### Function QCplots ###
#' Function QCplots
#' This function takes a dataframe with metric names in the first column and
#' samples in col2-n. Each row is a different QC metric. It returns a list of
#' qc plots as defined by other arguments. If only one metric is plotted a
#' ggplot object is returned. By default, horizontal reference lines are drawn
#' at the median and +/- n SDs based on the hlineSD argument. These are
#' statistical reference points, NOT pass/fail limits.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords barplot lineplot gplot2 logratio confidence intervals contrasts
#' @param qcdata A dataframe or tibble with metric names in the first column and
#' samples in columns 2-n. Each row is a different QC metric. This matches
#' the Omicsoft RNA-Seq.QCMetrics.Table.txt format. (required)
#' @param metricNames A list of metrics to plot. Values must exist in column 1
#' of the data frame. (required)
#' @param sampleNames By default will use the samplenames in qcdata (colnames).
#' Optionally use this argument to provide different sample names. Supply the
#' alternative samplenames here in the order they appear in the qcdata
#' data.frame (columns 2-n). The plot order is based on an alphabetical sort
#' of the original column names so might be different from the order in the
#' supplied data.frame.
#' @param plotType One of "bar", "point", "pointline". If you want a different
#' plottype for each metric, pass a list of plotTypes with length equal to
#' length(metricNames) (default="bar")
#' @param barColor Color for the bar outline (default = "dodgerblue4")
#' @param barFill Color for the bar area (default = "dodgerblue3")
#' @param barSize set the bar size (thickness of each bar perimeter; default =
#' 0.1)
#' @param barWidth set the bar width (Default = 0.8)
#' @param barAlpha Transparency for the bar layer (Range = 0-1) (Default = 1)
#' @param pointColor Color for the point layer (Default = "grey30")
#' @param pointFill Fill color for the point layer (Default = "dodgerblue4")
#' @param pointShape Shape for the point layer (Default = 21; fillable circle)
#' @param pointAlpha Transparency for the box layer (Range = 0-1) (Default = 1)
#' @param pointSize Size of the points (Default = 4)
#' @param lineColor Color of the line (Default = "dodgerblue4")
#' @param lineSize Size of the line fit (Default = 1)
#' @param lineAlpha Transparency for the line layer (Range = 0-1) (default=1)
#' @param lineType One of c("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash",
#' "twodash"). (Default = "solid")
#' @param histColor Outline color for the histogram (Default = "dodgerblue4")
#' @param histFill Fill color for the histogram (Default = "dodgerblue3")
#' @param histSize Thickness of the bar borders (Default = 1)
#' @param histAlpha Transparency of the histogram (Derault = 1)
#' @param xAngle Angle to set the sample labels on the Xaxis (Default = 90;
#' Range = 0-90)
#' @param baseTextSize default = 14
#' @param hlineSD Draw two reference lines 1) at the median value 2) the number of
#' SDs defined by the value of hlineSD. (default=3; 0 to disable the reference lines).
#' @param winsorize This implements a robust method to calculate standard
#' deviations. It is used to calculate the standard deviation for the
#' placement of horizontal reference lines (hlineSD argument). The adaptive
#' winsorization used here only trims extreme values when normality is
#' violated. see https://www.r-bloggers.com/winsorization/ for details.
#' (Default=TRUE).
#' @return ggplot object if one plot is specified. A list of ggplot objects if 2 or more metrics specified
#' @examples
#' Example 1:
#' # Get QC data from an Omicsoft project in S3
#' S3mount <- "/arrayserver" #where you mount the S3 bucket "bmsrd-ngs-arrayserver"
#' s3path <- "/OmicsoftHome/output/P-20180326-0001/TempleUniv_HeartFailure2017_P-20180326-0001_R94_24Jan2019/ExportedViewsAndTables"
#' qcfilename <- "RNA-Seq.QCMetrics.Table.txt" #standard name for QC file in Omicosoft projects
#' qcdata <- readr::read_delim(file.path(s3path, qcfilename), delim="\t")
#' colnames(qcdat) <- stringr::str_sub(colnames(qcdat), 1, 16) #shorten the samplenames
#' # pick some Omicsoft Metrics from column 1 of the data frame
#' someFavMetrics <- c("Alignment_MappedRate", "Alignment_PairedRate",
#' "Source_rRNA", "Strand_Read1AntiSense",
#' "Strand_ReadPairAntiSense", "Profile_ExonRate",
#' "Profile_InterGene_FPK")
#' MyQCplots <- QCplots(qcdata, metricNames=someFavMetrics) #all defaults
#' # draw the first plot
#' print(MyQCplots[[1]])
#' Example 2:
#' # Get QC data from an Xpress Project
#' plotdat <- Xpress2R::getXpressQC(xid="20261", level = "rn6ERCC-ensembl82-genes")
#' myMetrics <- c("QC_CodingBases", "QC_EstimatedLibrarySize")
#' p <- QCplots(plotdat, metricNames=myMetrics)
#' # draw the first plot
#' print(p[[1]])
#' @import ggplot2 magrittr
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom psych winsor.means winsor.sd
#' @export
QCplots <- function(qcdata,
plotType = "bar",
barColor = "dodgerblue4",
barFill = "dodgerblue3",
barSize = 0.1,
barAlpha = 1,
barWidth = 0.9,
pointColor = "dodgerblue4",
pointFill = "dodgerblue3",
pointShape = 21, #fillable circle
pointAlpha = 1,
pointSize = 4,
lineColor = "dodgerblue4",
lineSize = 1,
lineType = "solid",
lineAlpha = 1,
histColor = "dodgerblue4",
histFill = "dodgerblue3",
histSize = 1,
histAlpha = 1,
xAngle = 90,
assertthat::assert_that("data.frame" %in% class(qcdata),
tolower(plotType) %in% c("bar", "point", "pointline", "histogram"),
xAngle >= 0 && xAngle <= 90
if (debug == TRUE) browser()
# Omicsoft data can be "contaminated" with cell values of "." which cause the
# column to be converted to character instead of numeric. Replace "." in column
# 2-n with NA and convert columns 2-n to numeric.
dotIdx <- qcdata == "."
if (sum(dotIdx, na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
qcdata[dotIdx] <- NA
for (columnName in colnames(qcdata)[2:ncol(qcdata)])
qcdata[columnName] <- as.numeric(qcdata[[columnName]])
#convert first col to rownames and transpose
qcdata %<>% column_to_rownames(var=colnames(qcdata)[1]) %>%
t() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
assertthat::assert_that(all(metricNames %in% colnames(qcdata)))
#if only one plotType, apply to all plots
if(length(plotType) ==1) plotType <- rep(plotType, length(metricNames))
plots <- list()
for (metric in metricNames){
idx <- metric == metricNames
plot_type <- plotType[idx]
#calculate mean and sd for hline yintercepts
if(winsorize == TRUE){
thisMetric <- winsorize(qcdata[,metric], na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
thisMetric <- qcdata[,metric,drop=TRUE]
metricMedian <- median(thisMetric, na.rm=TRUE)
metricMean <- mean(thisMetric, na.rm=TRUE)
metricSD <- sd(thisMetric, na.rm=TRUE)
if (!tolower(plot_type) == "histogram") p <- ggplot(qcdata, aes_string(x="Sample", y=metric, group=1))
p <- switch(tolower(plot_type),
bar = {p + geom_bar(stat="identity", color=barColor, fill=barFill, alpha=barAlpha, width=barWidth)},
point = {p + geom_point(color=pointColor, fill=pointFill, shape=pointShape, alpha=pointAlpha, size=pointSize)},
pointline = {p +
geom_point(color=pointColor, fill=pointFill, shape=pointShape, alpha=pointAlpha, size=pointSize) +
geom_line(color=lineColor, size=lineSize, linetype=lineType, alpha=lineAlpha)},
histogram = {p <- ggplot(qcdata, aes_string(x=metric)) +
geom_histogram(colour=histColor, fill=histFill, size = histSize, alpha=histAlpha)}
#Draw hline xSD above or below the mean
SD <- metricSD * hlineSD
if (hlineSD > 0 & tolower(plot_type) == "histogram") {
#plot vlines for the histogram
p <- p +
geom_vline(xintercept=metricMedian, color="grey70") +
geom_vline(xintercept= metricMean + SD, color="firebrick3", linetype="longdash") +
geom_vline(xintercept= metricMean - SD, color="firebrick3", linetype="longdash")
} else if (hlineSD > 0) { #use hlines for other plot types
p <- p +
geom_hline(yintercept=metricMedian, color="grey70") +
geom_hline(yintercept= metricMean + SD, color="firebrick3", linetype="longdash")
#most qc plots floor to 0 so no point plotting -SD if it goes below zero.
if (metricMean - SD >0){
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept= metricMean - SD, color="firebrick3", linetype="longdash")
#set x axis text angle
if (xAngle == 0) hjust = 0.5
if (xAngle == 90) vjust = 0.5
p <- p +
ggtitle(metric) +
theme_gray(baseTextSize) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=xAngle, hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust))
#set user supplied axis tick labels
if (!missing(sampleNames)){
if (length(sampleNames) == nrow(qcdata)){
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(breaks=qcdata$Sample,
plots[[metric]] <- p
#put the warning outside the loop so it only gets called once.
if (!missing(sampleNames)){
if (length(sampleNames) != nrow(qcdata)){
warning("sampleNames not the right length, thus ignored")
if (length(plots) == 1) {plots <- plots[[1]]}
#not exported; exported in JRTutils package
winsorize <- function (x, multiple=3, na.rm=FALSE, ...){
# https://www.r-bloggers.com/winsorization/
# ... is passed to mad so other mad arguments may be applied
if(length(multiple) != 1 || multiple <= 0) {
stop("bad value for 'multiple'")
med <- median(x, na.rm=na.rm)
y <- x - med #median centered
sc <- stats::mad(y, center=0, na.rm=na.rm, ...) * multiple
y[ y > sc ] <- sc
y[ y < -sc ] <- -sc
y + med
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