
Defines functions downloadMDSTServerData downloadRemoteFile readData buildRdf FAO2URIFromEcoscope getSpeciesFromEcoscope convertToDate WFS2GMLFile readWFS checkInputFile renameAttributes evaluateAndRenameAttributesNames findP4s

# findP4s : Emmanuel Blondel, see : https://github.com/openfigis/RFigisGeo
# Find a proj4 definition from a srsName
# Arguments:
# - srsName: name of the spatial reference system
# - morphToESRI: use the ESRI WKT representation
# Value:
#  List of proj4 defnitions where the WKT GEOGCS attribute is equal to the required srsName
# Comment:
#  We actually except lat/long coordinates systems due to confusion in output of different WFS vendors
findP4s <- function(srsName, morphToESRI=FALSE) {
  if (missing(srsName)) {
    stop("please provide a spatial reference system name")
  proj.lst <- as.character(projInfo("proj")$name)
  #we remove the latlong proj for compatibility with sp
  proj.lst <- proj.lst[proj.lst != "latlong" & proj.lst != "latlon"]
  #build combinations of know proj and datum
  proj.datum.grd <- expand.grid(proj=proj.lst, datum=as.character(projInfo("datum")$name), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  #remove the carthage datum which make my system crash
  proj.datum.grd <- proj.datum.grd[proj.datum.grd$datum != "carthage", ]
  #function to ask WKT representation
  getShowWkt <- function(x) {
    res <- try(showWKT(paste("+proj=", x[1], " +datum=", x[2], sep=""), morphToESRI=morphToESRI), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(res) == "try-error") {
    } else {
  #ask WKT for all projection
  GCS <- apply(proj.datum.grd, 1, FUN=getShowWkt)	
  GCS.df <- data.frame(proj=proj.datum.grd$proj, datum=proj.datum.grd$datum, WKT=GCS, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  #keep only valids
  GCS.df <- GCS.df[! is.na(GCS.df$WKT),]
  #the pattern to find
  pattern <- paste("GEOGCS[\"", srsName, "\"", sep="")
  #search for pattern
  GCS.df <- GCS.df[substr(tolower(GCS.df$WKT), 1, nchar(pattern)) == tolower(pattern),]
  #keep only first SRS in case of identical WKT representation
  GCS.df <- GCS.df[!duplicated(GCS.df$WKT),]
  if (nrow(GCS.df) > 0) {
    #return the proj4 definition
    return(paste("+proj=", GCS.df$proj, " +datum=", GCS.df$datum, sep=""))  
  } else {
    #not found, return NA

# df: a data frame
# objList: list of objects in the environment
# attrSuffixCst: suffix of the mapping attribute name variables
evaluateAndRenameAttributesNames <- function(df, objList=ls(), attrSuffixCst="AttributeName") {
  dfName <- substitute(df)
  for (aObj in objList) {
    if (substr(aObj, 0, nchar(dfName)) == dfName && substr(aObj, nchar(aObj) - nchar(attrSuffixCst) + 1, nchar(aObj)) == attrSuffixCst) {
      if (sum(names(df) == get(aObj)) == 1) {
        names(df)[which(names(df) == get(aObj))] <- tolower(substr(aObj, nchar(dfName) + 1, nchar(aObj) - nchar(attrSuffixCst)))

# df: a data.frame
# attributesList: list of vectore size 2 af attribute name and new names. Ex. list(c("a", "A"), c("b", "B"))
renameAttributes <- function(df, attributesList) {
  for (currentAttribute in attributesList) {
    if (is.na(currentAttribute[1]) || nchar(currentAttribute[1]) == 0
        || is.na(currentAttribute[2]) || nchar(currentAttribute[2]) == 0) {
      stop("Bad syntax")
    if (sum(names(df) == currentAttribute[1]) == 0) {
      stop(paste("Cannot found", currentAttribute[1], "attribute"))
    names(df)[which(names(df) == currentAttribute[1])] <- currentAttribute[2]

checkInputFile <- function(inputFilePath)
    stop("Missing inputFilePath")
  #test if file existing
  if(! file.exists(inputFilePath))
    stop(paste("Cannot found", inputFilePath))
  #test if file can be read
  if(file.access(inputFilePath, 4) != 0)
    stop(paste("Cannnot read", inputFilePath))

# Read WFS & returns a sp object
# Emmanuel Blondel - source here : https://github.com/openfigis/RFigisGeo/blob/master/R/Utils.R
# Arguments:
# - url: the baseURL of the WFS GetFeature request
# - outputFormat: the output format for the WFS GetFeature request, by default "GML"
# - p4s: an optional proj4string, by default NULL (an attempt will be performed to get the projection from the data)
# - gmlIdAttributeName: specific to GML, the name of the ID attribute, by default "gml_id"
readWFS <- function(url, outputFormat = "GML", p4s = NULL, gmlIdAttributeName="gml_id"){
  wfsRequest <- url
  if(outputFormat != "GML") {
    wfsRequest <- paste(url, "&outputFormat=", outputFormat, sep="")
  if(outputFormat == "GML") {
    # download the data
    content <- getURL(wfsRequest)
    xmlfile <- xmlTreeParse(content, useInternalNodes=TRUE, options=c(HUGE))
    #write the file to disk
    tempf = tempfile()
    destfile = paste(tempf,".gml",sep='')
    saveXML(xmlfile, destfile)
    #download.file(wfsRequest, destfile, mode="wb")
    layername <- ogrListLayers(destfile)
    if (length(layername) != 1) {
      stop("Mistake with layers in the input dataset")
    hasGeometry <- ( (length(getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//gml:featureMember//gml:coordinates")) > 0)
      || (length(getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//gml:featureMember//gml:pos")) > 0) 
      || (length(getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//gml:featureMember//gml:posList")) > 0)  
      || (length(getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//wfs:member[1]//gml:pos")) > 0) )
    if (hasGeometry) {
      # get the Spatial Reference System (SRS)
      srs <- NA
      #xmlfile<-xmlTreeParse(destfile, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
      srsName <- getNodeSet(xmlfile, "(//gml:featureMember//@srsName)[1]")
      if (is.null(srsName)) {
        srsName <- getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//wfs:member[1]//gml:pos[1]/@srsName")
      if (length(srsName) == 1) {
        srsName <- as.character(srsName[[1]])
        #srsName patterns matching
        srsPattern = "http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#" #match case 1
        if (attr(regexpr(srsPattern, srsName, ignore.case = T),"match.length") > 0) {
          epsg <- unlist(strsplit(srsName, srsPattern))[2]
          srs <- paste("+init=epsg:", epsg, sep="")
        } else {
          srsPattern = "urn:(x-)?ogc:def:crs:EPSG" #match case 2
          if (attr(regexpr(srsPattern, srsName, ignore.case = T),"match.length") > 0) {
            srsStr <- unlist(strsplit(srsName, ":"))
            epsg <- srsStr[length(srsStr)]
            srs <- paste("+init=epsg:", epsg, sep="")
          } else {
            srsPattern = "EPSG:" #match case 3
            if (attr(regexpr(srsPattern, srsName, ignore.case = T),"match.length") > 0) {
              srsStr <- unlist(strsplit(srsName, ":"))
              epsg <- srsStr[length(srsStr)]
              srs <- paste("+init=epsg:", epsg, sep="")
            } else {
              #search if srsName is a WKT PROJ name (PROJCS or GEOGCS)
              #if yes set srs with the corresponding proj4string
              #first search without any consideration of the ESRI representation
              srs <- findP4s(srsName, morphToESRI=FALSE)
              if (is.na(srs)) {
                #if not found search with consideration of the ESRI representation
                srs <- findP4s(srsName, morphToESRI=TRUE)
              if (! is.na(srs) && ! length(srs) == 1) {
                srs <- NA
        warning("Unable to convert GML srsName to a CRS object. CRS will be set to NA", call. = T)
      if (missing(p4s)){
        features = readOGR(destfile, layername, p4s = srs, disambiguateFIDs=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        features = readOGR(destfile, layername, p4s = p4s, disambiguateFIDs=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      if (class(features) == "SpatialLinesDataFrame" || class(features) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") {
        features <- spChFIDs(features, as.character(features@data[,gmlIdAttributeName]))  
      membersContent <- sapply(getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//gml:featureMember"), function(x) xmlChildren(x))
      fid <- sapply(membersContent, function(x) xmlAttrs(x))
      membersAttributes <- xmlToDataFrame(nodes = getNodeSet(xmlfile, "//gml:featureMember/*[@*]"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      features <- cbind(fid, membersAttributes, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)      
    stop("Unsupported WFS format")

WFS2GMLFile <- function(URL, layerName, filter)
  #check the URL input
  http_prefix <- "http://"
  if(substr(URL, 1, 7) != http_prefix)
    URL <- paste(http_prefix, URL, sep="")
  if(! require(rgdal))
    stop("Missing rgdal library")
  #check the layer name
  avalaibleLayers <- ogrListLayers(paste("WFS:", URL, sep=""))
  res <- avalaibleLayers == layerName
  if(length(res[res == TRUE]) != 1)
    stop(paste("Cannot find requested layer[", layerName, "] on WFS server[", URL, "] or multiple layer. avalaibles layers: [", paste(avalaibleLayers, collapse=", ") ,"]", sep=""))
  #ok, we build the full URL request
  desc <- paste(URL, "?REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.1.0&TYPENAME=", layerName, sep="")
  if(! require(RCurl))
    stop("Missing RCurl library")
  #we add the ogc filter
  if(! missing(filter) && ! is.na(filter) && ! is.null(filter) && filter != "null" && filernchar(filter) > 0)
    ogc_filter_prefix <- "<ogc:Filter"
    if(substr(filter, 1, 11) == ogc_filter_prefix)
      filter <- curlEscape(filter)
    desc <- paste(desc, "&filter=", filter, sep="")
  if (! require(XML)) {
    stop("Missing XML library")
  #  message(desc)
  res <- getURLContent(desc)
  con <- xmlTreeParse(res, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  file_path <- paste(tempfile(), ".gml", sep="")
  saveXML(con, file_path)

convertToDate <- function(input) {
  if (is.na(input) || length(input) == 0) {
    stop("Empty input")
  if (! inherits(input, what="POSIXlt")) {
    input <- as.character(input)
    formats <- c("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", "%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", 
                 "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", "%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
                 "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S",
                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%SZ",
                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",
                 "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d",
                 "%d-%m-%Y", "%d/%m/%Y")
    found <- FALSE
    for (format.current in formats) {
      date.test <- strptime(input[1], format=format.current)
      if (! is.na(date.test)) {
        found <- TRUE
    if (found) {
      return(strptime(input, format=format.current))
    } else {
  } else {

getSpeciesFromEcoscope <- function(speciesFAOName) {
#   if (! require(rrdf)) {
#     stop("Missing rrdf library")
#   }
#   if (missing(speciesFAOName) || is.na(speciesFAOName) || nchar(speciesFAOName) == 0) {
#     stop("Missing speciesFAOName parameter")
#   }
#   sparqlResult <- sparql.remote("http://ecoscopebc.mpl.ird.fr/joseki/ecoscope", 
#                                 paste("PREFIX ecosystems_def: <http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/ecosystems_def/> ", 
#                                       "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> ", 
#                                       "SELECT * WHERE { ?uri ecosystems_def:faoId '", 
#                                       speciesFAOName, 
#                                       "' .?uri skos:prefLabel ?scientific_name}", 
#                                       sep="")
#   )
  sparqlResult <- 2

# getFishingGearIdFromEcoscope <- function(FishingGearId) {
#   if (! require(rrdf)) {
#     stop("Missing rrdf library")
#   }
#   if (missing(FishingGearId) || is.na(FishingGearId) || nchar(FishingGearId) == 0) {
#     stop("Missing speciesFAOName parameter")
#   }
#   sparqlQuery <-  paste("PREFIX ecosystems_def: <http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/ecosystems_def/> ", 
#                         "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> ", 
#                         "SELECT * WHERE { ?uri ecosystems_def:faoId '", 
#                         FishingGearId, 
#                         "' .?uri skos:prefLabel ?label}", 
#                         sep="")
#   sparqlResult <- sparql.remote("http://ecoscopebc.mpl.ird.fr/joseki/ecoscope", sparqlQuery  )
#   print (sparqlQuery)
#   return(sparqlResult)
# }

FAO2URIFromEcoscope <- function(FAOId) {
#   if (! require(rrdf)) {
#     stop("Missing rrdf library")
#   }
#   if (missing(FAOId) || is.na(FAOId) || nchar(FAOId) == 0) {
#     stop("Missing FAOId parameter")
#   }
#   sparqlResult <- sparql.remote("http://ecoscopebc.mpl.ird.fr/joseki/ecoscope", 
#                                 paste("PREFIX ecosystems_def: <http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/ecosystems_def/> ", 
#                                       "SELECT * WHERE { ?uri ecosystems_def:faoId '", FAOId, "'}", sep="")
#   )
#   if (length(sparqlResult) > 0) {
#     return(as.character(sparqlResult[1, "uri"]))
#   } 

buildRdf <- function(store,rdf_file_path, rdf_subject, titles=c(), descriptions=c(), subjects=c(), processes=c(), data_output_identifier=c(), start=NA, end=NA, spatial=NA, withSparql=TRUE) {
#   if (! require(rrdf)) {
#     stop("Missing rrdf library")
#   }
#   #store = new.rdf(ontology=FALSE)
# #   add.prefix(store,
# #              prefix="resources_def",
# #              namespace="http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/resources_def/")
# #   
# #   add.prefix(store,
# #              prefix="ical",
# #              namespace="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical/")
# #   
# #   add.prefix(store,
# #              prefix="dct",
# #              namespace="http://purl.org/dc/terms/")
# #   
#   #type
#   add.triple(store,
#              subject=rdf_subject,
#              predicate="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type",
#              object="http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/resources_def/indicator")
#   #process
#   add.triple(store,
#              subject=rdf_subject,
#              predicate="http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/resources_def/usesProcess",
#              object=processes)
#   #has_data_input
#   #add.data.triple(store,
#   #            subject=rdf_subject,
#   #           predicate="http://www.ecoscope.org/ontologies/resources_def/has_data_input",
#   #           data=data_input)
#   #has_data_input
#   add.data.triple(store,
#                   subject=rdf_subject,
#                   predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier",
#                   data=data_output_identifier)
#   #title
#   for (title.current in titles) {
#     if (length(title.current) == 2) {
#       #here we know the language attribute
#       add.data.triple(store,
#                       subject=rdf_subject,
#                       predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title",
#                       lang=title.current[1],
#                       data=title.current[2])
#     } else {
#       #here we dont know 
#       add.data.triple(store,
#                       subject=rdf_subject,
#                       predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title",
#                       data=title.current)
#     }
#   }
#   #description
#   for (description.current in descriptions) {
#     add.data.triple(store,
#                     subject=rdf_subject,
#                     predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description",
#                     data=description.current)
#   }
#   if (! is.na(start)) {
#     add.data.triple(store,
#                     subject=rdf_subject,
#                     predicate="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical/dtstart",
#                     data=start)
#   }
#   if (! is.na(end)) {
#     add.data.triple(store,
#                     subject=rdf_subject,
#                     predicate="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/ical/dtend",
#                     data=end)
#   }
#   for (subject.current in subjects) {
#     URI <- NA
#     if (withSparql) {
#       URI <- FAO2URIFromEcoscope(subject.current)
#     }
#     if (! is.na(URI)) {
#       add.triple(store,
#                  subject=rdf_subject,
#                  predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject",
#                  object=URI)
#     } else {
#       add.data.triple(store,
#                       subject=rdf_subject,
#                       predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/subject",
#                       data=subject.current)
#     }
#   }
#   if (! is.na(spatial)) {
#     add.data.triple(store,
#                     subject=rdf_subject,
#                     predicate="http://purl.org/dc/terms/spatial",
#                     data=spatial)
#   }
#   save.rdf(store=store, filename=rdf_file_path)

readData <- function(connectionType="local", dataType="csv", url, MDSTQuery, layer, ogcFilter, wfsVersion="1.1.0", ...) {
  if (missing(url)) {
    stop("Missing url parameter")
  #check for connection type
  if (! connectionType %in% c("local", "remote")) {
    stop(paste("Invalid connectionType, must be \"local\" or \"remote\""))
  #check for data type
  if (! dataType %in% c("csv", "MDSTServer", "WFS", "OGR")) {
    stop("Invalid connectionType, must be \"csv\", \"MDSTServer\", \"OGR\" or \"WFS\"")
  if (dataType %in% c("MDSTServer", "WFS")) {
    connectionType <- "remote"
  if (connectionType == "local") {
    #check if file exist  
    if (! file.exists(url)) {
      stop(paste("Cannot found requested file", url))
    #test if file can be read
    if (file.access(url, 4) != 0) {
      stop(paste("Cannnot read", url, "please check access rights"))
  if (dataType == "csv") {
    if (connectionType == "remote") {
      #download the file
      localFilePath <- downloadRemoteFile(url)
      #read the downloaded file
      df <- readData(connectionType="local", dataType="csv", url=localFilePath, ...)
      #delete the downloaded file
    if (connectionType == "local") {
      return(read.csv(url, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, ...))
  if (dataType == "OGR") {    
    if (connectionType == "remote") {
      #download the file
      localFilePath <- downloadRemoteFile(url)
      #read the downloaded file
      df <- readData(connectionType="local", dataType="OGR", url=localFilePath, ...)
      #delete the downloaded file
    if (connectionType == "local") {
      #test for layer
      availableLayers <- ogrListLayers(url)
      if (missing(layer)) {
        if (length(availableLayers) == 1) {
          layer <- availableLayers[1]
        } else {
          stop(paste("No layer parameter specified. Available layers: [", paste(availableLayers, collapse=", ") ,"]", sep=""))
      if (! layer %in% availableLayers) {
        stop(paste("Specified layer [", layer, "] not found. Available layers: [", paste(availableLayers, collapse=", ") ,"]", sep=""))
      return(readOGR(url, layer, disambiguateFIDs=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
  if (dataType == "MDSTServer") {
    if (missing(MDSTQuery)) {
      stop("Missing MDSTQuery parameter")
    #download the file from a MDST data server
    localFilePath <- downloadMDSTServerData(url, MDSTQuery)    
    #read the file
    df <- readData(connectionType="local", dataType="csv", url=localFilePath)
    #delete the downloaded file
  if (dataType == "WFS") {
    if(! missing(layer) && ! is.na(layer) && ! is.null(layer) && layer != "null" && nchar(layer) > 0) {
      #build base wfs getFeature request url
      wfsUrl <- paste(url, "?REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=", wfsVersion, "&TYPENAME=", layer, sep="")
      #test for OGC Filter
      if(! missing(ogcFilter) && ! is.na(ogcFilter) && ! is.null(ogcFilter) && ogcFilter != "null" && nchar(ogcFilter) > 0) {
        if(substr(ogcFilter, 1, 11) == "<ogc:Filter") {
          ogcFilter <- curlEscape(ogcFilter)
        wfsUrl <- paste(wfsUrl, "&filter=", ogcFilter, sep="")
    } else {
      wfsUrl <- url
    #read the GML file
    #old version    
    #localFilePath <- downloadRemoteFile(wfsUrl)
    #read the file
    #df <- readData(connectionType="local", dataType="OGR", url=localFilePath)
    #delete the downloaded file
    #new version from E. Blondel
    df <- readWFS(wfsUrl)

downloadRemoteFile <- function(url) {
  if (! url.exists(url)) {
    stop(paste("Specified url not exist", url))
  file.dest <- tempfile()
  download.file(url=url, destfile=file.dest, method="curl", quiet=TRUE)
  if (file.exists(file.dest)) {
  } else {
    stop(paste("Cannot found downloaded file", file.dest))

#2014/03/28: test if xmlQuery is encoded
downloadMDSTServerData <- function(MDSTServerUrl, xmlQuery) {
  #create a CURL reader
  r <- basicTextGatherer()
  #test if xmlQuery is encoded
  if (substr(xmlQuery, 1, 3) == "%3C") {
    xmlQuery <- curlUnescape(xmlQuery)
  #post the query
              httpheader=c(Accept="application/xml", "Content-Type"="application/xml"),
              writefunction = r$update)
  #read the result
  xml.doc <- xmlTreeParse(file=r$value(), asText=TRUE, useInternal=TRUE)
  file.web.path <- xpathApply(xml.doc, "//fileWebPath", xmlValue)
  if (length(file.web.path) == 1) {
    #download the zipped file
    zip.file.dest <- downloadRemoteFile(url=unlist(file.web.path))
    #list the includded files
    zip.files.list <- unzip(zip.file.dest, list=TRUE)
    #find th csv one
    file.csv <- grep("*.csv", tolower(zip.files.list$Name))    
    if (length(file.csv) == 1) {
      #extract the csv file
      unzip(zipfile=zip.file.dest, files=as.character(zip.files.list$Name[file.csv]), exdir=tempdir())
      #delete zip file
      file.dest <- paste(tempdir(), zip.files.list$Name[file.csv], sep="/")
      if (file.exists(file.dest)) {
      } else {
        stop(paste("Cannot found downloaded file", file.dest))
jsubei/IRDTunaAtlas documentation built on June 28, 2024, 1:23 p.m.