#' Prepare data for mutli-state analysis
#' Prepare data for a multi-state analysis either with survival::survfit or
#' mstate and/or flexsurvreg
#' @param data data imported with import_data()
#' @param format either survival or mstate (default)
#' @return a dataframe built with survival::tmerge or mstate::mprep; if format
#' is 'mstate', then the matrix of possible transitions (tmat) is returned as
#' an attribute
#' @examples
#' @importFrom survival tmerge
#' @importFrom mstate msprep
#' @export
prep_data <- function(data, format = "mstate") {
if (!(format %in% c("survival", "mstate"))) {
stop("format must be either 'survival' or 'mstate'")
# ICU and rest times
data$icu_time <- as.numeric(data$icu_in - data$hos_in)
data$rest_time <- as.numeric(data$icu_out - data$hos_in)
# People who leave directly hospital after ICU do not enter in rest state
i <- with(data, !is.na(icu_out) & !is.na(hos_out) & icu_out == hos_out)
data[i, "rest_time"] <- NA
# Recovery event
data$recovery <- !is.na(data$hos_out) & !data$death
# Follow-up time
data$fu_time <- ifelse(!is.na(data$hos_out), data$hos_out,
attr(data, "censoring_date"))
data$fu_time <- data$fu_time - as.numeric(data$hos_in)
# Correct (adapt) null duration
i <- with(data, !is.na(fu_time) & !is.na(icu_time) & fu_time - icu_time == 0)
if (any(i)) data[i, "fu_time"] <- data[i, "fu_time"] + 0.2
i <- with(data, !is.na(rest_time) & !is.na(icu_time) &
rest_time - icu_time == 0)
if (any(i)) data[i, "rest_time"] <- data[i, "rest_time"] + 0.2
data[!is.na(data$fu_time) & data$fu_time == 0, "fu_time"] <- 0.2
data[!is.na(data$icu_time) & data$icu_time == 0, "icu_time"] <- 0.1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Prepare data for a multi-state analysis with the survival package #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
if (format == "survival") {
# Convert data from wide to long format
msdata <- survival::tmerge(
data1 = data[c("id", "sex", "age")],
data2 = data,
id = id,
death = event(fu_time, death),
recovery = event(fu_time, recovery),
icu = event(icu_time),
rest = event(rest_time)
msdata$icu <- as.logical(msdata$icu)
msdata$rest <- as.logical(msdata$rest)
# Add event variable
msdata$event <- factor(
with(msdata, icu + 2 * rest + 4 * recovery + 8 * death),
levels = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8),
labels = c("none", "icu", "rest", "recovery", "death")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Prepare data for a multi-state analysis with mstate and/or flexsurvreg #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if (format == "mstate") {
# Prepare data for mstate::msprep
tmp_dat <- with(data, data.frame(
id = id,
sex = sex,
age = age,
icu = !is.na(icu_time),
rest = !is.na(rest_time),
death = death,
recovery = recovery,
icu_time = ifelse(is.na(icu_time), fu_time, icu_time),
rest_time = ifelse(is.na(rest_time), fu_time, rest_time),
death_time = fu_time,
recovery_time = fu_time
# States
states <- c("hos", "icu", "rest", "death", "recovery")
# Matrix describing allowed transitions
tmat <- matrix(NA, 5, 5)
dimnames(tmat) <- list(from = states, to = states)
tmat["hos", c("icu", "death", "recovery")] <- 1:3
tmat["icu", c("rest", "death", "recovery")] <- 4:6
tmat["rest", c("death", "recovery")] <- 7:8
# Multistate data for mstate and flexsurv
msdata <- mstate::msprep(
time = c(NA, paste0(states[-1], "_time")),
status = c(NA, states[-1]),
data = tmp_dat,
trans = tmat,
id = "id",
keep = c("sex", "age")
msdata$trans <- factor(msdata$trans)
# Add tmat as an attribute
attr(msdata, "tmat") <- tmat
# Return prepared data
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