
Defines functions simrec

Documented in simrec

#' simrec
#' This function allows simulation of recurrent event data following the multiplicative
#' intensity model described in Andersen and Gill [1] with the baseline hazard being a
#' function of the total/calendar time. To induce between-subject-heterogeneity a random
#' effect covariate (frailty term) can be incorporated. Data for individual \eqn{i} are generated
#' according to the intensity process \deqn{Y_i(t) * \lambda_0(t)* Z_i *exp(\beta^t X_i),}
#' where \eqn{X_i} defines the covariate vector and \eqn{\beta} the regression coefficient vector.
#' \eqn{\lambda_0(t)} denotes the baseline hazard, being a function of the total/calendar
#' time \eqn{t}, and \eqn{Y_i(t)} the predictable process
#' that equals one as long as individual \eqn{i} is under observation and at risk for experiencing events.
#' \eqn{Z_i} denotes the frailty variable with \eqn{(Z_i)_i} iid with \eqn{E(Z_i)=1} and
#' \eqn{Var(Z_i)=\theta}. The parameter \eqn{\theta} describes the degree of
#' between-subject-heterogeneity. Data output is in the counting process format.
#' @param N          Number of individuals
#' @param fu.min     Minimum length of follow-up.
#' @param fu.max     Maximum length of follow-up. Individuals length of follow-up is
#'  generated from a uniform distribution on
#'   \code{[fu.min, fu.max]}. If \code{fu.min=fu.max}, then all individuals have a common
#'   follow-up.
#' @param cens.prob  Gives the probability of being censored due to loss to follow-up before
#'   \code{fu.max}. For a random set of individuals defined by a B(N,\code{cens.prob})-distribution,
#'   the time to censoring is generated from a uniform
#'   distribution on \code{[0, fu.max]}. Default is \code{cens.prob=0}, i.e. no censoring
#'   due to loss to follow-up.
#' @param dist.x     Distribution of the covariate(s) \eqn{X}. If there is more than one covariate,
#'   \code{dist.x} must be a vector of distributions with one entry for each covariate. Possible
#'   values are \code{"binomial"} and \code{"normal"}, default is \code{dist.x="binomial"}.
#' @param par.x      Parameters of the covariate distribution(s). For \code{"binomial", par.x} is
#'   the probability for \eqn{x=1}. For \code{"normal"}, \code{par.x=c(}\eqn{\mu, \sigma}\code{)}
#'   where \eqn{\mu} is the mean and \eqn{\sigma} is the standard deviation of a normal distribution.
#'   If one of the covariates is defined to be normally distributed, \code{par.x} must be a list,
#'   e.g. \code{ dist.x <- c("binomial", "normal")} and \code{par.x  <- list(0.5, c(1,2))}.
#'   Default is \code{par.x=0}, i.e. \eqn{x=0} for all individuals.
#' @param beta.x  Regression coefficient(s) for the covariate(s) \eqn{x}. If there is more than one
#'   covariate, \code{beta.x} must be a vector of coefficients with one entry for each covariate.
#'   \code{simrec} generates as many covariates as there are entries in \code{beta.x}. Default is
#'   \code{beta.x=0}, corresponding to no effect of the covariate \eqn{x}.
#' @param dist.z     Distribution of the frailty variable \eqn{Z} with \eqn{E(Z)=1} and
#'   \eqn{Var(Z)=\theta}. Possible values are \code{"gamma"} for a Gamma distributed frailty
#'    and \code{"lognormal"} for a lognormal distributed frailty.
#'    Default is \code{dist.z="gamma"}.
#' @param par.z      Parameter \eqn{\theta} for the frailty distribution: this parameter gives
#'   the variance of the frailty variable \eqn{Z}.
#'   Default is \code{par.z=0}, which causes \eqn{Z=1}, i.e. no frailty effect.
#' @param dist.rec   Form of the baseline hazard function. Possible values are \code{"weibull"} or
#'   \code{"gompertz"} or \code{"lognormal"} or \code{"step"}.
#' @param par.rec  Parameters for the distribution of the event data.
#'   If \code{dist.rec="weibull"} the  hazard function is \deqn{\lambda_0(t)=\lambda*\nu* t^{\nu - 1},}
#'   where \eqn{\lambda>0} is the scale and \eqn{\nu>0} is the shape parameter. Then
#'   \code{par.rec=c(}\eqn{\lambda, \nu}\code{)}. A special case
#'   of this is the exponential distribution for \eqn{\nu=1}.\\
#'   If \code{dist.rec="gompertz"}, the hazard function is \deqn{\lambda_0(t)=\lambda*exp(\alpha t),}
#'   where \eqn{\lambda>0} is the scale and \eqn{\alpha\in(-\infty,+\infty)} is the shape parameter.
#'   Then \code{par.rec=c(}\eqn{\lambda, \alpha}\code{)}.\\
#'   If \code{dist.rec="lognormal"}, the hazard function is
#'   \deqn{\lambda_0(t)=[(1/(\sigma t))*\phi((ln(t)-\mu)/\sigma)]/[\Phi((-ln(t)-\mu)/\sigma)],}
#'   where \eqn{\phi} is the probability density function and \eqn{\Phi} is the cumulative
#'   distribution function of the standard normal distribution, \eqn{\mu\in(-\infty,+\infty)} is a
#'   location parameter and \eqn{\sigma>0} is a shape parameter. Then \code{par.rec=c(}\eqn{\mu,\sigma}\code{)}.
#'   Please note, that specifying \code{dist.rec="lognormal"} together with some covariates does not
#'   specify the usual lognormal model (with covariates specified as effects on the parameters of the
#'   lognormal distribution resulting in non-proportional hazards), but only defines the baseline
#'   hazard and incorporates covariate effects using the proportional hazard assumption.\\
#'   If \code{dist.rec="step"} the hazard function is \deqn{\lambda_0(t)=a, t<=t_1, and \lambda_0(t)=b, t>t_1}.
#'   Then \code{par.rec=c(}\eqn{a,b,t_1}\code{)}.
#' @param pfree Probability that after experiencing an event the individual is not at risk
#'   for experiencing further events for a length of \code{dfree} time units.
#'   Default is \code{pfree=0}.
#' @param dfree Length of the risk-free interval. Must be in the same time unit as \code{fu.max}.
#'  Default is \code{dfree=0}, i.e. the individual is continously at risk for experiencing
#'  events until end of follow-up.
#' @return The output is a data.frame consisting of the columns:
#'    \item{id}{An integer number for identification of each individual}
#'    \item{x}{or \code{x.V1, x.V2, ...} - depending on the covariate matrix. Contains the
#'       randomly generated value of the covariate(s) \eqn{X} for each individual.}
#'    \item{z}{Contains the randomly generated value of the frailty variable \eqn{Z} for each individual.}
#'    \item{start}{The start of interval \code{[start, stop]}, when the individual
#'       starts to be at risk for a next event.}
#'    \item{stop}{The time of an event or censoring, i.e. the end of interval
#'    \code{[start, stop]}.}
#'    \item{status}{An indicator of whether an event occured at time \code{stop} (\code{status=1})
#'        or the individual is censored at time \code{stop} (\code{status=0}).}
#'    \item{fu}{Length of follow-up period \code{[0,fu]} for each individual.}
#'    For each individual there are as many lines as it experiences events,
#'    plus one line if being censored.
#'    The data format corresponds to the counting process format.
#' @details
#' Data are simulated by extending the methods proposed by Bender et al [2]
#' to the multiplicative intensity model.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Andersen P, Gill R (1982): Cox's regression model for counting processes:
#'    a large sample study. The Annals of Statistics 10:1100-1120
#' \item Bender R, Augustin T, Blettner M (2005): Generating survival times to simulate Cox
#'   proportional hazards models. Statistics in Medicine 24:1713-1723
#' \item Jahn-Eimermacher A, Ingel K, Ozga AK, Preussler S, Binder H (2015): Simulating recurrent event data
#'   with hazard functions defined on a total time scale. BMC Medical Research Methodology 15:16
#' }
#' @author Katharina Ingel, Stella Preussler, Antje Jahn-Eimermacher.
#' Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI),
#' University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany
#' @seealso simreccomp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### Example:
#' ### A sample of 10 individuals
#' N <- 10
#' ### with a binomially distributed covariate with a regression coefficient
#' ### of beta=0.3, and a standard normally distributed covariate with a
#' ### regression coefficient of beta=0.2,
#' dist.x <- c("binomial", "normal")
#' par.x <- list(0.5, c(0, 1))
#' beta.x <- c(0.3, 0.2)
#' ### a gamma distributed frailty variable with variance 0.25
#' dist.z <- "gamma"
#' par.z <- 0.25
#' ### and a Weibull-shaped baseline hazard with shape parameter lambda=1
#' ### and scale parameter nu=2.
#' dist.rec <- "weibull"
#' par.rec <- c(1, 2)
#' ### Subjects are to be followed for two years with 20% of the subjects
#' ### being censored according to a uniformly distributed censoring time
#' ### within [0,2] (in years).
#' fu.min <- 2
#' fu.max <- 2
#' cens.prob <- 0.2
#' ### After each event a subject is not at risk for experiencing further events
#' ### for a period of 30 days with a probability of 50%.
#' dfree <- 30 / 365
#' pfree <- 0.5
#' simdata <- simrec(
#'   N, fu.min, fu.max, cens.prob, dist.x, par.x, beta.x, dist.z, par.z,
#'   dist.rec, par.rec, pfree, dfree
#' )
#' # print(simdata)  # only run for small N!
simrec <- function(N,
                   cens.prob = 0,
                   dist.x = "binomial",
                   par.x = 0,
                   beta.x = 0,
                   dist.z = "gamma",
                   par.z = 0,
                   pfree = 0,
                   dfree = 0) {
  if ((cens.prob > 0) & (fu.min != fu.max)) {
        "The censoring scheme for parameters cens.prob greater than 0 and fu.min != fu.max is undefined. \n",
        "The package properly implements two censoring schemes depending on parameters cens.prob, fu.min, and fu.max: \n",
        "a) cens.prob>0 and fu.min=fu.max: follow-up ends at time fu.max with a probability of 1-cens.prob and follow-up ends uniformly distributed in [0, fu.max] with a probability of cens.prob. \n",
        "b) cens.prob=0 and fu.min<fu.max: follow-up ends uniformly distributed in [0,fu.max] for each subject."

  ID <- c(1:N)

  # generating the follow-up
  # follow-up uniformly distributed in [fu.min, fu.max] if not censored
  # or uniformly distributed in [0, fu.max] if censored
  if (cens.prob < 0 || cens.prob > 1) {
    stop("cens.prob must be a probability between 0 and 1")
  if (fu.min > fu.max || fu.min < 0) {
    stop("fu.min must be a non-negative value smaller or equal fu.max")
  fu <- rbinom(N, 1, cens.prob) # 1 = censored
  nr.cens <- sum(fu)
  if (nr.cens == 0) { # nobody censored
    fu <- runif(N, min = fu.min, max = fu.max)
  } else {
    index.cens <- which(fu == 1)
    fu[-index.cens] <- runif((N - nr.cens), min = fu.min, max = fu.max)
    fu[index.cens] <- runif(nr.cens, min = 0, max = fu.max)

  if (length(beta.x) != length(dist.x)) {
    stop("dimensions of beta.x and dist.x differ")
  if (length(beta.x) != length(par.x)) {
    stop("dimensions of beta.x and par.x differ")

  # generating the covariate-matrix x
  nr.cov <- length(beta.x) # number of covariates
  x <- matrix(0, N, nr.cov) # matrix with N lines and one column for each covariate
  for (i in 1:nr.cov) {
    dist.x[i] <- match.arg(dist.x[i], choices = c("binomial", "normal"))
    if (dist.x[i] == "binomial") {
      if (length(par.x[[i]]) != 1) {
        stop("par.x has wrong dimension")
      if (par.x[[i]] < 0 || par.x[[i]] > 1) {
        stop("par.x must be a probability between 0 and 1 for the binomial distributed covariate")
      x[, i] <- c(rbinom(N, 1, par.x[[i]]))
    } else { # normally distributed covariate
      if (length(par.x[[i]]) != 2) {
        stop("par.x has wrong dimension")
      mu.x <- par.x[[i]][1]
      sigma.x <- par.x[[i]][2]
      x[, i] <- c(rnorm(N, mean = mu.x, sd = sigma.x))

  # generating the frailty variable z
  z <- rep(1, N)
  dist.z <- match.arg(dist.z, choices = c("gamma", "lognormal"))
  if (length(par.z) != 1) {
    stop("par.z has wrong dimension")
  if (par.z < 0) {
    stop("par.z must be non-negative")
  if (par.z != 0) { # if par.z=0 then frailty=1 for all
    if (dist.z == "gamma") { # gamma-frailty
      aGamma <- 1 / par.z
      z <- rgamma(N, shape = aGamma, scale = 1 / aGamma)
    } else { # lognormal frailty
      mu.z <- log(1 / sqrt(par.z + 1))
      sigma.z <- sqrt(log(par.z + 1))
      z <- exp(rnorm(N, mean = mu.z, sd = sigma.z))

  # derivation of the distributional parameters for the recurrent event data
  dist.rec <- match.arg(dist.rec, choices = c("weibull", "lognormal", "gompertz", "step"))
  if (dist.rec == "lognormal") { # lognormal
    if (length(par.rec) != 2) {
      stop("par.rec has wrong dimension")
    mu <- par.rec[1]
    sigma <- par.rec[2]
    if (any(beta.x != 0)) {
      warning("lognormal together with covariates specified: this does not define the usual lognormal model! see help for details")
  } else if (dist.rec == "weibull") { # weibull
    if (length(par.rec) != 2) {
      stop("par.rec has wrong dimension")
    lambda <- par.rec[1]
    nu <- par.rec[2]
  } else if (dist.rec == "gompertz") {
    if (length(par.rec) != 2) {
      stop("par.rec has wrong dimension")
    } # gompertz
    lambdag <- par.rec[1]
    alpha <- par.rec[2]
  } else if (dist.rec == "step") { # step
    if (length(par.rec) != 3) {
      stop("par.rec has wrong dimensions")
    fc <- par.rec[1]
    sc <- par.rec[2]
    jump <- par.rec[3]
    jumpinv <- jump * fc

  if (length(pfree) != 1) {
    stop("pfree has wrong dimension")
  if (length(dfree) != 1) {
    stop("dfree has wrong dimension")
  if (pfree < 0 || pfree > 1) {
    stop("pfree must be a probability between 0 and 1")

  # initial step: simulation of N first event times
  U <- runif(N)
  Y <- (-1) * log(U) * exp((-1) * x %*% beta.x) * 1 / z
  if (dist.rec == "lognormal") { # lognormal
    t <- exp(qnorm(1 - exp((-1) * Y)) * sigma + mu)
  } else if (dist.rec == "weibull") { # weibull
    t <- ((lambda)^(-1) * Y)^(1 / nu)
  } else if (dist.rec == "gompertz") { # gompertz
    t <- (1 / alpha) * log((alpha / lambdag) * Y + 1)
  } else if (dist.rec == "step") { # step
    t <- rep(NA, N)
    indexTr1 <- which(Y <= jumpinv)
    if (length(indexTr1 > 0)) {
      t[indexTr1] <- Y[indexTr1] / fc
    indexTr2 <- which(Y > jumpinv)
    if (length(indexTr2 > 0)) {
      t[indexTr2] <- (Y[indexTr2] - (fc - sc) * jump) / sc
  Tmat <- matrix(t, N, 1)
  dirty <- rep(TRUE, N)
  T1 <- NULL

  # recursive step: simulation of N subsequent event times
  while (any(dirty)) {
    pd <- rbinom(N, 1, pfree)
    U <- runif(N)
    Y <- (-1) * log(U) * exp((-1) * x %*% beta.x) * 1 / z
    t1 <- t + pd * dfree
    if (dist.rec == "lognormal") { # lognormal
      t <- (t1 + exp(qnorm(1 - exp(log(1 - pnorm((log(t1) - mu) / sigma)) - Y)) * sigma + mu) - (t1))
    } else if (dist.rec == "weibull") { # weibull
      t <- (t1 + ((Y + lambda * (t1)^(nu)) / lambda)^(1 / nu) - (t1))
    } else if (dist.rec == "gompertz") { # gompertz
      t <- (t1 + ((1 / alpha) * log((alpha / lambdag) * Y + exp(alpha * t1))) - (t1))
    } else if (dist.rec == "step") { # step
      indexTr3 <- which((t1 <= jump) & (Y <= (jump - t1) * fc))
      if (length(indexTr3 > 0)) {
        t[indexTr3] <- t1[indexTr3] + Y[indexTr3] / fc
      indexTr4 <- which((t1 <= jump) & (Y > (jump - t1) * fc))
      if (length(indexTr4 > 0)) {
        t[indexTr4] <- t1[indexTr4] + (Y[indexTr4] + (fc - sc) * (t1[indexTr4] - jump)) / sc
      indexTr5 <- which(t1 > jump)
      if (length(indexTr5 > 0)) {
        t[indexTr5] <- t1[indexTr5] + Y[indexTr5] / sc
    T1 <- cbind(T1, ifelse(dirty, t1, NA))
    dirty <- ifelse(dirty, (t(t) < fu) & (t(t1) < fu), dirty)
    if (!any(dirty)) break
    Tmat <- cbind(Tmat, ifelse(dirty, t, NA))

  # start times
  start.t <- cbind(0, T1)
  start.t <- as.vector(t(start.t))
  tab.start.t <- start.t[!is.na(start.t)]

  # stop times
  stop.t <- cbind(Tmat, NA)
  d <- apply(!is.na(Tmat), 1, sum) # number of events per individual
  f <- d + 1
  for (i in 1:N) {
    stop.t[i, f[i]] <- fu[i]
  stop.t <- as.vector(t(stop.t))
  tab.stop.t <- stop.t[!is.na(stop.t)]

  # deriving the censoring indicator variable and truncating stop times that are larger than FU
  e <- NULL
  for (i in 1:N) {
    e <- cbind(e, t(rep(1, d[i])), 0)

  tab.ID <- rep(ID, f)
  tab.X <- x[rep(1:nrow(x), f), ]
  tab.Z <- rep(z, f)
  tab.Fu <- rep(fu, f)

  w <- tab.start.t > tab.stop.t
  v <- rep(0, length(w))
  for (i in 1:length(w)) {
    if (w[i]) {
      v[i - 1] <- 1

  l <- tab.stop.t > tab.Fu
  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    if (l[i]) {
      tab.stop.t[i] <- tab.Fu[i]
      e[i] <- 0

  tab <- cbind(tab.ID, tab.X, tab.Z, tab.start.t, tab.stop.t, t(e), tab.Fu)
  for (i in 1:length(w)) {
    if (w[i]) {
      tab[i, ] <- rep(NA, nr.cov + 6)
  tab <- data.frame(id = tab[, 1], x = tab[, 2:(nr.cov + 1)], z = tab[, (nr.cov + 2)], start = tab[, (nr.cov + 3)], stop = tab[, (nr.cov + 4)], status = tab[, (nr.cov + 5)], fu = tab[, (nr.cov + 6)])
  tab <- na.omit(tab)
katharinaingel/simrec documentation built on March 28, 2024, 5:54 a.m.