### Function checkSex ###
#' Function checkSex
#' Take a DGEobj as input and plot expression of XIST vs the highest expressed Y chr gene.
#' This uses the original unfiltered data by default. This is because Y-linked genes are often below
#' the low intensity threshold in tissues other than testes. Nevertheless, there are usually enough reads
#' for the plot to be interpretable.
#' @author John Thompson, \email{jrt@@thompsonclan.org}
#' @keywords MDS, RNA-Seq, DGE, QC
#' @param dgeObj A DGEobj (Required)
#' @param species One of "human", "mouse", "rat"
#' @param sexCol Character string name of the sex annotation column in the design table within the dgeObj (optional)
#' @param labelCol Character string name of the design column to use to label points with ggrepel (optional if showLabels=FALSE)
#' @param showLabels Set TRUE to turn on ggrepel labels (default = FALSE)
#' @param chrX Character string name of the X chromosome in the gene annotation within the geneData object (Default = "X")
#' @param chrY Character string name of the Y chromosome in the gene annotation within the geneData object (Default = "Y")
#' @param baseFontSize Sets the base font size for ggplot themes (Default = 14)
#' @param orig Set to FALSE to use your filtered DGEobj data. Set to TRUE to use original unfiltered data (Default = TRUE)
#' @param debug Default=FALSE. Set to TRUE to open a debug browser when entering this function
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @examples
#' checkSex(dgeObj, species="human")
#' @import ggplot2 magrittr ggrepel ggiraph
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select left_join mutate arrange
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column column_to_rownames
#' @export
checkSex <- function(dgeObj, species, sexCol, labelCol, showLabels=FALSE,
chrX = "X", chrY = "Y", baseFontSize=14, orig=TRUE, debug=FALSE) {
#convert this to a function in DGE.Tools2
#input dgeObj, optionally specify x and y genes
##if genes not specified, pick highest expressed of each x and y gene
tolower(species) %in% c("human", "mouse", "rat")
if (debug == TRUE) browser()
if (tolower(species) == "rat") { #no XIST gene in Rat
x <- .getTopExpressedGene(dgeObj, chr=chrX, orig=TRUE)
} else {
x <- switch(tolower(species),
human = list(gene="ENSG00000229807", genename="XIST"),
mouse = list(gene="ENSMUSG00000086503", genename="Xist")
# x <- .getTopExpressedGene(dgeObj, "X")
y <- .getTopExpressedGene(dgeObj, chr=chrY, orig=TRUE)
#get data for the two x and y genes
if (orig){
log2CPM <- convertCounts(getItem(dgeObj, "counts_orig"), unit="cpm", log=TRUE, normalize="tmm")
} else {
log2CPM <- convertCounts(getItem(dgeObj, "counts"), unit="cpm", log=TRUE, normalize="tmm")
idx <- rownames(log2CPM) %in% c(x$gene, y$gene)
plotDat <- t(log2CPM[idx,]) %>%
as.data.frame %>%
#add sample identifier data
dtemp <- getItem(dgeObj, "design_orig") %>%
#add labelCol and sexCol data as needed
if (!missing(labelCol) & !missing(sexCol)){
dtemp %<>% dplyr::select(rowname, labelCol=labelCol, sexCol=sexCol)
plotDat <- dplyr::left_join(plotDat, dtemp, by="rowname")
colnames(plotDat) <- c("SampID", x$genename, y$genename, labelCol, sexCol)
sexPlot <- ggplot(plotDat, aes_string(x=x$genename, y=y$genename, label=labelCol, color=sexCol))
} else if (!missing(labelCol) & missing(sexCol)){
dtemp %<>% dplyr::select(rowname, labelCol=labelCol)
plotDat <- dplyr::left_join(plotDat, dtemp, by="rowname")
colnames(plotDat) <- c("SampID", x$genename, y$genename, labelCol)
sexPlot <- ggplot(plotDat, aes_string(x=x$genename, y=y$genename, label=labelCol))
} else if (missing(labelCol) & !missing(sexCol)){
dtemp %<>% dplyr::select(rowname, sexCol=sexCol)
plotDat <- dplyr::left_join(plotDat, dtemp, by="rowname")
colnames(plotDat) <- c("SampID", x$genename, y$genename, sexCol)
sexPlot <- ggplot(plotDat, aes_string(x=x$genename, y=y$genename, color=sexCol))
} else if (missing(labelCol) & missing(sexCol)){
colnames(plotDat) <- c("SampID", x$genename, y$genename)
sexPlot <- ggplot(plotDat, aes_string(x=x$genename, y=y$genename))
sexPlot <- sexPlot +
geom_point(size=4, shape=21) +
xlab(paste("X (", x$genename, ")", sep="")) +
ylab(paste("Y (", y$genename, ")", sep="")) +
ggtitle("Sex Determination Plot") +
if (showLabels == TRUE & !missing(labelCol))
sexPlot <-sexPlot + geom_label_repel (label.size=0.125)
#non-exported functions
#support function for Sex analysis
.getChrDat <- function(dgeObj, chr, orig=FALSE){
# chr can be one or more chromosome names
# Returns NULL if none found
if (orig == TRUE) {
geneData <- getItem(dgeObj, "geneData_orig")
log2CPM <- convertCounts(getItem(dgeObj, "counts_orig"), unit="cpm", log=TRUE, normalize="tmm")
} else {
geneData <- getItem(dgeObj, "geneData")
log2CPM <- convertCounts(getItem(dgeObj, "counts"), unit="cpm", log=TRUE, normalize="tmm")
#filter to specified chr
if (!is.null(chr))
geneData %<>%
as.data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var="geneid") %>%
dplyr::filter(toupper(Chromosome) %in% toupper(chr)) %>%
log2CPM_mat <- log2CPM[rownames(log2CPM) %in% rownames(geneData),]
if (is.null(nrow(log2CPM_mat))){
} else {
.getTopExpressedGene <- function (dgeObj, chr, orig=FALSE){
#get top mean expressed gene from given chromosome
if (orig == TRUE) {
geneData <- getItem(dgeObj, "geneData_orig")
} else {
geneData <- getItem(dgeObj, "geneData")
#filter geneData to selected chr
if (!is.null(chr))
log2CPM_mat <- .getChrDat(dgeObj, chr=chr, orig=orig)
if (is.null(log2CPM_mat))
stop ("No gene data found for specified chromosome.")
meanLogCPM <- rowMeans(log2CPM_mat)
#get the top expressed gene data
#Calc mean and sort on mean descending
log2CPM <- log2CPM_mat %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var="geneid") %>%
dplyr::mutate(meanLogCPM = meanLogCPM) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(meanLogCPM)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(meanLogCPM = NULL) %>%
gene <- rownames(log2CPM)[1]
genename <- geneData$GeneName[rownames(geneData) == gene]
# dat <- log2CPM %>%
# rownames_to_column(var="geneid") %>%
# filter(geneid == gene) %>%
# column_to_rownames(var="geneid") %>%
# as.numeric
return(list(gene=gene, genename=genename))
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