
Defines functions RegParallel

Documented in RegParallel

RegParallel <- function(
  design = NULL,
  blocksize = 500,
  cores = 3,
  nestedParallel = FALSE,
  p.adjust = "none",
  conflevel = 95,
  excludeTerms = NULL,
  excludeIntercept = TRUE)


  # detect system being used
  system <- Sys.info()['sysname']
  message('System is:')
  message('-- ', system)

  # if nestedParallel is TRUE, parLapply (Windows) or
  # mclapply (linux/mac) will be used to process the variables;
  # thus, adding an additional layer of parallelisation.
  # if nestedParallel is FALSE< lapply is used
  if (nestedParallel == TRUE) {
    if (system == 'Windows') {
      APPLYFUN = function(...) parLapply(cl, ...)
    } else {
      APPLYFUN = function(...) mclapply(...)
  } else if (nestedParallel == FALSE) {
      APPLYFUN = function(...) lapply(...)
  } else {
      stop('Invalid value for argument nestedParallel. Must be TRUE/FALSE')

  # blocksize
  blocksize <- round(blocksize, 0)
  message('-- ', blocksize)

  # remove and report data with all 0
  zeros <- which(mapply(function(x) all(x == 0), data[variables]) == TRUE)
  if (length(zeros) > 0 ) {
    message(length(zeros), ' variables have all zeros! Removing these...')
    data <- data[,-which(colnames(data) %in% variables[zeros])]
    variables <- variables[-zeros]
    message('Now testing ', length(variables), ' variables')

  # blocksize cannot be greater than number of variables to test
  # throw an error if so
  if (blocksize > length(variables)) {
    stop('blocksize is greater than number of variables to test. ',
      'Choose a smaller blocksize',
      call. = FALSE)

  # cores / threads
  if (cores < 1) {
    stop('Cannot have cores / threads less than 1')
  message('Cores / Threads:')
  message('-- ', floor(cores))

  # nested parallelisation
  if (nestedParallel == TRUE) {
    message('Nesting enabled. Total potential cores + forked threads is:')
    message('-- ', cores * cores)

  # if user is on Windows, cores / threads for certain functions have
  # to be registered differently, i.e., as a cluster object that implements
  # SNOW functionality.
  # If on Mac / Linux, they are registered via 'mc.cores' and as a number of
  # cores to registerDoParallel()
  cl <- NULL
  if (system == 'Windows') {
    cl <- makeCluster(getOption('cl.cores', cores))
  } else {
    options('mc.cores' = cores)

  # determine number of blocks
  blocks <- ceiling(length(variables) / blocksize)
  #blocks <- floor((length(variables)) / blocksize) + 1
  #if (blocksize == length(variables)) {
  #  blocks <- 1

  # parsing the formula
    # substitute the [*] for a dummy variable and try to coerce to a formula
    f <- gsub('\\[\\*\\]', 'dummyvar', formula)
    if (is(try(as.formula(f), silent = TRUE), 'try-error')) {
      stop('The formula is invalid.')

    # strip out information from the model to parse the variable names
    terms <- all.vars(as.formula(f))

    # if, on the off chance, the user is testing for a variable called
    # 'dummyvar', we have to account for this possibility
    if (str_count(f, 'dummyvar') > 1) {
      terms <- terms
    } else {
      terms <- terms[-grep('dummyvar', terms)]

    message('Terms included in model:')
    for (i in seq_len(length(terms))) {
      message('-- ', terms[i])

    # check that terms are in the data
    for (i in seq_len(length(terms))) {
      if (!any(grepl(paste0('^', terms[i], '$'), colnames(data))) == TRUE) {
        stop('Error! - ', terms[i], ' not found. ',
          'Check your model formula and data.')

  # check that a valid p.adjust entry exists
  if (grepl("^holm$|^hochberg$|^hommel$|^bonferroni$|^BH$|^BY$|^fdr$|^none$", p.adjust) == FALSE) {
    stop('p.adjust value not valid! ',
      'See ?p.adjust for possible values')

  # 'left align' the terms in the input data
  data <- cbind(data[,which(colnames(data) %in% c(terms))], data[,which(colnames(data) %in% c(variables))])

  # determine starting index in the data from which we will loop over our
  # variables being tested
  startIndex <- length(terms)

  # when there is only 1 term, the colname of the data-frame defaults to 
  # 'data[, which(colnames(data) %in% c(terms))]'
  # reset it
  if (length(terms) == 1) {
    colnames(data)[1] <- terms[1]

  # store each possible formula in the list
  formula.list <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(length(variables))) {
    formula.list[[i]] <- as.formula(gsub('\\[\\*\\]', variables[i], formula))

  # dispaly first 5 formula
  five <- unlist(head(formula.list), 5)
  message("First 5 formulae:")
  for (i in seq_len(5)) {
    message('-- ', five[i])

  # no Intercept term is returned for coxph or clogit
  # issue a message to user regarding this
  if ((excludeIntercept == FALSE) && (grepl('coxph|clogit', FUNtype) == TRUE)) {
    message('Note: an intercept term will be generated for neither ',
      'Cox Proportional Hazards nor conditional logistic regression ',

  # detect if incorrect FUNtype selected
  if (!any((FUNtype %in% c('glm', 'lm', 'coxph', 'clogit', 'bayesglm')) == TRUE)) {
    stop('FUNtype not recognised. Choose one of glm, lm, coxph, ',
      'clogit, or bayesglm')

  # identify FUNtype and launch relevant function
  if (FUNtype == 'glm') {
    res <- glmParallel(
      data = data,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms,
      excludeIntercept = excludeIntercept)
  } else if (FUNtype == 'svyglm') {
    res <- svyglmParallel(
      data = data,
      design = design,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms,
      excludeIntercept = excludeIntercept)
  } else if (FUNtype == 'lm') {
    res <- lmParallel(
      data = data,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms,
      excludeIntercept = excludeIntercept)
  } else if (FUNtype == 'coxph') {
    res <- coxphParallel(
      data = data,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms)
  } else if (FUNtype == 'clogit') {
    res <- clogitParallel(
      data = data,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms)
  } else if (FUNtype == 'bayesglm') {
    res <- bayesglmParallel(
      data = data,
      formula.list = formula.list,
      FUN = FUN,
      variables = variables,
      terms = terms,
      startIndex = startIndex,
      blocksize = blocksize,
      blocks = blocks,
      conflevel = conflevel,
      excludeTerms = excludeTerms,
      excludeIntercept = excludeIntercept)

  # p-value adjustment
  if (p.adjust != 'none') {
    if ((FUNtype == 'coxph') || (FUNtype == 'clogit')) {
      res$P.adjust <- p.adjust(res$P, p.adjust)
      res$LRT.adjust <- p.adjust(res$LRT, p.adjust)
      res$Wald.adjust <- p.adjust(res$Wald, p.adjust)
      res$LogRank.adjust <- p.adjust(res$LogRank, p.adjust)
    } else {
      res$P.adjust <- p.adjust(res$P, p.adjust)

  # a sanity / integrity check - this code should never be executed
  # checks that all variables in results object are the same (and are in the
  # same order) as the input variables.
  if (!all((unique(res$Variable) == variables) == TRUE)) {
    stop('An unknown error has occurred. ',
      'Please report on Bioconductor support site: ',


kevinblighe/StatParallel documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 6:23 p.m.