
Defines functions Simulation.Machine simulations neural.network.1 neural.network.2 neural.network.3 cash.flow.prep.1 cash.flow.prep.2 cash.flow.pattern.1 cash.flow.pattern.2 cash.flow.pattern.3 cash.flow.1 cash.flow.2

Documented in Simulation.Machine


#' Simulate Claims
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @param features Data frame with features for which we would like to model the cash flow patterns.
#' @param npb Number of observations that are treated at the same time (number per block).
#' @param seed1 Seed for reproducibility.
#' @param std1 Value of the standard deviation used in the log-normal distribution of the claim sizes.
#' @param std2 Value of the standard deviation used in the log-normal distribution of the recovery sizes.
#' @keywords internal
Simulation.Machine <- function(features, npb = nrow(features), seed1 = 100, std1 = 0.85, std2 = 0.85) {
  # Features have to have the right format
  if (!is.factor(features[["LoB"]])) stop("`LoB` must be a factor column.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.factor(features[["cc"]])) stop("`cc` must be a factor column.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(features[["AY"]])) stop("`AY` must be a numeric column.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(features[["AQ"]])) stop("`AQ` must be a numeric column.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(features[["age"]])) stop("`age` must be a numeric column.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.factor(features[["inj_part"]])) stop("`inj_part` must be a factor column.", call. = FALSE)
  # Determine the number of blocks we have
  number.of.blocks <- ceiling(nrow(features) / npb)
  # LoB, cc and inj_part are stored as factors, change them to integers
  features$LoB <- as.integer(levels(features$LoB))[features$LoB]
  features$cc <- as.integer(levels(features$cc))[features$cc]
  features$inj_part <- as.integer(levels(features$inj_part))[features$inj_part]
  # Turn off parallel processing during development
  # # Calculate the number of cores
  # no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
  # # Initiate cluster
  # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)
  # doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl)
  # Parallel computation
  # output <- as.data.frame(
  #   foreach::foreach(
  #     which.block = 1:number.of.blocks, 
  #     .combine = "rbind",
  #     .export = c(".list_of_variables", ".translators",
  #                 ".parameters", "maybe_set_seed", "simulations")
  #   ) %dopar% 
  #     simulations(which.block = which.block, 
  #                 features = features, 
  #                 npb = npb)
  # )
  output <- as.data.frame(
    simulations(which.block = 1, 
                features = features, 
                npb = npb,
                seed1 = seed1,
                std1 = std1,
                std2 = std2)
  # Close cluster
  # parallel::stopCluster(cl)
  # Convert LoB, cc and inj_part back to factors
  output$LoB <- factor(output$LoB)
  output$cc <- factor(output$cc)
  output$inj_part <- factor(output$inj_part)
  # Order the data according to the claims number
  order1 <- order(output$ClNr)
  output <- output[order1, ]
  # Output of the function

# Define the main function that simulates:
# - the reporting delay
# - the cash flow patterns and
# - the claims status
# of the chosen block of data
simulations <- function(which.block, features, npb, seed1, std1, std2) {
  # Initialize the data.frame in which we will store the output
  # n = number of observations in the current block
  n <- min(nrow(features), which.block * npb) - (which.block - 1) * npb
  x <- as.data.frame(array(NA, c(n, 26)))
  colnames(x) <- c(
    "ClNr", "LoB", "cc", "AY", "AQ", "age", "inj_part", "RepDel", "Z", "logY", "K1", "K", "Zmnew",
    "logYm", "Pay00", "Pay01", "Pay02", "Pay03", "Pay04", "Pay05", "Pay06", "Pay07", "Pay08", "Pay09", "Pay10", "Pay11"
  # Choose the observations for which we will generate the cash flow patterns
  x[, 1:7] <- features[((which.block - 1) * npb + 1):min(nrow(features), which.block * npb), ]
  # Create artificial observations that prevent future data.frames from being empty and thus from the function to crash
  x.art <- x[1, ]
  x.art[1:14] <- c(-1, 4, 19, 2001, 1, 40, 70, 0, 1, 5, 0, 4, 1, 4)
  # We also need a version of the artificial observation with a payment pattern
  x.art.wp <- x.art
  x.art.wp[27] <- NA
  x.art.claimsclosing <- x.art[-c(9:14)]
  x.art.claimsclosing[9:22] <- 0
  colnames(x.art.claimsclosing)[21:22] <- c("ReOp", "maxPayDel")
  # Reporting Delay ----
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("RepDel", x, nrow(x)), ncol = nrow(x))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # Generate the reporting delay according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 1)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x[, 8] <- (0:11)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Payment Indicator ----
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Z", x, nrow(x)), ncol = nrow(x))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  # Generate the payment indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 2)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  x[, 9] <- colSums(random.generation <= pi_t)
  # We store the observations with no payment in the set x.0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.0 <- rbind(x[which(x$Z == 0), ], x.art)
  # We continue only with the observations that have payment indicator = 1
  # We add an artificial observation
  x1 <- rbind(x[which(x$Z == 1), ], x.art)
  # Number of Payments Indicator ----
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("K1", x1, nrow(x1)), ncol = nrow(x1))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  # Generate the number of payments indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 3)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  x1[, 11] <- colSums(random.generation <= pi_t)
  # If the reporting delay is 11, then if there is a payment we can only have one payment
  x1[which(x1$RepDel == 11), 11] <- 1
  # Correct for the observation that we added artificially
  x1 <- x1[-nrow(x1), ]
  # We store the observations with only one payment in x.1.0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.1.0 <- rbind(x1[which(x1$K1 == 1), ], x.art)
  x.1.0[, 12] <- 1
  # Number of Payments Conditional Distribution ----
  # We continue only with the observations that have number of payments indicator = 0, i.e. that have more than one payment
  x2 <- rbind(x1[which(x1$K1 == 0), ], x.art)
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("K", x2, nrow(x2)), ncol = nrow(x2))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # It depends on the reporting delay which number of payments are possible
  pi_t <- t(t(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(10:0, each = nrow(x2)), nrow = nrow(x2)) < x2[, 8]) * pi_t) / colSums(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(10:0, each = nrow(x2)), nrow = nrow(x2)) < x2[, 8]) * pi_t))
  # Generate the number of payments according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 4)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x2[, 12] <- (2:12)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Payment Size ----
  # Get the output of the neural network (for x.1.0)
  mu_t <- neural.network.1("logY", x.1.0, nrow(x.1.0))
  # Generate the payment size according to mu_t and add it (for x.1.0)
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 15)
  x.1.0[, 10] <- stats::rnorm(nrow(x.1.0), mean = mu_t, sd = std1)
  # Get the output of the neural network (for x2)
  mu_t <- neural.network.1("logY", x2, nrow(x2))
  # Generate the payment size according to mu_t and add it (for x2)
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 5)
  x2[, 10] <- stats::rnorm(nrow(x2), mean = mu_t, sd = std1)
  # Correct for the observation that we added artificially
  x2 <- x2[-nrow(x2), ]
  # Recovery Indicator ----
  # We separate between two payments and more than two payments
  # First we look at the observations with exactly two payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Zmnew", rbind(x2[which(x2$K == 2), ], x.art), nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K == 2), ], x.art))), ncol = nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K == 2), ], x.art)))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # If we have only two payments, the recovery indicator must be 0 or 1
  # We look at it as if it was a binary outcome 0/1 as in the case of the payment indicator
  pi_t <- matrix(pi_t[1, ] / colSums(matrix(pi_t[-3, ], ncol = nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K == 2), ], x.art)))), ncol = nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K == 2), ], x.art)))
  # Generate the recovery indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 6)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  x2[which(x2$K == 2), 13] <- colSums(random.generation > pi_t)[-length(colSums(random.generation > pi_t))]
  # Now we look at the observations with more than two payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Zmnew", rbind(x2[which(x2$K > 2), ], x.art), nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K > 2), ], x.art))), ncol = nrow(rbind(x2[which(x2$K > 2), ], x.art)))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # Generate the recovery indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 7)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x2[which(x2$K > 2), 13] <- (0:2)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1][-length((0:2)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1])]
  # Recovery Payment Size ----
  # We only look at the observations with recovery indicator = 1 or 2
  # Get the output of the neural network
  mu_t <- neural.network.1("logYm", x2[which(x2$Zmnew > 0), ], nrow(x2[which(x2$Zmnew > 0), ]))
  # Generate the recovery payment size according to mu_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 8)
  x2[which(x2$Zmnew > 0), 14] <- stats::rnorm(nrow(x2[which(x2$Zmnew > 0), ]), mean = mu_t, sd = std2)
  x2 <- rbind(x.art, x2)
  x2[1, 13] <- 0
  # if there is no recovery payment, we have 0 recovery payment
  x2[which(x2$Zmnew == 0), 14] <- 0
  x2 <- x2[-1, ]
  # Cash Flow Patterns ----
  # 0 payments
  # The cash flows are just 0 in the case of no payments
  x.0[, 15:26] <- 0
  # Correct for the observation that we added artificially
  x.0 <- x.0[-nrow(x.0), ]
  # 1 payment
  # We only look at observations with exactly one payment
  # First we model whether the payment delay is equal to 0 or not
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("P0", x.1.0, nrow(x.1.0)), ncol = nrow(x.1.0))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  # Generate the payment delay indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 9)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  x.1.0[, 27] <- colSums(random.generation <= pi_t)
  # If the reporting delay is 11, then if there is a payment, the payment delay must be equal to 0
  # 1 stands for zero payment delay
  x.1.0[which(x.1.0$RepDel == 11), 27] <- 1
  # Correct for the observation that we added artificially
  x.1.0 <- x.1.0[-nrow(x.1.0), ]
  # Determine cash flow if the payment delay = 0
  # We add two artificial observations
  x.1.0.1 <- rbind(x.1.0[which(x.1.0$V27 == 1), -27], x.art, x.art)
  # Determine the position of the payment
  positions <- rep(0, 12 * nrow(x.1.0.1))
  positions[x.1.0.1$RepDel + c(1, seq(13, (nrow(x.1.0.1) - 1) * 12 + 1, 12))] <- 1
  positions <- matrix(positions, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(ceiling(exp(x.1.0.1[, 10])))
  x.1.0.1[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # We correct later for the observation that we added artificially (when we join x.1.0.1 and x.1.0.0)
  # Determine payment delay if it is greater than 0
  # We add two artificial observations
  x.1.0.0 <- rbind(x.1.0[which(x.1.0$V27 == 0), -27], x.art, x.art)
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("P", x.1.0.0, nrow(x.1.0.0)), ncol = nrow(x.1.0.0))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # It depends on the reporting delay, which payment delays are possible
  pi_t <- t(t(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(10:0, each = nrow(x.1.0.0)), nrow = nrow(x.1.0.0)) < x.1.0.0[, 8]) * pi_t) / colSums(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(10:0, each = nrow(x.1.0.0)), nrow = nrow(x.1.0.0)) < x.1.0.0[, 8]) * pi_t))
  # Generate the number of payments according to pi_t
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 10)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  payment.delay <- (1:11)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Determine cash flows if payment delay > 0
  # Determine the positions of the payments
  positions <- rep(0, 12 * nrow(x.1.0.0))
  positions[x.1.0.0$RepDel + payment.delay + c(1, seq(13, (nrow(x.1.0.0) - 1) * 12 + 1, 12))] <- 1
  positions <- matrix(positions, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(ceiling(exp(x.1.0.0[, 10])))
  x.1.0.0[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # Put the observations with exactly one payment together
  x.1 <- rbind(x.1.0.1[-c((nrow(x.1.0.1) - 1):nrow(x.1.0.1)), ], x.1.0.0[-c((nrow(x.1.0.0) - 1):nrow(x.1.0.0)), ])
  # 2 payments
  # We only look at observations with exactly two payments
  x.2 <- x2[which(x2$K == 2), ]
  # 2 payments (with 0 recovery payments)
  # We only look at observations with zero recovery payments
  x.2.0 <- x.2[which(x.2$Zmnew == 0), ]
  # First we simulate the distributions of the payments
  # We distinguish between the two cases: reporting delay = 0 and reporting delay > 0
  # Get the output of the neural network if the reporting delay = 0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.2.0.0 <- rbind(x.2.0[which(x.2.0$RepDel == 0), ], x.art) # reporting delay = 0
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Ppp", x.2.0.0, nrow(x.2.0.0)), ncol = nrow(x.2.0.0))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # Generate the distribution pattern according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 11)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x.2.0.0[, 27] <- (1:66)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Get the output of the neural network if the reporting delay > 0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.2.0.1 <- rbind(x.2.0[which(x.2.0$RepDel > 0), ], x.art) # reporting delay > 0
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Ppp", x.2.0.1, nrow(x.2.0.1)), ncol = nrow(x.2.0.1))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # It depends on the reporting delay, which distribution patterns are possible
  pi_t <- t(t(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(1:66, each = nrow(x.2.0.1)), nrow = nrow(x.2.0.1)) < (x.2.0.1[, 8] * (23 - x.2.0.1[, 8]) / 2 + 1)) * pi_t) /
              colSums(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(1:66, each = nrow(x.2.0.1)), nrow = nrow(x.2.0.1)) < (x.2.0.1[, 8] * (23 - x.2.0.1[, 8]) / 2 + 1)) * pi_t))
  # Generate the distribution pattern according to pi_t and add them
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 12)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x.2.0.1[, 27] <- (1:66)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Put the observations with exactly two payments and no recovery payment together
  # Note that we still need one artificial observation in our data.frame, so we eliminate only the first one
  x.2.0 <- rbind(x.2.0.1[-nrow(x.2.0.1), ], x.2.0.0)
  # Now we simulate the proportions paid in the two positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("PppRA", x.2.0, nrow(x.2.0)), ncol = nrow(x.2.0))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # Get the position of the first payment
  position.1 <- colSums(t(x.2.0[, 27] > t(matrix(rep(cumsum(c(0, 11:1)), nrow(x.2.0)), ncol = nrow(x.2.0)))))
  # Get the position of the second payment
  reference <- c(0, cumsum(11:1))
  position.2 <- x.2.0[, 27] - reference[position.1] + position.1
  # Determine the positions of the payments (in matrix form)
  positions.3 <- cbind(position.1 + seq(0, (nrow(x.2.0) - 1) * 12, 12), position.2 + seq(0, (nrow(x.2.0) - 1) * 12, 12))
  positions <- rep(0, 12 * nrow(x.2.0))
  positions[positions.3] <- 1
  positions <- matrix(positions, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(ceiling(t(pi_t) * exp(x.2.0[, 10])))
  x.2.0[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # 2 payments (with 1 recovery payment)
  # We only look at observations with exactly one recovery payment
  x.2.1 <- x.2[which(x.2$Zmnew == 1), ] # one recovery payment
  # First we simulate the distribution of the payments
  # The 35 possible distributions are coded as follows
  var1 <- "Ppm"
  # distribution.codes <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Parameters/", var1, "/distribution.codes.txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
  distribution.codes <- .parameters[[var1]][["distribution.codes"]] 
  # We distinguish between the two cases: reporting delay = 0 and reporting delay > 0
  # Get the output of the neural network if the reporting delay = 0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.2.1.0 <- rbind(x.2.1[which(x.2.1$RepDel == 0), ], x.art)
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Ppm", x.2.1.0, nrow(x.2.1.0)), ncol = nrow(x.2.1.0))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # Generate the distribution pattern according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 13)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x.2.1.0[, 27] <- distribution.codes[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Get the output of the neural network if the reporting delay > 0
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.2.1.1 <- rbind(x.2.1[which(x.2.1$RepDel > 0), ], x.art)
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("Ppm", x.2.1.1, nrow(x.2.1.1)), ncol = nrow(x.2.1.1))
  pi_t <- exp(pi_t) / colSums(exp(pi_t))[col(exp(pi_t))]
  # It depends on the reporting delay, which distribution patterns are possible
  pi_t <- t(t(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(distribution.codes, each = nrow(x.2.1.1)), nrow = nrow(x.2.1.1)) < (x.2.1.1[, 8] * (23 - x.2.1.1[, 8]) / 2 + 1)) * pi_t) /
              colSums(pi_t - t(matrix(rep(distribution.codes, each = nrow(x.2.1.1)), nrow = nrow(x.2.1.1)) < (x.2.1.1[, 8] * (23 - x.2.1.1[, 8]) / 2 + 1)) * pi_t))
  # Generate the distribution pattern according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 14)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  x.2.1.1[, 27] <- distribution.codes[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Put the observations with exactly two payments and one recovery payment together
  # Note that we still need one artificial observation in our data.frame, so we eliminate only the first one
  x.2.1 <- rbind(x.2.1.1[-nrow(x.2.1.1), ], x.2.1.0)
  # Determine the cash flow
  # Get the position of the first payment
  position.1 <- colSums(t(x.2.1[, 27] > t(matrix(rep(cumsum(c(0, 11:1)), nrow(x.2.1)), ncol = nrow(x.2.1)))))
  # Get the position of the second payment
  position.2 <- x.2.1[, 27] - c(0, cumsum(11:1))[position.1] + position.1
  # Determine the positions of the payments (in matrix form)
  positions.3 <- cbind(position.1 + seq(0, (nrow(x.2.1) - 1) * 12, 12), position.2 + seq(0, (nrow(x.2.1) - 1) * 12, 12))
  positions <- rep(0, 12 * nrow(x.2.1))
  positions[positions.3] <- 1
  positions <- matrix(positions, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(cbind(ceiling(exp(x.2.1[, 10]) + exp(x.2.1[, 14])), -ceiling(exp(x.2.1[, 14]))))
  x.2.1[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # All the observations with exactly two payments are stored in x.2
  x.2 <- rbind(x.2.0[-nrow(x.2.0), 1:26], x.2.1[-nrow(x.2.1), 1:26])
  # 3 payments 
  # For three payments, x.art.wp looks as follows
  x.art.wp[27] <- sum(2^(1:3))
  # All observations with exactly three payments together with the distribution patterns of the payments
  x.3 <- cash.flow.prep.1(3, x2, x.art, seed1 = seed1)
  # 3 payments (with 0 recovery payments) 
  # Determine the cash flow when there is no recovery payment
  x.3.0 <- cash.flow.prep.2(3, x.3, x.art.wp)
  # 3 payments (with 1 recovery payment)
  # We only look at observations with exactly one recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.3.1 <- rbind(x.3[which(x.3$Zmnew == 1), ], x.art.wp)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("P2pRA", x.3.1, nrow(x.3.1)), ncol = nrow(x.3.1))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  pi_t <- rbind(pi_t, 1 - pi_t)
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.3.1[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.2(x.3.1, pi_t)
  # 3 payments (with 2 recovery payments)
  # We only look at observations with exactly two recovery payments
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.3.2 <- rbind(x.3[which(x.3$Zmnew == 2), ], x.art.wp)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two recovery payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("RecRA", x.3.2, nrow(x.3.2)), ncol = nrow(x.3.2))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  pi_t <- rbind(pi_t, 1 - pi_t)
  # Initialize the matrix that will store the positions of the payments
  positions <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(x.3.2) * 12), nrow = nrow(x.3.2))
  # Determine the positions of the payments
  for (i in 1:12)
    positions[, i] <- pmax(x.3.2[, 27], 0) %% 2^(i + 1)
    x.3.2[, 27] <- x.3.2[, 27] - as.numeric(positions[, i] > 0) * 2^(i)
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(cbind(ceiling(exp(x.3.2[, 10]) + exp(x.3.2[, 14])), -ceiling(t(pi_t) * exp(x.3.2[, 14]))))
  x.3.2[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # All the observations with exactly three payments are stored in x.3
  x.3 <- rbind(x.3.0[-nrow(x.3.0), 1:26], x.3.1[-nrow(x.3.1), 1:26], x.3.2[-nrow(x.3.2), 1:26])
  # 4 payments
  # For four payments, x.art.wp looks as follows
  x.art.wp[27] <- sum(2^(1:4))
  # All observations with exactly four payments together with the distribution patterns of the payments
  x.4 <- cash.flow.prep.1(4, x2, x.art, seed1 = seed1)
  # 4 payments (with 0 recovery payments)
  # Determine the cash flow when there is no recovery payment
  x.4.0 <- cash.flow.prep.2(4, x.4, x.art.wp)
  # 4 payments (with 1 recovery payment)
  # We only look at observations with exactly one recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.4.1 <- rbind(x.4[which(x.4$Zmnew == 1), ], x.art.wp)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the three positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2("P3pRA", x.4.1, nrow(x.4.1)), ncol = nrow(x.4.1))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.4.1[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.2(x.4.1, pi_t)
  # 4 payments (with 2 recovery payments)
  # We only look at observations with exactly two recovery payments
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.4.2 <- rbind(x.4[which(x.4$Zmnew == 2), ], x.art.wp)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.1("P2pRA", x.4.2, nrow(x.4.2)), ncol = nrow(x.4.2))
  pi_t <- (1 + exp(-pi_t))^(-1)
  pi_t <- rbind(pi_t, 1 - pi_t)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two recovery payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t.2 <- matrix(neural.network.1("RecRA", x.4.2, nrow(x.4.2)), ncol = nrow(x.4.2))
  pi_t.2 <- (1 + exp(-pi_t.2))^(-1)
  pi_t.2 <- rbind(pi_t.2, 1 - pi_t.2)
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.4.2[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.3(x.4.2, 4, pi_t, pi_t.2, seed1 = seed1)
  # All the observations with exactly four payments are stored in x.4
  x.4 <- rbind(x.4.0[-nrow(x.4.0), 1:26], x.4.1[-nrow(x.4.1), 1:26], x.4.2[-nrow(x.4.2), 1:26])
  # 5-11 payments
  x.5 <- cash.flow.2(5, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.6 <- cash.flow.2(6, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.7 <- cash.flow.2(7, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.8 <- cash.flow.2(8, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.9 <- cash.flow.2(9, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.10 <- cash.flow.2(10, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  x.11 <- cash.flow.2(11, x2, x.art, x.art.wp, seed1 = seed1)
  # 12 payments
  # We only look at observations with exactly twelve payments
  x.12 <- x2[which(x2$K == 12), ]
  # 12 payments (with 0 recovery payments) 
  # We only look at observations with no recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.12.0 <- rbind(x.12[which(x.12$Zmnew == 0), ], x.art)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2("P12pRA", x.12.0, nrow(x.12.0)), ncol = nrow(x.12.0))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.12.0[, 15:26] <- ceiling(t(pi_t) * as.numeric(exp(x.12.0[, 10])))
  # 12 payments (with 1 recovery payment)
  # We only look at observations with exactly one recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.12.1 <- rbind(x.12[which(x.12$Zmnew == 1), ], x.art)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the eleven positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2("P11pRA", x.12.1, nrow(x.12.1)), ncol = nrow(x.12.1))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.12.1[, 15:25] <- ceiling(t(pi_t) * as.numeric(exp(x.12.1[, 10]) + exp(x.12.1[, 14])))
  x.12.1[, 26] <- ceiling(-as.numeric(exp(x.12.1[, 14])))
  # 12 payments (with 2 recovery payments)
  # We only look at observations with exactly two recovery payments
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.12.2 <- rbind(x.12[which(x.12$Zmnew == 2), ], x.art)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two recovery payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t.1 <- matrix(neural.network.1("RecRA", x.12.2, nrow(x.12.2)), ncol = nrow(x.12.2))
  pi_t.1 <- (1 + exp(-pi_t.1))^(-1)
  pi_t.1 <- rbind(pi_t.1, 1 - pi_t.1)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the ten positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t.2 <- matrix(neural.network.2("P10pRA", x.12.2, nrow(x.12.2)), ncol = nrow(x.12.2))
  # Determine the positions of the positive and the negative payments
  x.12.2[, 15:26] <- 1
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 80)
  random.generation <- sample(2:11, nrow(x.12.2), replace = TRUE) + seq(from = 0, to = 12 * (nrow(x.12.2) - 1), by = 12)
  positions.tilde <- t(x.12.2[, 15:26])
  positions.tilde[random.generation] <- -1
  positions.tilde[12, ] <- -1
  # Determine the cash flow
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde > 0)] <- t(cbind(ceiling(t(pi_t.2) * (exp(x.12.2[, 10]) + exp(x.12.2[, 14])))))
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde < 0)] <- -t(cbind(ceiling(t(pi_t.1) * exp(x.12.2[, 14]))))
  x.12.2[, 15:26] <- t(positions.tilde)
  # All the observations with exactly twelve payments are stored in x.12
  x.12 <- rbind(x.12.0[-nrow(x.12.0), 1:26], x.12.1[-nrow(x.12.1), 1:26], x.12.2[-nrow(x.12.2), 1:26])
  # Combine all the observations ----
  final <- rbind(x.0, x.1, x.2, x.3, x.4, x.5, x.6, x.7, x.8, x.9, x.10, x.11, x.12)
  final <- final[, c(1:8, 15:26)]
  # Re-Opening YES=1 or NO=0 ----
  # Use a help dataset
  final.tilde <- final
  # We distinguish between no payments, small payments and big payments
  for (i in 0:11) {
    final.tilde[, 9 + i] <- (-1 + as.integer(final.tilde[, 9 + i] != 0) + as.integer(final.tilde[, 9 + i] > 1000)) * 0.5
  # We simulate the probability of re-opening
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.3("ReOp", final.tilde, nrow(final.tilde)), ncol = nrow(final.tilde))
  # Generate the reopening indicator according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 40)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  final$ReOp <- colSums(random.generation <= pi_t)
  # Determine the time point of the last payment (for claims with no payment it is the reporting delay)
  final <- cbind(final, final[, c(9:20)])
  for (i in (0:11)) {
    final[, 22 + i] <- (i) * as.integer(final[, 22 + i] != 0)
  final$maxPayDel <- pmax(
    final[, 8], final[, 22], final[, 23], final[, 24], final[, 25], final[, 26],
    final[, 27], final[, 28], final[, 29], final[, 30], final[, 31], final[, 32], final[, 33]
  final <- final[, c(1:21, 34)]
  # Split the data set into two parts according to whether we have a re-opening or not
  final1 <- rbind(final[which(final$ReOp == 0), ], x.art.claimsclosing)
  final2 <- rbind(final[which(final$ReOp == 1), ], x.art.claimsclosing)
  # No Re-Opening (ReOp = 0)
  # Use a help dataset
  final.tilde <- final1
  # We distinguish between no payments, small payments and big payments
  for (i in 0:11) {
    final.tilde[, 9 + i] <- (-1 + as.integer(final.tilde[, 9 + i] != 0) + as.integer(final.tilde[, 9 + i] > 1000)) * 0.5
  # We simulate the probability of closing not in the same year as the last payment (or as the reporting year)
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.3("Close1", final.tilde, nrow(final.tilde)), ncol = nrow(final.tilde))
  # Determine the probability distribution of the closing year
  final.tilde[, 9] <- 1 - t(pi_t)
  final.tilde[, 10] <- t(pi_t) * 0.9
  final.tilde[, 11:21] <- t(pi_t) * 0.1 / 11
  pi_t <- t(final.tilde[, 9:21])
  # Generate the (possible) closing year according to pi_t and add it
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 41)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t / colSums(pi_t)
  final.tilde$SetDel <- (0:12)[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  final1$SetDel <- pmin(12, final.tilde$SetDel + final.tilde$maxPayDel)
  # Determine the settlement pattern and add it
  SetPattern <- final1[, c(1, 9:20, ncol(final1))]
  SetPattern[, 2:13] <- 0
  for (i in (0:9)) {
    names(SetPattern)[names(SetPattern) == paste("Pay0", i, sep = "")] <- paste("Open0", i, sep = "")
  for (i in (10:11)) {
    names(SetPattern)[names(SetPattern) == paste("Pay", i, sep = "")] <- paste("Open", i, sep = "")
  for (i in (0:11)) {
    SetPattern[, 2 + i] <- as.numeric(SetPattern$SetDel > i)
  final1 <- cbind(final1, SetPattern)
  final1 <- final1[-nrow(final1), -c(21:24, ncol(final1))]
  # With Re-Opening (ReOp = 1)
  # Determine the difference between the time of the last payment and the reporting year
  final2$uniform <- final2$maxPayDel - final2$RepDel
  # Determine the first settlement
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 42)
  final2$SetDel <- final2$RepDel + floor(stats::runif(nrow(final2)) * (final2$uniform + 1))
  # Determine the (possible) second settlement
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 43)
  final2$SetDel2 <- final2$maxPayDel + floor(stats::runif(nrow(final2)) * (12 - final2$maxPayDel)) + 2
  # Determine the settlement pattern and add it
  SetPattern <- final2[, c(1, 9:20, 24, 25)]
  SetPattern[, 2:13] <- 0
  for (i in (0:9)) {
    names(SetPattern)[names(SetPattern) == paste("Pay0", i, sep = "")] <- paste("Open0", i, sep = "")
  for (i in (10:11)) {
    names(SetPattern)[names(SetPattern) == paste("Pay", i, sep = "")] <- paste("Open", i, sep = "")
  for (i in (0:11)) {
    SetPattern[, 2 + i] <- as.numeric(SetPattern$SetDel > i) + as.numeric(SetPattern$SetDel < i) * as.numeric(SetPattern$SetDel2 > i)
  final2 <- cbind(final2, SetPattern)
  final2 <- final2[-nrow(final2), -c(21:26, 39, 40)]
  # Putting the datasets together ----
  final <- rbind(final1, final2)

# Define the three different neural network functions
# for LoB categorical (with values 1,2,3,4)
neural.network.1 <- function(var1, input, m) {
  # We use the list of variables to get the numbers of hidden neurons as well as the features involved
  q1 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 2]
  q2 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 3]
  d1 <- sum(.list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)])
  d2 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)]
  # Create a new dataset which will be the input of the neural network
  # The first column will be the intercept term
  data.2 <- as.data.frame(rep(1, m), nrow = m)
  # Transform the features to interval [-1,1]
  for (i in 1:length(d2)) {
    if (d2[i] == 1 && is.element(i, c(1, 2, 6))) {
      # data.2[, (ncol(data.2) + 1)] <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Translators/", var1, "/", colnames(d2)[i], ".txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))[input[, i + 1]]
      data.2[, (ncol(data.2) + 1)] <- .translators[[var1]][[colnames(d2)[i]]][input[, i + 1]]
    else if (d2[i] == 1) {
      # translator <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Translators/", var1, "/", colnames(d2)[i], ".txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
      translator <- .translators[[var1]][[colnames(d2)[i]]]
      data.2[, (ncol(data.2) + 1)] <- round(2 * (pmin(pmax(input[, i + 1], translator[1]), translator[2]) - translator[1]) / (translator[2] - translator[1]) - 1, 2)
  # Load the parameters beta, W1, W2
  beta <- .parameters[[var1]][["beta"]]
  W1 <- .parameters[[var1]][["W1"]]
  W2 <- .parameters[[var1]][["W2"]]
  # Apply the neural network with two hidden layers to data.2
  z1_j <- array(1, c(q1 + 1, m))
  z1_j[-1, ] <- (1 + exp(-W1 %*% t(data.2)))^(-1)
  z2_j <- array(1, c(q2 + 1, m))
  z2_j[-1, ] <- (1 + exp(-W2 %*% (2 * z1_j - 1)))^(-1)
  mu_t <- t(beta) %*% (2 * z2_j - 1)

# LoB Bernoulli (with values 0,1)
neural.network.2 <- function(var1, input, m) {
  # We use the list of variables to get the numbers of hidden neurons as well as the features
  q1 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 2]
  q2 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 3]
  d1 <- sum(.list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)])
  d2 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)]
  # Create a new dataset which will be the input of the neural network
  # The first column will be the intercept term
  data.2 <- as.data.frame(rep(1, m), nrow = m)
  # Transform the features to interval [-1,1]
  for (i in 1:length(d2)) {
    if (d2[i] == 1) {
      # translator <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Translators/", var1, "/", colnames(d2)[i], ".txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
      translator <- .translators[[var1]][[colnames(d2)[[i]]]] 
      data.2[, (ncol(data.2) + 1)] <- round(2 * (pmin(pmax(input[, i + 1], translator[1]), translator[2]) - translator[1]) / (translator[2] - translator[1]) - 1, 2)
  # Load the parameters beta, W1, W2
  beta <- .parameters[[var1]][["beta"]]
  W1 <- .parameters[[var1]][["W1"]]
  W2 <- .parameters[[var1]][["W2"]]
  # Apply the neural network with two hidden layers to data.2
  z1_j <- array(1, c(q1 + 1, m))
  z1_j[-1, ] <- (1 + exp(-W1 %*% t(data.2)))^(-1)
  z2_j <- array(1, c(q2 + 1, m))
  z2_j[-1, ] <- (1 + exp(-W2 %*% (2 * z1_j - 1)))^(-1)
  mu_t <- exp(t(beta) %*% (2 * z2_j - 1))
  pi_t <- mu_t / colSums(mu_t)[col(mu_t)]

# Neural network with one hidden layer (for closing date)
neural.network.3 <- function(var1, input, m) {
  # We use the list of variables to get the number of hidden neurons as well as the features
  q <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 2]
  d1 <- sum(.list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)])
  d2 <- .list_of_variables[which(.list_of_variables$Variable == var1), 4:ncol(.list_of_variables)]
  # Create a new dataset which will be the input of the neural network
  # The first column will be the intercept term
  data.2 <- as.data.frame(rep(1, m), nrow = m)
  # Transform the features to interval [-1,1]
  for (i in 1:13) {
    if (d2[i] == 1) {
      # translator <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Translators/", var1, "/", colnames(d2)[i], ".txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
      translator <- .translators[[var1]][[colnames(d2)[[i]]]] 
      data.2[, (ncol(data.2) + 1)] <- round(2 * (pmin(pmax(input[, i + 1], translator[1]), translator[2]) - translator[1]) / (translator[2] - translator[1]) - 1, 2)
  data.2[, ((ncol(data.2) + 1):(ncol(data.2) + 12))] <- input[, c("Pay00", "Pay01", "Pay02", "Pay03", "Pay04", "Pay05", "Pay06", "Pay07", "Pay08", "Pay09", "Pay10", "Pay11")]
  # Load the parameters beta, W
  beta <- .parameters[[var1]][["beta"]]
  W <- .parameters[[var1]][["W"]]
  # Apply the neural network with one hidden layer to data.2
  z_j <- array(1, c(q + 1, m))
  z_j[-1, ] <- (1 + exp(-W %*% t(data.2)))^(-1)
  pi0 <- (1 + exp(-t(beta) %*% (2 * z_j - 1)))^(-1)

# Define the two different cash flow preparation functions
cash.flow.prep.1 <- function(np, input2, art.obs, seed1) {
  # We only look at observations with exactly np payments
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.np <- rbind(input2[which(input2$K == np), ], art.obs)
  # We simulate the distribution pattern of the payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2(paste("P", np, "K", sep = ""), x.np, nrow(x.np)), ncol = nrow(x.np))
  # The possible distribution patterns are coded as follows
  var1 <- paste("P", np, "K", sep = "")
  # distribution.codes <- as.matrix(read.table(file = paste("./Parameters/", var1, "/distribution.codes.txt", sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE))
  distribution.codes <- .parameters[[var1]][["distribution.codes"]] 
  # It depends on the reporting delay what distribution patterns of the payments are possible:
  pi_t <- matrix(t(t(pi_t - pi_t * matrix(c((rep(distribution.codes, each = nrow(x.np)) %% 2^(x.np[, 8] + 1)) > 0), nrow = length(distribution.codes), byrow = TRUE)) /
                     colSums(pi_t - pi_t * matrix(c((rep(distribution.codes, each = nrow(x.np)) %% 2^(x.np[, 8] + 1)) > 0), nrow = length(distribution.codes), byrow = TRUE))), ncol = nrow(x.np))
  # We have to separate the cases where none of the distribution.codes is possible because of the reporting delay
  # First we take the observations where we have at least one distribution pattern that is possible
  # We add one artificial probability vector
  pi_t.tilde <- matrix(cbind(pi_t[, which(1 - is.na(pi_t)[1, ] == 1)], pi_t[, ncol(pi_t)]), nrow = length(distribution.codes))
  # Generate the distribution pattern according to pi_t.tilde
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 20 + np)
  random.generation <- stats::runif(ncol(pi_t.tilde))
  cumul.pi_t <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(pi_t.tilde)), diag = TRUE) %*% pi_t.tilde / colSums(pi_t.tilde)
  distribution.pattern <- distribution.codes[rowSums(random.generation > t(cumul.pi_t)) + 1]
  # Add the distribution pattern (correcting for the artificially added probability vector)
  x.np[which(1 - is.na(pi_t)[1, ] == 1), 27] <- distribution.pattern[-length(distribution.pattern)]
  # For the observations with reporting delay equal to 1, only few patterns are available
  # Thus, for a random half of these observations, we distribute the payments arbitrarily
  # First we add an artificial observation to prevent the code from crashing
  art.obs.new <- art.obs
  art.obs.new$V27 <- NA
  art.obs.new$RepDel <- 1
  x.np <- rbind(x.np, art.obs.new)
  pi_t <- cbind(pi_t, NA) # need this below
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 100 + np)
  choose <- sample(1:nrow(x.np[which(x.np$RepDel == 1), ]), ceiling(nrow(x.np[which(x.np$RepDel == 1), ]) / 2))
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 120 + np)
  samp <- replicate(length(choose), sample(2:12, np))
  x.np[which(x.np$RepDel == 1)[choose], ncol(x.np[which(x.np$RepDel == 1), ])] <- colSums(2^(samp))
  # Now we take the observations where we have no distribution pattern that is possible (because of the reporting delay)
  n1 <- sum(is.na(pi_t)[1, ])
  samp <- matrix(NA, ncol = np, nrow = n1)
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 140 + np)
  dist <- function(x) {
    sample((x + 1):12, size = np)
  samp <- t(sapply(x.np[is.na(pi_t)[1, ], 8], dist))
  x.np[is.na(pi_t)[1, ], 27] <- rowSums(2^(samp))
  # Correct for the observations that we added artificially
  x.np <- x.np[-which(x.np$ClNr == -1), ]
  # Output of the function

cash.flow.prep.2 <- function(np, input2, art.obs) {
  # We only look at observations with no recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.np.0 <- rbind(input2[which(input2$Zmnew == 0), ], art.obs)
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2(paste("P", np, "pRA", sep = ""), x.np.0, nrow(x.np.0)), ncol = nrow(x.np.0))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.np.0[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.1(x.np.0, pi_t)
  # Output of the function

# Define the three different cash flow pattern functions
# No recovery payments
cash.flow.pattern.1 <- function(data3, proportions) {
  # Initialize the matrix that will store the positions of the payments
  positions <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(data3) * 12), nrow = nrow(data3))
  # Determine the positions of the payments
  for (i in 1:12)
    positions[, i] <- pmax(data3[, 27], 0) %% 2^(i + 1)
    data3[, 27] <- data3[, 27] - as.numeric(positions[, i] > 0) * 2^(i)
  # Determine the payments
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(ceiling(t(proportions) * exp(data3[, 10])))
  # Output of the function: cash flow patterns

# One recovery payment
cash.flow.pattern.2 <- function(data3, proportions) {
  # Initialize the matrix that will store the positions of the payments
  positions <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(data3) * 12), nrow = nrow(data3))
  # Determine the positions of the payments
  for (i in 1:12)
    positions[, i] <- pmax(data3[, 27], 0) %% 2^(i + 1)
    data3[, 27] <- data3[, 27] - as.numeric(positions[, i] > 0) * 2^(i)
  # Determine the payments
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)] <- t(cbind(ceiling(t(proportions) * (exp(data3[, 10]) + exp(data3[, 14]))), -ceiling(exp(data3[, 14]))))
  # Output of the function: cash flow patterns

# Two recovery payments
cash.flow.pattern.3 <- function(data3, np, proportions1, proportions2, seed1) {
  # Initialize the matrix that will store the positions of the payments
  positions <- matrix(rep(NA, nrow(data3) * 12), nrow = nrow(data3))
  # Determine the positions of the payments
  for (i in 1:12)
    positions[, i] <- pmax(data3[, 27], 0) %% 2^(i + 1)
    data3[, 27] <- data3[, 27] - as.numeric(positions[, i] > 0) * 2^(i)
  # Determine the positions of the positive payments and of the negative payments
  # First simulate from a uniform distribution and cumulatively add np to the positions, starting with 0
  maybe_set_seed(seed1 + 60 + np)
  random.generation <- sample(2:(np - 1), nrow(data3), replace = TRUE) + seq(from = 0, to = np * (nrow(data3) - 1), by = np)
  positions.tilde <- t(positions)
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde > 0)][random.generation] <- -1
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde != 0)][seq(from = np, to = np * nrow(data3), by = np)] <- -1
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde > 0)] <- t(cbind(ceiling(t(proportions1) * (exp(data3[, 10]) + exp(data3[, 14])))))
  positions.tilde[which(positions.tilde < 0)] <- -t(cbind(ceiling(t(proportions2) * exp(data3[, 14]))))
  # Output of the function: cash flow patterns

# The three cash flow pattern functions above are used in the first cash flow function
# Define the two cash flow functions
cash.flow.1 <- function(np, input, art.obs, seed1) {
  # First we only look at observations with no recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.np.0 <- rbind(input[which(input$Zmnew == 0), ], art.obs) # no recovery payment
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2(paste("P", np, "pRA", sep = ""), x.np.0, nrow(x.np.0)), ncol = nrow(x.np.0))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.np.0[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.1(x.np.0, pi_t)
  # Now we only look at observations with exactly one recovery payment
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.np.1 <- rbind(input[which(input$Zmnew == 1), ], art.obs) # one recovery payment
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2(paste("P", np - 1, "pRA", sep = ""), x.np.1, nrow(x.np.1)), ncol = nrow(x.np.1))
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.np.1[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.2(x.np.1, pi_t)
  # Now we only look at observations with exactly two recovery payments
  # We add an artificial observation
  x.np.2 <- rbind(input[which(input$Zmnew == 2), ], art.obs) # two recovery payments
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the positive payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t <- matrix(neural.network.2(paste("P", np - 2, "pRA", sep = ""), x.np.2, nrow(x.np.2)), ncol = nrow(x.np.2))
  # We simulate the proportions paid in the two recovery payments
  # Get the output of the neural network
  pi_t.2 <- matrix(neural.network.1("RecRA", x.np.2, nrow(x.np.2)), ncol = nrow(x.np.2))
  pi_t.2 <- (1 + exp(-pi_t.2))^(-1)
  pi_t.2 <- rbind(pi_t.2, 1 - pi_t.2)
  # Determine the cash flow
  x.np.2[, 15:26] <- cash.flow.pattern.3(x.np.2, np, pi_t, pi_t.2, seed1 = seed1)
  # Output of the function
  x.np <- rbind(x.np.0[-nrow(x.np.0), 1:26], x.np.1[-nrow(x.np.1), 1:26], x.np.2[-nrow(x.np.2), 1:26])

# The second cash flow function applies the first one
cash.flow.2 <- function(np, input, art.obs1, art.obs2, seed1) {
  # For np payments, x.art.wp looks as follows
  art.obs2[27] <- sum(2^(1:np))
  # All observations with exactly np payments together with the distribution patterns of the payments
  x.np <- cash.flow.prep.1(np, input, art.obs1, seed1 = seed1)
  # All observations with exactly np payments together with the cash flows
  x.np <- cash.flow.1(np, x.np, art.obs2, seed1 = seed1)
kasaai/simulationmachine documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 3:31 p.m.