
Defines functions bpdiff testBinomial simBinomial nBinomial ciBinomial

Documented in ciBinomial nBinomial simBinomial testBinomial

# ciBinomial roxy [sinew] ----
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[stats]{Normal}},\code{\link[stats]{uniroot}}
#' @rdname varBinomial
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm uniroot
# ciBinomial function [sinew] ----
ciBinomial <- function(x1, x2, n1, n2, alpha = .05, adj = 0, scale = "Difference") {
  # check input arguments
  checkScalar(n1, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkScalar(n2, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkScalar(x1, "integer", c(0, n1))
  checkScalar(x2, "integer", c(0, n2))
  checkScalar(alpha, "numeric", c(0, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkScalar(adj, "integer", c(0, 1))
  checkScalar(scale, "character")
  scale <- match.arg(tolower(scale), c("difference", "rr", "or"))
  checkLengths(x1, x2)

  if (scale == "difference") {
    delta <- x1 / n1 - x2 / n2

    if (delta == -1) {
      lower <- -1
    else if (testBinomial(delta0 = -.9999, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj)
    < stats::qnorm(alpha / 2)) {
      lower <- -1
    else {
      lower <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(-.9999, delta), x1 = x1, x2 = x2,
        n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj, alpha = alpha

    if (delta == 1) {
      upper <- 1
    else if (testBinomial(delta0 = .9999, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj)
    > -stats::qnorm(alpha / 2)) {
      upper <- 1
    else {
      upper <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(delta, .9999), lower.tail = TRUE,
        x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj,
        alpha = alpha
  else if (scale == "rr") {
    if (x1 == 0) {
      lower <- 0
    } else {
      lower <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(-20, 20), x1 = x1, x2 = x2,
        n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj, scale = "RR", alpha = alpha
      lower <- exp(lower)
    if (x2 == 0) {
      upper <- Inf
    } else {
      upper <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(-20, 20), lower.tail = TRUE,
        x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj, scale = "RR",
        alpha = alpha
      upper <- exp(upper)
  else {
    if (x1 == 0 || x2 == n2) {
      lower <- -Inf
    } else {
      lower <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(-10, 10), x1 = x1, x2 = x2,
        n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj, scale = scale, alpha = alpha
      lower <- exp(lower)
    if (x2 == 0 || x1 == n1) {
      upper <- Inf
    } else {
      upper <- stats::uniroot(bpdiff,
        interval = c(-10, 10), lower.tail = TRUE,
        x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj = adj, scale = scale,
        alpha = alpha
      upper <- exp(upper)
  data.frame(lower = lower, upper = upper)

# nBinomial roxy [sinew] ----
#' @rdname varBinomial
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm pnorm
# nBinomial function [sinew] ----
nBinomial <- function(p1, p2, alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, delta0 = 0, ratio = 1, sided = 1, outtype = 1, scale = "Difference", n = NULL) {
  checkVector(p1, "numeric", c(0, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkVector(p2, "numeric", c(0, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkScalar(sided, "integer", c(1, 2))
  checkScalar(alpha, "numeric", c(0, 1 / sided), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkVector(beta, "numeric", c(0, 1 - alpha / sided), c(
  checkVector(delta0, "numeric")
  checkVector(ratio, "numeric", c(0, Inf), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkScalar(outtype, "integer", c(1, 3))
  checkScalar(scale, "character")
  if (!is.null(n)) {
    checkVector(n, "numeric")
  scale <- match.arg(tolower(scale), c(
    "difference", "rr",
    "or", "lnor"
  if (is.null(n)) {
    checkLengths(p1, p2, beta, delta0, ratio, allowSingle = TRUE)
  } else {
    checkLengths(n, p1, p2, delta0, ratio, allowSingle = TRUE)
  len <- max(sapply(list(p1, p2, beta, delta0, ratio), length))
  if (len > 1) {
    if (length(p1) == 1) {
      p1 <- rep(p1, len)
    if (length(p2) == 1) {
      p2 <- rep(p2, len)
    if (length(alpha) == 1) {
      alpha <- rep(alpha, len)
    if (length(beta) == 1) {
      beta <- rep(beta, len)
    if (length(delta0) == 1) {
      delta0 <- rep(delta0, len)
    if (length(ratio) == 1) {
      ratio <- rep(ratio, len)
  if (max(delta0 == 0) > 0 && max(p1[delta0 == 0] == p2[delta0 ==
    0]) > 0) {
    stop("p1 may not equal p2 when delta0 is zero")
  z.beta <- stats::qnorm(1 - beta)
  sided[sided != 2] <- 1
  z.alpha <- stats::qnorm(1 - alpha / sided)
  d0 <- (delta0 == 0)
  if (scale == "difference") {
    if (min(abs(p1 - p2 - delta0)) < 1e-11) {
      stop("p1 - p2 may not equal delta0 when scale is \"Difference\"")
    a <- 1 + ratio
    b <- -(a + p1 + ratio * p2 + delta0 * (ratio + 2))
    c <- delta0^2 + delta0 * (2 * p1 + a) + p1 + ratio *
    d <- -p1 * delta0 * (1 + delta0)
    v <- (b / (3 * a))^3 - b * c / 6 / a^2 + d / 2 / a
    u <- (sign(v) + (v == 0)) * sqrt((b / 3 / a)^2 - c / 3 / a)
    w <- (pi + acos(v / u^3)) / 3
    p10 <- 2 * u * cos(w) - b / 3 / a
    p20 <- p10 - delta0
    p10[d0] <- (p1[d0] + ratio[d0] * p2[d0]) / (1 + ratio[d0])
    p20[d0] <- p10[d0]
    sigma0 <- sqrt((p10 * (1 - p10) + p20 * (1 - p20) / ratio) *
      (ratio + 1))
    sigma1 <- sqrt((p1 * (1 - p1) + p2 * (1 - p2) / ratio) *
      (ratio + 1))
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- ((z.alpha * sigma0 + z.beta * sigma1) / (p1 - p2 - delta0))^2
      if (outtype == 2) {
        return(data.frame(cbind(n1 = n / (ratio + 1), n2 = ratio *
          n / (ratio + 1))))
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = beta, Power = 1 - beta,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(n = n)
    else {
      pwr <- stats::pnorm(-(stats::qnorm(1 - alpha / sided) - sqrt(n) *
        ((p1 - p2 - delta0) / sigma0)) * sigma0 / sigma1)
      if (outtype == 2) {
        return(data.frame(cbind(n1 = n / (ratio + 1), n2 = ratio *
          n / (ratio + 1), Power = pwr)))
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = 1 - pwr, Power = pwr,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(Power = pwr)
  else if (scale == "rr") {
    RR <- exp(delta0)
    if (min(abs(p1 / p2 - RR)) < 1e-07) {
      stop("p1/p2 may not equal exp(delta0) when scale=\"RR\"")
    a <- (1 + ratio)
    b <- -(RR * (1 + ratio * p2) + ratio + p1)
    c <- RR * (p1 + ratio * p2)
    p10 <- (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a
    p20 <- p10 / RR
    p10[d0] <- (p1[d0] + ratio[d0] * p2[d0]) / (1 + ratio[d0])
    p20[d0] <- p10[d0]
    sigma0 <- sqrt((ratio + 1) * (p10 * (1 - p10) + RR^2 *
      p20 * (1 - p20) / ratio))
    sigma1 <- sqrt((ratio + 1) * (p1 * (1 - p1) + RR^2 *
      p2 * (1 - p2) / ratio))
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- ((z.alpha * sigma0 + z.beta * sigma1) / (p1 - p2 * RR))^2
      if (outtype == 2) {
          n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1)
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = beta, Power = 1 - beta,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(n = n)
    else {
      pwr <- stats::pnorm(-(stats::qnorm(1 - alpha / sided) - sqrt(n) *
        ((p1 - p2 * RR) / sigma0)) * sigma0 / sigma1)
      if (outtype == 2) {
        return(data.frame(cbind(n1 = n / (ratio + 1), n2 = ratio *
          n / (ratio + 1), Power = pwr)))
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = 1 - pwr, Power = pwr,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(Power = pwr)
  else {
    OR <- exp(-delta0)
    if (min(abs(p1 / (1 - p1) / p2 * (1 - p2) * OR - 1)) < 1e-07) {
      stop("p1/(1-p1)/p2*(1-p2) may not equal exp(delta0) when scale=\"OR\"")
    a <- OR - 1
    b <- 1 + ratio * OR + (1 - OR) * (ratio * p2 + p1)
    c <- -(ratio * p2 + p1)
    p10 <- (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a
    p20 <- OR * p10 / (1 + p10 * (OR - 1))
    p10[d0] <- (p1[d0] + ratio[d0] * p2[d0]) / (1 + ratio[d0])
    p20[d0] <- p10[d0]
    sigma0 <- sqrt((ratio + 1) * (1 / p10 / (1 - p10) + 1 / p20 / (1 - p20) / ratio))
    sigma1 <- sqrt((ratio + 1) * (1 / p1 / (1 - p1) + 1 / p2 / (1 - p2) / ratio))
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- ((z.alpha * sigma0 + z.beta * sigma1) / log(OR / p2 * (1 - p2) * p1 / (1 - p1)))^2
      if (outtype == 2) {
        return(data.frame(cbind(n1 = n / (ratio + 1), n2 = ratio *
          n / (ratio + 1))))
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = beta, Power = 1 - beta,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(n = n)
    else {
      pwr <- stats::pnorm(-(stats::qnorm(1 - alpha / sided) - sqrt(n) *
        (log(OR / p2 * (1 - p2) * p1 / (1 - p1)) / sigma0)) *
        sigma0 / sigma1)
      if (outtype == 2) {
        return(data.frame(cbind(n1 = n / (ratio + 1), n2 = ratio *
          n / (ratio + 1), Power = pwr)))
      else if (outtype == 3) {
          n = n, n1 = n / (ratio + 1),
          n2 = ratio * n / (ratio + 1), alpha = alpha,
          sided = sided, beta = 1 - pwr, Power = pwr,
          sigma0 = sigma0, sigma1 = sigma1, p1 = p1,
          p2 = p2, delta0 = delta0, p10 = p10, p20 = p20
      else {
        return(Power = pwr)

# simBinomial roxy [sinew] ----
#' @rdname varBinomial
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
# simBinomial function [sinew] ----
simBinomial <- function(p1, p2, n1, n2, delta0 = 0, nsim = 10000, chisq = 0, adj = 0, scale = "Difference") {
  # check input arguments
  # Note: delta0, chisq, adj, and scale checked by testBinomial() function
  checkVector(p1, "numeric", c(0, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkVector(p2, "numeric", c(0, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
  checkScalar(n1, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkScalar(n2, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkScalar(nsim, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkLengths(p1, p2)

  x1 <- stats::rbinom(prob = p1, size = n1, n = nsim)
  x2 <- stats::rbinom(prob = p2, size = n2, n = nsim)
  scale <- match.arg(tolower(scale), c("difference", "rr", "or", "lnor"))

    x1 = x1, x2 = x2, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, delta0 = delta0, adj = adj,
    chisq = chisq, scale = scale

# testBinomial roxy [sinew] ----
#' @rdname varBinomial
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
# testBinomial function [sinew] ----
testBinomial <- function(x1, x2, n1, n2, delta0 = 0, chisq = 0, adj = 0, scale = "Difference", tol = .1e-10) {
  # check input arguments
  checkVector(n1, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkVector(n2, "integer", c(1, Inf))
  checkVector(x1, "integer", c(0, Inf))
  checkVector(x2, "integer", c(0, Inf))
  checkVector(chisq, "integer", c(0, 1))
  checkVector(adj, "integer", c(0, 1))
  checkScalar(scale, "character")
  scale <- match.arg(tolower(scale), c("difference", "rr", "or", "lnor"))
  checkScalar(tol, "numeric", c(0, Inf), c(FALSE, TRUE))
  checkLengths(n1, n2, x1, x2, delta0, chisq, adj, allowSingle = TRUE)
  checkVector(n1 - x1, "integer", c(0, Inf))
  checkVector(n2 - x2, "integer", c(0, Inf))

  # make all vector arguments the same length (don't extend n1, n2)
  len <- max(sapply(list(n1, n2, x1, x2, chisq, adj, delta0), length))

  if (len > 1) {
    if (length(x1) == 1) p1 <- rep(x1, len)
    if (length(x2) == 1) p2 <- rep(x2, len)
    if (length(chisq) == 1) alpha <- rep(chisq, len)
    if (length(adj) == 1) beta <- rep(adj, len)
    if (length(delta0) == 1) delta0 <- rep(delta0, len)

  ntot <- n1 + n2
  xtot <- x1 + x2

  # risk difference test - from Miettinen and Nurminen eqn (9)
  if (scale == "difference") {
    checkVector(delta0, "numeric", c(-1, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE))
    L2 <- (n1 + 2 * n2) * delta0 - ntot - xtot
    L1 <- (n2 * delta0 - ntot - 2 * x2) * delta0 + xtot
    L0 <- x2 * delta0 * (1 - delta0)
    q <- (L2 / (3 * ntot))^3 - L1 * L2 / 6 / ntot^2 + L0 / 2 / ntot
    p <- (sign(q) + (q == 0)) * sqrt((L2 / (3 * ntot))^2 - L1 / (3 * ntot))
    a <- q / p^3
    a[a > 1] <- 1
    a <- (pi + acos(a)) / 3
    R0 <- 2 * p * cos(a) - L2 / 3 / ntot
    R1 <- R0 + delta0
    V <- (R1 * (1 - R1) / n1 + R0 * (1 - R0) / n2)
    # V=0 only if no or all events and delta0=0
    # in which case test statistic will be 0
    V[V <= tol] <- 1
    # compute z-statistic
    z <- x1 / n1 - x2 / n2 - delta0
  # relative risk test - from Miettinen and Nurminen eqn (10)
  else if (scale == "rr") {
    checkVector(delta0, "numeric", c(-Inf, Inf), c(FALSE, FALSE))
    delta0 <- exp(delta0) # value of 0 input represents equal rates
    A <- delta0 * ntot
    B <- -(n1 * delta0 + x1 + n2 + x2 * delta0)
    C <- xtot
    R0 <- (-B - sqrt(B^2 - 4 * A * C)) / 2 / A
    R1 <- R0 * delta0
    V <- R1 * (1 - R1) / n1 + delta0^2 * R0 * (1 - R0) / n2
    # V=0 only if no events or (all events and delta0=1)
    # in which case test statistic will be 0
    V[V <= 0 | is.na(V)] <- 1
    z <- x1 / n1 - x2 / n2 * delta0
  # odds-ratio and log-odds-ratio
  else {
    checkVector(delta0, "numeric", c(-Inf, Inf), c(FALSE, FALSE))
    delta0 <- exp(delta0) # change from log odds-ratio to odds-ratio
    A <- n2 * (delta0 - 1)
    B <- n1 * delta0 + n2 - xtot * (delta0 - 1)
    C <- -xtot
    R0 <- (-B + sqrt(B^2 - 4 * A * C)) / 2 / A
    R1 <- R0 * delta0 / (1 + R0 * (delta0 - 1))
    # next 2 lines deal with length(delta0)>length(xtot) or length(ntot)
    xtem <- (delta0 == delta0) * xtot
    ntem <- (delta0 == delta0) * ntot
    R0[delta0 == 1] <- xtem[delta0 == 1] / ntem[delta0 == 1]
    R1[delta0 == 1] <- R0[delta0 == 1]

    # odds-ratio test - from Miettinen and Nurminen eqn (13)
    if (scale == "or") {
      V <- 1 / (1 / n1 / R1 / (1 - R1) + 1 / n2 / R0 / (1 - R0))
      V[xtot == 0 | xtot == ntot] <- 1
      z <- n1 * (x1 / n1 - R1)
    # log-odds ratio - based on asymptotic distribution of log-odds
    # see vignette
    else if (scale == "lnor") {
      V <- 1 / n1 / R1 / (1 - R1) + 1 / n2 / R0 / (1 - R0)
      V[xtot == 0 | xtot == ntot] <- 1
      z <- log(x1 / (n1 - x1) / x2 * (n2 - x2) / delta0)
      z[xtot == 0 | xtot == ntot] <- 0
      z[xtot > 0 & xtot < ntot] <- z[xtot > 0 & xtot < ntot]

  # do continuity correction, where required
  one <- rep(TRUE, max(length(V), length(adj)))
  adj <- (adj == 1) & one
  V[adj] <- V[adj] * ntot / (ntot - 1)

  # square z where required to get chi-square
  one <- rep(TRUE, max(length(z), length(chisq)))
  chisq <- chisq & one
  if (length(z) == 1) z <- z * one
  z[chisq] <- z[chisq]^2 / V[chisq]
  z[ !chisq] <- z[ !chisq] / sqrt(V[ !chisq])


# bpdiff function [sinew] ----
bpdiff <- function(delta, x1, x2, n1, n2, alpha = .05, adj = 0, scale = "Difference", lower.tail = FALSE) {
  stats::pnorm(testBinomial(x1, x2, n1, n2, delta0 = delta, adj = adj, scale = scale),
    lower.tail = lower.tail
  ) - alpha / 2
keaven/gsDesign documentation built on July 30, 2024, 4:59 p.m.