
Defines functions var_mask warp_input kernel_beta kernel_varmask kernel_cat kernel_bin kernel_zerosum kernel_ns kernel_eq

Documented in kernel_beta kernel_bin kernel_cat kernel_eq kernel_ns kernel_varmask kernel_zerosum var_mask warp_input

#' Compute a kernel matrix (covariance matrix)
#' @description These have \code{STAN_kernel_*} counterparts. These R versions
#' are provided for reference and are not optimized for speed. These are
#' used when generating simulated data, and not during model inference.
#' @param x1 vector of length \eqn{n}
#' @param x2 vector of length \eqn{m}
#' @param alpha marginal std (default = 1)
#' @param ell lengthscale
#' @return A matrix of size \eqn{n} x \eqn{m}.
#' @name kernel

#' @describeIn kernel Uses the exponentiated quadratic kernel.
kernel_eq <- function(x1, x2, alpha = 1.0, ell) {
  n1 <- length(x1)
  n2 <- length(x2)
  X1 <- matrix(rep(x1, each = n2), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  X2 <- matrix(rep(x2, n1), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  K <- alpha^2 * exp(-0.5 * (X1 - X2)^2 / ell^2)

#' @describeIn kernel Uses the non-stationary kernel (input warping + squared
#' exponential).
#' @param a steepness of the warping function rise
kernel_ns <- function(x1, x2, alpha = 1.0, ell, a) {
  nan_replace <- 0
  x1[is.nan(x1)] <- nan_replace
  x2[is.nan(x2)] <- nan_replace
  w1 <- warp_input(x1, a)
  w2 <- warp_input(x2, a)
  K <- kernel_eq(w1, w2, alpha, ell)

#' @describeIn kernel Uses the zero-sum kernel. Here, \code{x1} and
#' \code{x2} must be integer vectors (integers denoting different categories).
#' Returns a binary matrix.
#' @param M number of categories
kernel_zerosum <- function(x1, x2, M) {
  n1 <- length(x1)
  n2 <- length(x2)
  K <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  for (i in 1:n1) {
    for (j in 1:n2) {
      K[i, j] <- if (x1[i] == x2[j]) 1.0 else -1.0 / (M - 1)

#' @describeIn kernel Uses the binary (mask) kernel. Here, \code{x1} and
#' \code{x2} must be integer vectors (integers denoting different categories).
#' Returns a binary matrix.
#' @param pos_class binary (mask) kernel function has value one if both inputs
#' have this value, other wise it is zero
kernel_bin <- function(x1, x2, pos_class = 0) {
  n1 <- length(x1)
  n2 <- length(x2)
  X1 <- matrix(rep(x1, each = n2), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  X2 <- matrix(rep(x2, n1), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  K1 <- matrix(as.numeric(X1 == pos_class), n1, n2)
  K2 <- matrix(as.numeric(X2 == pos_class), n1, n2)
  return(K1 * K2)

#' @describeIn kernel Uses the categorical kernel. Here, \code{x1} and
#' \code{x2} must be integer vectors (integers denoting different categories).
#' Returns a binary matrix.
kernel_cat <- function(x1, x2) {
  n1 <- length(x1)
  n2 <- length(x2)
  X1 <- matrix(rep(x1, each = n2), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  X2 <- matrix(rep(x2, n1), n1, n2, byrow = TRUE)
  K <- 1.0 * (X1 == X2)

#' @describeIn kernel Computes variance mask multiplier matrix. \code{NaN}'s
#' in \code{x1} and \code{x2} will be replaced by 0.
#' @param vm_params vector of two mask function parameters.
kernel_varmask <- function(x1, x2, a, vm_params) {
  x1[is.nan(x1)] <- 0.0
  x2[is.nan(x2)] <- 0.0
  check_interval(vm_params[1], 0, 1)
  stp <- a * vm_params[2] # steepness of mask function
  r <- 1 / stp * log(vm_params[1] / (1 - vm_params[1]))
  s1 <- var_mask(x1 - r, stp)
  s2 <- var_mask(x2 - r, stp)
  M <- tcrossprod(s1, s2)

#' @describeIn kernel Computes the heterogeneity multiplier matrix.
#' \emph{NOTE:} \code{idx_expand} needs to be given so that
#' \code{idx_expand[j]-1} tells the index of the beta parameter that should be
#' used for the \eqn{j}th observation. If observation \eqn{j} doesn't
#' correspond to any beta parameter, then \code{idx_expand[j]} should be 1.
#' @param beta a parameter vector (row vector) of length \code{N_cases}
#' @param idx1_expand integer vector of length \eqn{n}
#' @param idx2_expand integer vector of length \eqn{m}
kernel_beta <- function(beta, idx1_expand, idx2_expand) {
  n1 <- length(idx1_expand)
  n2 <- length(idx2_expand)
  BETA <- matrix(0, n1, n2)
  for (i in 1:n1) {
    i_bet <- idx1_expand[i] - 1
    b1 <- if (i_bet > 0) beta[i_bet] else 0
    for (j in 1:n2) {
      j_bet <- idx2_expand[j] - 1
      b2 <- if (j_bet > 0) beta[j_bet] else 0
      BETA[i, j] <- sqrt(b1 * b2)

#' Input warping function
#' @param x a vector of length \eqn{n}
#' @inheritParams kernel
#' @return a vector of warped inputs \eqn{w(x)}, length \eqn{n}
#' @family kernel utility functions
warp_input <- function(x, a) {
  b <- 0.0
  c <- 1.0
  w <- 2 * c * (-0.5 + 1 / (1 + exp(-a * (x - b))))

#' Variance masking function
#' @param x a vector of length \eqn{n}
#' @param stp a positive real number (steepness of mask function)
#' @return a vector of length \eqn{n}
#' @family kernel utility functions
var_mask <- function(x, stp) {
  y <- 1 / (1 + exp(-stp * x))
jtimonen/lgpr documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 11:13 p.m.