#' Auto-bispectrum
#' Compute auto-bispectrum with the multitaper method
#' @param x regularly sampled univariate time series. Can be passed as a ts
#' object, a data.frame or simple vector of values. In the case of the latter, deltat must be specified.
#' If passed as a data.frame, the first column must provide timing, the second the data itself.
#' @param deltat time interval between samples, used only if x is passed as a vector. Defaults to 1.
#' @param nw multitaper frequency bandwidth parameter, defaults to 4.
#' @param k number of tapers, typically 2 * nw - 1, defaults to 7.
#' @param nPoly order of the polynomial used for DC/trend removal, defaults to 3.
#' @return list containing frequency, bispectrum, bispectral power, and bicoherence.
#' \item{"freq1"}{f1 frequencies (0 to Nyquist)}
#' \item{"freq2"}{f12 frequencies (-Nyquist to Nyquist / 2)}
#' \item{"bispec"}{Complex bispectrum [f1, f2]}
#' \item{"coher"}{bicoherence [f1, f2]}
#' \item{"bpspec"}{bispectral power [f1,f2]}
#' @import "multitaper"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' t <- 1:256
#' f <- c( 1/20, 1/5, 1/4 )
#' x <- sin( 2 * pi * t %o% f )
#' s <- apply( x, 1, sum ) + rnorm( length( t ), sd = 0.5 )
#' b <- bispec.mtm( s, deltat = 1 )
#' image( b$freq1, b$freq2, t( b$coher ), useRaster = TRUE )
bispec.mtm <- function( x, deltat = 1, nw = 4, k = 7, nPoly = 3 ) {
# Determine what was passed for x and establish times and dt.
if ( is.data.frame( x ) ) {
t <- x[,1]
s <- x[,2]
dt <- t[2] - t[1]
else if ( is.ts( x ) ) {
s <- as.numeric( x )
dt <- deltat( x )
} else if ( is.numeric( x ) ) {
dt <- deltat
s <- x
nPts <- length( s )
s <- residuals( lm( s ~ poly( seq_along( s ), nPoly ) ) )
if ( k > ( 2 * nw + 1 ) ) print( noquote( "Consider fewer tapers or larger time/bandwidth parameter." ) )
if ( nPts * k >= 2000 ) print( noquote( "Be patient--this will take a while." ) )
# Generate the DPSS tapers.
tap <- multitaper::dpss( n = nPts, k = k, nw = nw )
taper <- tap$v
eign <- tap$eigen
# Loop over tapers, computing the FFT of each tapering of the time series
# Time series are padded to the next multiple of 2.
nPad <- nextn( nPts, 2 )
spec <- matrix( rep( complex( 0, 0 ), k * nPad ), ncol = k )
stap <- rep( 0.0, nPad )
for ( i in 1:k ) {
stap[1:nPts] <- s * taper[,i]
spec[,i] <- fft( stap )
# Create the various returned matrices
nFl <- nPad / 2 + 1
nFs <- nPad / 4 + 1
l2 <- c( -( nFl:2), 1:nFs )
m2 <- seq_along( l2 )
lFs <- length( l2 )
freqs <- seq( 0, 0.5 / dt, length.out = nFl )
bcoher <- matrix( rep( -Inf, lFs * nFl ), nrow = lFs )
bpspec <- bcoher
bispec <- matrix( rep( complex( 0, 0 ), lFs * nFl ), nrow = lFs )
Plist <- vector( "list", k )
Pmat <- matrix( rep( 0, k^2 ), nrow = k )
Psum <- 0
for ( k1 in 1:k ) {
Plist[[k1]] <- Pmat
for ( k2 in 1:k ) {
for ( k3 in 1:k ) {
Plist[[k1]][k2,k3] <- sum( taper[,k1] * taper[,k2] * taper[,k3] )
Psum <- Psum + Plist[[k1]][k2,k3]^2
# Loop over frequencies (2)
fp <- matrix( rep( 0, k^2 ), nrow = k )
M21 <- rep( 0, nFl )
for ( i1 in 1:nFl ) {
M21[i1] <- sum( Mod( spec[i1, ] )^2 ) / ( k * nPts )
for ( i in 1:lFs ) {
i2s <- l2[i]
md2 <- m2[i]
i2 <- abs( i2s )
i12 <- i1 + i2s - 1
if ( i12 > nFl || i12 < 1 || i2 > i1 ) next()
M22 <- M21[i2]
M2s <- sum( Mod( spec[i12,] )^2 ) / ( k * nPts )
M3 <- 0
fp <- spec[i1,] %o% spec[i2,]
for ( k3 in 1:k ) {
M3 <- M3 + Conj( spec[i12,k3] ) * sum( Plist[[k3]] * fp )
M3 <- M3 / ( nPts^2 * Psum )
bispec[md2,i1] <- M3
bcoher[md2,i1] <- Mod( M3 / sqrt( M21[i1] * M22 * M2s ) )^2
bpspec[md2,i1] <- Mod( M3 )^2
return( list( bspec = bispec,
coher = bcoher,
bpspec = bpspec,
freq1 = freqs,
freq2 = c( -rev( freqs ), freqs[2:(( nFl - 1 ) / 2 + 1 )]) ) )
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