#' Plot interaction
#' Generate response surface plots for a given interaction.
#' @param x numeric feature matrix, with replicate features grouped
#' @param y response vector.
#' @param int signed interaction to plot. Formatted as 'X1+_X2+_X3-_...'
#' @param varnames character vector indicating feature names. If NULL,
#' colnames(x) are used as feature names.
#' @param read.forest output of readForest
#' @param qcut: quantile to define low/high levels of additional features beyond
#' order-2 interations. Thresholds will generated using the specified quantile
#' of random forest thresholds for corresponding features.
#' @param col.pal color palette for response surfaces
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param zlab z-axis label
#' @param slab label for splitting variable
#' @param range.col range of response values for color palette
#' @param z.range z-axiz range
#' @param grid.surface size of grid to generate response surfaces over.
#' @param min.surface minimum number of observations required to generate a
#' response surface.
#' @param min.nd minimum leaf node size to extract decision rules from.
#' @param pred.prob: if TRUE, z-axis indicates predicted probability from the
#' random forest. If false, z-axis indicates distribution of responses y
#' @param plot.enrich: used for classification to plot response surface relative
#' to proportion of class-1 observation.
#' @param drop0: if TRUE, class-0 leaf nodes are removed before plotting
#' response surfaces.
#' @param nc: number of columns in plot
#' @param main plot title for response surfaces
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl open3d persp3d par3d rgl.viewpoint movie3d spin3d mfrow3d
#' title3d
#' @importFrom dplyr select group_by summarize filter
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_remove_all str_replace_all
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
plotInt <- function(x, y, int, read.forest,
col.pal=c('#1c3f66', '#306aab',
'#6e96c4', '#ffb003', '#ff8300'),
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL, slab=NULL,
main=NULL) {
# Check whether rgl package is installed
if (! 'rgl' %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
stop('Surface map plots require rgl installation')
# Check whether read.forest is valid
if (is.null(read.forest$node.feature))
stop('read.forest missing node.feature')
if (is.null(read.forest$node.obs))
stop('read.forest missing node.obs')
# Set feature names and check for replicates
varnames <- groupVars(varnames, x)
if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
colnames(x) <- paste0('X', 1:ncol(x))
varnames <- colnames(x)
if (any(duplicated(varnames)))
stop('Replicate features not supported')
# Set z-axis scaling
if (is.factor(y)) {
y <- as.numeric(y) - 1
if (is.null(z.range)) {
z.range <- range(y)
# Get feature indices for interaction in nf, x, and leaf ndoes
int <- str_split(int, '_')[[1]]
int.clean <- str_remove_all(int, '[-\\+]')
int.nf <- int2Id(int.clean, varnames, split=TRUE, signed=FALSE)
int.x <- int.nf %% ncol(x) + ncol(x) * (int.nf %% ncol(x) == 0)
# Group node feature for interactions of any sign among given features
p <- ncol(x)
nf <- read.forest$node.feature[,1:p] + read.forest$node.feature[,(p + 1):(2 * p)]
int.lf <- Matrix::rowMeans(nf[,int.nf] != 0) == 1
if (length(int) > 2) {
# Evaluate thresholds for features beyond order-2
qCut <- function(x) quantile(x, probs = qcut)
thr <- apply(nf[int.lf, int.nf], MAR=2, qCut)
# Assign each observation to a unique plot
id.plot <- 3:length(int)
id <- apply(t(x[,int.x[id.plot]]) > thr[id.plot], MAR=2, paste, collapse='_')
} else {
id <- rep(1, nrow(x))
id.plot <- 1:2
# Generate grid of x/y values for surface maps
grids <- quantileGrid(x, grid.size, int.x[1:2])
# Extract hyperrectangles from RF decision paths
rectangles <- forestHR(read.forest, int.nf, min.nd, int.lf)
# Generate surface maps for each group of observations
ids <- lapply(sort(unique(id)), '==', id)
surf.scale <- ifelse(plot.enrich, mean(y), 1)
surfaces <- lapply(ids, function(ii) {
if (sum(ii) < min.surface) {
warning('Fewer than min.surface observations, skipping surface')
genSurface(x[ii,], y[ii], int.nf[1:2], varnames=varnames,
rectangles=rectangles, min.nd=min.nd, surf.scale=surf.scale,
filt.rule=filt.rule, drop0=drop0, grids=grids)
# Set color range for surface map plots
if (is.null(range.col)) range.col <- range(unlist(surfaces))
ngroup <- length(unique(id))
if (ngroup > 4)
stop('Surface plots supported for up to order-4 interactions')
if (ngroup == 1) {
par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, 1500, 1500))
if (ngroup == 2) {
nr <- ngroup / nc
mfrow3d(nr=nr, nc=nc, sharedMouse = T)
par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, 1500, 1500))
if (ngroup == 4) {
nr <- ngroup / nc
mfrow3d(nr=nr, nc=nc, sharedMouse = T)
par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, 1500, 1500))
# Iterate over observation groups to generate response surfaces
for (i in 1:length(unique(id))) {
if (is.null(surfaces[[i]])) next
# Generate title for surface map
ii <- sort(unique(id))[i]
ii <- str_replace_all(ii, 'TRUE', 'High')
ii <- str_replace_all(ii, 'FALSE', 'Low')
if (length(int) > 2) {
i.split <- str_split(ii, '_')[[1]]
if (is.null(slab)) slab <- int.clean[3:length(int)]
xii <- paste(slab, i.split, sep=': ')
main.ii <- paste(main, paste(xii, collapse=', '), collapse=' - ')
} else {
main.ii <- main
# Generate response surface for curent group
plotInt2(surfaces[[i]], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, main=main.ii,
col.pal=col.pal, range.col=range.col, z.range=z.range)
rgl.viewpoint(zoom=0.95, theta=-5, phi=-60)
plotInt2 <- function(surface,
col.pal=c('#1c3f66', '#306aab',
'#6e96c4', '#ffb003', '#ff8300'),
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL,
axes=TRUE) {
# Generates surface map plot of order-2 interaction
# args:
# surface: response surface matrix, output of genSurface
# col.pal: color palette of surface map
# xlab, ylab, zlab: axis labels
# main: title for the plot
# range.col: range of color values
# z.range: range for response axis
# n.cols: number of colors in color pal
# axes: T/F indicating whether axes should be plotted
range.col <- c(range.col, as.vector(surface))
if (length(unique(range.col)) == 1) n.cols <- 1
palette <- colorRampPalette(col.pal)
if (length(unique(range.col)) == 1) {
colors <- palette(1)
facet.col <- 1
} else {
colors <- palette(n.cols)
facet.col <- cut(range.col, n.cols)[-seq(2)]
# Plot interaction response surface
if (is.null(zlab)) zlab <- ''
g1n <- as.numeric(rownames(surface))
g2n <- as.numeric(colnames(surface))
persp3d(x=g1n, y=g2n, z=surface, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab,
zlim=z.range, col=colors[facet.col], axes=axes)
if (!is.null(main)) title3d(main, line = 3)
genSurface <- function(x, y, int, rectangles,
min.nd=5) {
# Generates surface map of order-2 interaction
# args:
# x: design matrix
# y: response vector
# int: order-2 signed interaction to plot
# varnames: character vector indicating feature grouping
# rectangles: hyprerectangle list as generated by forestHR
# grid.size: number of bins to plot surface map over
# grids: user generated grid to plot over. If supplied, grid.size is
# ignored
# pred.prob: T/F indicating whether the z axis should indicate predicted
# probability from the forest or raw data distribution
# min.nd: minimum leaf node size to use for grid
# Check for valid interaction
if (length(int) != 2)
stop('Response surface can only be generated over 2 features')
# Set feature names and check for replicates
varnames <- groupVars(varnames, x)
if (any(duplicated(varnames)))
stop('Replicate features not supported')
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
# Convert signed to unsigned interactions
# Generate grid to plot surface over either as raw values or quantiles
if (is.null(grids)) {
g1 <- seq(min(x[,int[1]]), max(x[,int[1]]), length.out=grid.size)
g2 <- seq(min(x[,int[2]]), max(x[,int[2]]), length.out=grid.size)
g1n <- round(g1, 2)
g2n <- round(g2, 2)
} else {
g1 <- grids$g1
g2 <- grids$g2
g1n <- seq(0, 1, length.out=length(g1))
g2n <- seq(0, 1, length.out=length(g2))
grid.size <- length(g1)
# Evaluate responses over grid based on RF hyperrectangles
if (is.null(rectangles)) rectangles <- forestHR(read.forest, int, min.nd)
if (drop0) rectangles <- filter(rectangles, prediction == 1)
# Take largest decision rule from each tree
if (filt.rule) {
rectangles <- group_by(rectangles, tree) %>%
filter(size.node == max(size.node))
# Get thresholds and sign for interaction rules
tt <- do.call(rbind, rectangles$splits)
# Evaluate distriution of responses across each decision rule
grid <- matrix(0, nrow=grid.size, ncol=grid.size)
for (i in 1:nrow(rectangles)) {
wt <- rectangles$size.node[i]
# Evalaute which observations/grid elements correspond to current HR
idcs1 <- g1 >= tt[i, 1]
x1 <- x[,int[1]] >= tt[i, 1]
idcs2 <- g2 >= tt[i, 2]
x2 <- x[,int[2]] >= tt[i, 2]
if (pred.prob) {
# Evaluate RF predictions for region corresponding to current HR
yy <- rectangles$prediction[i]
grid[idcs1, idcs2] <- grid[idcs1, idcs2] + yy * wt
} else {
# TODO: adjust this weighting
if (any(x1 & x2))
grid[idcs1, idcs2] <- grid[idcs1, idcs2] + mean(y[x1 & x2]) * wt
if (any(!x1 & x2))
grid[!idcs1, idcs2] <- grid[!idcs1, idcs2] + mean(y[!x1 & x2]) * wt
if (any(x1 & !x2))
grid[idcs1, !idcs2] <- grid[idcs1, !idcs2] + mean(y[x1 & !x2]) * wt
if (any(!x1 & !x2))
grid[!idcs1, !idcs2] <- grid[!idcs1, !idcs2] + mean(y[!x1 & !x2]) * wt
# Rescale surface for node size and generate corresponding color palette
nsurface <- sum(rectangles$size.node)
if (nsurface != 0) grid <- grid / nsurface
if (all(grid == 0)) grid <- grid + 1e-3
grid <- grid / surf.scale
rownames(grid) <- g1n
colnames(grid) <- g2n
forestHR<- function(read.forest, int, min.nd, int.lf=NULL) {
# Read hyperrectangles from RF for a specified interactin
# args:
# read.forest: list as returned by readForest, including node.feature
# and tree.info entries
# int: vector of indices specifying features for hyperrectangles
# min.nd: minimum node size to extract hyperrectangles from
# int.lf: vector specifying nodes that contain the interaction
# Set active nodes for interaction
if (is.null(int.lf)) {
int.lf <- Matrix::rowMeans(read.forest$node.feature[,int] != 0) == 1
# Subset to active nodes larger than min.nd
id.subset <- int.lf & read.forest$tree.info$size.node >= min.nd
read.forest <- subsetReadForest(read.forest, id.subset)
# Extract splitting features and thresholds
p <- ncol(read.forest$node.feature) / 2
nf <- read.forest$node.feature[,1:p] + read.forest$node.feature[,(p + 1):(2 * p)]
idcs <- lapply(int, function(ii) {(nf@p[ii] + 1):nf@p[ii + 1]})
row.id <- nf@i[idcs[[1]]] + 1
thresh <- nf@x[unlist(idcs)]
idsplit <- rep(1:length(idcs[[1]]), length(int))
# Group data by leaf node for return
out <- select(read.forest$tree.info, prediction, node.idx, tree, size.node)
out$vars <- replicate(length(idcs[[1]]), int, simplify=FALSE)
out$splits <- split(thresh, idsplit)
quantileGrid <- function(x, grid.size, int) {
# Generate a grid at quantiles of x
stopifnot(length(int) == 2)
grid.size <- grid.size + 1
grids <- list()
grids$g1 <- quantile(x[,int[1]], probs=seq(0, 1, length.out=grid.size))
grids$g2 <- quantile(x[,int[2]], probs=seq(0, 1, length.out=grid.size))
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