Man pages for kdaily/MEMA
Functions to preprocess and normalize MEMA data

autoMMClusterCluster using a Mixture Model
calcQAScoreCalculate a QA score for MEMAs
cleanColumnNamesChange the periods in the column names to spaces
coerceAllECMCoerce the All ECM contents to standard format
convertColumnNamesConvert column names in a data.table
CVCalculate Coefficient of Variation (CV)
kmeansClusterkMeans cluster an intensity value
loessModelCreate a median normalized loess model of an array
melt8WellMelt raw population dataset to combine wells
mergeCytoMainMerge the Cyto and Main data files
mergeMetadatamerge the data and metadata on the well index column
mergeSpotMetadataMerge the data and metadata on the well index column
normProfToCol1Normalize the proliferation ratio signal to the collagen 1...
normWellsWithinPlateNormalize to a base MEP
numericMedianReturn the median of a vector as a numeric value
popDTAnnotated data from a 4 plate experiment
positionParmsDeriving Position-based Parameters
randomizePositionsRandomize a vector of values
readLogDataRead in and parse an Aushon XML log file
readMetadataRead metadata from a multi-sheet excel file
readSpotMetadataRead the spot metadata from a gal file
removeColumnNameSpacesRemove spaces in the column names
rotateMetadataRotate the metadata 180 degrees in Array space
spotCellDensitiesCalculate the neighborhood density around each cell
spotMetadataData from a GAL file and a log file that include spot...
summarizeToSpotSummarize cell data to spot level
wellANReturns a character vector of alphanumeric well names
kdaily/MEMA documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:28 a.m.