
Defines functions print.hyprcoloc hyprcoloc rapid.hyprcoloc align.ABF.2 align.ABF.1 rapid.align regional.ABF rapid.reg sensitivity.plot cred.sets colMax samp.reduc ind.snp.score p.0 prior

Documented in cred.sets hyprcoloc print.hyprcoloc sensitivity.plot

##### Prior #####

#' prior
#' @param p.1 probability of one trait having a causal variant in the genetic region
#' @param gamma step probability
#' @param k number of traits
#' @noRd
prior <- function(p.1, gamma, k) {
  if (k == 1) {
  } else {
    i <- c(2:k)
    G <- (1 - gamma^(i - 1))
    p.1 * prod(G)

##### SNP scores #####

#' p.0
#' @param j number of traits
#' @param Q number of SNPs
#' @noRd
p.0 <- function(j, Q) {
  (j - 1) * Q - j * (j - 1) / 2 + 1

#' ind.snp.score
#' @param Q the number of traits
#' @param snp.scores vector of per snp contributions to the posterior probability of colocalization
#' @noRd
ind.snp.score <- function(Q, snp.scores) {
  loc <- vector("numeric", Q - 1)
  res <- vector("numeric", Q)
  for (j in 1:Q) {
    i <- 1
    while (i < j) {
      loc[i] <- p.0(i, Q) + j - (i + 1)
      i <- i + 1
    if (j <= Q - 1) {
      loc[i:(Q - 1)] <- (p.0(j, Q)):(p.0(j + 1, Q) - 1)
    res[j] <- sum(snp.scores[loc])

##### Reduce dimensions of datasets #####

#' samp.reduc
#' @param Z matrix of Z-scores
#' @param W ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors
#' @param ld.matrix LD matrix
#' @param trait.cor correlation matrix between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of sample overlap between traits
#' @param trts vector of traits
#' @param window.size size of window for 2CV testing
#' @param sentinel sentinel variant
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores squared
#' @param Wsq matrix of W squared
#' @noRd
samp.reduc <- function(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, window.size = dim(Z)[1], sentinel = 0, Zsq, Wsq) {
  q <- dim(Z)[1]
  Z <- Z[, trts]
  W <- W[, trts]
  Zsq <- Zsq[, trts]
  Wsq <- Wsq[, trts]

  trait.cor <- trait.cor[trts, trts]
  sample.overlap <- sample.overlap[trts, trts]

  if (window.size < q) {
    if (sentinel == 0) {
      max.Z <- which(abs(Z) == max(abs(Z)))
      if (length(max.Z) > 1) {
        max.Z <- sample(max.Z, 1)
      row.Z <- max.Z %% dim(Z)[1]
      if (row.Z == 0) {
        row.Z <- dim(Z)[1]
    } else {
      row.Z <- sentinel

    Q <- window.size
    if (Q %% 2 == 1) {
      Q <- Q - 1

    if (max(row.Z - Q / 2, 1) == 1) {
      row.col <- 1:(Q + 1)
      Z <- Z[row.col, ]
      W <- W[row.col, ]
      Zsq <- Zsq[row.col, ]
      Wsq <- Wsq[row.col, ]
      ld.matrix <- ld.matrix[row.col, row.col]
    } else if (min(row.Z + Q / 2, q) == q) {
      row.col <- (q - Q):q
      Z <- Z[row.col, ]
      W <- W[row.col, ]
      Zsq <- Zsq[row.col, ]
      Wsq <- Wsq[row.col, ]
      ld.matrix <- ld.matrix[row.col, row.col]
    } else {
      row.col <- (row.Z - Q / 2):(row.Z + Q / 2)
      Z <- Z[row.col, ]
      W <- W[row.col, ]
      Zsq <- Zsq[row.col, ]
      Wsq <- Wsq[row.col, ]
      ld.matrix <- ld.matrix[row.col, row.col]
  } else {
    row.col <- 1:q

  return(list(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, row.col, Zsq, Wsq))

#' colMax
#' @param x data.frame or matrix
#' @noRd
colMax <- function(x) {
  apply(x, MARGIN = c(2), max)

##### Compute credible sets of snps for each cluster of colocalized traits #####

#' Credible sets
#' `cred.sets` computes credible sets of SNPs for each cluster of colocalized traits
#' @name cred.sets
#' @param res list of results from hyprcoloc when setting "snpscores = TRUE"
#' @param value the sum of the probabilities of the snps included in the credible set
#' @author Christopher Foley <chris.neal.foley@gmail.com> & James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
cred.sets <- function(res, value = 0.95) {
  clusters <- which(!is.na(res[[1]]$traits))
  results <- vector("list", length(clusters))
  if (length(clusters) > 0) {
    count <- 1
    for (i in clusters) {
      snp.scores <- res[[2]][[i]]
      snp.scores <- snp.scores[order(-snp.scores)]
      tmp.rmv <- which(snp.scores < (1 - value) / length(snp.scores))
      tmp.lgt <- length(snp.scores) - length(tmp.rmv)
      snp.scores <- snp.scores[-tmp.rmv]
      if (tmp.lgt > 1) {
        row.col <- combn(tmp.lgt, 2)
        row <- c(1:tmp.lgt, row.col[1, ])
        col <- c(1:tmp.lgt, row.col[2, ])
        snp.cols <- sparseMatrix(i = row, j = col, x = 1, dims = c(tmp.lgt, tmp.lgt))
        wch.snps <- snp.cols[, min(which(colSums(snp.scores * snp.cols) >= value))] == 1
        results[[count]] <- snp.scores[wch.snps]
      } else {
        results[[count]] <- snp.scores[tmp.lgt]
      count <- count + 1

##### Perform a sensitivity analysis by varying the algorithm (regional and alignment) thresholds and coloclaization prior (prior.c)  #####

#' Sensitivity plot
#' `sensitivity.plot` is a function which repeatedly calls the hyprcoloc function to compute a similarity matrix which illustrates how strongly clustered/colocalized pairs of traits are across different input thresholds and priors
#' @name sensitivity.plot
#' @param effect.est matrix of snp regression coefficients (i.e. regression beta values) in the genomic region
#' @param effect.se matrix of standard errors associated with the beta values
#' @param binary.outcomes a binary vector of dimension the number of traits: 1 represents a binary trait 0 otherwise
#' @param trait.subset vector of trait names (or number) from the full trait list: used for trageted colocalization analysis in a region
#' @param trait.names vector of trait names corresponding to the columns in the effect.est matrix
#' @param snp.id vector of SNP IDs
#' @param ld.matrix LD matrix
#' @param trait.cor matrix of pairwise correlations between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of pairwise sample overlap between traits
#' @param bb.alg branch and bound algorithm: TRUE, employ BB algorithm; FALSE, do not
#' @param bb.selection branch and bound algorithm type, e.g. regional or alignment selection
#' @param reg.steps regional step paramter
#' @param reg.thresh a vector of regional probability thresholds
#' @param align.thresh a vector of alignment probability thresholds
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.c vector of conditional colocalization priors: where prior.c is the probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param prior.12 COLOC prior p12: prior probability of a SNP being associated with any two traits
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @param ind.traits are the traits independent or to be treated as independent
#' @param equal.thresholds fix the regional and alignment thresholds to be equal
#' @param similarity.matrix To be viewed as a similarity matrix. Default FALSE.
#' @import pheatmap RColorBrewer
#' @author Christopher Foley <chris.neal.foley@gmail.com> & James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
sensitivity.plot <- function(effect.est, effect.se, binary.outcomes = rep(0, dim(effect.est)[2]),
                             trait.subset = c(1:dim(effect.est)[2]), trait.names = c(1:dim(effect.est)[2]),
                             snp.id = c(1:dim(effect.est)[1]), ld.matrix = diag(1, dim(effect.est)[1], dim(effect.est)[1]),
                             trait.cor = diag(1, dim(effect.est)[2], dim(effect.est)[2]),
                             sample.overlap = matrix(rep(1, dim(effect.est)[2]^2), nrow = dim(effect.est)[2]),
                             bb.alg = TRUE, bb.selection = "regional",
                             reg.steps = 1, reg.thresh = c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), align.thresh = c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9),
                             prior.1 = 1e-4, prior.c = c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005), prior.12 = NULL,
                             uniform.priors = FALSE,
                             ind.traits = TRUE, equal.thresholds = FALSE, similarity.matrix = FALSE) {
  m <- dim(effect.est)[2]
  snp.combin <- function(x, y, vec) {
    I <- iterpc(x, y, labels = vec)
    return(getall(I) + 0.0)
  sim.mat <- diag(0, m)

  if (!is.null(prior.12)) {
    prior.c <- prior.12 / (prior.1 + prior.12)

  for (i in reg.thresh) {
    for (k in prior.c) {
      if (equal.thresholds) {
        j <- i
        tmp.mat <- diag(1, m)
        res <- hyprcoloc(effect.est, effect.se,
          binary.outcomes = binary.outcomes, trait.subset = trait.subset, trait.names = trait.names,
          snp.id = snp.id, ld.matrix = ld.matrix, trait.cor = trait.cor, sample.overlap = sample.overlap, bb.alg = bb.alg, bb.selection = bb.selection,
          reg.steps = reg.steps, reg.thresh = i, align.thresh = j,
          prior.1 = prior.1, prior.c = k, uniform.priors = uniform.priors, ind.traits = ind.traits
        trt.clusts <- res[[1]]$traits
        for (its in 1:length(trt.clusts)) {
          tmp.clust <- unlist(strsplit(trt.clusts[its], split = ", "))
          if (tmp.clust[1] != "None") {
            tmp.vec <- which(trait.names %in% tmp.clust)
            # coloc.pairs = t(snp.combin(m, 2, tmp.vec));
            coloc.pairs <- t(snp.combin(length(tmp.vec), 2, tmp.vec))
            tmp.mat[t(coloc.pairs)] <- 1
        sim.mat <- sim.mat + tmp.mat + t(tmp.mat) - diag(1, m)
      } else {
        for (j in align.thresh) {
          tmp.mat <- diag(1, m)
          res <- hyprcoloc(effect.est, effect.se,
            binary.outcomes = binary.outcomes, trait.subset = trait.subset, trait.names = trait.names,
            snp.id = snp.id, ld.matrix = ld.matrix, trait.cor = trait.cor, sample.overlap = sample.overlap, bb.alg = bb.alg, bb.selection = bb.selection,
            reg.steps = reg.steps, reg.thresh = i, align.thresh = j,
            prior.1 = prior.1, prior.c = k, uniform.priors = uniform.priors, ind.traits = ind.traits
          trt.clusts <- res[[1]]$traits
          for (its in 1:length(trt.clusts)) {
            tmp.clust <- unlist(strsplit(trt.clusts[its], split = ", "))
            if (tmp.clust[1] != "None") {
              tmp.vec <- which(trait.names %in% tmp.clust)
              # coloc.pairs = t(snp.combin(m, 2, tmp.vec));
              coloc.pairs <- t(snp.combin(length(tmp.vec), 2, tmp.vec))
              tmp.mat[t(coloc.pairs)] <- 1
          sim.mat <- sim.mat + tmp.mat + t(tmp.mat) - diag(1, m)
  sim.mat <- sim.mat / length(reg.thresh) / length(align.thresh) / length(prior.c)
  if (equal.thresholds) {
    sim.mat <- sim.mat * length(align.thresh)
  rownames(sim.mat) <- trait.names
  colnames(sim.mat) <- trait.names

  #                                  annotation_row = data.frame(
  #                                  Clusters = factor(dta$cluster.class[match(rownames(smat), obs.names)])
  #                                )
  #                                rownames(annotation_row) <- rownames(smat)
  breaksList <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.02)
  plot <- pheatmap(
    mat = sim.mat,
    color = colorRampPalette((brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "Blues")))(length(breaksList)),
    breaks = breaksList,
    cluster_cols = FALSE,
    cluster_rows = FALSE,
    border_color = NA,
    show_colnames = TRUE,
    show_rownames = TRUE,
    # annotation_col    = annotation_row,
    drop_levels = TRUE,
    fontsize = 6,
    main = "Prior sensitivity heatmap"

  if (!similarity.matrix) {
  } else {
    return(list(plot, sim.mat))

##### Regional colocalisation (rapid) #####

#' rapid.reg
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores
#' @param Wsq ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors squared
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @noRd
rapid.reg <- function(Zsq, Wsq, prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors) {
  m <- dim(Zsq)[2]
  Q <- dim(Zsq)[1]

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.1.m <- p.1 / Q

  prior.all <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m)
  prior.sub <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)

  labf <- 0.5 * (log(Wsq) + (Zsq) * (1 - Wsq))
  sum.labf <- rowSums(labf)
  mx.labf <- which.max(labf)
  clc.max <- which.max(sum.labf)

  chi <- sum.labf - sum.labf[clc.max]
  exp.chi <- exp(chi)
  sum.exp.chi <- sum(exp.chi)
  sum.labf.subset <- colSums(exp(chi - labf))
  rm.trt <- which.max(sum.labf.subset)

  reg.prob <- sum.exp.chi / (exp(-sum.labf[clc.max] - log(prior.all)) + sum.exp.chi + (prior.sub / prior.all) * sum(sum.labf.subset))

  return(list(reg.prob, clc.max, rm.trt, exp.chi / sum.exp.chi))

##### Regional colocalisation #####

#' regional.ABF
#' @param Z matrix of Z-scores
#' @param W ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors
#' @param snps.clc SNPs colocalisation
#' @param rho LD matrix
#' @param trait.cor correlation matrix between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of sample overlap between traits
#' @param epsilon tolerance parameter
#' @param reg.thresh regional probability threshold
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param prior.3 prior probability that a trait contains a second causal variant given it contains one already
#' @param prior.4 1 - prior probability that trait two co-localises with trait one given traits one and two already share a causal variant and trait one contains a second causal variant
#' @param flag flag variable
#' @param test.2 test for 2CV
#' @param reg.steps regional step paramter
#' @param cor.adj.priors correlation adjusted priors
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @param branch.jump branch jump
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores squared
#' @param Wsq matrix of W squared
#' @param ind.traits are the traits independent or to be treated as independent
#' @noRd
regional.ABF <- function(Z, W, snps.clc, rho, trait.cor, sample.overlap, epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, test.2, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, Zsq, Wsq, ind.traits) {
  m <- dim(Z)[2]
  Q <- dim(Z)[1]
  trait.cor <- trait.cor * sample.overlap
  if (reg.steps > m) {
    reg.steps <- m

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.1.m <- p.1 / Q
  p.2.m <- p.1 * 2 / (Q * (Q - 1))

  if (cor.adj.priors == T) {
    ave.cor <- trait.cor[lower.tri(trait.cor)]
    ave.cor <- mean(abs(ave.cor))
    prior.2 <- min(prior.2, 1 - ave.cor^2)
    prior.4 <- min(prior.4, 1 - ave.cor^4)

  if (branch.jump == T & reg.steps > 2) {
    jmp <- 1
  } else {
    jmp <- 0

  ones <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(snps.clc)[1], ncol = dim(snps.clc)[1])
  trait.cor <- as.matrix(kronecker(trait.cor, ones))

  log.sum.max.ABF.1 <- sum.max.ABF.1 <- log.sum.max.ABF.2 <- sum.max.ABF.2 <- mpfr(0, 120)
  log.sum.ABF.1 <- sum.ABF.1 <- sum.ABF.all.1 <- log.sum.ABF.2 <- sum.ABF.2 <- sum.ABF.all.2 <- mpfr(0, 120)
  log.all.traits.ABF.1 <- log.all.traits.ABF.2 <- mpfr(0, 120)
  log.max.ABF.1 <- log.max.ABF.2 <- mpfr(0, 120)
  mx.ABF.k <- mpfr(0, 120)
  NAs <- 0

  if (test.2 == 0) {
    df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 10, dimnames = list(c(), c("log.sum.ABF.full", "log.sum.ABF.all.combs", "log.max.sum.ABF.all.traits", "log.max.SNP.ABF.full", "Post.ratio.2.vs.1and2", "Traits", "SNPs", "NaNs", "reg_bb_alg", "reg_only_trts"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
    df[1, ]$reg_bb_alg <- FALSE
    reg.prob <- 1
    i <- m
    count <- 0
    while (reg.prob > (1 - jmp) * reg.thresh & i > 0) {
      clc.trt <- combn(m, i)
      count <- count + dim(clc.trt)[2]
      prior1 <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = i)
      prior2 <- I.unif * p.2.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = i) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = i)
      for (j in 1:dim(clc.trt)[2]) {
        trt.clc <- clc.trt[, j] + 0.0
        if (flag == 0) {
          if (ind.traits == T) {
            output <- regional1ind(Zsq, Wsq, trt.clc)
          } else {
            output <- regional1(Z, W, trt.clc, trait.cor, epsilon)
          if (i == m) {
            max.ABF.1 <- prior1 * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
            sum.ABF.1 <- max.ABF.1 * output[[1]][2]
            clc.max.cvs.1 <- output[[1]][3]
          } else {
            max.ABF.1 <- prior1 * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
            sum.ABF.1 <- max.ABF.1 * output[[2]][1]
            clc.max.cvs.1 <- output[[3]][1]
            if (mx.ABF.k < sum.ABF.1) {
              mx.ABF.k <- sum.ABF.1
              df[1, ]$reg_only_trts <- toString(clc.trt[, j])
          if (!is.na(sum.ABF.1)) {
            sum.ABF.all.1 <- sum.ABF.all.1 + sum.ABF.1
            if (sum.max.ABF.1 < sum.ABF.1) {
              sum.max.ABF.1 <- sum.ABF.1
              df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(clc.trt[, j])
              df[1, ]$SNPs <- toString(clc.max.cvs.1)
          } else {
            NAs <- NAs + 1
        } else {
          output <- regional2(Z, W, snps.clc, trt.clc, rho, trait.cor, epsilon)
          max.ABF.1 <- prior1 * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
          sum.ABF.1 <- max.ABF.1 * output[[1]][2]
          clc.max.cvs.1 <- output[[1]][3]
          if (!is.na(sum.ABF.1)) {
            sum.ABF.all.1 <- sum.ABF.all.1 + sum.ABF.1
            if (sum.max.ABF.1 < sum.ABF.1) {
              sum.max.ABF.1 <- sum.ABF.1
              df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(clc.trt[, j])
              df[1, ]$SNPs <- toString(clc.max.cvs.1)
          } else {
            NAs <- NAs + 1
          max.ABF.2 <- prior2 * exp(mpfr(output[[2]][1], 120))
          sum.ABF.2 <- max.ABF.2 * output[[2]][2]
          clc.max.cvs.2 <- snps.clc[, output[[2]][3]]
          if (!is.na(sum.ABF.2)) {
            sum.ABF.all.2 <- sum.ABF.all.2 + sum.ABF.2
            if (sum.max.ABF.2 < sum.ABF.2) {
              sum.max.ABF.2 <- sum.ABF.2
              df[2, ]$Traits <- toString(clc.trt[, j])
              df[2, ]$SNPs <- toString(clc.max.cvs.2)
          } else {
            NAs <- NAs + 1
      if (i == m) {
        log.max.ABF.1 <- log(max.ABF.1)
        sum.ABF.full.1 <- sum.ABF.all.1
        log.sum.ABF.1 <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF.1))
        df[1, ]$log.sum.ABF.full <- log.sum.ABF.1
        df[1, ]$log.max.SNP.ABF.full <- asNumeric(log.max.ABF.1)
        snp.scores.1 <- output[[2]]
        if (flag == 1) {
          log.max.ABF.2 <- log(max.ABF.2)
          sum.ABF.full.2 <- sum.ABF.all.2
          log.sum.ABF.2 <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF.2))
          df[2, ]$log.sum.ABF.full <- log.sum.ABF.2
          df[2, ]$log.max.SNP.ABF.full <- asNumeric(log.max.ABF.2)
          snp.scores.1 <- output[[3]]
          snp.scores.2.tmp <- output[[4]]
          snp.scores.2 <- ind.snp.score(Q, snp.scores.2.tmp)
      if (flag == 0) {
        reg.prob <- sum.ABF.full.1 / (sum.ABF.all.1)
      } else {
        reg.prob <- (sum.ABF.full.1 + sum.ABF.full.2) / (sum.ABF.all.1 + sum.ABF.all.2)
      i <- i - 1
      if (reg.steps != 0 & i == (m - reg.steps - 1)) {
        i <- 0
    if (jmp == 1 | sum.ABF.full.1 / mx.ABF.k >= (1 / min(9, m)) * count) {
      df[1, ]$reg_bb_alg <- TRUE
    log.sum.max.ABF.1 <- asNumeric(log(sum.max.ABF.1))
    log.all.traits.ABF.1 <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF.all.1))
    df[1, ]$log.sum.ABF.all.combs <- log.all.traits.ABF.1
    df[1, ]$log.max.sum.ABF.all.traits <- log.sum.max.ABF.1
    df[1, ]$NaNs <- NAs
    out.list <- list(df, snp.scores.1)
    if (flag == 1) {
      log.sum.max.ABF.2 <- asNumeric(log(sum.max.ABF.2))
      log.all.traits.ABF.2 <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF.all.2))
      df[2, ]$log.sum.ABF.all.combs <- log.all.traits.ABF.2
      df[2, ]$log.max.sum.ABF.all.traits <- log.sum.max.ABF.2
      df[2, ]$NaNs <- NAs
      df[2, ]$Post.ratio.2.vs.1and2 <- asNumeric(sum.ABF.all.2 / (sum.ABF.all.1 + sum.ABF.all.2))
      out.list <- list(df, snp.scores.1, snp.scores.2)
  } else {
    prior1 <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m)
    prior2 <- I.unif * p.2.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = m)
    output <- regional2(Z, W, snps.clc, c(1:m) + 0.0, rho, trait.cor, epsilon)
    max.ABF.1 <- prior1 * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
    sum.ABF.1 <- max.ABF.1 * output[[1]][2]
    max.ABF.2 <- prior2 * exp(mpfr(output[[2]][1], 120))
    sum.ABF.2 <- max.ABF.2 * output[[2]][2]
    out.list <- list(sum.ABF.2 / (sum.ABF.2 + sum.ABF.1))


##### Alignment (rapid) #####

#' rapid.align
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores
#' @param Wsq ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors squared
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @noRd
rapid.align <- function(Zsq, Wsq, prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors) {
  m <- dim(Zsq)[2]
  Q <- dim(Zsq)[1]

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.1.m <- p.1 / Q
  p.m.1 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  if (m == 2) {
    p.m.1 <- 2 * p.m.1
    cnst <- 0.25
  } else {
    cnst <- 1

  prior.all <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m)
  prior.align <- I.unif * p.m.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.1 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)

  labf <- 0.5 * (log(Wsq) + (Zsq) * (1 - Wsq))
  sum.labf <- rowSums(labf)
  mx.labf <- which.max(labf)
  clc.max <- which.max(sum.labf)

  chi <- sum.labf - sum.labf[clc.max]
  sum.exp.chi <- sum(exp(chi))
  col.max.labf <- colMax(labf)
  exp.labf.std <- exp(t(t(labf) - col.max.labf))
  labf.tmp <- t(colSums(exp.labf.std) - t(exp.labf.std))
  sum.tmp <- colSums(exp(t(t(chi - labf) + col.max.labf)) * labf.tmp)
  rm.trt <- which.max(sum.tmp)

  align.prob <- sum.exp.chi / (sum.exp.chi + cnst * (prior.align / prior.all) * sum(sum.tmp))

  return(list(align.prob, rm.trt))

##### Alignment #####

#' align.ABF.1
#' @param Z matrix of Z-scores
#' @param W ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors
#' @param trait.cor correlation matrix between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of sample overlap between traits
#' @param ld.matrix LD matrix
#' @param epsilon tolerance parameter
#' @param reg.res regional result
#' @param align.thresh alignment probability threshold
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param cor.adj.priors correlation adjusted priors
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores squared
#' @param Wsq matrix of W squared
#' @param ind.traits are the traits independent or to be treated as independent
#' @noRd
align.ABF.1 <- function(Z, W, trait.cor, sample.overlap, ld.matrix, epsilon, reg.res, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, Zsq, Wsq, ind.traits) {
  m <- dim(Z)[2]
  Q <- dim(Z)[1]
  traits <- c(1:m)
  trait.cor <- trait.cor * sample.overlap

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.m.1 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  if (m == 2) {
    p.m.1 <- 2 * p.m.1

  prior.3 <- prior.1
  kappa <- 2
  if (cor.adj.priors == T) {
    ave.cor <- trait.cor[lower.tri(trait.cor)]
    ave.cor <- mean(abs(ave.cor))
    prior.2 <- min(prior.2, 1 - ave.cor^2)
    prior.3 <- prior.1 * (10^(-kappa * ave.cor^2))
    p.m.1 <- p.m.1 * (1 - ave.cor)^kappa

  max.ABF.overall <- sum.max.ABF.co <- mpfr(0, 120)
  log.sum.ABF.all.combs <- sum.ABF <- sum.ABF.co <- mpfr(0, 120)
  NaNs <- 0

  df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 3, dimnames = list(c(), c("log.sum.ABF.all.combs", "Trait.no.clc", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
  j <- 1
  align.prob <- 1
  trt.combn <- sample(c(1:m))
  prior.algn <- I.unif * p.m.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.3 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)

  if (m > 2) {
    while (j <= m) {
      trt.no.clc <- trt.combn[j] + 0.0
      trt.clc <- traits[-trt.no.clc] + 0.0
      if (ind.traits == T) {
        output <- align1ind(Zsq, Wsq, trt.clc, trt.no.clc)
      } else {
        output <- align1(Z, W, 1, trt.clc, trt.no.clc, trait.cor, ld.matrix, epsilon)
      max.ABF <- prior.algn * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
      sum.ABF.tmp <- max.ABF * output[[2]][1]
      if (!is.nan(sum.ABF.tmp)) {
        sum.ABF <- sum.ABF + sum.ABF.tmp
        if (max.ABF.overall < sum.ABF.tmp) {
          max.ABF.overall <- sum.ABF.tmp
          df[1, ]$Trait.no.clc <- toString(trt.no.clc)
      } else {
        NaNs <- NaNs + 1
      align.prob <- (reg.res) / (reg.res + sum.ABF)
      j <- j + 1
  } else {
    trt.no.clc <- 1.0
    trt.clc <- traits[-trt.no.clc] + 0.0
    if (ind.traits == TRUE) {
      output <- align1ind(Zsq, Wsq, trt.clc, trt.no.clc)
    } else {
      output <- align1(Z, W, 1, trt.clc, trt.no.clc, trait.cor, ld.matrix, epsilon)
    max.ABF <- prior.algn * exp(mpfr(output[[1]][1], 120))
    sum.ABF.tmp <- max.ABF * output[[2]][1]
    if (!is.nan(sum.ABF.tmp)) {
      sum.ABF <- (sum.ABF + sum.ABF.tmp) / 2
      df[1, ]$Trait.no.clc <- toString(trt.no.clc)
    } else {
      NaNs <- NaNs + 1

  log.sum.ABF.all.combs <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF))
  df[1, ]$log.sum.ABF.all.combs <- log.sum.ABF.all.combs
  df[1, ]$NaNs <- NaNs


##### Alignment 1CV and 2CV #####

#' align.ABF.2
#' @param Z matrix of Z-scores
#' @param W ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors
#' @param snps.clc SNPs colocalisation
#' @param trait.cor correlation matrix between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of sample overlap between traits
#' @param ld.matrix LD matrix
#' @param epsilon tolerance parameter
#' @param reg.res regional result
#' @param align.thresh alignment probability threshold
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param prior.3 prior probability that a trait contains a second causal variant given it contains one already
#' @param prior.4 1 - prior probability that trait two co-localises with trait one given traits one and two already share a causal variant and trait one contains a second causal variant
#' @param cor.adj.priors correlation adjusted priors
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @noRd
align.ABF.2 <- function(Z, W, snps.clc, trait.cor, sample.overlap, ld.matrix, epsilon, reg.res, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors) {
  m <- dim(Z)[2]
  Q <- dim(Z)[1]
  traits <- c(1:m)
  n.cv <- dim(snps.clc)[1]
  trait.cor <- trait.cor * sample.overlap

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.m.1 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  p.1.m.2 <- 2 * p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1) * (Q - 2))
  p.2.m.1 <- 2 * p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1) * (Q - 2))
  p.2.m.2 <- 4 * p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1) * (Q - 2) * (Q - 3))
  p.co.m.1.2 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  p.co.m.2.1 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  p.co.m.2.2 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1) * (Q - 2))

  if (m == 2) {
    p.m.1 <- 2 * p.m.1
    p.2.m.2 <- 2 * p.2.m.2
    p.co.m.1.2 <- p.co.m.1.2 / 2
    p.co.m.2.1 <- p.co.m.2.1 / 2
    p.co.m.2.2 <- 2 * p.co.m.2.2

  prior.5 <- prior.1
  kappa <- 10

  if (cor.adj.priors == T) {
    ave.cor <- trait.cor[lower.tri(trait.cor)]
    ave.cor <- mean(abs(ave.cor))
    prior.2 <- min(prior.2, 1 - ave.cor^2)
    prior.3 <- prior.3 * (10^(-kappa * ave.cor^2))
    prior.4 <- min(prior.4, 1 - ave.cor^4)
    prior.5 <- prior.1 * (10^(-kappa * ave.cor^2))
    p.m.1 <- p.m.1 * (1 - ave.cor)^2
    p.1.m.2 <- p.1.m.2 * (1 - ave.cor)^4
    p.2.m.1 <- p.2.m.1 / (1 - ave.cor)^2
    p.2.m.2 <- p.2.m.2 * (1 - ave.cor)^4
    p.co.m.1.2 <- p.co.m.1.2 * (1 - ave.cor)^2
    p.co.m.2.1 <- p.co.m.2.1 * (1 - ave.cor)^2
    p.co.m.2.2 <- p.co.m.2.2 * (1 - ave.cor)^2

  ones <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(snps.clc)[1], ncol = dim(snps.clc)[1])
  trait.cor <- as.matrix(kronecker(trait.cor, ones))

  max.ABF.overall <- sum.max.ABF.co <- mpfr(0, 120)
  log.sum.ABF.align <- sum.ABF <- sum.ABF.co <- mpfr(0, 120)
  NAs <- 0

  df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 7, dimnames = list(c(), c("log.sum.ABF.co.loc", "log.sum.ABF.align", "log.max.SNP.ABF.full", "Trait.no.clc", "Traits.clc", "SNPs.clc", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
  j <- 1
  align.prob <- 1
  trt.combn <- sample(c(1:m))
  prior.no.11 <- I.unif * p.m.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.5 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)
  prior.no.12 <- I.unif * p.1.m.2 + (1 - I.unif) * (prior.5 * prior.3) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)
  prior.co.12 <- I.unif * p.co.m.1.2 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.3 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m)
  prior.no.21 <- I.unif * p.2.m.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.5 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = m - 1)
  prior.no.22 <- I.unif * p.2.m.2 + (1 - I.unif) * (prior.5 * prior.3) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = m - 1)
  prior.co.21 <- I.unif * p.co.m.2.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = m - 1)
  prior.co.22 <- I.unif * p.co.m.2.2 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.3 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m) * prior(prior.3, prior.4, k = m - 1)

  while (align.prob > align.thresh & j <= m) {
    trt.no.clc <- trt.combn[j] + 0.0
    trt.clc <- traits[-trt.no.clc] + 0.0
    output_1 <- align12(Z, W, snps.clc, trt.clc, trt.no.clc, ld.matrix, trait.cor, epsilon)
    max.ABF <- c(prior.no.11 * exp(mpfr(output_1[[1]][1], 120)), prior.no.12 * exp(mpfr(output_1[[2]][1], 120)))
    sum.ABF.no <- sum(max.ABF * c(output_1[[1]][2], output_1[[2]][2]))
    if (!is.nan(sum.ABF.no)) {
      sum.ABF <- sum.ABF + sum.ABF.no
      if (max.ABF.overall < sum.ABF.no) {
        max.ABF.overall <- sum.ABF.no
        df[1, ]$Trait.no.clc <- toString(trt.no.clc)
    } else {
      NAs <- NAs + 1
    max.ABF.1 <- prior.co.12 * exp(mpfr(output_1[[3]][1], 120))
    sum.ABF.1 <- max.ABF.1 * output_1[[3]][2]
    clc.max.cvs.1 <- output_1[[3]][3]
    if (!is.na(sum.ABF.1)) {
      sum.ABF.co <- sum.ABF.co + sum.ABF.1
      if (sum.max.ABF.co < sum.ABF.1) {
        sum.max.ABF.co <- sum.ABF.1
        log.max.ABF.co <- log(max(max.ABF.1))
        df[1, ]$Traits.clc <- toString(trt.clc)
        df[1, ]$SNPs.clc <- toString(clc.max.cvs.1)
    } else {
      NAs <- NAs + 1
    output_2 <- align2(Z, W, snps.clc, trt.clc, trt.no.clc, ld.matrix, trait.cor, epsilon)
    max.ABF <- c(prior.no.21 * exp(mpfr(output_2[[1]][1], 120)), prior.no.22 * exp(mpfr(output_2[[2]][1], 120)))
    sum.ABF.no <- sum(max.ABF * c(output_2[[1]][2], output_2[[2]][2]))
    if (!is.nan(sum.ABF.no)) {
      sum.ABF <- sum.ABF + sum.ABF.no
      if (max.ABF.overall < sum.ABF.no) {
        max.ABF.overall <- sum.ABF.no
        df[1, ]$Trait.no.clc <- toString(trt.no.clc)
    } else {
      NAs <- NAs + 1
    max.ABF.2 <- c(prior.co.21 * exp(mpfr(output_2[[3]][1], 120)), prior.co.22 * exp(mpfr(output_2[[4]][1], 120)))
    sum.ABF.2 <- sum(max.ABF.2 * c(output_2[[3]][2], output_2[[4]][2]))
    clc.max.cvs.2 <- snps.clc[output_2[[2 + which(max.ABF.2 == max(max.ABF.2))]][3], output_2[[2 + which(max.ABF.2 == max(max.ABF.2))]][4]]
    if (!is.na(sum.ABF.2)) {
      sum.ABF.co <- sum.ABF.co + sum.ABF.2
      if (sum.max.ABF.co < sum.ABF.2) {
        sum.max.ABF.co <- sum.ABF.2
        log.max.ABF.co <- log(max(max.ABF.2))
        df[1, ]$Traits.clc <- toString(trt.clc)
        df[1, ]$SNPs.clc <- toString(clc.max.cvs.2)
    } else {
      NAs <- NAs + 1
    align.prob <- (reg.res + sum.ABF.co) / (reg.res + sum.ABF.co + sum.ABF)
    j <- j + 1

  log.sum.ABF.align <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF))
  df[1, ]$log.sum.ABF.align <- log.sum.ABF.align
  df[1, ]$NaNs <- NAs
  log.sum.ABF.co.loc <- asNumeric(log(sum.ABF.co))
  df[1, ]$log.sum.ABF.co.loc <- log.sum.ABF.co.loc
  df[1, ]$log.max.SNP.ABF.full <- asNumeric(log.max.ABF.co)


##### HyPrColoc (rapid) #####

#' rapid.hyprcoloc
#' @param Zsq matrix of Z-scores
#' @param Wsq ratio matrix of prior standard deviation and observed standard errors squared
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.2 1 - prior probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @noRd
rapid.hyprcoloc <- function(Zsq, Wsq, prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors) {
  m <- dim(Zsq)[2]
  Q <- dim(Zsq)[1]

  if (uniform.priors == T) {
    I.unif <- 1
  } else {
    I.unif <- 0

  p.1 <- prior.1
  p.1.m <- p.1 / Q
  p.m.1 <- p.1 / (m * Q * (Q - 1))
  if (m == 2) {
    p.m.1 <- 2 * p.m.1
    cnst <- 0.25
  } else {
    cnst <- 1

  prior.all <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m)
  prior.sub <- I.unif * p.1.m + (1 - I.unif) * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)
  prior.align <- I.unif * p.m.1 + (1 - I.unif) * prior.1 * prior(prior.1, prior.2, k = m - 1)

  labf <- 0.5 * (log(Wsq) + (Zsq) * (1 - Wsq))
  sum.labf <- rowSums(labf)
  mx.labf <- which.max(labf)
  clc.max <- which.max(sum.labf)

  chi <- sum.labf - sum.labf[clc.max]
  exp.chi <- exp(chi)
  sum.exp.chi <- sum(exp.chi)
  sum.labf.subset <- colSums(exp(chi - labf))
  rm.trt <- which.max(sum.labf.subset)

  reg.prob <- sum.exp.chi / (exp(-sum.labf[clc.max] - log(prior.all)) + sum.exp.chi + (prior.sub / prior.all) * sum(sum.labf.subset))

  col.max.labf <- colMax(labf)
  exp.labf.std <- exp(t(t(labf) - col.max.labf))
  labf.tmp <- t(colSums(exp.labf.std) - t(exp.labf.std))
  sum.tmp <- colSums(exp(t(t(chi - labf) + col.max.labf)) * labf.tmp)

  align.prob <- sum.exp.chi / (sum.exp.chi + cnst * (prior.align / prior.all) * sum(sum.tmp))

  return(list(reg.prob, reg.prob * align.prob, clc.max, exp.chi / sum.exp.chi))

##### HyPrColoc #####

#' HyPrColoc
#' `hyprcoloc` is a function used to identify clusters of colocalized traits and candidate causal SNPs in genomic regions
#' @name hyprcoloc
#' @param effect.est matrix of snp regression coefficients (i.e. regression beta values) in the genomic region
#' @param effect.se matrix of standard errors associated with the beta values
#' @param binary.outcomes a binary vector of dimension the number of traits: 1 represents a binary trait 0 otherwise
#' @param trait.subset vector of trait names (or number) from the full trait list: used for trageted colocalization analysis in a region
#' @param trait.names vector of trait names corresponding to the columns in the effect.est matrix
#' @param snp.id vector of SNP IDs
#' @param ld.matrix LD matrix
#' @param trait.cor matrix of pairwise correlations between traits
#' @param sample.overlap matrix of pairwise sample overlap between traits
#' @param bb.alg branch and bound algorithm: TRUE, employ BB algorithm; FALSE, do not
#' @param bb.selection branch and bound algorithm type, e.g. regional or alignment selection
#' @param reg.steps regional step paramter
#' @param reg.thresh threshold probability beyond which traits are believed to share a regional association signal
#' @param align.thresh threshold probability beyond which traits are believed to align at a single causal variant
#' @param prior.1 prior probability of a SNP being associated with one trait
#' @param prior.c conditional colocalization prior: probability of a SNP being associated with an additional trait given that the SNP is associated with at least 1 other trait
#' @param prior.12 COLOC prior p12: prior probability of a SNP being associated with any two traits
#' @param sensitivity perform senstivity analysis
#' @param sense.1 first sensitivity analysis
#' @param sense.2 second sensitivity analysis
#' @param uniform.priors uniform priors
#' @param ind.traits are the traits independent or to be treated as independent
#' @param snpscores output estimated posterior probability explained each SNP
#' @return A data.frame of HyPrColoc results: each row is a cluster of colocalized traits or is coded NA (if no colocalization is identified)
#' @return If snpscores = TRUE: additionally returns a list of posterior probability explained by each SNPs and for each cluster of colocalized traits identified
#' @import compiler Rmpfr iterpc
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib hyprcoloc
#' @examples
#' # Regression coefficients and standard errors from ten GWAS studies
#' # (Traits 1-5, 6-8 & 9-10 are the clusters of colocalized traits)
#' betas <- hyprcoloc::test.betas
#' head(betas)
#' ses <- hyprcoloc::test.ses
#' head(ses)
#' # Trait names and SNP IDs
#' traits <- paste0("T", 1:10)
#' rsid <- rownames(betas)
#' # Colocalisation analyses
#' results <- hyprcoloc(betas, ses, trait.names = traits, snp.id = rsid)
#' @author Christopher Foley <chris.neal.foley@gmail.com> & James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
hyprcoloc <- function(effect.est, effect.se, binary.outcomes = rep(0, dim(effect.est)[2]),
                      trait.subset = c(1:dim(effect.est)[2]), trait.names = c(1:dim(effect.est)[2]),
                      snp.id = c(1:dim(effect.est)[1]), ld.matrix = diag(1, dim(effect.est)[1], dim(effect.est)[1]),
                      trait.cor = diag(1, dim(effect.est)[2], dim(effect.est)[2]),
                      sample.overlap = matrix(rep(1, dim(effect.est)[2]^2), nrow = dim(effect.est)[2]),
                      bb.alg = TRUE, bb.selection = "regional",
                      reg.steps = 1, reg.thresh = "default", align.thresh = "default",
                      prior.1 = 1e-4, prior.c = 0.02, prior.12 = NULL,
                      sensitivity = FALSE, sense.1 = 1, sense.2 = 2,
                      uniform.priors = FALSE, ind.traits = FALSE, snpscores = FALSE) {
  if (any(is.na(effect.est))) stop("there are missing values in effect.est")
  if (any(is.na(effect.se))) stop("there are missing values in effect.se")
  if (any(effect.se == 0)) stop("there are zero values in effect.se")
  if (any(is.na(binary.outcomes))) stop("there are missing values in binary.outcomes")
  if (any(!(binary.outcomes %in% c(0, 1)))) stop("there are missing values in binary.outcomes")
  if (any(is.na(trait.subset))) stop("there are missing values in trait.subset")
  if (any(is.na(trait.names))) stop("there are missing values in trait.names")
  if (any(is.na(snp.id))) stop("there are missing values in snp.id")
  if (any(is.na(ld.matrix))) stop("there are missing values in ld.matrix")
  if (any(is.na(trait.cor))) stop("there are missing values in trait.cor")
  if (any(is.na(sample.overlap))) stop("there are missing values in sample.overlap")

  if (!is.null(prior.12)) {
    prior.c <- prior.12 / (prior.1 + prior.12)
  prior.2 <- 1 - prior.c
  n.cvs <- 1
  test.2 <- F
  sentinel <- 0
  epsilon <- 0
  window.size <- dim(effect.est)[1]
  prior.3 <- 1e-3
  prior.4 <- 0.995
  reg.tol <- 0.699
  cor.adj.priors <- F
  branch.jump <- F

  Z <- effect.est / effect.se
  m <- dim(Z)[2]
  Q <- dim(Z)[1]

  if (uniform.priors == F & (reg.thresh == "default" | align.thresh == "default")) {
    if (reg.thresh == "default") {
      reg.thresh <- 0.5
      reg.tol <- 0.499
    if (align.thresh == "default") {
      align.thresh <- 0.5
  } else if (uniform.priors == T & (reg.thresh == "default" | align.thresh == "default")) {
    if (reg.thresh == "default") {
      reg.thresh <- 0.7
    if (align.thresh == "default") {
      align.thresh <- 0.7

  if (reg.tol >= reg.thresh) {
    reg.tol <- reg.thresh - 0.001

  if (bb.alg == T & uniform.priors == F & (reg.thresh < 0.5 | align.thresh < 0.5)) {
    stop("Do not run branch and bound algorithm with reg.thresh or align.thresh < 0.5 when using non-uniform priors")
  if (bb.alg == T & uniform.priors == T & (reg.thresh < 0.6 | align.thresh < 0.6)) {
    stop("Do not run branch and bound algorithm with reg.thresh or align.thresh < 0.6 when using uniform priors")
  if (!n.cvs %in% c(1, 2)) {
    stop("Current version of HyPrMTMC is limited to assessment of a maximum of 2 CVs in a region: set n.cvs to either 1 or 2")
  if (n.cvs == 2 & window.size >= 4E2) {
    print("Computation likely to take a long time. Consider utilising the window.size and sentinel variables to focus assessment within a specified window of a sentinel SNP, default is the lead SNP across all traits")
  if (sensitivity == T) {
    bb.alg <- F
    print("Performing a regional probability sensitivity assessment: posterior probability of co-localisation will not be computed")
  if (!reg.steps %in% 0:m) {
    stop("reg.steps parameter must be an integer between 0 and number of traits m")
  if (!sense.1 %in% 0:m | !sense.2 %in% 0:m) {
    stop("Sensitivity parameters must be intergers between 0 and number of traits m")
  if (sense.1 >= sense.2) {
    stop("Sensitivity parameter sense.2 must be greater than sensitivity parameter sense.1")
  if (window.size > Q) {
    stop("Window size cannot be larger than the number of SNPs Q in the region")
  if ((length(trait.subset) < m & typeof(trait.subset) != "integer") & length(trait.names) < m) {
    stop("When using character names in 'trait.subset' the variable 'trait.names' must be of length m, containing names for all traits considered")
  if (bb.selection == "reg.only" & reg.thresh < 0.9) {
    warning("Posterior evaluation and the BB algorithm are based on values of the regional statistic only.\n Consider setting a larger value for the regional threshold, e.g. > 0.9, to avoid difficulties in interpreting any regional association signals.")

  if (class(trait.subset) == "character" & class(trait.names) == "character") {
    tmp.traits <- c(1:m)
    traits <- tmp.traits[tolower(trait.names) %in% tolower(trait.subset)]
    trait.names <- trait.names[traits]
  } else if (class(trait.subset) == "integer") {
    traits <- trait.subset
    trait.names <- trait.names[traits]
  } else {
    stop("trait.subset must be character or intger valued")

  if (n.cvs == 1 & test.2 == F) {
    W <- 0.15 / effect.se
    W[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)] <- 0.2 / (effect.se[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)])
  } else if (n.cvs == 1 & test.2 == T) {
    W <- 0.15 / effect.se
    W[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)] <- 0.2 / (effect.se[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)])
    W.nudge <- matrix(0.15 + runif(m * Q, -0.015, 0.015), nrow = Q) / effect.se
    W.nudge[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)] <- matrix(0.2 + runif(Q * length(which(binary.outcomes == 1)), -0.02, 0.02), nrow = Q) / (effect.se[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)])
  } else {
    if (epsilon == 0) {
      epsilon <- 0.01
    W <- matrix(0.15 + runif(m * Q, -0.015, 0.015), nrow = Q) / effect.se
    W[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)] <- matrix(0.2 + runif(Q * length(which(binary.outcomes == 1)), -0.02, 0.02), nrow = Q) / (effect.se[, which(binary.outcomes == 1)])

  if (n.cvs == 1 & (all(trait.cor[lower.tri(trait.cor)] == 0) | ind.traits == TRUE)) {
    ind.traits <- TRUE
    Zsq <- Z^2
    Wsq <- 1 / (1 + W^2)
    if (reg.steps == 1 & test.2 == FALSE) {
      rapid <- TRUE
    } else {
      rapid <- FALSE
  } else {
    Zsq <- Wsq <- sparseMatrix(i = 1, j = 1, dims = c(Q, m))
    rapid <- FALSE

  if (isTRUE(test.2)) {
    test.2 <- 1
  } else {
    test.2 <- 0

  snp.combin <- function(x, y, vec) {
    I <- iterpc(x, y, labels = vec)
    return(getall(I) + 0.0)
  snp.scores <- NA

  if (class(sentinel) == "character") {
    sentinel <- which(snp.id == sentinel)
  tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, traits, window.size, sentinel, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
  Z <- tmp.vars[[1]]
  W <- tmp.vars[[2]]
  Zsq <- tmp.vars[[7]]
  Wsq <- tmp.vars[[8]]
  ld.matrix <- tmp.vars[[3]]
  trait.cor <- tmp.vars[[4]]
  sample.overlap <- tmp.vars[[5]]
  m <- dim(Z)[2]
  Q <- dim(Z)[1]
  snp.id <- snp.id[tmp.vars[[6]]]
  traits <- 1:length(traits)

  cor.trts <- identical(trait.cor, diag(m))
  if (branch.jump == T & cor.trts == F) {
    branch.jump <- F

  snp.scores <- list()
  bb.selection <- tolower(bb.selection)

  if (n.cvs == 1) {
    if (rapid == F) {
      snps <- c(1:Q)
      snps.clc <- as.matrix(t(snp.combin(Q, 2, snps)))
      flag <- 0
    if (bb.alg == T) {
      df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 9, dimnames = list(c(), c("Algorithm_iteration", "Putatively_co_localised_traits", "HyPr_MTC_posterior", "Regional_probability", "Putatively_causal_SNP", "Posterior_explained_by_SNP", "Posterior_ratio_2CVs_vs_1_or_2CVs", "Dropped_trait", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
      i <- m
      count <- 1
      reg.prob <- align.prob <- 0
      while (i > 1) {
        trts <- traits
        while (reg.prob <= reg.thresh | align.prob <= align.thresh) {
          reg.prob <- reg.only <- 0
          if (bb.selection == "align") {
            tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
            if (rapid == F) {
              reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 0, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
              reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
              reg.full <- exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120))
              reg.prob <- reg.full / (1 + exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
            } else {
              reg.res <- rapid.reg(tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors)
              reg.prob <- reg.res[[1]]
          } else {
            while (reg.prob <= reg.thresh) {
              tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
              if (rapid == F) {
                reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 0, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
                reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
                trts.tmp <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(reg.res$Traits, split = ", ")))
                reg.full <- exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120))
                reg.prob <- reg.full / (1 + exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
                if (reg.prob <= reg.thresh & length(trts) > length(trts.tmp)) {
                  trts <- trts[trts.tmp]
                } else if (reg.prob <= reg.thresh & length(trts) == length(trts.tmp) & reg.prob < reg.tol) {
                  reg.only.trts <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(reg.res$reg_only_trts, split = ", ")))
                  trts <- trts[reg.only.trts]
                } else if (reg.prob <= reg.thresh & length(trts) == length(trts.tmp) & reg.prob >= reg.tol) {
                } else {
                  if (length(trts) != length(trts.tmp)) {
                    reg.prob <- 0
                    trts <- trts[trts.tmp]
              } else {
                reg.res <- rapid.reg(tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors)
                reg.prob <- reg.res[[1]]
                if (reg.prob <= reg.thresh) {
                  trts <- trts[-reg.res[[3]]]
              if (length(trts) <= 1) {
                reg.only <- 1
          if (length(trts) <= 1) {
          if (bb.selection != "reg.only") {
            if (ind.traits == F) {
              align.res <- align.ABF.1(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], tmp.vars[[3]], epsilon, reg.full, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
              align.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (reg.full + exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120))))
              if (align.prob <= align.thresh | reg.prob <= reg.thresh) {
                drop.trait <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(align.res$Trait.no.clc, split = ", ")))
                trts <- trts[-drop.trait]
            } else {
              align.res <- rapid.align(tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors)
              align.prob <- align.res[[1]]
              if (align.prob <= align.thresh | reg.prob <= reg.thresh) {
                trts <- trts[-align.res[[2]]]
          } else {
            reg.only <- 1
          if (length(trts) <= 1) break
        df[count, ]$Regional_probability <- asNumeric(reg.prob)
        if (length(trts) >= 2) {
          df[count, ]$Algorithm_iteration <- count
          df[count, ]$Putatively_co_localised_traits <- toString(trait.names[trts])
          df[count, ]$HyPr_MTC_posterior <- asNumeric(reg.prob * align.prob)
          if (test.2 == 1) {
            tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W.nudge, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
            reg.tmp <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 1, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors = FALSE, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
            df[count, ]$Posterior_ratio_2CVs_vs_1_or_2CVs <- asNumeric(reg.tmp[[1]])
          if (rapid == F) {
            if (bb.selection != "reg.only" & ind.traits == F) {
              df[count, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs + align.res$NaNs
            } else {
              df[count, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs
            df[count, ]$Putatively_causal_SNP <- toString(snp.id[as.numeric(reg.res$SNPs)])
            df[count, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNP <- exp(reg.res$log.max.SNP.ABF.full - reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full)
            snp.scores[[count]] <- reg.result[[2]]
          } else {
            df[count, ]$Putatively_causal_SNP <- toString(snp.id[reg.res[[2]]])
            df[count, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNP <- reg.res[[4]][reg.res[[2]]]
            snp.scores[[count]] <- reg.res[[4]]
        } else {
          df[count, ]$Algorithm_iteration <- count
          df[count, ]$Putatively_co_localised_traits <- "None"
          df[count, ]$Dropped_trait <- toString(trait.names[trts])
          if (reg.only == 1 & rapid == F) {
            df[count, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs
          } else if (rapid == F) {
            df[count, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs + align.res$NaNs
        traits <- traits[!traits %in% trts]
        reg.prob <- align.prob <- reg.only <- 0
        i <- length(traits)
        count <- count + 1
    } else {
      if (sensitivity == F) {
        df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 7, dimnames = list(c(), c("Traits", "HyPr_MTC_posterior", "Regional_probability", "Putatively_causal_SNP", "Posterior_explained_by_SNP", "Posterior_ratio_2CVs_vs_1_or_2CVs", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
        df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(trait.names)
        tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, traits, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
        if (rapid == F) {
          reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 0, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
          reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
          reg.full <- exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120))
          reg.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120))))
          df[1, ]$Regional_probability <- reg.prob
          if (reg.prob < reg.thresh * align.thresh) {
            df[1, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs
          } else {
            if (ind.traits == F) {
              align.res <- align.ABF.1(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], tmp.vars[[3]], epsilon, reg.full, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
              align.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (reg.full + exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120))))
              df[1, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs + align.res$NaNs
            } else {
              align.res <- rapid.align(tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors)
              align.prob <- align.res[[1]]
              df[1, ]$NaNs <- reg.res$NaNs
            hypr_post <- reg.prob * align.prob
            df[1, ]$HyPr_MTC_posterior <- hypr_post
            if (hypr_post >= (reg.thresh * align.thresh)) {
              df[1, ]$Putatively_causal_SNP <- toString(snp.id[as.numeric(reg.res$SNPs)])
              df[1, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNP <- exp(reg.res$log.max.SNP.ABF.full - reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full)
              if (test.2 == 1) {
                reg.tmp <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 1, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors = FALSE, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
                df[1, ]$Posterior_ratio_2CVs_vs_1_or_2CVs <- asNumeric(reg.tmp[[1]])
              snp.scores <- reg.result[[2]]
        } else {
          rapid.result <- rapid.hyprcoloc(tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], prior.1, prior.2, uniform.priors)
          df[1, ]$Regional_probability <- rapid.result[[1]]
          df[1, ]$HyPr_MTC_posterior <- rapid.result[[2]]
          df[1, ]$Putatively_causal_SNP <- toString(snp.id[rapid.result[[3]]])
          df[1, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNP <- rapid.result[[4]][rapid.result[[3]]]
          snp.scores <- rapid.result[[4]]
      } else {
        df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 4, dimnames = list(c(), c("Traits", "Regional_Pr_1", "Regional_Pr_2", "Relative_diff"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
        df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(trait.names)
        tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, traits, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
        reg.steps <- sense.1
        reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 0, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
        reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
        reg.full <- exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120))
        reg.prob.1 <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120))))
        df[1, ]$Regional_Pr_1 <- reg.prob.1
        reg.steps <- sense.2
        reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, 0, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
        reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
        reg.full <- exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120))
        reg.prob.2 <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120))))
        df[1, ]$Regional_Pr_2 <- reg.prob.2
        df[1, ]$Relative_diff <- abs(reg.prob.1 - reg.prob.2) / reg.prob.2
  } else {
    flag <- 1
    test.2 <- 0
    snps <- c(1:Q)
    snps.clc <- as.matrix(t(snp.combin(Q, 2, snps)))
    if (bb.alg == T) {
      NaNs <- 0
      i <- m
      count <- 1
      reg.prob <- align.prob <- 0
      df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 8, dimnames = list(c(), c("Algorithm_iteration", "Putatively_co_localised_traits", "HyPr_MTC_posterior", "Regional_probability", "Putatively_causal_SNPs", "Posterior_explained_by_SNPs", "Dropped_trait", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
      while (i > 1) {
        trts <- traits
        tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
        while (reg.prob <= reg.thresh | align.prob <= align.thresh) {
          reg.prob <- 0
          while (reg.prob <= reg.thresh) {
            reg.full <- reg.all <- reg.only <- 0
            reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, test.2, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
            reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
            reg.full <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120)))
            reg.all <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
            trts.tmp <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(reg.res$Traits[1], split = ", ")))
            tmp.mx <- which(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full == max(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full))
            clc.snp <- reg.res$SNPs[tmp.mx]
            reg.max.snp <- reg.res$log.max.SNP.ABF.full[tmp.mx]
            reg.max.full <- reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full[tmp.mx]
            reg.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.all))
            if (reg.prob < reg.thresh) {
              if (length(trts) == length(trts.tmp)) {
                trts <- sample(trts, (length(trts) - 1))
              } else {
                trts <- trts[trts.tmp]
              if (length(trts) > 1) {
                tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
            } else {
              if (length(trts) != length(trts.tmp)) {
                reg.prob <- 0
                trts <- trts[trts.tmp]
                tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, trts, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
            if (length(trts) <= 1) {
              reg.only <- 1
          if (reg.only == 1) {
          align.res <- align.ABF.2(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], tmp.vars[[3]], epsilon, reg.full, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors)
          align.tot <- exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.align, 120))
          reg.full.align <- sum(exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.co.loc, 120)))
          if (reg.full.align > reg.full) {
            clc.snp <- align.res$SNPs.clc
            reg.max.snp <- exp(mpfr(align.res$log.max.SNP.ABF.full, 120))
            reg.max.full <- reg.full.align
            tmp.mx <- 1
          reg.full <- reg.full + reg.full.align
          drop.trait <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(align.res$Trait.no.clc, split = ", ")))
          align.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (reg.full + align.tot))
          if (align.prob < align.thresh) {
            trts <- trts[-drop.trait]
          if (length(trts) <= 1) break
        if (reg.only != 1) {
          reg.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (reg.full.align + reg.all))
        df[count, ]$Regional_probability <- reg.prob
        if (length(trts) >= 2) {
          NaNs <- sum(reg.res$NaNs) + align.res$NaNs
          hypr_post <- reg.prob * align.prob
          df[count, ]$Algorithm_iteration <- count
          df[count, ]$Putatively_co_localised_traits <- toString(trait.names[trts])
          df[count, ]$HyPr_MTC_posterior <- hypr_post
          df[count, ]$Putatively_causal_SNPs <- toString(snp.id[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(clc.snp, split = ", ")))])
          df[count, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNPs <- asNumeric(reg.max.snp / reg.max.full)
          df[count, ]$NaNs <- NaNs
          snp.scores[[count]] <- reg.result[[tmp.mx + 1]]
        } else {
          df[count, ]$Algorithm_iteration <- count
          df[count, ]$Dropped_trait <- toString(trait.names[trts])
          if (reg.only == 1) {
            df[count, ]$NaNs <- sum(reg.res$NaNs)
          } else {
            df[count, ]$NaNs <- NaNs
        traits <- traits[!traits %in% trts]
        reg.prob <- align.prob <- reg.only <- 0
        i <- length(traits)
        count <- count + 1
    } else {
      if (sensitivity == F) {
        df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 6, dimnames = list(c(), c("Traits", "HyPr_MTC_posterior", "Regional_probability", "Putatively_causal_SNPs", "Posterior_explained_by_SNPs", "NaNs"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
        reg.full <- reg.all <- NaNs <- 0
        align.tot <- drop.trait <- vector("numeric", window.size + 2)
        df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(trait.names)
        reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, test.2, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
        reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
        reg.full <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120)))
        reg.all <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
        reg.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.all))
        df[1, ]$Regional_probability <- reg.prob
        NaNs <- sum(reg.res$NaNs)
        if (reg.prob < reg.thresh * align.thresh) {
          df[1, ]$NaNs <- NaNs
        } else {
          trts.tmp <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(reg.res$Traits[1], split = ", ")))
          tmp.mx <- which(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full == max(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full))
          clc.snp <- reg.res$SNPs[tmp.mx]
          reg.max.snp <- reg.res$log.max.SNP.ABF.full[tmp.mx]
          reg.max.full <- reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full[tmp.mx]
          align.res <- align.ABF.2(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], tmp.vars[[3]], epsilon, reg.full, align.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors)
          align.tot <- exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.align, 120))
          reg.full.align <- sum(exp(mpfr(align.res$log.sum.ABF.co.loc, 120)))
          if (reg.full.align > reg.full) {
            clc.snp <- align.res$SNPs.clc
            reg.max.full <- reg.full.align
            tmp.mx <- 1
          reg.full <- reg.full + reg.full.align
          drop.trait <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(align.res$Trait.no.clc, split = ", ")))
          NaNs <- NaNs + align.res$NaNs
          reg.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.full.align + reg.all))
          align.prob <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.full + align.tot))
          hypr_post <- reg.prob * align.prob
          df[1, ]$Regional_probability <- reg.prob
          df[1, ]$HyPr_MTC_posterior <- hypr_post
          df[1, ]$NaNs <- NaNs
          if (hypr_post >= (reg.thresh * align.thresh)) {
            df[1, ]$Putatively_causal_SNPs <- toString(snp.id[as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(clc.snp, split = ", ")))])
            df[1, ]$Posterior_explained_by_SNPs <- asNumeric(reg.max.snp / reg.max.full)
            snp.scores <- reg.result[[tmp.mx + 1]]
      } else {
        df <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 0, 4, dimnames = list(c(), c("Traits", "Regional_Pr_1", "Regional_Pr_2", "Relative_diff"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
        df[1, ]$Traits <- toString(trait.names)
        tmp.vars <- samp.reduc(Z, W, ld.matrix, trait.cor, sample.overlap, traits, Zsq = Zsq, Wsq = Wsq)
        reg.steps <- sense.1
        reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, test.2, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
        reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
        reg.full <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120)))
        reg.all <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
        reg.prob.1 <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.all))
        df[1, ]$Regional_Pr_1 <- reg.prob.1
        reg.steps <- sense.2
        reg.result <- regional.ABF(tmp.vars[[1]], tmp.vars[[2]], snps.clc, tmp.vars[[3]], tmp.vars[[4]], tmp.vars[[5]], epsilon, reg.thresh, prior.1, prior.2, prior.3, prior.4, flag, test.2, reg.steps, cor.adj.priors, uniform.priors, branch.jump, tmp.vars[[7]], tmp.vars[[8]], ind.traits)
        reg.res <- reg.result[[1]]
        reg.full <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.full, 120)))
        reg.all <- sum(exp(mpfr(reg.res$log.sum.ABF.all.combs, 120)))
        reg.prob.2 <- asNumeric(reg.full / (1 + reg.all))
        df[1, ]$Regional_Pr_2 <- reg.prob.2
        df[1, ]$Relative_diff <- abs(reg.prob.1 - reg.prob.2) / reg.prob.2

  if (length(which(df$NaNs != 0)) > 1) {
    print("Results include NAs. Possible the Z score correlation matrix or adjusted prior matrix has a high condition number somewhere: consider increasing epsilon by a small amount")
  names(df)[names(df) == "Algorithm_iteration"] <- "iteration"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Putatively_co_localised_traits"] <- "traits"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Traits"] <- "traits"
  names(df)[names(df) == "HyPr_MTC_posterior"] <- "posterior_prob"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Regional_probability"] <- "regional_prob"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Posterior_ratio_2CVs_vs_1_or_2CVs"] <- "posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Putatively_causal_SNP"] <- "candidate_snp"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Putatively_causal_SNPs"] <- "candidate_snp"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Posterior_explained_by_SNP"] <- "posterior_explained_by_snp"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Posterior_explained_by_SNPs"] <- "posterior_explained_by_snp"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Dropped_trait"] <- "dropped_trait"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Regional_Pr_1"] <- "regional_prob_1"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Regional_Pr_2"] <- "regional_prob_2"
  names(df)[names(df) == "Relative_diff"] <- "relative_diff"
  df$NaNs <- NULL
  rownames(df) <- NULL
  if (test.2 == F) {
    df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs <- NULL
  if (any(!is.na(df$posterior_prob))) {
    df$posterior_prob[!is.na(df$posterior_prob)] <- round(as.numeric(df$posterior_prob[!is.na(df$posterior_prob)]), 4)
    df$regional_prob[!is.na(df$regional_prob)] <- round(as.numeric(df$regional_prob[!is.na(df$regional_prob)]), 4)
    df$posterior_explained_by_snp[!is.na(df$posterior_explained_by_snp)] <- round(as.numeric(df$posterior_explained_by_snp[!is.na(df$posterior_explained_by_snp)]), 4)
  if (any(!is.na(df$regional_prob))) {
    df$regional_prob[!is.na(df$regional_prob)] <- round(as.numeric(df$regional_prob[!is.na(df$regional_prob)]), 4)
    df$posterior_explained_by_snp[!is.na(df$posterior_explained_by_snp)] <- round(as.numeric(df$posterior_explained_by_snp[!is.na(df$posterior_explained_by_snp)]), 4)
  if (length(df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs) > 0) {
    if (any(!is.na(df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs))) {
      df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs[!is.na(df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs)] <- round(as.numeric(df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs[!is.na(df$posterior_ratio_2cvs_vs_1_or_2cvs)]), 4)
  if (sum(is.na(snp.scores)) == 0 & length(snp.scores) > 0 & snpscores == T) {
    results <- list(results = df, snpscores = snp.scores)
  } else {
    results <- list(results = df)
  class(results) <- "hyprcoloc"


#' Print hyprcoloc
#' print method for class `"hyprcoloc"`.
#' @name print.hyprcoloc
#' @param x an object of class `"hyprcoloc"`
#' @author Christopher Foley <chris.neal.foley@gmail.com> & James Staley <jrstaley95@gmail.com>
#' @export
#' @md
print.hyprcoloc <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nCall: \nhyprcoloc")

# prevents R check throwing errors about unassigned global variables
# utils::globalVariables(c("colorRampPalette", "combn", "runif"))
jrs95/hyprmtc documentation built on April 12, 2024, 2:29 p.m.