Man pages for kevinlkx/mapgen
Multi-function software that performs enrichment, functionally-informed genetic fine-mapping and gene mapping

assign_snp_locusAssign GWAS SNPs to LD blocks
block_view_summaryLD block view summary table
clean_sumstatsCleans summary statistics
compute_gene_pipCompute gene PIPs based on fine-mapping result and functional...
extract_gene_level_resultExtract gene-level result from SNP-level gene mapping result
find_nearest_genesFind the nearest genes for top SNPs in each locus.
gene_csObtain credible gene sets from SNP-level gene mapping table
gene_manhattan_plotMake gene Manhattan plot
gene_view_summaryGene view summary table
get_locus_level_gene_pipGet locus level gene PIP
get_UKBB_region_infoGet region info with filenames of LD matrices and variant...
harmonize_sumstats_LDHarmonize GWAS summary statistics with LD reference
LD_diagnosis_susie_rssPerform diagnosis to check the consistency between the GWAS...
load_UKBB_LDREFLoad UK Biobank LD reference matrix and variant information
make_genomic_annotsMake genomic annotations from a GTF file
match_gwas_bigsnpMatch alleles between GWAS summary statistics and bigSNP...
match_gwas_LDREFMatch GWAS sumstats with LD reference files. Only keep...
merge_susie_sumstatsmerges SuSiE results with original summary statistics data...
nearby_interactionsGet nearby interactions for enhancer regions near promoters
partition_pip_annotsPartition PIPs into functional annotation categories.
partition_pip_regionsPartition PIPs into disjoint functional annotation regions
pipePipe operator
pip_structure_plotMake a structure plot of partitioned PIP by locus
prepare_susie_data_with_torus_resultPrepare summary statistics with TORUS SNP-level priors as...
prepare_torus_input_filesPrepare TORUS input files
process_ABCProcess ABC scores and save as a GRanges object
process_finemapping_sumstatsProcess fine-mapping summary statistics data
process_gwas_sumstatsProcess GWAS summary statistics and harmonize with LD...
process_loop_dataProcess chromatin loop data and save as a GRanges object
process_pcHiCProcess PC-HiC data and save as a GRanges object
read_LDread LD matrix data by file format
read_LD_SNP_infoRead all SNP info in LD reference
run_finemappingRun functional fine-mapping using summary statistics
run_torusRun enrichment analysis and compute SNP-level priors using...
snp_view_summarySNP view summary table
susie_finemap_regionRun fine-mapping for one region with SuSiE using summary...
track_plotMake gene track plot using Gviz
kevinlkx/mapgen documentation built on March 31, 2024, 11:03 p.m.