#' Predict state occupancy
#' Predict state occupancy for 1.25 multi-state model
#' @param fit multi-state model (or list of models, one per possible
#' transition) estimated with flexsurv::flexsurvreg
#' @param trans matrix describing the possible transitions
#' @param nday number of days to predict
#' @param nsim number of simulations
#' @param pars table of parameter
#' @param data data imported with import_data()
#' @param start_date date to start simulations
#' @param seed seed of the random number generator for reproducible analyses
#' @param ncpu number of cpus to use for parallel computations
#' @return a list of simultations (each element of the list correspond to a
#' different state); the data are also returned as an attribute (data)
#' @examples
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores mclapply
#' @importFrom flexsurv sim.fmsm
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @export
pred_state_occupancy <- function(fit, trans, nday, nsim, pars, data,
start_date = "2020-02-25", seed = 666,
ncpu = 1) {
t0 <- proc.time()
# Init gen rand nbr
# Cumulative data
daily <- subset(daily_data(data, "wide"),
date >= as.Date(start_date), c("date", "cumhos"))
names(daily)[2] <- "nhos"
# Check consistency of dates
if(min(pars$date) > min(daily$date)){
stop(paste("First date defining parameters must be anterior or",
"equal to first date in the data!"))
# today i.e. last date entered in data
today <- daily$date[nrow(daily)]
# vector of days for observed data and predictions
days <- c(daily$date, today + (1:nday))
# index of today
j <- which(days == today)
# Get parameters for each day in "days"
ind <- sapply(days, function(d) max(which(pars$date <= d)))
megp <- pars$megp[ind]
vegp <- pars$vegp[ind]
# Fill-in observed cumulative count of hospitalized patients
nhos <- matrix(nrow = nsim, ncol = j + nday)
nhos[, 1:j] <- t(daily$nhos)[rep(1, nsim), ]
# Predict future cumulative counts of hospitalized patients using
# exponential growth parameter
for(k in (j + 1):(j + nday)) {
nhos[, k] <- round(nhos[, k - 1] * regp(nsim, megp[k], vegp[k]))
# Calculate daily new hospitalizations (i.e. incident counts)
ninc <- matrix(nrow = nsim, ncol = j + nday)
ninc[, 1] <- nhos[, 1]
for(k in 1:(j + nday - 1)) {
ninc[, k + 1] <- nhos[, k + 1] - nhos[, k]
if(sum(ninc < 0) > 0) {
stop("Some incident counts are negative!")
# number of states
nstate <- nrow(tmat)
# New individual profiles, per day and simulation, in long format
newdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(ninc), function(i) {
do.call(rbind, lapply(1:ncol(ninc), function(j) {
cbind(sim = rep(i, ninc[i, j]), day = rep(j, ninc[i, j]))
newdata <- cbind(
data[sample.int(nrow(data), nrow(newdata), replace = TRUE),
c("sex", "age")]
# Unique profiles
profiles <- unique(newdata[c("sex", "age")])
# Simulations of the trajectory of each individual
sim <- do.call(rbind, mclapply(1:nrow(profiles), function(i) {
# Select individuals per profile
nd <- newdata[newdata$sex == profiles$sex[i] &
newdata$age == profiles$age[i], ]
# Number of days to simulate
nd$nday <- ncol(ninc) - nd$day + 1
# Simulations with flexsurv::sim.fmsm
sim <- sim.fmsm(fit, trans = trans, t = nday, newdata = profiles[i, ],
M = nrow(nd))
# Convert results to trajectories
tvec <- (0:(max(nd$nday) - 1)) + 0.5
traj <- sim_to_traj(sim = sim, tvec = tvec)
# Adjust for day of entry
traj <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(nd), function(i) {
c(rep(0L, nd$day[i] - 1), traj[i, 1:(ncol(ninc) - nd$day[i] + 1)])
# return trajectories
colnames(traj) <- paste0("state_day", 1:ncol(ninc))
cbind(nd, traj)
}, mc.cores = ncpu))
# Number of individual per state (list), simulation (row) and day (col)
Z <- sim[, grep("^state_day[0-9]+", names(sim))]
S <- mclapply(mc.cores = ncpu, 1:nstate, function(k) {
Z1 <- Z == k
n <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
apply(Z1[sim$sim == i, ], 2, sum)
colnames(n) <- as.character(days)
names(S) <- attr(tmat, "dimnames")[[1]]
# Add data as an attribute
attr(S, "data") <- data
t1 <- proc.time()
cat("Calculations completed in", ceiling((t1 - t0)[3]), "seconds", "\n")
# return results
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