
Defines functions network_distance_mat network_distance_focal get_mat_distance get_focal_distance closest_lake_distance

Documented in closest_lake_distance get_focal_distance get_mat_distance

#' Find the distance to the closest upstream lake, the number of upstream lakes, and the area of upstream lakes
#' @param lines sf lines object
#' @param lakes sf polygon object
#' @param outlet integer row index of outlet reach relative to lines
#' @param size_threshold numeric size above which to consider as a lake
#' @param map logical show a map output of the results?
#' @return a list with the following elements:
#'  * Closest lake distance
#'  * Number of upstream lakes
#'  * Upstream lake area
#' @importFrom utils read.csv capture.output
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom sf st_area st_intersects st_transform st_geometry
#' @importFrom nhdR terminal_reaches
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(nhdR)
#' data(nhd_sub_lines)
#' data(nhd_sub_lakes)
#' outlet_reach   <- terminal_reaches(network = nhd_sub_lines,
#'                                    approve_all_dl = TRUE)
#' outlet <- which(outlet_reach[['comid']] == nhd_sub_lines[['comid']])
#' closest_lake_distance(nhd_sub_lines, nhd_sub_lakes, outlet = outlet)
#' }
closest_lake_distance <- function(lines, lakes, outlet, size_threshold = 4,
                                  map = FALSE){

  res <- get_focal_distance(lines, lakes, outlet, size_threshold)

      plot(st_sf(data.frame(dist = res$dist),

      closest_lake_distance = min(res$dist$dist),
      num_up_lakes          = length(res$t_reach_pnts),
      lake_area             = res$lake_area)
      closest_lake_distance = NA,
      num_up_lakes          = NA,
      lake_area             = NA)

#' Get the network distance between a focal point and other points on a line network
#' @inheritParams closest_lake_distance
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(nhdR)
#' data(nhd_sub_lines)
#' data(nhd_sub_lakes)
#' outlet_reach   <- terminal_reaches(network = nhd_sub_lines,
#'                                    approve_all_dl = TRUE)
#' outlet <- which(outlet_reach[['comid']] == nhd_sub_lines[['comid']])
#' get_focal_distance(nhd_sub_lines, nhd_sub_lakes, outlet = outlet)
#' }
get_focal_distance <- function(lines, lakes, outlet, size_threshold = 4){
  # filter lakes by size threshold
  lakes     <- lakes[st_area(lakes) >
                       units::as_units(size_threshold, "ha"),]
  lakes     <- st_transform(lakes, st_crs(lines))
  lake_area <- sum(st_area(lakes))
  units(lake_area) <- "ha"

  # extract lakes that intersect lines
  lakes <- lakes[
    which(unlist(lapply(st_intersects(lakes, lines), length)) > 0),]

  # find terminal reach of each lake and terminal reach of focal lake
  t_reaches    <- terminal_reaches(network = lines, lakewise = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
  t_reaches <- t_reaches[do.call(pmin, as.data.frame( #rowMins
    st_distance(t_reaches, lakes))) < units::as_units(1, "m"),]

  t_reach_pnts <- st_line_sample(t_reaches, sample = c(1))
  t_reach_pnts <- st_cast(t_reach_pnts, "POINT")

  outlet_reach_ind <- which(t_reaches[["comid"]] ==

  if(length(t_reach_pnts) > 1){
    if(length(outlet_reach_ind) > 0){
      outlet_reach <- t_reach_pnts[outlet_reach_ind]
      t_reach_pnts <- t_reach_pnts[!(seq_len(length(t_reach_pnts)) %in%
    }else{ #probably a one-off error
      outlet_reach   <- terminal_reaches(network = lines,
                                         approve_all_dl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

      outlet_reach <- t_reach_pnts[
        which.min(apply(st_distance(outlet_reach, t_reach_pnts), 2, min))]

      t_reach_pnts <- t_reach_pnts[
        !(seq_len(length(t_reach_pnts)) %in%
            which.min(st_distance(outlet_reach, t_reach_pnts)))]

    # browser()
    # mapview(lines) + mapview(lakes) +
    #   mapview(t_reach_pnts) +  mapview(outlet_reach, color = "red")

    res <- network_distance_focal(lines, t_reach_pnts, outlet_reach)

    list(dist = res,
         t_reach_pnts = t_reach_pnts,
         lake_area = lake_area

    list(dist = NA,
         t_reach_pnts = NA,
         lake_area = NA

#' Get the network distance matrix between points on a line network
#' @inheritParams closest_lake_distance
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(nhdR)
#' data(nhd_sub_lines)
#' data(nhd_sub_lakes)
#' get_mat_distance(nhd_sub_lines, nhd_sub_lakes)
#' }
get_mat_distance <- function(lines, lakes, size_threshold = 4){
  # filter lakes by size threshold
  lakes     <- lakes[st_area(lakes) >
                       units::as_units(size_threshold, "ha"),]
  lakes     <- st_transform(lakes, st_crs(lines))
  lake_area <- sum(st_area(lakes))
  units(lake_area) <- "ha"

  # extract lakes that intersect lines
  lakes <- lakes[
    which(unlist(lapply(st_intersects(lakes, lines), length)) > 0),]

  # find terminal reach of each lake
  t_reaches    <- terminal_reaches(network = lines, lakewise = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
  t_reach_pnts <- st_line_sample(t_reaches, sample = c(1))
  t_reach_pnts <- st_cast(t_reach_pnts, "POINT")

  if(length(t_reach_pnts) > 1){
      network_distance_mat(lines, t_reach_pnts)

network_distance_focal <- function(lines, t_reach_pnts, outlet_reach){

  # use GRASS v.net.distance to calculate network distances

  capture.output(rgrass7sf::writeVECT(lines, "testlines",
                                      v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                                      ignore.stderr = TRUE), file = tempfile())

                       parameters = list(
                         tool = "snap",
                         input = "testlines",
                         output = "testlines2",
                         threshold = 0.0001),
                       flags = c("c", "overwrite")))

  capture.output(rgrass7sf::writeVECT(t_reach_pnts, "treachpnts",
                       v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                       ignore.stderr = TRUE))

  capture.output(rgrass7sf::writeVECT(outlet_reach, "outpnt"  ,
                       v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                       ignore.stderr = TRUE))

                       parameters = list(
                         input = "testlines2",
                         points = "treachpnts",
                         output = "linesnet",
                         operation = "connect",
                         threshold = 400,
                         arc_layer = "1",
                         node_layer = "2"
                       flags = c("overwrite")))

                       parameters = list(
                         input = "linesnet",
                         points = "outpnt",
                         output = "linesnet2",
                         operation = "connect",
                         threshold = 1000,
                         arc_layer = "1",
                         node_layer = "3"
                       flags = c("overwrite")))

                       parameters = list(
                         input = "linesnet2",
                         output = "dist2out",
                         from_layer = "2",
                         to_layer = "3"
                       flags = c("quiet", "overwrite")))

  capture.output(res <- rgrass7sf::execGRASS("v.report",
                                             parameters = list(
                                               map = "dist2out",
                                               option = "length"
                                             flags = c("quiet"), echoCmd = FALSE), file = tempfile())

  read.csv(textConnection(attr(res, "resOut")), sep = "|")

network_distance_mat <- function(lines, t_reach_pnts){

  capture.output(rgrass7sf::writeVECT(lines, "testlines",
                                      v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                                      ignore.stderr = TRUE), file = tempfile())

  rgrass7sf::writeVECT(t_reach_pnts, "treachpnts",
                       v.in.ogr_flags = c("o", "overwrite"),
                       ignore.stderr = TRUE)

                       parameters = list(
                         input = "testlines",
                         points = "treachpnts",
                         output = "linesnet",
                         operation = "connect",
                         threshold = 400,
                         arc_layer = "1",
                         node_layer = "2"
                       flags = c("quiet", "overwrite"))

                       parameters = list(
                         input = "linesnet",
                         output = "dist2out"
                       flags = c("quiet", "overwrite"))

  capture.output(res <- rgrass7sf::execGRASS("v.report",
                                             parameters = list(
                                               map = "dist2out",
                                               option = "length"
                                             flags = c("quiet"), echoCmd = FALSE), file = tempfile())

  read.csv(textConnection(attr(res, "resOut")), sep = "|")
jsta/streamnet documentation built on July 9, 2022, 9:02 p.m.