
# Server --------
function(input, output, session){
  # Create empty reactive values -----------
  rv <- reactiveValues(
    model = init_nodes, # Nodes
    # edges = ra_plot_tree(init_nodes, edgetbl = T), # Edges
    stratified = NULL,
    res = NULL # Empty table for results
  proxy = dataTableProxy('modelTbl')
  # read from file -----------
  observeEvent(input$upload, {
    im <- ra_import(input$upload$datapath)
    rv$model <- im$model
    rv$stratified <- im$stratified
    # rv$edges <- ra_plot_tree(im$model, edgetbl = T)
  ## Make the edits to the table -------------
    rv$model <- editData(rv$model, input$nodes_cell_edit, 'modelTbl') %>% 
        type = tolower(type),
        color = ifelse(type == 'in', "#A0F0A0", '#F0A0A0'),
  ## Add a row ------------
    nn <- data.frame(
      id = input$newid,
      label = input$newLab,
      type = input$newType,
      level = max(rv$model$level),
      distribution = ifelse(input$newType == "In", input$newDist, NA),
      formula = ifelse(input$newType == "Out", input$newFormula, NA),
      shape = 'box',
      stringsAsFactors = F
    ) %>% 
        type = tolower(type),
        color = ifelse(type == 'in', "#A0F0A0", '#F0A0A0'),
    rv$model <- rbind(rv$model, nn)
    updateTextInput(inputId = "newid", value = "")
    updateTextInput(inputId = "newLab", value = "")
    updateSelectInput(inputId = "newType", selected = "In")
    updateTextInput(inputId = "newDist", value = "")
    updateTextInput(inputId = "newFormula", value = "")
      session = session,
      title = "Node added",
      # text = "All in order",
      type = "success"
  ## Run the model -------
    showModal(modalDialog("Runing the model...", footer = NULL))
    rv$res <- ra_run(m = rv$model, input$Nsim)
  # in server()
  map <- reactive({
    # shpdf is a data.frame with the name, size, type and datapath
    # of the uploaded files
    shpdf <- input$filemap
    # The files are uploaded with names
    # 0.dbf, 1.prj, 2.shp, 3.xml, 4.shx
    # (path/names are in column datapath)
    # We need to rename the files with the actual names:
    # fe_2007_39_county.dbf, etc.
    # (these are in column name)
    # Name of the temporary directory where files are uploaded
    tempdirname <- dirname(shpdf$datapath[1])
    # Rename files
    for (i in 1:nrow(shpdf)) {
        paste0(tempdirname, "/", shpdf$name[i])
    # Now we read the shapefile with readOGR() of rgdal package
    # passing the name of the file with .shp extension.
    # We use the function grep() to search the pattern "*.shp$"
    # within each element of the character vector shpdf$name.
    # grep(pattern="*.shp$", shpdf$name)
    # ($ at the end denote files that finish with .shp,
    # not only that contain .shp)
    map <- readOGR(paste(tempdirname,
                         shpdf$name[grep(pattern = "*.shp$", shpdf$name)],
                         sep = "/"
  ## Run strat model -----
  observeEvent(input$RunStratified, {
    showModal(modalDialog("Runing the model...", footer = NULL))
  DFs <- eventReactive(input$RunStratified, {
    quantrra::ra_run_strat(m = rv$model, tbl = rv$stratified, nsim = input$Nsim)
  output$Outcomes_s <- renderUI({
    opts <- rv$model %>% 
      filter(type == 'Out') %>% 
    selectInput(inputId = 'Outcomes', label = 'Outcomes', opts, selected = opts[length(opts)])
  ## Run sensitivity Analysis -------
  observeEvent(input$RunSA, {
    showModal(modalDialog("Running sensitivity analysis...", footer=NULL, easyClose = T))
  SA <- eventReactive(input$RunSA, {
    f <- paste(input$DepVars, collapse = '+')
    f <- paste0(input$Outcomes, '~', f)
    quantrra::ra_gsa(data = rv$res, f = eval(parse(text = f)), tree = 'interactive')
  observeEvent(SA(), {
  ## Clear table -------
    rv$model = data.frame(
      id = c("I1", "O1"),
      label = c("Input 1", "Output 1"),
      type = c("In", "Out"),
      level = c(0, 1),
      distribution = c("Pert(0.1, 0.15, 0.5)", NA),
      formula = c(NA, "I1"),
      shape = 'box',
      color = c("#A0F0A0", "#F0A0A0"),
      stringsAsFactors = F
    # rv$edges = ra_plot_tree(rv$model, edgetbl = T)
  ## Outputs --------
  ### Nodes ---------
  # Render the table showing all the nodes in the graph.
  output$nodes <- renderDT({
    rv$model %>% 
      select(c('id', 'label', 'type', 'level', 'distribution', 'formula')) %>%
      DT::datatable(data = .,
                    # rownames = F,
                    editable = T)
  ### Output table -----------
  output$MTbl <- renderDT({
    rv$res %>%
      data.frame() %>%
      DT::datatable(data = .,
                    rownames = F)
  ### Render the graph.------------
  output$ModelTree <- renderVisNetwork({
    n <- rv$model %>% 
      mutate(title = paste0('ID: ', id, 
                            "<br>Name: ", label))
    ra_plot_tree(n, static = F, direction = input$gdir)
  ### P4 -----------
  output$P4 <- renderPlotly({
      # Filter only outputs
      o <- rv$model %>% 
        filter(type == 'Out')
      if(nrow(o) > 1){
        PL <- lapply(1:nrow(o), function(x){
          # x <- 1
          p <- rv$res %>% 
            ggplot() +
            geom_histogram(aes_string(o$id[x]), fill = 'red4') +
            geom_vline(data = data.frame(m = round(quantile(rv$res[,o$id[x]], 0.5), 4)), aes(xintercept = m), lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = 'grey20') +
            labs(title = paste0(o$id[x], ': ', o$label[x])) +
        subplot(PL, nrows = 2)
        p <- rv$res %>% 
          ggplot() +
          geom_histogram(aes_string(o$id), fill = 'red4') +
          geom_vline(data = data.frame(m = round(quantile(rv$res[,o$id], 0.5), 4)), aes(xintercept = m), lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = '#904444') +
          labs(title = paste0(o$id, ': ', o$label)) +
  ### Strat outputs -----------
  output$InData <- renderDT({
    rv$stratified %>% 
      DT::datatable(data = ., options = list(pageLength = 5))
  # Ranking plot
  output$Ranking_p <- renderPlotly({
    ra_plot_ranking(x = DFs(), var = 'Pf')
  # Map
  output$Map_p <- renderPlot({
    map() %>%  # This is our spatial shape file
      st_as_sf() %>% 
      left_join(DFs(), by = c('Entidad' = 'IDs')) %>%  # we use left join to join our model results
      ggplot() + # We call ggplot
      geom_sf(aes(fill = O4_m)) + # We add a layer representing the polygons colored by the variable E
      scale_fill_gradient(low = 'black', high = 'red') + # set the color scale
      theme_void() # Theme of the plot
  ### Sensitivity analysis outputs --------
  output$VarExp <- renderValueBox({
    v <- round(SA()$VarianceExp, 4)
    valueBox(value = v, subtitle = "Variance explained", icon = icon("truck"), color = "red")
  output$VI <- renderPlotly({
  output$RT <- renderVisNetwork({
  ## Downloads -------
  ### In xlsx
  output$dl <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() { "model.xlsx"},
    content = function(file) {write_xlsx(list(model = rv$model), path = file)}
  # Example files ------------------------
  ## OIRSA ----------
  output$downloadOIRSA <- downloadHandler(
    filename <- function() {
      paste("OIRSA", "zip", sep=".")
    content <- function(file) {
      file.copy("www/", file)
    contentType = "application/zip"
  ## ASF Products -----------
  output$downloadASFP <- downloadHandler(
    filename <- function() {
      paste("asf_products", "zip", sep=".")
    content <- function(file) {
      file.copy("www/", file)
    contentType = "application/zip"
  ## Outcomes
  output$Outcomes <- renderUI({
    opts <- colnames(rv$res)
    selectInput(inputId = 'Outcomes', label = 'Outcomes', opts, selected = opts[length(opts)])
  ## Dependent vars
  output$DepVar <- renderUI({
    opts <- colnames(rv$res)
    selectInput('DepVars', 'Dependent Variables', opts, multiple = T, selected = opts[1:(length(opts) - 1)])
} %>% shinyServer() 
jpablo91/QuantRRA documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:46 p.m.