
Defines functions multivariate.vc

multivariate.vc <- function(thetahat, se, fixedmean = NULL, optim.reltol = NULL){
  ## thetahat is a (n x p) matrix of estimates and se a (n x p) matrix
  ## of standard errors.  missing values are allowed (as long as they align)
  ## and are removed from the MLE calculation
  ## we assume the following model for the estimates
  ## thetahat[i,j] = mu[j] + theta[i] + eta[i,j] + e[i,j]
  ## where
  ## 1) theta[i] are iid normal with mean zero and unknown variance "tausq"
  ## 2) eta[i,j] are iid normal with mean zero and unknown variance "nusq"
  ## 3) e[i,j]   are iid normal with mean zero and   known variance se[i,j]^2
  ## this implies that thetahat[i,] are iid N(mu, G = tausq*J + diag(nusq) + diag(se^2[i,]))
  ## we estimate(tausq, nusq, mu) by ML.
  ## if !is.null(fixedmean), uses the passed value as the known mean and only estimates variance components
    stop("est and se different dimensions")
  if(min(dim(thetahat)) < 2){
    stop("doesn't work with only one column or row")
  if(any(is.na(thetahat) != is.na(se))){
    stop("est and se must have same missing values")
  v <- se^2
  np <- ncol(thetahat)

  ## create bad MOM starting values for tausq and nusq
  m <- var(thetahat,use="p") - diag(apply(v,2,mean,na.rm=T))
  tausq0 <- mean(m[lower.tri(m)])
  nusq0  <- mean(diag(m)) - tausq0
  mu0    <- apply(thetahat, 2, mean, na.rm=T)
  p0 <- c(ifelse(tausq0 < 0, 0, log(tausq0)), ifelse(nusq0 < 0, 0, log(nusq0)))

  ## turn thetahat and v into lists of vectors, and create observation indicators
  thetahat <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(thetahat)))
  v        <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(v)))
  obs      <- lapply(thetahat, function(x){ !is.na(x) })

  ##  negative log likelihood, depending on whether fixedmean supplied.
  ##  we calculate G matrices, then log likelihood at each observation, and return negative sum
  ##  note we deal with obs here, restricting each vector to its observed components
    negll <- function(p){
      thismu <- p[3:(3+np-1)]
      tausq  <- exp(p[1])
      nusq   <- exp(p[2])
      if( (tausq < 1e-8) || (tausq > 1e8) || (nusq < 1e-8) || (nusq > 1e8) ){
      } else {
        G <- lapply(v, function(x){ matrix(tausq, ncol=np, nrow=np) + diag(x) + nusq*diag(np) })
        G <- mapply(function(g, x){ g[x,x,drop=FALSE] }, G, obs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        return(0.5 * sum(mapply( function(g,x,o){ sum(log(eigen(g)$values)) + (t(x[o] - thismu[o]) %*% solve(g) %*% (x[o] - thismu[o])) }, G, thetahat, obs)))
    p0 <- c(p0, mu0)
  } else {
    negll <- function(p){
      tausq  <- exp(p[1])
      nusq   <- exp(p[2])
      if( (tausq < 1e-8) || (tausq > 1e8) || (nusq < 1e-8) || (nusq > 1e8) ){
      } else {
        G <- lapply(v, function(x){ matrix(tausq, ncol=np, nrow=np) + diag(x) + nusq*diag(np) })
        G <- mapply(function(g, x){ g[x,x,drop=FALSE] }, G, obs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        return(0.5 * sum(mapply( function(g,x,o){ sum(log(eigen(g)$values)) + (t(x[o] - fixedmean[o]) %*% solve(g) %*% (x[o] - fixedmean[o])) }, G, thetahat, obs)))
  ## do the optimization
  .control <- list(maxit=500, trace=5, REPORT=1)
    .control$reltol <- optim.reltol
  out <- optim(par = p0, fn = negll, method  = "BFGS", control=.control, hessian=TRUE)
  tausq <- exp(out$par[1])
  nusq  <- exp(out$par[2])
  rat   <- tausq / (tausq + nusq)
    mu <- out$par[3:(3+np-1)]
  } else {
    mu <- fixedmean
  Gj <- lapply(v, function(x){ matrix(tausq, ncol=np, nrow=np) + diag(x) + nusq*diag(np)})
  Gj <- mapply(function(gj,o){gj[o,o,drop=FALSE]}, Gj, obs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

  ## getting confidence intervals for tausq, nusq, and ratio
  V <- solve(out$hessian)[1:2,1:2]
  tausqci <- exp(out$par[1] + (sqrt(V[1,1]) * c(-1.96, +1.96)))
  nusqci  <- exp(out$par[2] + (sqrt(V[2,2]) * c(-1.96, +1.96)))
  ## ratio uses delta method.  if psi1 = log(tausq) and psi2 = log(nusq) then
  ## ratio is 1 / (1 + exp(psi2 - psi1))
  psi <- out$par[1:2]
  del <- matrix(exp(psi[2] - psi[1]) * ( (1 + exp(psi[2] - psi[1]))^{-2} ) * c(1, -1), ncol=1)
  sdrat <- sqrt( t(del) %*% V %*% del )
  ratci <- rat + (sdrat * c(-1.96, +1.96))
  return(list(tausq = tausq, tausqci = tausqci, nusq = nusq, nusqci = nusqci, rat = rat, ratci = ratci, mu = mu, Gj = Gj, ll = -out$value))
jrlockwood/JRLmisc documentation built on April 9, 2022, 4 a.m.