knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Table of contents

  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. eNetXplorer's Workflow
  4. Datasets
  5. H5N1_Flow
  6. Leukemia_miR
  7. breastCancerSurv
  8. Why is my linear regression slope negative?
  9. Notes on the algorithm's efficiency
  10. Parallelization
  11. Errata
  12. Summary

1. About

The R package eNetXplorer is available under GPL-3 license at the CRAN repository. The package source is located at

Authors: Julián Candia and John S. Tsang

Maintainer: Julián Candia <>

2. Installation

To install to your default directory, type


For more installation options, type help(install.packages).

3. eNetXplorer's Workflow

In order to describe eNetXplorer's workflow, this Section presents the analysis pipeline applied to synthetic datasets; to further illustrate eNetXplorer's features, real datasets are distributed with the package as described in Sections below.

First, we create a function to generate data for a Gaussian (linear regression) model, which consists of:

For normally distributed random variables, the following data-generating function will create a set of features correlated with the response according to any arbitrary, pre-defined population covariance matrix covmat:

data_gen_pop_covmat <- function(n_inst, covmat, seed=123) {
    library (expm);
    data <- matrix(rnorm(n_inst*ncol(covmat)),ncol=ncol(covmat))%*%sqrtm(covmat)
    rownames(predictor) = paste0("Inst.",1:n_inst)
    colnames(predictor) = paste0("Feat.",1:(ncol(covmat)-1))

Here, we assume that the first row/column in covmat is the response, while the remaining variables correspond to the features. In order to generate covariant matrices with interesting properties, the following function will produce a block of features correlated with each other (where r_block is the intra-block Pearson's correlation) as well as correlated with the response (with correlation r_resp):

covmat_gen <- function(n_pred, block_size, r_resp, r_block) {
    covmat = matrix(rep(1.e-3,(n_pred+1)**2),ncol=(n_pred+1))
    for (i_pred in 1:block_size) {
        for (j_pred in (i_pred+1):(block_size+1)) {
            if (i_pred==1) {
                covmat[i_pred,j_pred] = r_resp
            } else {
                covmat[i_pred,j_pred] = r_block
            covmat[j_pred,i_pred] = covmat[i_pred,j_pred]
    for (i_pred in 1:n_pred) {
        covmat[i_pred,i_pred] = 1

Let us use these two functions to generate predictor and response inputs:

data = data_gen_pop_covmat(n_inst=50, covmat_gen(n_pred=60, block_size=5, r_resp=0.5, r_block=0.35))

We examine the predictor correlation structure; as expected from our covmat_gen call, the block of features 1-5 is significantly intra-correlated, while the remaining features appear only weakly (and, in some cases, even negatively) correlated.

cor_mat = cor(data$predictor)
cor_max = max(abs(range(cor_mat[-seq(1,ncol(cor_mat)^2,ncol(cor_mat)+1)])))
n_breaks = 10
breaks = seq(-cor_max,cor_max,2*cor_max/(n_breaks-1))

We also examine the correlation between predictors and the response; by design, the block of features 1-5 carries the largest positive correlation with the response.

plot(cor(data$predictor,data$response),xaxt="n",xlab="predictor",ylab="correlation to response")
axis(side=1, at=1:ncol(data$predictor),labels=colnames(data$predictor), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)

Since the number of features is larger than the number of observations, we need to implement a regularized regression model. But which model? We know that ridge will fit a model where all predictors (including all the non-informative ones) will have non-zero contributions. Lasso, on the other end, will exclude most features and provide a minimal model representation. The elastic net allows us to scan the regularization path from ridge to lasso via the mixing parameter alpha. However, the following open questions remain:

To address these questions, eNetXplorer generates an ensemble of null models (based on random permutations of the response) on a family of regularized models from ridge to lasso. First, we load the eNetXplorer package:


Next, we run eNetXplorer on the datasets we just generated. The call to eNetXplorer with default parameters is:

fit_def = eNetXplorer(x=data$predictor,y=data$response,family="gaussian")

Results can be made more precise by increasing the number of cross-validation runs (n_run) and the number of null-model response permutations per run (n_perm_null), as well as by choosing a smaller step in the path of alpha models:

fit = eNetXplorer(x=data$predictor,y=data$response,family="gaussian",alpha=seq(0,1,by=0.1),n_run=1000,n_perm_null=250,seed=123)
# OR, for our purposes, we upload the object previously generated:

Function summary generates a brief report on the results; for each alpha, it displays the optimal lambda (obtained by maximizing a quality function over out-of-bag instances), the corresponding maximum value of the quality function, and the model significance (p-value based on comparison to permutation null models).


A graphical display of model performance across alpha is provided by

plot(fit, plot.type="summary") 

We observe that, at p-value<0.05, the most significant models are alpha=0.1 and 0.2; in terms of performance, the quality function (which, by default, is Pearson's correlation) evaluated between out-of-bag predictions and the response is maximized by the alpha=0.2 model. Let us examine this top-performing model in more detail.

Our next question is to determine the top features that play a role in the top-performing model. Following a similar strategy to that of alpha-model selection, statistical significance at the feature level is determined by comparison to permutation null models; see [@can19] for technical details.

We generate a caterpillar plot of the top features based on their coefficients:

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="featureCaterpillar", stat=c("coef"))

We observe that features 5, 8, and 2 are selected by the regularized model with alpha=0.2 at p-value<0.05; features 3 and 27 are significant at p-value<0.1. Next, we aim to explore those same top features across the entire elastic net family: Which of them would still be selected under more stringent regularization criteria?

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="featureHeatmap", stat=c("coef"),notecex=1.5) 

Here, we observe that more regularized models (alpha=0.5-0.8) favor features 5, 8 and 2 (at significance p-value<0.1); towards lasso (alpha=0.9,1), feature 5 is the only one selected at p-value<0.05-0.1. As expected, these models are more stringent on feature selection than less regularized (i.e. smaller alpha) models. It is also interesting to observe that lasso-like models remove feature redundancies: from the block of correlated features 1-5, only feature 5 is picked up as representative. This example illustrates some important characteristics of mixed-regularization model families:

In order to gather more details regarding a particular solution, we plot the quality function across the range of values for the regularization parameter lambda:

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="lambdaVsQF") 

If so desired, eNetXplorer allows end-users to extend the number of lambda values (via nlambda) and/or extend their range while keeping the lambda density uniform in log scale (via nlambda.ext).

There may exist outlier instances that may require further examination; we generate a scatterplot of response vs out-of-bag predictions across all instances:

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="measuredVsOOB") 

Naturally, model performance across alpha is strongly dependent on the structure of the input datasets. In the case example above, we purposefully generated a block of informative correlated predictors to highlight the characteristics of less regularized (smaller alpha) models and their ability to leverage borrowed information. Let us now generate input datasets with just one prevalent informative predictor:

data = data_gen_pop_covmat(n_inst=50, covmat_gen(n_pred=60, block_size=1, r_resp=0.7, r_block=0.35))

As before, we examine the predictor correlation structure:

cor_mat = cor(data$predictor)
cor_max = max(abs(range(cor_mat[-seq(1,ncol(cor_mat)^2,ncol(cor_mat)+1)])))
n_breaks = 10
breaks = seq(-cor_max,cor_max,2*cor_max/(n_breaks-1))

Moreover, as before, we also examine the correlation between predictors and the response; by design, feature 1 is the most informative predictor:

plot(cor(data$predictor,data$response),xaxt="n",xlab="predictor",ylab="correlation to response")
axis(side=1, at=1:ncol(data$predictor),labels=colnames(data$predictor), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)

We run eNetXplorer on the new datasets:

fit = eNetXplorer(x=data$predictor,y=data$response,family="gaussian",alpha=seq(0,1,by=0.1),n_run=1000,n_perm_null=250,seed=123)
# OR, for our purposes, we upload the object previously generated:

The summary table is:


We generate the plot of model performance across alpha:

plot(fit, plot.type="summary") 

Here, we observe that the quality function appears to increase monotonically with alpha; the maximum corresponds to the lasso solution, alpha=1.

We generate a caterpillar plot of the top features based on their coefficients:

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="featureCaterpillar", stat=c("coef"))

We observe that only feature 1 is selected by lasso. Are there other features that would be selected under less stringent regularization criteria?

plot(fit, alpha.index = which.max(fit$model_QF_est), plot.type="featureHeatmap", stat=c("coef"),notecex=1.5) 

We find that, except for features 8, 27 and 14 for ridge regularization (alpha=0), feature 1 appears dominant all across the regularization range. This, indeed, reflects the covariance structure we chose to generate the data.

4. Datasets

The eNetXplorer package provides three datasets of biological interest:

4.1 H1N1_Flow

The H1N1_Flow dataset comprises data from a cohort of healthy subjects vaccinated against the influenza virus H1N1 [@tsa14]. Using five different 15-color flow cytometry stains for T-cell, B-cell, dendritic cell, and monocyte deep-phenotyping, 113 cell population frequencies were measured longitudinally pre- (days -7, 0) and post-vaccination (days 1, 7, 70) on a cohort of 49 healthy human subjects (F=31, M=18, median age=24). Cell populations were manually gated and expressed as percent of parent. Samples and cell populations were filtered independently for each timepoint; samples were excluded if the median of the fraction of viable cells across all five tubes was <0.7, while cell populations were excluded if >80% of samples had <20 cells. Data were log10-transformed and pooled across all timepoints, then adjusted for age, gender, and ethnicity effects. For each timepoint, a numerical matrix of predictors is provided with subjects as rows and cell populations as columns. The response is the adjusted maximum fold change (adjMFC) of serum titers at day 70 relative to baseline, as defined in [@tsa14]. Two versions of the serum titer response are provided in the package; one as a numerical vector and the other one as a categorical vector discretized into low ("0"), intermediate ("1") and high ("2") response classes. A metadata file with cell population annotations is also provided.

To load the dataset:


4.2 Leukemia_miR

The Leukemia_miR dataset comprises data of human microRNA (miR) expression of 847 miRs from 80 acute myeloid (AML) and acute lymphoblastic (ALL) leukemia cell lines, 60 primary (patient) samples, and 50 normal control samples sorted by cell type (CD34+ HSPC, Granulocytes, Monocytes, T-cells and B-cells) [@tan14; @can15]. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples are further classified by B-cell (B-ALL) and T-cell (T-ALL) subphenotypes. Two dataset versions are provided: the full dataset Leuk_miR_full (190 samples x 847 miRs) and the filtered dataset Leuk_miR_filt (140 samples x 370 miRs). A numerical matrix of predictors is provided with samples as rows and miRs as columns. Two categorical response vectors are provided for binomial (AML, ALL) and multinomial (AML, B-ALL, T-ALL) classification.

To load the dataset:


To filter the full dataset (and recapitulate the filtered data provided by Leuk_miR_filt):

expr_full = Leuk_miR_full$expression_matrix
miR_filter = rep(F,nrow(Leuk_miR_full$miR_metadata))
miR_filter[apply(expr_full,2,mean)>1.2] = T
sample_filter = rep(T,nrow(Leuk_miR_full$sample_metadata))
sample_filter[Leuk_miR_full$sample_metadata$sample_class=="Normal"] = F
expr_filtered = expr_full[sample_filter,miR_filter]
miR_filtered = Leuk_miR_full$miR_metadata[miR_filter,]
sample_filtered = Leuk_miR_full$sample_metadata[sample_filter,]

4.3 breastCancerSurv

The breastCancerSurv dataset consists of gene expression microarray data for a panel of 7 genes and 319 breast cancer patients, for which also survival information is available. A numerical matrix of predictors is provided with samples as rows and genes as columns. The response is a numerical matrix with columns named "time" and "status", where the latter is a binary indicator of death (1) or right-censoring (0). It should be noticed that this exact formatting of the response matrix is required; the function Surv() in package survival produces such a matrix.

To load the dataset:


5. Why is my linear regression slope negative?

You may notice that, when running a linear regression model, the correlation between out-of-bag (OOB) predictions and the (true) response values may display a negative slope. This is typically observed when the set of model predictors is not (or is only weakly) informative of the response. For example, running eNetXplorer after generating a dataset of 50 instances with 20 predictors whose correlation with the response is exactly zero, the correlation between OOB predictions and the response is:

# OR, for our purposes, we upload the object previously generated:
plot(eNet, alpha.index = which.max(eNet$model_QF_est), plot.type="measuredVsOOB") 

which has a negative slope! Shouldn't the slope be zero? Well, as it turns out, we should expect the slope to be negative because of the phenomenon known as "regression to the mean". The in-bag fit will generally result in a spurious positive slope due to finite-size sampling bias; relative to the OOB data, this spurious trend will thus be negatively correlated. As a very straightforward illustration of this phenomenon, let us consider a step-by-step, simple example of univariate regression.

First, the following data-generating function will create a set of features correlated with the response according to any arbitrary, pre-defined sampling covariance matrix covmat:

data_gen_sampl_covmat <- function(n_inst, covmat) {
    library (expm)
    mat <- matrix(rnorm(n_inst*ncol(covmat)),ncol=ncol(covmat))
    data = mat%*%sqrtm(solve(cov(mat)))%*%sqrtm(covmat)
    rownames(predictor) = paste0("Inst.",1:n_inst)
    colnames(predictor) = paste0("Feat.",1:(ncol(covmat)-1))

In passing, let us mention that this function requires the number of instances to be larger than the number of variables, whereas data_gen_pop_covmat introduced earlier, which generates data based on a pre-defined population covariance matrix, does not have this limitation.

Next, we generate the fold template for cross-validated linear regression:

n_fold = 5
foldid = NULL
fold_size = floor(n_inst/n_fold)
for (i_fold in 1:n_fold) {
    foldid = c(foldid,rep(i_fold,fold_size))
fold_rest = n_inst%%n_fold
if (fold_rest>0) {
    for (i_fold in 1:fold_rest) {
        foldid = c(foldid,i_fold)

In our next step, we randomly generate n_run univariate synthetic datasets; for each of them, the response is designed to have zero correlation with the predictor variable. For each dataset, we perform linear regression for the full dataset, as well as n_rdm cross-validated linear regressions.

n_run = 20
n_rdm = 10
cor_data = rep(NA,n_run)
cor_pred_full = rep(NA,n_run)
cor_pred_OOB_mean = rep(NA,n_run)
cor_pred_OOB_sd = rep(NA,n_run)
for (i_run in 1:n_run) {
    data_gen = data_gen_sampl_covmat(n_inst,covmat)
    data = data.frame(x=data_gen$predictor[,1],y=data_gen$response)
    cor_data[i_run] = cor(data$x,data$y)
    fit = lm("y~x",data)
    y_pred = predict(fit,data)
    cor_pred_full[i_run] = cor(data$y,y_pred)
    # we generate random folds
    cor_pred_OOB = rep(NA,n_rdm)
    for (i_rdm in 1:n_rdm) {
        foldid_rdm = sample(foldid)
        y_pred_rdm = rep(NA,n_inst)
        for (i_fold in 1:n_fold) {
            IB = foldid_rdm!=i_fold
            fit = lm("y~x",data[IB,])
            y_pred_rdm[!IB] = predict(fit,data[!IB,])
        cor_pred_OOB[i_rdm] = cor(data$y,y_pred_rdm)
    cor_pred_OOB_mean[i_run] = mean(cor_pred_OOB)
    cor_pred_OOB_sd[i_run] = sd(cor_pred_OOB)

Finally, we plot the results.

color = c("black","blue","red")
x = 1:n_run
range_y = range(cor_data,cor_pred_full,cor_pred_OOB_mean+cor_pred_OOB_sd,
plot(range(x),range_y,type="n",xlab="run",ylab="Pearson's correlation",cex.lab=1.)
legend_txt = c("cor(y,x)","cor(y,y_pred)","cor(y,y_pred_OOB)")

The x and y variables were designed to have zero correlation; the black plot just serves as a sanity check. As expected, we can't predict y from x; therefore, the correlation between the predicted y and the true y is essentially zero (blue plot). However, when using a cross-validation framework, the correlation between the OOB-predicted y and the true y is distinctly negative (red plot).

6. Notes on the algorithm's efficiency

eNetXplorer has been successfully tested and used on datasets with hundreds and up to 1,000+ features. However, the algorithm's efficiency degrades noticeably as the number of features is increased. In order to analyze high-dimensional datasets with thousands or, even, tens of thousands of features (e.g. RNA-Seq), we advise implementing dimensional-reduction preprocessing approaches. Useful strategies, for instance, are: (i) to compute the average (or, alternatively, the first principal component) of gene modules, which may be based on biological annotations (e.g. pathways, Gene Ontology classifications, etc.), previous meta-studies [@cha08; @li14; @wei16] or calculated de novo [@lan08]; or (ii) to filter out low-expression genes, then select the most variable genes across the cohort (ranked by variance or mean absolute deviation).

It should also be noticed that the efficiency of linear regression (Gaussian) and binomial classification models is far superior than that of multinomial classification. Therefore, whenever possible, we advise merging class labels (to turn a multinomial problem into a binomial one) or, in scenarios with multiple ordinal classes, converting the multinomial problem into a linear regression one.

Running time is linear on n_run (number of runs) and n_perm_null (number of random null-model permutations of the response per run). Default values were chosen with the purpose to achieve a balanced tradeoff between speed and statistical accuracy. We suggest running exploratory eNetXplorer models with default values (or adjusted as needed to generate relatively quick results), then re-run with more statistics to obtain more accurate estimates. Depending on the size and complexity of the dataset, as well as on the type of generalized linear model and parameters chosen, it is not uncommon to run eNetXplorer jobs that could take several hours, or even several days, to complete. Thus, we advise to start small (sacrificing statistical accuracy to shorten running time) and adjust parameters incrementally.

In addition, it is possible to run alpha values in smaller groups, or individually, and merge the resulting eNetXplorer objects. See Section on Parallelization below.

7. Parallelization

Upon sequential or parallel execution of two or more eNetXplorer runs with different values of the mixing parameter alpha, and assuming the objects from those runs have been saved, the mergeObj() function creates a new eNetXplorer object that merges the alpha values. It currently supports linear (gaussian), logistic (binomial), and Cox regression models.

It is possible to significantly optimize running time by executing individual alpha runs in parallel, saving individual eNetXplorer objects to be later merged at the end of the process. Be warned that, if executed, the code below will create objects in the current directory.

alpha_values = seq(0,1,by=0.2)
future::plan(multiprocess) # Set up parallel processing
eNet = alpha_values %>% furrr::future_map(~ eNetXplorer(
  x=QuickStartEx$predictor, y=QuickStartEx$response,family="gaussian",

Special thanks to Adam Bartonicek (University of Otago, New Zealand) for contributing this solution.

8. Errata

In Figure 5 of our eNetXplorer paper [@can19]:

Special thanks to John Wiedenhöft (Universität Göttingen, Germany) for pointing out these errors.

9. Summary


juliancandia/eNetXplorer documentation built on May 11, 2023, 1:59 a.m.