
Defines functions farva_run

farva_run <- function(S_mat, X_all_mu=NULL, X_all_sig=NULL, 
                      S_test=NULL, X_test_mu=NULL, X_test_sig=NULL, impossible_cause=NULL,
                      save_num_tot=500, burnin=1000, thin=10, K=5, L=K, 
                      mu_collapse=F, inference=F,
                      verbose=T, save_inds_mu="unique", save_inds_sig="unique", return_data=T){
  # - S_mat (required) should be a num_causes list of matrices with TRAINING data with indexing
  #   from 1 to the number of training causes, i.e. { S_mat[[1]], ..., S_mat[[C]] }. 
  #   Alternatively, S_mat can me a matrix with the first column being a unique COD identifier
  #   and each row corresponding to an individual COD.
  #   In this case, X_all_mu and/or X_all_sig (if not null) must also be matrices with 
  #   rows corresponding to the equivalent row of S_mat.
  # - X_all_mu and X_all_sig should be length num_causes list of matrices (see above for exception)
  #   and will be auto-filled to just matrices of 1s if left as NULL.
  # - S_test should be a matrix with TEST data. If no test data given, only S_mat modeled.
  # - X_test_mu and X_test_sig should be matrices with covariates to be used for mean/cov
  #   and will be auto-filled to just matrices of 1s if left as NULL.
  # - impossible_cause (if specified) is a N_test x num_causes boolean matrix with a TRUE in the i x c cell 
  #   if test person i CANNOT have died of cause c (e.g., person i is female, cause c is prostate cancer).
  # - save_num_tot is the total number of saved sample desired...
  # - burnin is the number of samples to take before beginning saving...
  # - thin says how many samples to take for which 1 is saved...
  #   thus nsamps is the ( total number of samples taken = burnin + thin * save_num_tot ).
  # - L and K are the dimension reduction parameters (see paper).
  # - mu_collapse controls whether to use \z_i = \mu + \lam\eta (F) or \z_i = \lam\eta (T, default).
  # - burnin is number of samples to be discarded as burnin (default 1/5 of nsamps).
  # - thin is the total number of samples per one saved sample (default 10).
  # - save_inds_mu and save_inds_sig specify which of cov_all, mean_all, omega_all, eta_all should be 
  #   saved, "unique" (default) for unique cov combos, "all" for all (slowest), "first" for first
  ############ SETUP (PACKAGES) ############
  # Number of Monte carlo samples to be used for probability calc of test data
  mc_tot = 200
  # Use MC samples (faster) for test data even when data are not mixed
  fast_test_samp = TRUE
  if( is.null(X_all_sig) ){ 
    L = K 
    xi_identity = TRUE 
  } else if( dim(X_all_sig[[1]])[2] == 1 ){
    L = K
    xi_identity = TRUE 
  } else{ xi_identity = FALSE }
  # If S_mat is entered in matrix form, convert it to list form used by code.
  if( !is.list(S_mat) ){
    nullmu = is.null(X_all_mu)
    nullsig = is.null(X_all_sig)
    N_sum = nrow(S_mat)
    if ("COD" %in% colnames(S_mat)) {
      ind_rm = which(colnames(S_mat) == "COD")
    } else if ("Cause" %in% colnames(S_mat)) {
      ind_rm = which(colnames(S_mat) == "Cause")
    } else {
      ind_rm = 1
      cat("No column named 'COD' or 'Cause', so assuming first column of S_mat is COD.\n")
    if( !nullmu ){if( !(N_sum==nrow(X_all_mu)) ){stop("Need nrow(X_all_mu) to equal nrow(S_mat)")}}
    if( !nullsig ){if( !(N_sum==nrow(X_all_sig)) ){stop("Need nrow(X_all_sig) to equal nrow(S_mat)")}}
    cods = S_mat[,ind_rm]
    un_cods = sort( unique(cods) )
    num_causes = length(un_cods)
    S_mat_tmp = list()
    if( !nullmu ){X_all_mu_tmp = list()}
    if( !nullsig ){X_all_sig_tmp = list()}
    for(c in 1:num_causes){
      ind_cod = which(cods == un_cods[c])
      S_mat_tmp[[c]] = S_mat[ind_cod,-ind_rm, drop=F]
      if( !nullmu ){X_all_mu_tmp[[c]] = X_all_mu[ind_cod,,drop=F]}
      if( !nullsig ){X_all_sig_tmp[[c]] = X_all_sig[ind_cod,,drop=F]}
    S_mat = S_mat_tmp # replace S_mat with list version!
    if( !nullmu ){X_all_mu = X_all_mu_tmp} # replace X_all_mu with list version!
    if( !nullsig ){X_all_sig = X_all_sig_tmp} # replace X_all_sig with list version!
  } else{
    un_cods = 1:num_causes
    ind_rm = 1
  # Get dimensions of things
  N <- lapply(S_mat,nrow)
  num_causes <- length(N)
  N_sum <- Reduce("+", N) 
  P <- ncol(S_mat[[1]])
  if( is.null(X_all_mu) ){ 
    X_all_mu = list()
    for(c in 1:num_causes){ X_all_mu[[c]] <- matrix(1,nrow=N[[c]],ncol=1) }
  if( is.null(X_all_sig) ){ 
    X_all_sig = list()
    for(c in 1:num_causes){ X_all_sig[[c]] <- matrix(1,nrow=N[[c]],ncol=1) }
  B_mu <- dim(X_all_mu[[1]])[2]; cov_incl = (B_mu>1) 
  B_sig <- dim(X_all_sig[[1]])[2]
  # Check columns of S_test to see if we need to remove a COD column
  if (!is.null(S_test)) {
    P_test <- ncol(S_test)
    if (P_test == (P + 1)) {
      S_test = S_test[, -ind_rm, drop=F]
    else if (P_test != P) {
      stop("The number of columns of S_test must match that of the training data.")
  # Data structure (figure out which variables are BINARY)
  is_binary <- rep(T,P)
  tmp_mat <- do.call(rbind, S_mat);
  tmp_mat[is.na(tmp_mat)] <- 0; # for cleanliness, make NAs 0
  for(p in 1:P){ if( length(unique(tmp_mat[,p]))>2 ){ is_binary[p] <- F } }
  if( !is.matrix(S_mat[[1]]) ){ S_mat = lapply(S_mat, as.matrix) }
  if( !is.null(S_test) ){ if( !is.matrix(S_test) ){ S_test = as.matrix(S_test) } }
  # Note for non-binary data, the init code sets z_{ij} = s_{ij}
  all_binary <- (sum(is_binary)==P)
  # Get list of whether or not each entry is NA for S_mat
  S_mat_notna <- list()
  no_obs_cp <- matrix(FALSE, num_causes, P)
  for(c in 1:num_causes){
    S_mat_notna[[c]] <- !is.na(S_mat[[c]])
    for(p in 1:P){
      obs_inds <- S_mat_notna[[c]][,p]
      no_obs_cp[c,p] <- sum(obs_inds)==0
  N_obs_bysymp <- apply( do.call(rbind,lapply( S_mat_notna, function(x) apply(x, 2, sum) )), 2, sum )
  if (verbose) {
    if (!mu_collapse) {
      cat("Setting mu_collapse=F (default) implies a latent symptom model of z_i = mu_c[i] + Lambda_c[i] eta_i + epsilon_i, with eta_i~N(0,1).\n")
    else {
      cat("Setting mu_collapse=T implies a latent symptom model of z_i = Lambda_c[i] eta_c[i] + epsilon_i, with eta_i~N(\nu_i,1).\n")
  ############ DEFINE HYPER-HYPER PARAMETERS ############
  # Lam0_mult adjusts the prior on \alpha_{\mu}, \beta_{\mu} ~ N(0, Lam0_mult * I).
  # S0_mult and nu_add adjust the prior on \alpha_{\Sigma}, \beta_{\Sigma} ~ IW(B + 2 + nu_add, S0_mult * I).
  # Fix these here, but users can manually change in code if they need to.
  Lam0_mult=1; S0_mult=1; nu_add=0
  # Assign priors for the population-level mean and covariance for the 
  # coefficient vectors associated with entries of the matrices \xi_c 
  # and \psi_c (c in 1...C)
  mu_0_beta <- matrix(0,B_sig) # B_sig x 1 vector
  Lambda_0_beta <- Lam0_mult * diag(1,B_sig) # B_sig x B_sig matrix
  v0_beta <- B_sig + 2 + nu_add # integer
  S0_beta <- (v0_beta - B_mu - 1) * S0_mult * diag(1,B_sig) # B_sig x B_sig matrix
  mu_0_alpha <- mu_0_gamma <- matrix(0,B_mu) # B_mu x 1 vector
  Lambda_0_alpha <- Lambda_0_gamma <- Lam0_mult * diag(1,B_mu) # B_mu x B_mu matrix
  v0_alpha <- v0_gamma <- B_mu + 2 + nu_add # integer
  S0_alpha <- S0_gamma <- (v0_alpha - B_mu - 1) * S0_mult * diag(1,B_mu) # B_mu x B_mu matrix
  a_xi <- a_psi <- 1 # positive real
  b_xi <- b_psi <- 1 # positive real
  # Assign priors for the population-level mean and shrinkage prior for the 
  # \Theta_c and \Delta parameters.
  nu_theta <- nu_delta <- 3 # positive real (what Evan used in fixedfact.R)
  a1_del_del <- a1_del_the <- 2.1 # positive real (what Evan used in fixedfact.R)
  a2_del_del <- a2_del_the <- 3.1 # positive real (what Evan used in fixedfact.R)
  # Assign prior for the data covariance
  a_sigsq <- 1; b_sigsq <- 1
  ############ INITIALIZE THINGS ############
  Xt_all_mu <- Xt_all_sig <- list()
  XtX_all_mu <- XtX_all_sig <- XXt_all_sig <- list()
  for(c in 1:num_causes){
    # Pre-generate X matrices for mean components
    Xt_all_mu[[c]] <- t(X_all_mu[[c]])
    XtX_all_mu[[c]] <- as.matrix(Xt_all_mu[[c]] %*% X_all_mu[[c]])
    # Pre-generate X matrices for covariance components
    Xt_all_sig[[c]] <- t(X_all_sig[[c]])
    XtX_all_sig[[c]] <- as.matrix(Xt_all_sig[[c]] %*% X_all_sig[[c]])
    XXt_all_sig[[c]] <- array(NA, dim=c(B_sig, B_sig, N[[c]]))
    for(i in 1:N[[c]]){ XXt_all_sig[[c]][,,i] = Xt_all_sig[[c]][,i,drop=FALSE] %*% X_all_sig[[c]][i,,drop=FALSE] }
  XtX_all_mu_p = list()
  for(c in 1:num_causes){
    obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
    XtX_all_mu_p[[c]] = list()
    for(p in 1:P){
      if( !no_obs_cp[c,p] ){
        obs_inds <- obs_tmpc[,p]
        XtX_all_mu_p[[c]][[p]] <- as.matrix(Xt_all_mu[[c]][,obs_inds,drop=F] %*% X_all_mu[[c]][obs_inds,,drop=F])
  # Make list of save_inds_mu (if not provided) specifying individual-specific indices to save
  if( (save_inds_mu=="all")[1] ){
    save_inds_mu=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_mu[[c]]=1:N[[c]] }
  } else if( (save_inds_mu=="unique")[1] ){
    save_inds_mu=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_mu[[c]]=which(!duplicated(X_all_mu[[c]])) }
  } else if( (save_inds_mu=="first")[1] ){
    save_inds_mu=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_mu[[c]]=1 }
  } else if( is.list(save_inds_mu) ){
    if( !(length(save_inds_mu)==num_causes) ){
      stop("Need save_inds_mu to be 'all', 'unique', 'first', or num_causes list of which indices to save.")
  } else{
    stop("Need save_inds_mu to be 'all', 'unique', 'first', or num_causes list of which indices to save.")
  # Make list of save_inds_sig (if not provided) specifying individual-specific indices to save
  if( (save_inds_sig=="all")[1] ){
    save_inds_sig=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_sig[[c]]=1:N[[c]] }
  } else if( (save_inds_sig=="unique")[1] ){
    save_inds_sig=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_sig[[c]]=which(!duplicated(X_all_sig[[c]])) }
  } else if( (save_inds_sig=="first")[1] ){
    save_inds_sig=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){ save_inds_sig[[c]]=1 }
  } else if( is.list(save_inds_sig) ){
    if( !(length(save_inds_sig)==num_causes) ){
      stop("Need save_inds_sig to be 'all', 'unique', 'first', or num_causes list of which indices to save.")
  } else{
    stop("Need save_inds_sig to be 'all', 'unique', 'first', or num_causes list of which indices to save.")
  # Initialize parameters using set hyperparameter values
  init_list = run_sampler_init(S_mat, L, K, P, N, num_causes, B_sig, B_mu, 
                               a1_del_del, a2_del_del, a1_del_the, a2_del_the,
                               nu_delta, nu_theta, a_sigsq, b_sigsq,
                               mu_collapse, is_binary)
  list2env(init_list, environment()) # puts list elements in environment
  # For binary data (s_{ij} \in {0,1}), z_{ij} is also initialized
  # Determine how many samples are to be saved through sampler
  # nsamps is the total number of samples (including burnin, thinned, etc) from which saved samples are pulled.
  nsamps <- burnin+save_num_tot*thin
  if (verbose) {
    cat(paste0("Total number of samples will be ", nsamps, 
               ", with the first ", burnin, " being discarded as burn-in "))
    cat(paste0("and 1 in every ", thin, " thereafter saved for a total of ", 
               save_num_tot, " retained samples.\n"))
  # Set up values to be used in the sampler loop for saving things
  save_num <- 1 # initialize save number
  if( !is.null(S_test) ){
    N_test <- nrow(S_test)
    if( is.null(X_test_mu) ){ X_test_mu <- matrix(1, nrow=N_test, ncol=1) }
    if( is.null(X_test_sig) ){ X_test_sig <- matrix(1, nrow=N_test, ncol=1) }
    cod_test_save <- matrix(NA, nrow=N_test, ncol=save_num_tot)
    csmf_test_save <- matrix(NA, nrow=num_causes, ncol=save_num_tot)
    indiv_prob <- matrix(0, nrow=N_test, ncol=num_causes)
  # Set up posterior mean save variables
  postSavesnum <- 0
  post_saves_list <- postSavesInit(num_causes,P,K,L,save_inds_sig,save_inds_mu)
  list2env(post_saves_list, environment()) # puts list elements in environment
    post_saves_inf_list <- postSavesInitInference(num_causes,P,K,L,save_num_tot,
    list2env(post_saves_inf_list, environment()) # puts list elements in environment
  ############ RUN SAMPLER ############
  ten_perc <- round(seq(1,nsamps,length=10))
  prcnt <- 0
  ptm <- proc.time()
  for(ss in 1:nsamps){
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste("Sample", ss, "of", nsamps, "\n"))
    ############ UPDATE \mu_{c,j} ############
    ############ and hierarchical regression params for each
    if( mu_collapse ){ # If we have z_i=\Lambda\eta_i, \eta_i~N(\psi x, I), fix mu_all[[c]] to be 0-vec.
      if( ss==1 ){ # Only need to set once, then it just stays the same!
        for(c in 1:num_causes){
          mu_all[[c]] <- matrix(0,nrow=P,ncol=N[[c]])
    } else{ # If we have z_i = \mu_{c[i]} + \Lambda\eta_i, \eta_i~N(0, I), sample mu_all[[c]].
      # Sample regression parameters gamma_c_all for each cause c
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
        # Get temporary matrix to hold observed deviations of z_i from \lambda \eta_i
        dev_tmp = matrix(NA,nrow=N[[c]],ncol=P)
        for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
          obs_symps <- obs_tmpc[i,]
          dev_tmp[i,obs_symps] <- c( z_all_nominus[[c]][obs_symps,i,drop=F] - 
                                       matrix( Omega_all[[c]][obs_symps,,i], ncol=K ) %*% 
                                       matrix( psi_all[[c]][,i,drop=F]) )
        for(p in 1:P){
          if( no_obs_cp[c,p] ){
            gamma_c_all[[c]][,p] <- sample_beta_c_noobs(matrix(gamma_all[,p]), as.matrix(gamma_Sigma[,,p]))
          } else{
            obs_inds <- obs_tmpc[,p]
            gamma_c_all[[c]][,p] <- sample_beta_c(matrix(dev_tmp[obs_inds,p]), matrix(gamma_all[,p]), as.matrix(gamma_Sigma[,,p]), 
                                                  Sigma_0_vec[p], XtX_all_mu_p[[c]][[p]], Xt_all_mu[[c]][,obs_inds,drop=F])
      # Set \mu vector for each cause c
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(p in 1:P){
          for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
            mu_all[[c]][p,i] <- matrix(X_all_mu[[c]][i,], nrow=1) %*% matrix(gamma_c_all[[c]][,p])
        z_all[[c]] <- z_all_nominus[[c]] - mu_all[[c]]
      # Sample \gamma_all_{p} (population-level mean) for each entry p\in{1,..,P};
      # the result is a length B_mu vector with entry b being the coefficient for covariate b
      gamma_means <- Reduce("+", gamma_c_all) / length(gamma_c_all) # BxP array of avg of cause-spec betas
      for(p in 1:P){
        gamma_all[,p] <- sample_beta_mu(mu_0_gamma, Lambda_0_gamma, num_causes, 
                                        matrix(gamma_means[,p]), as.matrix(gamma_Sigma[,,p]))
        #gamma_all[,p] <- 0
      # Sample \gamma_Sigma{p} (population-level covariance) for each entry p\in{1,..,P};
      # the result is a B_mu x B_mu covariance matrix with entry b1, b2 being the cov between coef b1 and b2
      for(p in 1:P){
        gamma_Sigma[,,p] <- sample_beta_Sigma(v0_gamma, S0_gamma, num_causes, matrix(gamma_all[,p]), 
                                                      rapply(gamma_c_all, classes='matrix', how='list', 
                                                             f=function(x) x[, p, drop=FALSE])) )
        #gamma_Sigma[,,p] <- 0.1 * diag(B_mu)
    ############ UPDATE \xi_{c,lk} ############
    ############ and hierarchical regression params for each
    if( xi_identity ){
      if( ss==1 ){
        # Fix xi to the identity matrix (only need to be done once)
        I_k = diag(K)
        for(c in 1:num_causes){
          for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
            xi_all[[c]][,,i] = I_k
      # Update Omega_all ( \Omega_i = \Theta \xi_{c[i]}(x_i) for i in 1,...,N_c )
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(i in 1:(N[[c]]) ){
          Omega_all[[c]][,,i] <- Theta_all[[c]]
    } else{
      # Sample \beta_{c,lk} for each cause c and entry l\in{1,..,L} and k\in{1,...,K};
      # the result is a length B_sig vector with entry b being the coefficient for covariate b for \xi_{c,lk}
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
        for(l in 1:L){
          for(k in 1:K){
            beta_c_all[[c]][,l,k] <- sample_betaxi_c(z_c=z_all[[c]], Sig0vec=Sigma_0_vec, 
                                                     eta_c=eta_all[[c]], Theta_c=Theta_all[[c]], beta_c=beta_c_all[[c]],
                                                     mu_beta=matrix(beta_all[,l,k]), Sigma_beta=as.matrix(beta_Sigma[,,l,k]), 
                                                     XXt_c=XXt_all_sig[[c]],  X_c=Xt_all_sig[[c]],
                                                     k_get=k-1, l_get=l-1, is_obs=1*obs_tmpc)
            xi_all[[c]][l,k,] = (X_all_sig[[c]])%*%matrix(beta_c_all[[c]][,l,k])
      # Rescale Xi (i.e., beta_c_all) and Theta/Delta, along with variance/precision
      # parameters for each, so as to fix multiplicative identifiability issue.
      if( ss==1 ){ # only need to calculate this once
        I_k = diag(K); nI_k = norm(I_k, type='F')
        nI = sum(unlist(N)) * nI_k
      nXi = 0
      for(c in 1:num_causes){ 
        for(i in 1:N[[c]]){ 
          nXi = nXi + norm(xi_all[[c]][,,i], type='F') 
      mult = nI / nXi
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(l in 1:L){
          for(k in 1:K){
            beta_c_all[[c]][,l,k] <- mult * beta_c_all[[c]][,l,k]
            xi_all[[c]][l,k,] = mult * xi_all[[c]][l,k,]
        Theta_all[[c]] = Theta_all[[c]] / mult
      phi_theta = mult * mult * phi_theta # precision term, so x~N(0,phi^-1) --> x/m~N(0,(m^2phi)^-1)
      phi_delta = mult * mult * phi_delta
      Delta = Delta / mult
      for(l in 1:L){
        for(k in 1:K){
          beta_all[,l,k] <- mult * beta_all[,l,k]
          beta_Sigma[,,l,k] <- mult * mult * beta_Sigma[,,l,k]
      # Sample \beta_{lk} (population-level mean) for each entry l\in{1,..,L} and k\in{1,...,K};
      # the result is a length B_sig vector with entry b being the coefficient for covariate b
      beta_means <- Reduce("+", beta_c_all) / length(beta_c_all) # BxLxK array of avg of cause-spec betas
      for(l in 1:L){
        for(k in 1:K){
          beta_all[,l,k] <- sample_beta_mu(mu_0_beta, Lambda_0_beta, num_causes, 
                                           beta_means[,l,k,drop=F], as.matrix(beta_Sigma[,,l,k]))
          #beta_all[,l,k] <- 0
      # Sample \beta_Sigma{lk} (population-level covariance) for each entry l\in{1,..,L} and k\in{1,...,K};
      # the result is a B_sig x B_sig covariance matrix with entry b1, b2 being the cov between coef b1 and b2
      for(l in 1:L){
        for(k in 1:K){
          beta_Sigma[,,l,k] <- sample_beta_Sigma(v0_beta, S0_beta, num_causes, beta_all[,l,k,drop=F], 
                                                         rapply(beta_c_all, classes='array', how='list', 
                                                                f=function(x) x[, l, k, drop=FALSE])) )
          #beta_Sigma[,,l,k] <- 0.1 * diag(B_sig)
      # Update Omega_all ( \Omega_i = \Theta \xi_{c[i]}(x_i) for i in 1,...,N_c )
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(i in 1:(N[[c]]) ){
          Omega_all[[c]][,,i] <- get_Omega_i(Theta_all[[c]], xi_all[[c]][,,i])
    ############ UPDATE \psi_{c,k} ############
    ############ and hierarchical regression params for each
    # Fix alpha_c_all to 0, and alpha_Sigma to the identity, then you end up with \eta_i~N(0, I)
    if( ss==1 ){
      if( mu_collapse ){ # If we have z_i = \Lambda\eta_i, \eta_i~N(\psi x, I) 
        for(k in 1:K){ sigSqpsi_all[k] <- 1 } # Fix sigSqpsi_all to 1 for identifiability
      } else{ # If we have z_i = \mu + \Lambda\eta_i, \eta_i~N(0, I) 
        for(c in 1:num_causes){
          for(k in 1:K){
            alpha_c_all[[c]][,k] <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(XtX_all_mu[[c]]),ncol=1) # allows for mean-0 spec of eta
        for(k in 1:K){ sigSqpsi_all[k] <- 1 } # Fix sigSqpsi_all for identifiability
    # Sample \psi_{c,i,k} for entries k\in{1,...,K} for each death i with cause c ;
    # each iter samples a single numer, the draw for component k of death i of cause c
    for(c in 1:num_causes){
      obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
      for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
        obs_symps <- obs_tmpc[i,]
        psi_all[[c]][,i] <- sample_psi_i(sigSqpsi_all, alpha_c_all[[c]], matrix(X_all_mu[[c]][i,]),
    if( mu_collapse ){ # If we have z_i=\Lambda\eta_i, \eta_i~N(\psi x, I) 
      # Sample \alpha_{c,k} for each cause c and entry k\in{1,...,K};
      # \alpha_{c,k} is length B_mu vector with entry b the coefficient for covariate b for \psi_{c,k}
      psi_RSS <- matrix(0,nrow=K)
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(k in 1:K){
          alpha_c_all[[c]][,k] <- sample_beta_c(matrix(psi_all[[c]][k,]), matrix(alpha_all[,k]), 
                                                as.matrix(alpha_Sigma[,,k]), sigSqpsi_all[k], 
                                                XtX_all_mu[[c]], Xt_all_mu[[c]])
      # Sample \alpha_{k} (population-level mean) for each entry k\in{1,...,K};
      # the result is a length B_mu vector with entry b being the coefficient for covariate b
      alpha_means <- Reduce("+", alpha_c_all) / length(alpha_c_all) # BxK matrix of avg of cause-spec betas
      for(k in 1:K){
        alpha_all[,k] <- sample_beta_mu(mu_0_alpha, Lambda_0_alpha, num_causes, 
                                        matrix(alpha_means[,k]), as.matrix(alpha_Sigma[,,k]))
      # Sample \alpha_Sigma{lk} (population-level covariance) for each entry k\in{1,...,K};
      # the result is a B_mu x B_mu covariance matrix with entry b1, b2 being the cov between coef b1 and b2
      for(k in 1:K){
        alpha_Sigma[,,k] <- sample_beta_Sigma(v0_alpha, S0_alpha, num_causes, alpha_all[,k], 
                                                      rapply(alpha_c_all, classes='matrix', how='list', 
                                                             f=function(x) x[, k, drop=FALSE])) )
    ############ UPDATE \eta_{i} ############
    ############ (via sampling \nu_{i})
    # Repsent latent factor process \eta_{i} equivalently as
    # \eta_{i} = \psi(x_i) + \nu_i, where \nu_i~N(0,I_k).
    # BUT I'm going to fix \nu_i to 0, and model \eta_{i,k} ~ (\beta_k x_i, 1) for k \in 1,...,K.
    for(c in 1:num_causes){
      for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
        # Fix nu to 0, based on my adjusted parameterization
        nu_all[[c]][,i] <- 0
        # Now \eta_{i} is simply the sum of psi and nu!
        eta_all[[c]][,i] <- psi_all[[c]][,i] + nu_all[[c]][,i]
    ############ UPDATE \sigma^2_{p} ############
    ############ (for non-binary symptoms)
    # Get RSS for each 
    sigsq_RSS <- matrix(0,nrow=P)
    if( !all_binary ){
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
        for(i in 1:N[[c]]){
          obs_symps <- obs_tmpc[i,] & is_binary
          tmp_rs <- (Theta_all[[c]][obs_symps,,drop=F]) %*% (xi_all[[c]][,,i]) %*% matrix(eta_all[[c]][,i]) - 
          sigsq_RSS[obs_symps] = sigsq_RSS[obs_symps] + tmp_rs^2 
    for(p in 1:P){
      if( !is_binary[p] ){
        Sigma_0[p,p] <- sample_sigsq(a_sigsq, b_sigsq, N_obs_bysymp[p], sigsq_RSS[p])
    # Make Sigma_0_vec from updated Sigma_0
    Sigma_0_vec <- matrix(diag(Sigma_0))
    ############ UPDATE \Theta_{c,p*} ############
    ############ and shrinkage params for each
    # Sample each row of PxL matrix \Theta_c for each c
    for(c in 1:num_causes){
      obs_tmpc = S_mat_notna[[c]]
      for(p in 1:P){
        if( no_obs_cp[c,p] ){
          Theta_all[[c]][p,] <- sample_Theta_j_noobs(matrix(Delta[p,]), matrix(phi_theta[p,]), tau_theta)
        } else{
          obs_inds <- obs_tmpc[,p]
          Theta_all[[c]][p,] <- sample_Theta_j(Sigma_0_vec[p], xi_all[[c]][,,obs_inds,drop=F], 
                                               matrix(z_all[[c]][p,obs_inds,drop=F]), matrix(Delta[p,]),
                                               matrix(phi_theta[p,]), tau_theta)
    ############ UPDATE \Delta_{c,pl} ############
    ############ and shrinkage params for each
    # Sample each row of PxL matrix \Delta
    for(p in 1:P){ 
      for(l in 1:L){
        Delta[p,l] <- sample_Delta_jl(phi_delta[p,l], tau_delta[l],
                                      matrix(unlist( rapply(Theta_all, classes='matrix', how='list', 
                                                            f=function(x) x[p,l, drop=FALSE]) )), 
                                      phi_theta[p,l], tau_theta[l])
    # Delta shares its precision parameters with Theta
    # Sample each element of \phi_{\theta} (use this for \phi_{\delta} too)
    for(p in 1:P){
      for(l in 1:L){
        sum_tmp <- tau_theta[l]*(Delta[p,l])^2
        for(c in 1:num_causes){
          sum_tmp <- sum_tmp + tau_theta[l]*(Theta_all[[c]][p,l]-Delta[p,l])^2
        phi_theta[p,l] <- sample_phi_pl(nu_theta, sum_tmp, num_causes+1)
      phi_delta[p,] <- phi_theta[p,]
    # Sample each element of L-vec \delta_{\theta} and calculate tau_theta (cum prod) on the way
    Theta_cube <- array(c(unlist(Theta_all),rep(0,P*L)), 
                        dim = c(nrow(Theta_all[[1]]), ncol(Theta_all[[1]]), length(Theta_all) + 1))
    for(l in 1:L){
      delta_theta[l] <- sample_delta_theta(a1_del_the, a2_del_the, Delta, Theta_cube,
                                           phi_theta, delta_theta, l-1)
      delta_delta[l] <- delta_theta[l]
        # initialize tau_theta first value
        tau_theta[l] <- delta_theta[l]
        tau_delta[l] <- tau_theta[l]
      } else{ 
        # update tau to be product of deltas as you go
        tau_theta[l] <- tau_theta[l-1]*delta_theta[l]
        tau_delta[l] <- tau_theta[l]
    ############ UPDATE z_{ij} ############
    ############ (for binary symptoms)
    # For observations s_{ij} with symptom j binary,
    # we need to sample to get z_{ij} at each iteration.
    # (For non-binary symptom j, z_{ij} = s_{ij} always.)
    # Update Omega_all ( \Omega_i = \Theta \xi_{c[i]}(x_i) for i in 1,...,N_c )
    for(c in 1:num_causes){
      for(i in 1:(N[[c]]) ){
        Omega_all[[c]][,,i] <- get_Omega_i(Theta_all[[c]], xi_all[[c]][,,i])
    # Sample each element of z_all and calculate mean and covariance on the way!
    samps <- sample_z_mean_cov_all(S_mat, Omega_all, eta_all, unlist(N), 
                                   Sigma_0_vec, z_all_nominus, z_all, P,
                                   is_binary, mu_all, mu_collapse, psi_all)
    mean_all = samps[["mean_all"]]
    cov_all = samps[["cov_all"]]
    z_all = samps[["z_all"]]
    z_all_nominus = samps[["z_all_nominus"]]
    # Want to keep Inf/-Inf values from breaking my sampler, but print warnings as this is used
    bad_z = 0; z_all_sum = sum(unlist(z_all))
    if( is.infinite(z_all_sum) | is.na(z_all_sum) ){
      for(c in 1:num_causes){
        for(i in 1:(N[[c]]) ){
          for(j in 1:P){
              bad_cond = is.infinite(z_all[[c]][j,i]); bad_replace = 50
                if( S_mat[[c]][i,j] == 1 ){ z_all[[c]][j,i] <- bad_replace; bad_z = bad_z+1 }
                if( S_mat[[c]][i,j] == 0 ){ z_all[[c]][j,i] <- -bad_replace; bad_z = bad_z+1 }
      cat(paste("Warning: bad_z=",bad_z,sep=""))
    ############ CLEANUP AND SAVE, AND SAMPLE FOR Y_TEST ############
    # Save and add things to running mean total depending on conditions
    if( (ss%%thin==0) & (ss>burnin) & (save_num<=save_num_tot) ){
      # Save the current values of the higher level parameters to get posterior mean
      postSavesnum <- postSavesnum + 1
      # Collect ongoing sum of select parameters to get posterior mean
      Omega_all_post <- Map("+", Omega_all_post, lapply(1:num_causes, function(x) Omega_all[[x]][, , save_inds_sig[[x]], drop=FALSE]))
      eta_all_post <- Map("+", eta_all_post, lapply(1:num_causes, function(x) eta_all[[x]][, save_inds_mu[[x]], drop=FALSE]))
      sigsq_RSS_post <- sigsq_RSS_post + sigsq_RSS
      Sigma_0_vec_post <- Sigma_0_vec_post + Sigma_0_vec
      mu_post <- Map("+", mu_post, lapply(1:num_causes, function(x) mu_all[[x]][, save_inds_mu[[x]], drop=FALSE]))
      mean_indiv_post <- Map("+", mean_indiv_post, lapply(1:num_causes, function(x) mean_all[[x]][, save_inds_mu[[x]], drop=FALSE]))
      cov_indiv_post <- Map("+", cov_indiv_post, lapply(1:num_causes, function(x) cov_all[[x]][, , save_inds_sig[[x]], drop=FALSE]))
      Theta_all_post <- Map("+", Theta_all_post, Theta_all)
      Delta_post <- Delta_post + Delta
      tau_delta_post <- tau_delta_post + tau_delta
      tau_theta_post <- tau_theta_post + tau_theta
        # Save current parameter values for inference-parameters
        for(c in 1:num_causes){
          z_indiv_inf[[c]][,,save_num] <- z_all_nominus[[c]][, save_inds_mu[[c]]] # , drop=FALSE
          mean_indiv_inf[[c]][,,save_num] <- mean_all[[c]][, save_inds_mu[[c]]] # , drop=FALSE
          mu_inf[[c]][,,save_num] <- mu_all[[c]][, save_inds_mu[[c]]] # , drop=FALSE
          cov_indiv_inf[[c]][,,,save_num] <- cov_all[[c]][, , save_inds_sig[[c]]] # , drop=FALSE
        tau_delta_inf[,save_num] <- tau_delta
        tau_theta_inf[,save_num] <- tau_theta
        Sigma_0_vec_inf[,save_num] <- Sigma_0_vec
      ############ SAMPLE y_{i*} FOR TEST DATA ############
      ############ (if you have people with unknown COD)
      if( !is.null(S_test) ){
        if( mu_collapse ){ gamma_c_all=list(); for(c in 1:num_causes){gamma_c_all[[c]]=matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=P)} }
        if( fast_test_samp | !(sum(is_binary)==P | sum(!is_binary)==P) ){
          # If you have mixed data, or want faster sampling, then sample via MC approximation.
          pi_SgivenY <- get_piSgivenY(N_test, num_causes, P, mc_tot, cov_incl, X_test_mu, X_test_sig, S_test,
                                      beta_c_all, Theta_all, mu_collapse, gamma_c_all,
                                      alpha_c_all, matrix(sigSqpsi_all), Sigma_0, is_binary)
        } else{
          pi_SgivenY <- get_piSgivenY_analytic(sigSqpsi_all, beta_c_all, alpha_c_all, 
                                               X_test_sig, X_test_mu, Theta_all,
                                               P, num_causes, N_test, mu_collapse, gamma_c_all, 
                                               Sigma_0, S_test, is_binary)
        if( !is.null(impossible_cause) ){ # Set impossible-cause entries of pi_SgivenY to 0.
          pi_SgivenY[impossible_cause] = 0
        pi_SgivenY <- sweep(pi_SgivenY,1,rowSums(pi_SgivenY),`/`) # divide each column entry by the sum of its rows
        # sum(pi_SgivenY[1,]); round(pi_SgivenY,3)
        # cbind(cs_test, round(pi_SgivenY,3))
        # Now get individual CODs and CSMF
        cod_test_tmp <- rep(NA,N_test)
        csmf_tmp <- rep(NA,num_causes)
        for(i in 1:N_test){ cod_test_tmp[i] <- sampleDist(n=1, num_causes=num_causes, probs=pi_SgivenY[i,]) }
        for(c in 1:num_causes){ csmf_tmp[c] <- mean(cod_test_tmp==c) }
        indiv_prob <- indiv_prob + pi_SgivenY # replace(pi_SgivenY, is.na(pi_SgivenY), 0)
        cod_test_save[,save_num] <- cod_test_tmp
        csmf_test_save[,save_num] <- csmf_tmp
      save_num = save_num+1
    if(ss==1){ # Print timing results.
      ptm2 <- proc.time() - ptm 
      time_sec = (nsamps-save_num_tot)*ptm2[3] + 6*save_num_tot*ptm2[3] # note slower predictive stage
      cat(paste('Collecting',nsamps,'samples is expected to take around',round(time_sec/(60*60),2),'hours.\n'))
  } # for(ss in 1:nsamps)
  if (verbose) { cat("Done with sampling!\n") }
  # Get posterior mean from ongoing sum of select parameters
  Omega_all_post <- lapply(Omega_all_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  eta_all_post <- lapply(eta_all_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  sigsq_RSS_post <- sigsq_RSS_post/postSavesnum
  Sigma_0_vec_post <- Sigma_0_vec_post/postSavesnum
  mu_post <- lapply(mu_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  mean_indiv_post <- lapply(mean_indiv_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  cov_indiv_post <- lapply(cov_indiv_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  if( !is.null(S_test) ){indiv_prob <- sweep(indiv_prob,1,rowSums(indiv_prob),`/`)}
  Theta_all_post <- lapply(Theta_all_post, function(x) x/postSavesnum)
  Delta_post <- Delta_post/postSavesnum
  tau_delta_post <- tau_delta_post/postSavesnum
  tau_theta_post <- tau_theta_post/postSavesnum
  if( is.null(S_test) ){ 
    csmf_test_save = cod_test_save = indiv_prob = NULL 
  } else{ 
    rownames(csmf_test_save) = un_cods 
    colnames(indiv_prob) <- un_cods
  if( !inference ){ 
    z_indiv_inf = mu_inf = mean_indiv_inf = cov_indiv_inf = NULL
    tau_delta_inf = tau_theta_inf = Sigma_0_vec_inf = NULL 
  farva_res = list("csmf_test_save"=csmf_test_save, "cod_test_save"=cod_test_save,
  post_list = list("mu_post"=mu_post, "mean_indiv_post"=mean_indiv_post, "cov_indiv_post"=cov_indiv_post,
                   "Theta_all_post"=Theta_all_post, "tau_theta_post"=tau_theta_post,
                   "Delta_post"=Delta_post, "tau_delta_post"=tau_delta_post)
  settings_list = list("save_inds_mu"=save_inds_mu, "save_inds_sig"=save_inds_sig, 
                       "K"=K, "L"=L, "un_cods"=un_cods, "impossible_cause"=impossible_cause, 
                       "burnin"=burnin, "thin"=thin, "mu_collapse"=mu_collapse)
  if( return_data ){
    dat_list = list("S_mat"=S_mat, "X_all_mu"=X_all_mu, "X_all_sig"=X_all_sig, 
                    "S_test"=S_test, "X_test_mu"=X_test_mu, "X_test_sig"=X_test_sig)
  } else{
    dat_list = list()
  if( inference ){ 
    inf_list = list("z_indiv_inf"=z_indiv_inf,"mu_inf"=mu_inf,
                    "tau_delta_inf"=tau_delta_inf, "tau_theta_inf"=tau_theta_inf,
  } else{
    inf_list = list()
  return( c(farva_res, post_list, settings_list, dat_list, inf_list) )
kelrenmor/farva documentation built on April 7, 2023, 9:19 a.m.