
Defines functions docall shQuoteIfNeeded checkCluster slaveLoop sinkWorkerOutput closeNode closeNode.default sendData recvData postNode stopNode recvOneData initDefaultClusterOptions addClusterOptions getClusterOption setDefaultClusterOptions makeCluster stopCluster stopCluster.default checkForRemoteErrors clusterCall staticClusterApply clusterApply clusterEvalQ findRecvOneTag dynamicClusterApply clusterApplyLB splitIndices splitIndices splitIndices clusterSplit splitList splitRows splitCols parLapply parRapply parCapply parMM parApply .onLoad

Documented in addClusterOptions checkCluster checkForRemoteErrors closeNode closeNode.default clusterApply clusterApplyLB clusterCall clusterEvalQ clusterSplit docall dynamicClusterApply findRecvOneTag getClusterOption initDefaultClusterOptions makeCluster parApply parCapply parLapply parMM parRapply postNode recvData recvOneData sendData setDefaultClusterOptions shQuoteIfNeeded sinkWorkerOutput slaveLoop splitCols splitIndices splitList splitRows staticClusterApply stopCluster stopCluster.default stopNode

# Utilities

docall <- function(fun, args) {
    if ((is.character(fun) && length(fun) == 1) || is.name(fun))
        fun <- get(as.character(fun), envir = .GlobalEnv, mode = "function")
    do.call("fun", lapply(args, enquote))

shQuoteIfNeeded <- function(p) {
    if (length(grep("[[:space:]]", p)) == 0)
    else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    else stop("file names with spaces do not work properly on this platform")

# Checking and subsetting

checkCluster <- function(cl) {
    if (! inherits(cl, "cluster"))
        stop("not a valid cluster");

"[.cluster" <-function(cl,...) {

# Slave Loop Function

slaveLoop <- function(master) {
    repeat tryCatch({
        msg <- recvData(master)
	cat(paste("Type:", msg$type, "\n"))

        if (msg$type == "DONE") {
        else if (msg$type == "EXEC") {
            success <- TRUE
            ## This uses the message, rather than the exception since
            ## the exception class/methods may not be available on the
            ## master.
            handler <- function(e) {
                success <<- FALSE
            t1 <- proc.time()
            value <- tryCatch(docall(msg$data$fun, msg$data$args),
                              error = handler)
            t2 <- proc.time()
            value <- list(type = "VALUE", value = value, success = success,
                          time = t2 - t1, tag = msg$data$tag)
            msg <- NULL ## release for GC
            sendData(master, value)
            value <- NULL ## release for GC
    }, interrupt = function(e) NULL)

sinkWorkerOutput <- function(outfile) {
    if (outfile != "") {
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && outfile == "/dev/null")
            outfile <- "nul:"
        outcon <- file(outfile, open = "w")
        sink(outcon, type = "message")

# Higher-Level Node Functions

closeNode <- function(node) UseMethod("closeNode")
closeNode.default <- function(node) {}

sendData <- function(node, data) UseMethod("sendData")
recvData <- function(node) UseMethod("recvData")

postNode <- function(con, type, value = NULL, tag = NULL) {
    sendData(con, list(type = type, data = value, tag = tag))

stopNode <- function(n) {
    postNode(n, "DONE")

recvOneData <- function(cl) UseMethod("recvOneData")

#  Cluster Creation and Destruction

defaultClusterOptions <- NULL

#**** check valid cluster option

initDefaultClusterOptions <- function(libname) {
    rhome <- Sys.getenv("R_HOME")
    if (Sys.getenv("R_SNOW_LIB") != "")
        homogeneous <- FALSE
    else homogeneous <- TRUE
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        rscript <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript.exe")
    else rscript <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rscript")
    port <- Sys.getenv("R_PARALLEL_PORT")
    port <- if (identical(port, "random")) NA else as.integer(port)
    if (is.na(port))
        port <-
            11000 + 1000 * ((stats::runif(1L) + unclass(Sys.time())/300) %% 1)
    options <- list(port = as.integer(port),
                    timeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, # 30 days
                    master =  Sys.info()["nodename"],
                    homogeneous = homogeneous,
                    type = NULL,
                    outfile = "/dev/null",
                    rhome = rhome,
                    user = Sys.info()["user"],
                    rshcmd = "ssh",
                    rlibs = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS"),
                    scriptdir = file.path(libname, "snow"),
                    rprog = file.path(rhome, "bin", "R"),
                    snowlib = libname,
                    rscript = rscript,
                    useRscript = file.exists(rscript),
                    manual = FALSE)
    defaultClusterOptions <<- addClusterOptions(emptyenv(), options)

addClusterOptions <- function(options, new) {
    if (! is.null(new)) {
        options <- new.env(parent = options)
        names <- names(new)
        for (i in seq(along = new))
            assign(names[i], new[[i]], envir = options)

getClusterOption <- function(name, options = defaultClusterOptions)
    get(name, envir = options)

setDefaultClusterOptions <- function(...) {
    list <- list(...)
    names <- names(list)
    for (i in seq(along = list))
        assign(names[i], list[[i]], envir = defaultClusterOptions)

makeCluster <- function(spec, type = getClusterOption("type"), ...) {
    if (is.null(type))
        stop("need to specify a cluster type")
        SOCK = makeSOCKcluster(spec, ...),
        # PVM = makePVMcluster(spec, ...),
        MPI = makeMPIcluster(spec, ...),
        NWS = makeNWScluster(spec, ...),
        stop("unknown cluster type"))

stopCluster <- function(cl) UseMethod("stopCluster")

stopCluster.default <- function(cl)
    for (n in cl) stopNode(n)

# Cluster Functions

sendCall <- function (con, fun, args, return = TRUE, tag = NULL) {
    #**** mark node as in-call
    timing <-  .snowTimingData$running()
    if (timing)
        start <- proc.time()[3]
    postNode(con, "EXEC", list(fun = fun, args = args, return = return,
                               tag = tag))
    if (timing)
        .snowTimingData$enterSend(con$rank, start, proc.time()[3])

recvResult <- function (con)  {
  if (.snowTimingData$running()) {
      start <- proc.time()[3]
      r <- recvData(con)
      end <- proc.time()[3]
      .snowTimingData$enterRecv(con$rank, start, end, r$time[3])
  else r <- recvData(con)

checkForRemoteErrors <- function(val) {
    count <- 0
    firstmsg <- NULL
    for (v in val) {
        if (inherits(v, "try-error")) {
            count <- count + 1
            if (count == 1) firstmsg <- v
    if (count == 1)
        stop("one node produced an error: ", firstmsg)
    else if (count > 1)
        stop(count, " nodes produced errors; first error: ", firstmsg)

clusterCall  <- function(cl, fun, ...) {
    for (i in seq(along = cl))
        sendCall(cl[[i]], fun, list(...))
    checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult))

staticClusterApply <- function(cl, fun, n, argfun) {
    p <- length(cl)
    if (n > 0 && p > 0) {
        val <- vector("list", n)
        start <- 1
        while (start <= n) {
            end <- min(n, start + p - 1)
	    jobs <- end - start + 1
            for (i in 1:jobs)
                sendCall(cl[[i]], fun, argfun(start + i - 1))
            val[start:end] <- lapply(cl[1:jobs], recvResult)
            start <- start + jobs

clusterApply <- function(cl, x, fun, ...) {
    argfun <- function(i) c(list(x[[i]]), list(...))
    staticClusterApply(cl, fun, length(x), argfun)

clusterEvalQ<-function(cl, expr)
    clusterCall(cl, eval, substitute(expr), env=.GlobalEnv)

clusterExport <- local({
    env <- as.environment(1) ## .GlobalEnv
    gets <- function(n, v) { assign(n, v, envir = env); NULL }
    function(cl, list, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
        ## do this with only one clusterCall--loop on slaves?
        for (name in list) {
            clusterCall(cl, gets, name, get(name, envir = envir))

## A variant that does the exports one at at ime--this may be useful
## when large objects are being sent
# clusterExportSerial <- function(cl, list) {
#     gets <- function(n, v) { assign(n, v, envir = .GlobalEnv); NULL }
#     for (name in list) {
#         v <- get(name, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#         for (i in seq(along = cl)) {
#             sendCall(cl[[i]], gets, list(name, v))
#             recvResult(cl[[i]])
#         }
#     }
# }

recvOneResult <- function (cl) {
    if (.snowTimingData$running()) {
        start <- proc.time()[3]
        v <- recvOneData(cl)
        end <- proc.time()[3]
        .snowTimingData$enterRecv(v$node, start, end, v$value$time[3])
    else v <- recvOneData(cl)
    list(value = v$value$value, node = v$node, tag = v$value$tag)

findRecvOneTag <- function(cl, anytag) {
    rtag <- NULL
    for (node in cl) {
        if (is.null(rtag))
            rtag <- node$RECVTAG
        else if (rtag != node$RECVTAG) {
            rtag <- anytag

dynamicClusterApply <- function(cl, fun, n, argfun) {
    p <- length(cl)
    if (n > 0 && p > 0) {
        submit <- function(node, job)
            sendCall(cl[[node]], fun, argfun(job), tag = job)
        for (i in 1 : min(n, p))
            submit(i, i)
        val <- vector("list", n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            d <- recvOneResult(cl)
            j <- i + min(n, p)
            if (j <= n)
                submit(d$node, j)
            val[d$tag] <- list(d$value)

clusterApplyLB <- function(cl, x, fun, ...) {
    ## **** this closure is sending all of x to all nodes
    argfun <- function(i) c(list(x[[i]]), list(...))
    dynamicClusterApply(cl, fun, length(x), argfun)

## **** should this allow load balancing?
## **** disallow recycling if one arg is length zero?
clusterMap <- function (cl, fun, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, RECYCLE = TRUE) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (length(args) == 0)
        stop("need at least one argument")
    n <- sapply(args, length)
    if (RECYCLE) {
        vlen <- max(n)
        if (!all(n == vlen))
            for (i in 1:length(args)) args[[i]] <- rep(args[[i]],
                length = max(n))
    else vlen = min(n)
    ## **** this closure is sending all of ... to all nodes
    argfun <- function(i) c(lapply(args, function(x) x[[i]]), MoreArgs)
    staticClusterApply(cl, fun, vlen, argfun)

# Cluster RNG Support

clusterSetupRNG <- function (cl, type="RNGstream", ...) {
    RNGnames <- c("RNGstream", "SPRNG")
    rng <- pmatch (type, RNGnames)
    if (is.na(rng))
        stop(paste("'", type,
                   "' is not a valid choice. Choose 'RNGstream' or 'SPRNG'.",
                   sep = ""))
    type <- RNGnames[rng]
    if (rng == 1)
        clusterSetupRNGstream(cl, ...)
    else clusterSetupSPRNG(cl, ...)

# Cluster SPRNG Support
# adapted from rpvm (Li & Rossini)

## clusterSetupSPRNG <- function (cl, seed = round(2^32 * runif(1)),
##                             prngkind = "default", para = 0, ...)
## {
##     if (!is.character(prngkind) || length(prngkind) > 1)
##         stop("'rngkind' must be a character string of length 1.")
##     if (!is.na(pmatch(prngkind, "default")))
##         prngkind <- "LFG"
##     prngnames <- c("LFG", "LCG", "LCG64", "CMRG", "MLFG", "PMLCG")
##     kind <- pmatch(prngkind, prngnames) - 1
##     if (is.na(kind))
##         stop(paste("'", prngkind, "' is not a valid choice", sep = ""))
##     nc <- length(cl)
##     invisible(clusterApply(cl, 0:(nc-1), initSprngNode,
##                            nc, seed, kind, para))
## }
clusterSetupSPRNG <- function (cl, seed = round(2^32 * runif(1)),
                            prngkind = "default", para = 0, ...)
    stop("SPRNG is currently not supported")

## initSprngNode <- function (streamno, nstream, seed, kind, para)
## {
##     if (! requireNamespace("rsprng"))
##         stop("the `rsprng' package is needed for SPRNG support.")
##     .Call("r_init_sprng", as.integer(kind), as.integer(streamno),
##         as.integer(nstream), as.integer(seed), as.integer(para),
##         PACKAGE = "rsprng")
##     RNGkind("user")
## }

# rlecuyer support

clusterSetupRNGstream <- function (cl, seed=rep(12345,6), ...) {
    if (! requireNamespace("rlecuyer"))
        stop("the `rlecuyer' package is needed for RNGstream support.")
    nc <- length(cl)
    names <- as.character(1:nc)
    states <- lapply(names, rlecuyer::.lec.GetStateList)
    invisible(clusterApply(cl, states, initRNGstreamNode))

initRNGstreamNode <- function (stream) {
    if (! requireNamespace("rlecuyer"))
        stop("the `rlecuyer' package is needed for RNGstream support.")

    .lec.Random.seed.table <- get(".lec.Random.seed.table", .GlobalEnv)
    if (length(.lec.Random.seed.table$name) > 0) {
	rm(".lec.Random.seed.table", envir=.GlobalEnv)
        .lec.Random.seed.table <- list(Cg=matrix(0,nrow=0,ncol=6),
    .lec.Random.seed.table$Cg <- rbind(.lec.Random.seed.table$Cg,
    .lec.Random.seed.table$Bg <- rbind(.lec.Random.seed.table$Bg,stream$Bg)
    .lec.Random.seed.table$Ig <- rbind(.lec.Random.seed.table$Ig,stream$Ig)
    .lec.Random.seed.table$AIP <- rbind(.lec.Random.seed.table$AIP,
                                         c(stream$Anti, stream$IncPrec))
    .lec.Random.seed.table$name <- c(.lec.Random.seed.table$name, stream$name)

    env <- as.environment(1)  ## .GlobalEnv
    assign(".lec.Random.seed.table", .lec.Random.seed.table, envir = env)


# Parallel Functions

splitIndices <- function(nx, ncl) {
    batchsize <- if (nx %% ncl == 0) nx %/% ncl else 1 + nx %/% ncl
    batches <- (nx + batchsize - 1) %/% batchsize
    split(1:nx, rep(1:batches, each = batchsize)[1:nx])

splitIndices <- function(nx, ncl) {
    i <- 1:nx;
    if (ncl == 1) i
    else structure(split(i, cut(i, ncl)), names=NULL)

# The fuzz used by cut() is too small when nx and ncl are both large
# and causes some groups to be empty. The definition below avoids that
# while minimizing changes from the results produced by the definition
# above.
splitIndices <- function(nx, ncl) {
    i <- seq_len(nx)
    if (ncl == 0) list()
    else if (ncl == 1 || nx == 1) list(i)
    else {
        fuzz <- min((nx - 1) / 1000, 0.4 * nx / ncl)
        breaks <- seq(1 - fuzz, nx + fuzz, length = ncl + 1)
        structure(split(i, cut(i, breaks)), names = NULL)

clusterSplit <- function(cl, seq)
    lapply(splitIndices(length(seq), length(cl)), function(i) seq[i])

splitList <- function(x, ncl)
    lapply(splitIndices(length(x), ncl), function(i) x[i])

splitRows <- function(x, ncl)
    lapply(splitIndices(nrow(x), ncl), function(i) x[i,, drop=FALSE])

splitCols <- function(x, ncl)
    lapply(splitIndices(ncol(x), ncl), function(i) x[,i, drop=FALSE])

parLapply <- function(cl, x, fun, ...)
    docall(c, clusterApply(cl, splitList(x, length(cl)), lapply, fun, ...))

parRapply <- function(cl, x, fun, ...)
    docall(c, clusterApply(cl, splitRows(x,length(cl)), apply, 1, fun, ...))

parCapply <- function(cl, x, fun, ...)
    docall(c, clusterApply(cl, splitCols(x,length(cl)), apply, 2, fun, ...))

parMM <- function(cl, A, B)
    docall(rbind,clusterApply(cl, splitRows(A, length(cl)), get("%*%"), B))

# adapted from sapply in the R sources
parSapply <- function (cl, X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN) # should this be done on slave?
    answer <- parLapply(cl,as.list(X), FUN, ...)
    if (USE.NAMES && is.character(X) && is.null(names(answer)))
        names(answer) <- X
    if (simplify && length(answer) != 0) {
        common.len <- unique(unlist(lapply(answer, length)))
        if (common.len == 1)
            unlist(answer, recursive = FALSE)
        else if (common.len > 1)
            array(unlist(answer, recursive = FALSE),
                  dim = c(common.len, length(X)),
                  dimnames = list(names(answer[[1]]), names(answer)))
        else answer
    else answer

# adapted from apply in the R sources
parApply <- function(cl, X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN) # should this be done on slave?

    ## Ensure that X is an array object
    d <- dim(X)
    dl <- length(d)
    if(dl == 0)
	stop("dim(X) must have a positive length")
    ds <- 1:dl

    # for compatibility with R versions prior to 1.7.0
    if (! exists("oldClass"))
	oldClass <- class
    if(length(oldClass(X)) > 0)
	X <- if(dl == 2) as.matrix(X) else as.array(X)
    dn <- dimnames(X)

    ## Extract the margins and associated dimnames

    s.call <- ds[-MARGIN]
    s.ans  <- ds[MARGIN]
    d.call <- d[-MARGIN]
    d.ans  <- d[MARGIN]
    dn.call<- dn[-MARGIN]
    dn.ans <- dn[MARGIN]
    ## dimnames(X) <- NULL

    ## do the calls

    d2 <- prod(d.ans)
    if(d2 == 0) {
        ## arrays with some 0 extents: return ``empty result'' trying
        ## to use proper mode and dimension:
        ## The following is still a bit `hackish': use non-empty X
        newX <- array(vector(typeof(X), 1), dim = c(prod(d.call), 1))
        ans <- FUN(if(length(d.call) < 2) newX[,1] else
                   array(newX[,1], d.call, dn.call), ...)
        return(if(is.null(ans)) ans else if(length(d.call) < 2) ans[1][-1]
               else array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
    ## else
    newX <- aperm(X, c(s.call, s.ans))
    dim(newX) <- c(prod(d.call), d2)
    if(length(d.call) < 2) {# vector
        if (length(dn.call)) dimnames(newX) <- c(dn.call, list(NULL))
        arglist <- lapply(1:d2, function(i) newX[,i])
    } else
        arglist <- lapply(1:d2, function(i) array(newX[,i], d.call, dn.call))
    ans <- parLapply(cl, arglist, FUN, ...)

    ## answer dims and dimnames

    ans.list <- is.recursive(ans[[1]])
    l.ans <- length(ans[[1]])

    ans.names <- names(ans[[1]])
	ans.list <- any(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) != l.ans)
    if(!ans.list && length(ans.names)) {
        all.same <- sapply(ans, function(x) identical(names(x), ans.names))
        if (!all(all.same)) ans.names <- NULL
    len.a <- if(ans.list) d2 else length(ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE))
    if(length(MARGIN) == 1 && len.a == d2) {
	names(ans) <- if(length(dn.ans[[1]])) dn.ans[[1]] # else NULL
    if(len.a == d2)
	return(array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
    if(len.a > 0 && len.a %% d2 == 0)
	return(array(ans, c(len.a %/% d2, d.ans),
                     if(is.null(dn.ans)) {
                         if(!is.null(ans.names)) list(ans.names,NULL)
                     } else c(list(ans.names), dn.ans)))

#  Library Initialization

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    if (exists("mpi.comm.size"))
        type <- "MPI"
    ## else if (length(find.package("rpvm", quiet = TRUE)) != 0)
    ##     type <- "PVM"
    else if (length(find.package("Rmpi", quiet = TRUE)) != 0)
        type <- "MPI"
    else if (length(find.package("nws", quiet = TRUE)) != 0)
        type <- "NWS"
    else type <- "SOCK"
    setDefaultClusterOptions(type = type)
jpritikin/snow documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:09 a.m.