
Defines functions meas.camera.constant

#' Measure the camera constant
#' Measure the camera constant from the first five peaks in
#' a pattern.
#' @param cnt.dir Directory for count data. Must terminate with "/"
#' @param cnt.base Base name for .csv file with count data
#' @param r.min Minimum radius [px]
#' @param r.max Maximum radius [px]
#' @param sb.win Window size for spectrum background
#' one of 3,5,7,9,11,13,15
#' @param sb.ord Polynomial order for the spline
#' one of 2,4,6,8 - as a string
#' @param hw.hm Half-width at half max for fit
#' @param icdd.dir location of lines (must terminate with a ``/'')
#' @param icdd.no ICDD number of the card, as a string - 00-0000
#' @param compound Name of the compound as a string, i.e. Al
#' @param sp.grp Space group as a string - Fm3m
#' @param pk.sigma sigma for the peak detection
#' @param pk.thres threshold value for the peak detection
#' @param ccd.px.um um/px for the ccd
#' @param do.plot Plot the results
#' @param do.log.y Use a log intensity axis
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters
#' @return vector A vector with cc.mu.px.A, cc.se.px.A, cc.mu.mm.A, cc.se.mm.A, hw.hm from the fit
#' @import rPeaks
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # not run
meas.camera.constant <-
function(cnt.dir='./', cnt.base='Al', r.min=250, r.max=800,
         sb.win='15', sb.ord='6', hw.hm=4,
         icdd.dir='./', icdd.no='04-0787', compound='Al', sp.grp='Fm3m',
         pk.sigma=4.0, pk.thres=0.8, ccd.px.um=15,
         do.plot=TRUE, do.log.y=FALSE, ...){
  # measure the camera constant using the first
  # five lines of the standard

  # define std error for later
  stderr <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))

  str.lines <- paste(icdd.dir,
                     icdd.no,'-', compound, '-',
                     sp.grp, '.csv', sep='')

  df.std <- read.csv(str.lines, header = T)
  # First 5 d-spacings of standard [A]
  v.d     <- df.std[1:5,1]
  v.h     <- df.std[1:5,2]
  # pixel: physical pixel spacing mm/px for the CCD camera [mm]
  pixel <- ccd.px.um/1000
  count.file <- paste(cnt.dir,cnt.base,'-dc-ra.csv', sep='')
  df.dat <- read.csv(count.file, header = T, sep=',')
  names(df.dat) <-c("r.px","int.gross")
  df.dat <- subset(df.dat, df.dat[,1] > r.min)
  df.dat <- subset(df.dat, df.dat[,1] < r.max)
  x <- df.dat[,1]
  y <- df.dat[,2]
  # compute the slowly varying background
  y.bkg <- SpectrumBackground(y,
  # compute and plot the net intensity
  y.bks <- y-y.bkg
  for(i in 1:length(y.bks)){
    y.bks[i] <- max(y.bks[i], 10)
  # find the peaks
  pks   <- SpectrumSearch(y.bks, sigma=pk.sigma, threshold=pk.thres)
  # sort in increasing position
  pks   <- sort(unlist(pks$pos))

  # since we will do a fit, estimate the camera constant from the
  # first peak and use it to guess the centroids for the remaining
  # four
  p.one <- pks[1]
  cc.guess <- v.d[1]*(p.one + r.min)
  n.pks <- 5
  v.rad <- vector(mode='numeric', length=n.pks)
  v.ht <- vector(mode='numeric', length=n.pks)
  for (i in 1:n.pks){
    v.rad[i] = cc.guess / v.d[i]
    v.ht[i] <- y.bks[as.integer(floor(v.rad[i]-r.min))]
  # v.rad <- pks + r.min
  df.pks <- data.frame(rad=v.rad, ht=v.ht)

  pk.approx <- df.pks[,2]
  mu.approx <- df.pks[,1]
  s.approx  <- rep(hw.hm, n.pks)
  fit <- nls(y.bks ~
               pk1*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu1)/hwhm)^2)  +
               pk2*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu2)/hwhm)^2)  +
               pk3*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu3)/hwhm)^2)  +
               pk4*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu4)/hwhm)^2)  +
             start=list( hwhm = hw.hm,
                         pk1 = pk.approx[1], mu1 = mu.approx[1],
                         pk2 = pk.approx[2], mu2 = mu.approx[2],
                         pk3 = pk.approx[3], mu3 = mu.approx[3],
                         pk4 = pk.approx[4], mu4 = mu.approx[4],
                         pk5 = pk.approx[5], mu5 = mu.approx[5]),

  s <- summary(fit)
  c <- coef(s)

  hwhm <- c[[1]]
  pk1  <- c[[2]]
  mu1  <- c[[3]]
  pk2  <- c[[4]]
  mu2  <- c[[5]]
  pk3  <- c[[6]]
  mu3  <- c[[7]]
  pk4  <- c[[8]]
  mu4  <- c[[9]]
  pk5  <- c[[10]]
  mu5  <- c[[11]]

  y.fit <- pk1*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu1)/hwhm)^2)  +
    pk2*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu2)/hwhm)^2)  +
    pk3*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu3)/hwhm)^2)  +
    pk4*exp(-log(2.0)*((x-mu4)/hwhm)^2)  +

  peak.centroids <- c(mu1, mu2, mu3, mu4, mu5)
  peak.heights   <- c(pk1, pk2, pk3, pk4, pk5)
  max.ht <- max(peak.heights)

      plot(x, y.bks, type='l', xlab='radius [px]',
           ylab='net cts', log='y', ...)
    } else {
      plot(x, y.bks, type='l', xlab='radius [px]',
           ylab='net cts', ...)
    # label the peaks on the graph & populate height vector
    for (i in 1:n.pks){
      x.t <- c(peak.centroids[i], peak.centroids[i])
      y.t <- c(1,(max.ht/100)*v.h[i])
      lines(x.t, y.t, col='blue')

    x.c   <- df.dat[,1]
    y.c   <- df.dat[,2]
    n.lines <- length(v.h)
    n.pts <- length(y.c)
    for(i in 1:n.lines){
      for(j in 1:n.pts){
        y.c[j] <- peak.heights[i]*
        if(y.c[j] < 2) y.c[j] <- NA
      lines(x.c, y.c, col='red', lty=2)

  # compute and output the results
  cc <- v.d * peak.centroids
  cc.mu <- mean(cc)
  cc.se <- stderr(cc)
  res <- round(c(cc.mu, cc.se,
                 pixel*cc.mu, pixel*cc.se, hwhm), 3)
  names(res) <- c('cc.mu.px.A', 'cc.se.px.A',
                  'cc.mu.mm.A', 'cc.se.mm.A',
jrminter/rEDP documentation built on April 29, 2020, 6:25 p.m.