
Defines functions plot.chemmodlab

Documented in plot.chemmodlab

#' Plot method for the chemmodlab class.
#' \code{plot.chemmodlab} takes a \code{\link{chemmodlab}} object output by the
#' \code{\link{ModelTrain}} function and creates a series of accumulation curve
#' plots for assesing model and descriptor set performance.
#' @details
#' For a binary response, the accumulation curve plots the number of assay hits
#' identified as a function of the number of tests conducted, where testing
#' order is determined by the predicted probability of a response being positive
#' obtained from k-fold cross
#' validation. Given a particular compound collection, larger accumulations are
#' preferable.
#' The accumulation curve has also been extended to continuous responses.
#' Assuming large positive values of a continuous response y are preferable,
#' \code{chemmodlab}
#' accumulates \code{y} so that \eqn{\sum y_i} is the sum of the \code{y}
#' over the first \code{n} tests. This extension includes the binary-response
#' accumulation curve as a special case.
#' By default, we display accumulation curves up to 300 tests, not for the
#' entire collection, to focus on the goal of finding actives as early as
#' possible.
#' There are two main series of plots generated:
#' @section Methods plot series:
#'  There is one plot per CV split and descriptor set
#'  combination. The accumulation curves for each modeling
#'   method is compared.
#' @section Descriptors plot series:
#'  There is one plot per CV split and model fit. The
#'  accumulation curves for each descriptor set is
#'  compared.
#' @aliases plot.chemmodlab
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{chemmodlab}}.
#' @param max.select the maximum number of tests to plot for the
#'  accumulation curve. If \code{max.select} is not specified, 
#'  use \code{floor(min(300,n/4))},
#'  where \code{n} is the number of compounds.
#' @param splits a numeric vector containing the indices of the splits to use to construct
#' accumulation curves.  Default is to use all splits. \code{NA} means the first series
#' of plots are not generated. See \code{Details}.
#' @param meths a character vector with statistical methods implemented in
#' \code{chemmodlab}.  The 
#' statistical methods to use for the second series of plots.  
#' This argument can take the same values
#' as argument \code{models} in function \code{\link{ModelTrain}}. See \code{Details}.
#' @param series a character vector.  Which series of plots to construct. Can be one of
#'  \code{"descriptors"}, \code{"methods"}, \code{"both"}.
#' @param ... other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions.
#' @author Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver, Jeremy Ash, Atina Brooks
#' @seealso \code{\link{chemmodlab}}, \code{\link{ModelTrain}}
#' @references Modified from code originally written by
#'   William J. Welch 2001-2002
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A data set with  binary response and multiple descriptor sets
#' data(aid364)
#' cml <- ModelTrain(aid364, ids = TRUE, xcol.lengths = c(24, 147), 
#'                   des.names = c("BurdenNumbers", "Pharmacophores"))
#' plot(cml)
#' }
#' # A continuous response
#' cml <- ModelTrain(USArrests, nsplits = 2, nfolds = 2,
#'                   models = c("KNN", "Lasso", "Tree"))
#' plot(cml)
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import methods
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
plot.chemmodlab <- function(x, max.select = NA, splits = 1:x$nsplits,
                            meths = x$models, series = "both", ...) {
  # This function will modify graphical parameters
  # Reset old parameters upon exiting
  old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  if (!all(meths %in% c("NNet", "PCR", "ENet", "PLS", "Ridge", "LAR", "PLSLDA",
                         "Lasso","RPart", "Tree", "SVM", "KNN", "RF"))) {
    stop("'meths' should be a character vector containing methods existing in chemmodlab")
  if (is.na(max.select))
    max.select <- min(300,(length(x$responses)/4))

  nsplit <- length(x$all.preds)
  # Makes desciptor set names shorter so that they fit on the plots
  abbrev.names <- c()
  num.desc <- length(x$des.names)
  des.names <- x$des.names
  if (grepl("Descriptor Set", des.names[1])) {
    for (i in 1:num.desc) {
      # TO DO add option to specify abbreviated names?
      abbrev.names <- c(abbrev.names, paste0("Des", i))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:num.desc) {
      abbrev.names <- c(abbrev.names, substr(des.names[i], 1, 4))
  for (splidx in splits) {
    preds <- x$all.preds[[splidx]]
    titles <- paste0("Split ", splidx, " : ", gsub("_", " ", names(preds)))

    y <- x$responses
    classify <- x$classify
    if (classify)
      num.actives <- sum(y)
    if (classify)
      probs <- x$all.probs[[splidx]]

    # TO DO why removing KNN, etc predictions?
    if (!classify) {
      for (i in length(titles))
        preds[[i]] <- preds[[i]][, !(names(preds[[i]]) %in% c("PLSLDA"))]
    #Plot all methods for each descriptor set
    if (series %in% c("descriptors", "both")) {
      for (i in 1:num.desc) {
        if ((classify) && (ncol(probs[[i]]) > 1)) {
          HitCurve(probs[[i]][, -1], y = y, title = titles[i],
                   phat.labels = names(probs[[i]])[-1])
          ContCurve(preds[[i]][, !(names(preds[[i]]) %in% names(probs[[i]]))],
                    y = y, curves.only = TRUE, start.col = (ncol(probs[[i]]) - 1),
                    title = titles[i],
                    yhat.labels =
                      names(preds[[i]])[!(names(preds[[i]]) %in% names(probs[[i]]))])
        } else {
          ContCurve(preds[[i]][, -1], y = y, title = titles[i],
                    yhat.labels = names(preds[[i]])[-1])
    # Plot all descriptor accumulation curves for each method
    # DONT make these plots if there is only one descriptor set
    if (num.desc > 1 && series %in% c("methods", "both")){
      # Only use the models that were succesfully fit to the data
      # these will be the models with columns in the all.preds dataframes
      pred.meths <- c()
      for (i in length(titles)) pred.meths <- c(pred.meths, names(preds[[i]])[-1])
      # some models selected by user may not have been succefully fit
      pred.meths <- meths[(meths %in% pred.meths)]
      # Make sure method names are unique
      pred.meths <- unique(pred.meths)
      if (classify) {
        prob.meths <- c()
        for (i in length(titles)) prob.meths <- c(prob.meths, names(probs[[i]])[-1])
        prob.meths <- unique(prob.meths)
        prob.meths <- pred.meths[pred.meths %in% prob.meths]
        pred.meths <- pred.meths[!(pred.meths %in% prob.meths)]
        for (j in seq_along(prob.meths)) {
          p <- data.frame()
          p.labels <- c()
          for (i in seq_along(titles)) {
            if (sum(names(probs[[i]]) %in% prob.meths[j]) == 1) {
              if (ncol(p) == 0) {
                p <- data.frame(probs[[i]][, prob.meths[j]])
              } else {
                p <- data.frame(p, probs[[i]][, prob.meths[j]])
              names(p)[ncol(p)] <- abbrev.names[i]
              p.labels <- c(p.labels, abbrev.names[i])
          if (ncol(p)>0) {
            HitCurve(p, y=y, title=paste("Split", splidx, ":", prob.meths[j]),
      for (j in seq_along(pred.meths)) {
        p <- data.frame()
        p.labels <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(titles)) {
          if (sum(names(preds[[i]]) %in% pred.meths[j]) == 1) {
            if (ncol(p) == 0) {
              p <- data.frame(preds[[i]][, pred.meths[j]])
            } else {
              p <- data.frame(p, preds[[i]][, pred.meths[j]])
            names(p)[ncol(p)] <- abbrev.names[i]
            p.labels <- c(p.labels, abbrev.names[i])
        if (ncol(p) > 0) {
          ContCurve(p, y = y, title = paste("Split", splidx, ":", pred.meths[j]),
                    yhat.labels = p.labels)
jrash/chemmodlab documentation built on May 18, 2023, 8:42 p.m.