
#' Calculate sap flow for a tree with sapwood depth greater than probe length
#' This function uses the equations laid out in Pataki et al, 2011 to calculate
#' the total sap flow of a tree from sap flux measurements in the outer sapwood.
#' It assumes a 2 cm long sap-flux probe and silently considers the total stem
#' area to be sapwood area if the sapwood area is greater than the area of the
#' tree caluclated form the diameter argument.
#' @return Sap flow of the stem given as volume per unit time matching the units
#'   in \code{sap.flux}.
#' @param sap.flux Sap flux data as volume per unit area per unit time
#' @param sapwood.area Sapwood area of the tree in units matching
#'   \code{sap.flux} area unit
#' @param diameter Diameter of the tree in units matching the square
#'   root of the \code{sap.flux} area unit
#' @param tree.type is a character of 'Softwood' or 'Hardwood'
#' @keywords Sap flux
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pataki_flow()
pataki_flow <- function (sap.flux, sapwood.area, diameter, tree.type) {
  softwood_flux <- 
      1.257 * exp(-0.5 * ((x + 0.3724) / 0.662) ^ 2)}
  hardwood_flux <- 
      1.033 * exp(-0.5 * ((x - 0.09963) / 0.4263) ^ 2)}  
  fluxScalar <- 
    ifelse(tree.type == "Softwood",
                     lower = 0,
                     upper = 1)$value,
                     lower = 0,
                     upper = 1)$value)
  treeRadius <-  
  treeArea <- 
    pi * treeRadius^2
  heartRadius <- 
    ifelse(sapwood.area < treeArea, 
           sqrt(treeArea - sapwood.area/pi), 
  sapwoodRadius <-  
    treeRadius - heartRadius

  flow <- 
    ifelse(sapwoodRadius > 0.02,
           sap.flux * sapwood.area * fluxScalar,
           sap.flux * sapwood.area)


#' Calculate sap flow for a tree with sapwood depth greater than probe length
#' This function calculates the variance associated with the sap flow calculated using the equations laid out in Pataki et al, 2011.
#' @param Flux Sap flux data
#' @param Var Variance of sap flux data
#' @param Sapwood_Radius Radius of the sapwood of the tree
#' @param Radius Radius of the tree at breast height (DBH/2)
#' @param Type Softwood or hardwood
#' @keywords Sap flux
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pataki_var()
pataki_var <- function (Flux, Var, Sapwood_Radius, Radius, Type) {
  StdD <- sqrt(Var)
  Rings <- Sapwood_Radius / 0.02
  Full_Rings <- ceiling(Rings)
  Last_Ring <- 1 - (Full_Rings - Rings)
  SigR <- ifelse(Type=="Softwood", 0.1714, 0.2583)
  for (X in 1:Full_Rings) {
    OuterRad <- Radius - ((X * 0.02) - 0.02)
    InnerRad <- Radius - (X * 0.02)
    Relative_D <- ((X * 0.02) - 0.02) / Sapwood_Radius
    JiJo <- if(Type=="Softwood") {
      1.257 * exp(-0.5 * ((Relative_D + 0.3724) / 0.662) ^ 2)}
    else {1.033 * exp(-0.5 * ((Relative_D - 0.09963) / 0.4263) ^ 2)}
    Area <- Circular(OuterRad) - Circular(InnerRad)
    AreaSD <- 0.02 * pi * (OuterRad ^ 2 + InnerRad ^ 2) ^ 0.5
    R_Flow <- Flux * JiJo * Area
    if(X == 1) {Variance <- R_Flow ^ 2 * ((AreaSD / Area) ^ 2 + (StdD / Flux) ^ 2 + (SigR / JiJo) ^ 2)}
    else {
      if(X != Full_Rings) {Variance <- Variance + R_Flow ^ 2 * ((AreaSD / Area) ^ 2 + (StdD / Flux) ^ 2 + (SigR / JiJo) ^ 2)}
      else {
        if(Last_Ring == 0) {Variance <- Variance + R_Flow ^ 2 * ((AreaSD / Area) ^ 2 + (StdD / Flux) ^ 2 + (SigR / JiJo) ^ 2)}
        else {
          Variance <- Variance + Last_Ring ^ 2 * R_Flow ^ 2 * ((AreaSD / Area) ^ 2 + (StdD / Flux) ^ 2 + (SigR / JiJo) ^ 2)}}}

#' Sap-flux response to Dz
#' This function fits a curve to sap flux data using Dz as a predictor.  It is meant to be used within nlmer().
#' @param a,w,x fitting paramters which need start values specified in nlmer.
#' @param z Dz
#' @return The fitted values for a,w, and x for the equation \deqn{J[s]=a+w(1-x^{-D[z]})}
#' @keywords sap flux Dz
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fluxmod()
fluxmod <- deriv(expression(a+w*(1-x^(-z))), c("a","w","x"),function(a, w, x, z) {})
jpshanno/ecoflux documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:51 p.m.