(manta_call, 
                           .opts = opts,
                           curl = curl_handle,
                           .encoding = 'UTF-8'
                    COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST = function(e) {
                           msg <- paste("Cannot Resolve Manta Host at\n ", 
                           manta_globals$manta_url ,"\n",sep="")
                           bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version)                         
                    error = function(e) {
                           msg <- paste("Manta Connection HTTP error: ", e$message, "\n", sep="")
                           bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$RSDK_version) 

  # Network errors on getURL that may be recoverable via retry
  # by caller using bunyanSetpoint to monitor errors raised above
  # so we don't use stop() here. 
  if (is.null(reply)) {    # there was no reply from the server 
    if (silent != TRUE) {
      if (msg == "") {
        cat("No reply from Manta server.\n")
      } else {
    if (test == TRUE) {
      return( FALSE )  
    } else {  # return empty character
      return(list(count = 0, lines = ""))

  # There was a reply...

  split_reply <- strsplit(reply, split = "\r\n\r\n")
  header <- split_reply[[1]][1]
  body <- split_reply[[1]][-1] # in R this removes the first element in the array
  header_lines <- strsplit(header, split= "\r\n")
  no_body <- FALSE
  if (!length(body)==0) {
   body_lines <- strsplit(body[[1]], split = "\n")
  } else {
   body_lines <- c("")
   no_body <- TRUE
  returned_code = ""
  returned_character <- header_lines[[1]][ charmatch("HTTP", header_lines[[1]]) ] 
  returned_code <- strsplit(returned_character, split=" ")[[1]][2]

  # Something was returned from server
  # Lots of values including time, size, etc in getCurlInfo...
  # remote_ip <- getCurlInfo(curl_handle)$primary.ip
  # returned_code <-  getCurlInfo(curl_handle)$response.code

  res <- list(statusCode = returned_code, headers = header_lines)
  bunyanLog.debug(msg ="mantaAttempt server return", res = res, version = manta_globals$version) 

  # test == TRUE, and returncode supplied, no data expected - if matched, return logical
  if (returncode != 0) {
    if ((as.integer(returned_code) == returncode) && (test == TRUE)) {

  # >= 400 Server Error Responses
  if (as.integer(returned_code) >= 400) {
    # Check body of response for Manta Service error JSON
    if (isValidJSON(body_lines[[1]], asText = TRUE)) {
      values <- fromJSON(body_lines[[1]])
      # this checks the error characters against list of Manta error classes...
      if (sum(charmatch(values, manta_globals$manta_error_classes, nomatch = 0)) > 0) {
        msg <- "Manta Service Error: "
      } else {
        msg <- "Manta Unknown Error Class: "
      # It was valid JSON, so show it as the return error message
      values <- paste(values, collapse = "\n")
      msg <- paste(msg, values,"\n",sep="")
    } else {  
      # not valid JSON returned, use the error code line and any text contents ...
      msg <- paste("Manta Server Error: ", returned_character, "\n", sep=" ")         
    if (silent == TRUE) {
      msg <- paste("Silent call - ", msg, sep = "")
    bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$version) 
    if ((silent == FALSE) && (test == TRUE)) {
    if (test == TRUE) {
    # at this point test == FALSE
    if (silent == TRUE) {
        return(list(count = 0, lines = ""))
    } else {
  # OK, no HTTP, resolve, > 400 server errors reported.
  # Some response body received... 
  if (no_body == FALSE) { # there is a body...
    if (isValidJSON(body_lines[[1]], asText = TRUE) == FALSE) {
      # If we are expecting json (json == TRUE) is the response body JSON? 
      if (json == TRUE) {
        msg <-  paste("Error - Cannot parse JSON response using RJSONIO: \n", sep="")
        msg <- paste(msg,body_lines[[1]][1],"\n\n",sep="")
        bunyanLog.error(msg = msg, version = manta_globals$version) 
        if ((silent == FALSE) && (test == TRUE)) {
        if (test == TRUE) {
        # at this point test == FALSE
        if (silent == TRUE) {
           return(list(count = 0, lines = ""))
        } else {
      } else { 
        # json is FALSE, caller expects non-json return, 
        # message body is present but not valid JSON - return body as is
        # used by mantaJob.inputs , mantaJob.outputs
  } else {  # no body received, just a head
    if ((method == "HEAD") && (test != TRUE)) {  

  #  Response body is ok, JSON, but testing only 
  if (test == TRUE) { 

  # For Manta Subdirectory listings - get the total number of entries for subsequent calls
  result_set_count <- 0
  result_set_size <- header_lines[[1]][ charmatch("Result-Set-Size",header_lines[[1]]) ]
  if (nchar(result_set_size) != 0) {
    result_set_count <- as.integer(strsplit(result_set_size, split=" ")[[1]][2])

  # Response body is valid JSON. For json == FALSE, convert JSON to R
  # Return a list with count, lines 
  if ((json == TRUE) || (no_body == TRUE)) {
    return(list(count = result_set_count, lines = body_lines[[1]]))
  } else {
    return(list(count = result_set_count, lines = lapply(body_lines[[1]],fromJSON)))  

joyent/mantaRSDK documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:43 p.m.