
#----- reset your R session. ------------------------------------------
#----- load required packages -----------------------------------------
#----- source required functions --------------------------------------

# Suppress summarise info
# because `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# comes up a lot in the consol, which is annoying
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

#--------   Phenology data --------------------------------------------
data <- readRDS("data/jungle_rhythms_data_manuscript_leaf_repro.rds")
# data <- readRDS("data/jungle_rhythms_data_cleaned.rds")
species_list <- unique(data$species_full)

#-------- census data  ------------------------------------------------
#-------- get species-specific basal area, abundance, max dbh
census <- read.csv("data/YGB_ForestPlotsNET_corrected_indet.csv",
                   header = TRUE,
                   sep = ",",
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
census <- census %>%
  dplyr::rename("species_full" = Species)
census$species_full <- ifelse(census$species_full == "Unknown", NA, census$species_full)

# remove individuals without C1DBH4,
# these are new recruits for census2
census <- census[!($C1DBH4)),]
# and calculate basal_area for each individual
# C1DBH4 unit is mm -> /1000 for m
census$basal_area = pi*(census$C1DBH4/2000)^2

# only use mixed plots
# get %basal area, abundance and max dbh for each species at site level (1-ha stats)
census <- census %>%
  filter(grepl("MIX",Plot)) %>%
  group_by(species_full) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(basal_area_site = sum(basal_area)/5,
                   abundance = length(basal_area)/5, #/5, because 5 1-ha plots
                   dbh_max_mm_census = max(C1DBH4))
total_basal_area <- sum(census$basal_area_site)
census$basal_area_percentage <- census$basal_area_site/total_basal_area *100
census <- census %>%

# summary statistics:
# start year, end year,
# number of observation years,
# number of site years with events,
# nr of individuals
stats_LD <- overview_stats(data = data,
                           species_name = species_list,
                           pheno = "leaf_dormancy")
stats_LT <- overview_stats(data = data,
                           species_name = species_list,
                           pheno = "leaf_turnover")
output_stats <- rbind(stats_LD, stats_LT)
rm(stats_LD, stats_LT)

# Average duration of an event
# use function event_length to get the starting week of each event (individual level)
event_LD <- event_length(data = data,
                         species_name = species_list,
                         pheno = "leaf_dormancy")
event_LT <- event_length(data = data,
                         species_name = species_list,
                         pheno = "leaf_turnover")
event_indiv <- rbind(event_LD, event_LT)

# mean and sd of length phenophase (species level)
# rescaling 48-week year to 52-week year
output_event_duration <- event_indiv %>%
  group_by(species_full, phenophase) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(mean_phenophase_length_weeks = mean(phenophase_length, na.rm = TRUE)/48 *52,
                   sd_phenophase_length_weeks = sd(phenophase_length, na.rm = TRUE)/48 *52,
                   total_nr_events = length(phenophase_length[!(]))
rm(event_LD, event_LT)

#------------ Synchrony index among individuals across years -------------------
# calculate the synchrony between events as mean and SD of onset (= week_start)
# then reformat those taking the year - date line into consideration
transition_dates <- event_indiv %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(degree = week_start * 360/48)

onset_event <- transition_dates %>%
  group_by(species_full, phenophase) %>%
    mean_degree = mean.circular(circular(degree, units = "degrees")),
    median_degree = median.circular(circular(degree, units = "degrees")),
    sd_rad = sd.circular(circular(degree, units = "degrees")), # eventhough units in degree, sd calculated in radians #
    nr_events_onset = length(week_start)) %>%
  mutate(sd_degree = deg(sd_rad))
# only sd for species with more than 3 events
onset_event$sd_degree <- ifelse(onset_event$nr_events_onset >= 3, onset_event$sd_degree, NA)
# mean: rescaling between 0 and 360 degrees
onset_event$mean_rescaled <- ifelse(onset_event$mean_degree < 0, onset_event$mean_degree +360, onset_event$mean_degree)
onset_event$median_rescaled <- ifelse(onset_event$median_degree < 0, onset_event$median_degree +360, onset_event$median_degree)
# rescaling degrees to weeks
# and only keep columns you need
output_onset_event <- onset_event %>%
  mutate(mean_intrasp_onset_weeks = mean_rescaled /360 *52,
         median_intrasp_onset_weeks = median_rescaled /360 *52,
         sd_intrasp_onset_weeks = sd_degree/360*52) %>%
rm(onset_event, event_indiv)

#------------ Synchrony indexes within individuals across years ----------------
#-- Synchrony index within individuals across years ----------------------------
#-- will be writen out as separate file
onset_ind <- transition_dates %>%
  group_by(id, species_full, phenophase) %>%
  filter(length(week_start) >= 3) %>%    # only species with more than 3 events
  dplyr::summarise(sd_rad = sd.circular(circular(degree, units = "degrees")), # eventhough units in degree, sd calculated in radians
                   nr_events_onset = length(week_start)) %>%
  mutate(sd_degree = deg(sd_rad))
# rescaling degrees to weeks
output_synchrony_ind <- onset_ind %>%
  mutate(onset_sd_indiv_weeks = sd_degree/360*52) %>%

#-- Average synchrony index within individuals across years - for each species
output_synchrony_ind_sp <- output_synchrony_ind %>%
  group_by(species_full, phenophase) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(mean_intra_ind_onset_weeks = mean(onset_sd_indiv_weeks),
                   sd_intra_ind_onset_weeks = sd(onset_sd_indiv_weeks))
rm(onset_ind, transition_dates)

#-------- read in trait data from Steven Janssens ---------------------
#-------- get species-specific basal area at plot and site level ------
traits <- read.csv("data-raw/Dataset_traits_African_trees.csv",
                   header = TRUE,
                   sep = ",",
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
traits <- traits %>%
  dplyr::rename("mating_system" = Mating_system,
                "ecology" = Ecology,
                "height_m_literature" = Height_lit_m,
                "dbh_max_cm_literature" = Dmax_lit_cm)

# redefine deciousness of some species (because classified as 'evergreen or deciduous'; 'sometimes deciduous')
# redefine based on the archive phenology data
# clear patterns:
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Pericopsis elata", "deciduous*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Trichilia welwitschii", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Copaifera mildbraedii", "deciduous*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Tridesmostemon omphalocarpoides", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Omphalocarpum lecomteanum", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Fernandoa adolfi-friderici", "deciduous*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Tabernaemontana crassa", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Trichilia tessmannii", "deciduous*",traits$deciduousness)
# not so sure, limited data:
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Trichilia gilletii", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
# not so sure, unclear phenological data:
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Radlkofera calodendron", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Gilletiodendron mildbraedii", "evergreen*",traits$deciduousness)
## two stars, in literature found as evergreen or (sometimes) deciduous
## selected a class based on the actual data
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Celtis mildbraedii", "evergreen**",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Combretum lokele", "deciduous**",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Homalium africanum", "evergreen**",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Quassia silvestris", "evergreen**",traits$deciduousness)
# not so sure, unclear phenological data
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Homalium longistylum", "evergreen**",traits$deciduousness)
traits$deciduousness <- ifelse(traits$species_full %in% "Irvingia gabonensis", "deciduous**",traits$deciduousness)

# merge everything
final <- merge(output_stats, output_event_duration, by = c("species_full", "phenophase"), all.x = TRUE)
final <- merge(final, output_onset_event, by = c("species_full", "phenophase"), all.x = TRUE)
final <- merge(final, output_synchrony_ind_sp, by = c("species_full", "phenophase"), all.x = TRUE)

final <- merge(final, census, by = c("species_full"), all.x = TRUE)
final <- merge(final, traits, by = c("species_full"), all.x = TRUE)

# write to file
write.table(final, "data/summ_species_pheno_characteristics.csv",
          quote = FALSE,
          col.names = TRUE,
          row.names = FALSE,
          sep = ",")

write.table(output_synchrony_ind, "data/synchrony_individuals.csv",
            quote = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            sep = ",")
khufkens/junglerhythms documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 4:59 p.m.