
# Define functions for wavelet analysis ---------------------------------
# sources:
# Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22131080/wavelet-reconstruction-of-time-series

#' Definition of the Morlet wavelet
#' @param t a numeric vector corresponding to times
#' where to evaluate the Morlet wavelet
#' @param t_0 (optional) a time indicating the timing translation
#' @param j (optional) an index corresponding to the calculated scale s_j
#' (the corresponding scale is s_0  2^(j*dj))
#' @return evaluation of the Morlet wavelet at values in \code{t}
#' @examples
#' N_4_original(2)
#' @export
# Lets first write a function for Wavelet decomposition as in formula (1):

#'Perform Morlet Wavelet transform
#'@param y timeseries to transform
#'@param J determines the largest scale s_J = s_0 2^(J dj)
#'@param vect_time (optional) vector ot time points corresponding to y
#'@param dt (optional) the time step
#'@return the wavelet transform
wt <- function(y,J=110,vect_time=NULL,dt=1){

  mat_res <- matrix(data = NA,nrow = length(y),ncol=(J+1))

  y.madj <- y - mean(y)

  for(j in 0:J){
    for(k in 1:length(y.madj)){

  # name the dimensions
  # rows are time points
  rownames(mat_res) <- format(vect_time)
  # columns are frequencies
  colnames(mat_res) <- dt*2*2^(0:J*.125)


#'Extract components between 2 scales
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@param range_scale vector of length 2 specifying the range of scales
#'@param range_date vector of 2 dates specifying the range of dates
#'@param fill variable to fill matrix outside of scale range
#'@return wt matrix with scales in range_scale and zero otherwise
wt_extract <- function(mat_wt,range_scale=NULL,range_date=NULL,fill=0){

  # define null results matrix
  res_wt <- matrix(data = fill,nrow = nrow(mat_wt),ncol = ncol(mat_wt))

  # define range of dates
    idx_rows <- as.Date(rownames(mat_wt)) >= min(range_date) &
      as.Date(rownames(mat_wt)) <= max(range_date)
  }else{idx_rows <- 1:nrow(res_wt)}

  # define range of scales
    idx_cols <- as.numeric(colnames(mat_wt)) >= min(range_scale) &
      as.numeric(colnames(mat_wt)) <= max(range_scale)
  }else{idx_cols <- 1:ncol(res_wt)}

  # replace corresponding rows and columns in results matrix
  res_wt[idx_rows,idx_cols] <- mat_wt[idx_rows,idx_cols]

  # assign names to rows and columns
  rownames(res_wt) <- rownames(mat_wt)
  colnames(res_wt) <- colnames(mat_wt)



# #'
# #' Linear interpolation of wavelet coefficients in time
# #' @param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
# #' @param Nt integer specifying the increase in temporal resolution
# #' @return wavelet transform matrix with increased temporal resolution
# #' @export
# wt_interp <- function(mat_wt,Nt=2){
#   # define original and new vector of time points
#   t_orig <- 1:nrow(mat_wt)
#   t_interp <- seq(from=1,to=nrow(mat_wt),by=1/Nt)
#   # define null results matrix
#   res_wt <- matrix(data = NA,
#                    nrow = length(t_interp), # increase the temporal resolution
#                    ncol = ncol(mat_wt))
#   # loop over frequecies and interpolate wavelet coefficients
#   for(icol in 1:ncol(res_wt)){
#     # need to do real and imaginary part separately
#     res_wt[,icol] <-
#       approx(x = t_orig,y = Re(mat_wt[,icol]),xout = t_interp)$y +
#       1i * approx(x = t_orig,y = Im(mat_wt[,icol]),xout = t_interp)$y
#   }
#   # check one example
#   #plot(x = t_orig,y = Re(mat_wt[,1]),type='l')
#   #points(approx(x = t_orig,y = Re(mat_wt[,1]),xout = t_interp),col='red')
#   # if names in rows, assign new time points
#   if(!is.null(rownames(mat_wt))){
#     date_orig <- as.Date(rownames(mat_wt))
#     rownames(res_wt) <-
#       format(seq.Date(from=date_orig[1],
#                       to=date_orig[length(date_orig)],
#                       length.out = length(t_interp)))
#   }
#   if(!is.null(colnames(mat_wt))){
#     colnames(res_wt) <- colnames(mat_wt)
#   }
#   return(res_wt)
# }

#' Reconstruct from wavelet transform
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@param y.m (optional) mean of original time series
#'@param J determines the largest scale s_J = s_0 2^(J dj)
#'@return the inverse of the wavelet decomposition
wt_inverse <- function(mat_wt,y.m=0,J=110){

  for(l in 1:(nrow(mat_wt))){

  return(rec + y.m)


#'calculate phase from mat_wt
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@return the time series of phase angles
calc_phase_angle <- function(mat_wt){

  return(atan2(y = Im(mat_wt),x = Re(mat_wt)))


#'calculate wavelet power spectrum from mat_wt
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@param normalize boolean indicating whether
#'to normalize each scale to unit energy
#'@param J determines the largest scale s_J = s_0 2^(J dj)
#'@return the matrix of wavelet power spectrum
calc_power <- function(mat_wt,normalize=T,J=110){

  mat_pow <- Mod(mat_wt)^2

    dial = 1 / (2*2^(0:J*.125)) # Eq.8 in document
    mat_norm <- matrix(data = rep(dial,nrow(mat_wt)),ncol=J+1,byrow = T)
    mat_pow <- mat_pow * mat_norm



#'plot real part of the wavelet decomposition
#'@param x vector containing values of x
#'@param f_x vector containing values of functions
#'@param bool_inc boolean indicating whether
#'returning zeros with positive slopes
#'@param bool_dec boolean indicating whether
#'returning zeros with negative slopes
#'@return the zeros of the function
find_zeros_lin <- function(x,f_x,bool_inc=T,bool_dec=T){

  idx_change <- numeric(0)

  if(bool_inc){idx_change <- c(idx_change,which(diff(sign(f_x)) == 2))}
  if(bool_dec){idx_change <- c(idx_change,which(diff(sign(f_x)) == -2))}

  x_0 <- rep(NA,length(idx_change))

  for(i in 1:length(idx_change)){
    x_i <- x[c(idx_change[i] , idx_change[i]+1)]
    f_x_i <- f_x[c(idx_change[i] , idx_change[i]+1)]
    x_0[i] <- x_i[1] + (x_i[2] - x_i[1]) *



#'small function to format the matrix into a dataframe
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@return the dataframe in a long format
mat_2_df <- function(mat_wt){

  df_wt <- as.data.frame(mat_wt)
  df_wt$date <- rownames(mat_wt)
  df_wt_long <- tidyr::gather(data = df_wt,

  df_wt_long$period <- as.numeric(df_wt_long$period)
  df_wt_long$date <- as.Date(df_wt_long$date)



#'plot real part of the wavelet decomposition
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@param dates_seq sequence of dates
#'@param range_scale vector of length 2 specifying the range of scales
#'@return a dataframe with length(dates_seq)-1 rows,
#'containing the mean power for each time period and
#'and in the scale range defined in range_scale
ts_power <- function(mat_wt,dates_seq,range_scale){

  # extract scales of interest and transform to long format
  df_wt <-
    mat_2_df(mat_wt = wt_extract(mat_wt = calc_power(mat_wt),
                                 range_scale = range_scale,
                                 fill = NA))
  n <- length(dates_seq) - 1

  df_res <- data.frame(date_start = dates_seq[1:n],
                       date_end = dates_seq[2:(n+1)],
                       power = NA)

  for(i in 1:n){

    df_wt_i <- subset(x = df_wt,
                      subset = date >= df_res[i,'date_start'] &
                        date <= df_res[i,'date_end'])

    df_res[i,'power'] <- mean(df_wt_i$value,na.rm = T)




#'plot real part of the wavelet decomposition
#'@param mat_wt matrix containing the wavelet transform
#'@return ggplot
plot_re <- function(mat_wt){

  # check plot
  df_wt_long <- mat_2_df(Re(mat_wt))

  g_res <-
    ggplot() +
    geom_tile(data = df_wt_long,
              mapping = aes(x=date,y=period,fill=Re(value))) +
                       breaks = c(0.5,1,2)) +
    scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral") +



# # test functions
# y = cos(2*pi/12*1:100) + cos(pi/4+2*pi/(2*12)*1:100)
# y = y + 0.1*rnorm(100) # add some noise
# t <- seq.Date(from = as.Date('2000-01-01'),by = "1 month",length.out = 100)
# plot(x = t,y = y,type='l')
# # wavelet analysis
# mat_wt <- wt(y = y,vect_time = t,dt=1/12)
# str(mat_wt)
# rec_wt <- wt_inverse(mat_wt = mat_wt,y.m = mean(y))
# plot(x = t,y = rec_wt,type='l')
# lines(x = t,y = y,col='red')
# #
# # Plot the real part
# #
# print(plot_re(mat_wt) +
#         scale_y_continuous(trans='log10',
#                            breaks = c(0.5,1,2),
#                            limits = c(2/12,3)))
# #
# # keep only periodicity around 1 year
# #
# mat_wt_1y <-
#   extract_scales(mat_wt = mat_wt,
#                  range_scale = c(0.8,1.2))
# rec_wt_1y <-
#   wt_inverse(mat_wt = mat_wt_1y,y.m = mean(y))
# plot(x = t,y = rec_wt,type='l')
# lines(x = t,y = y,col='red')
# lines(x = t,y = rec_wt_1y,col='green')
# #
# # plot phase angles corresponding to c(0.8,1.2)
# #
# phase_1y <-
#   rowMeans(x = phase_angle(extract_scales(mat_wt = mat_wt,
#                                           range_scale = c(0.9,1.2),
#                                           fill = NA)),na.rm = T)
# plot(x = 1:length(t),y = phase_1y,type='l')
# t_0 <- find_zeros_lin(x = 1:length(t),f_x = phase_1y,bool_dec = F)
# points(x = t_0,
#        y = rep(0,length(t_0)),
#        col = 'red')
# # extract timings with phases 0
# plot(x = 1:length(t), y = rec_wt_1y,type='l')
# abline(v=t_0,col="red")
kcucchi/myUtils documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:50 a.m.