
Defines functions pr_fm_gee

Documented in pr_fm_gee

#' Formatting GEE data
#' Ingests MODIS phenology dates as ingested
#' through the python based Google Earth Engine (GEE) subset tool. This is a
#' fallback method in the absence of a working version of R MODISTools.
#' (https://khufkens.github.io/gee_subset/). Relies on Daymet data coverage,
#' and is for now limited to Northern America.
#' @param path a path to GEE provided MCD12Q2 phenology dates
#' @param phenophase Phenological phase, Increase, Maximum,
#' Decrease or Minimum (default = Increase)
#' @param offset offset of the time series in DOY (default = 264, sept 21)
#' @keywords phenology, model, preprocessing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' modis_data <- pr_fm_gee()

pr_fm_gee <- function(
  path = tempdir(),
  phenophase = "Increase",
  offset = 264

  # helper function to process the data
  format_data = function(site, transition_files, path){

    # define the start date of the MODIS
    # phenology product (days since Jan. 1th 2000)
    start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01")

    # get individual sites form the filenames
    sites = unlist(lapply(strsplit(basename(transition_files),"_"),"[[",1))
    file = transition_files[which(sites == site)]

    # merge all transition date data
    modis_data = utils::read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")

    # grab the site years from the product name
    years = as.numeric(format(as.Date(modis_data$date),"%Y"))

    # grab the location of the site
    lat = unique(modis_data$latitude)
    lon = unique(modis_data$longitude)

    # grab the values, set NA flag and take the median
    modis_data = modis_data[,grep(phenophase,colnames(modis_data))]
    modis_data = unlist(by(modis_data,
                           INDICES = list(years),
                           stats::median, na.rm = TRUE))

    # count the days from the start date, and report the DOY
    phenophase = as.numeric(format(start_date + modis_data, "%j"))

    # min and max range of the daymet data to pull
    # -1 for min_year as we need data from the previous year for cold
    # hardening
    start = min(years) - 1
    end = max(years)

    # download daymet data for a given site
    daymet_data = try(daymetr::download_daymet(
      site = site,
      lat = lat,
      lon = lon,
      start = 1980,
      end = end,
      internal = TRUE,
      silent = TRUE
    silent = TRUE)

    # trap sites outside daymet coverage
    if (inherits(daymet_data,"try-error")){

    # calculate the mean daily temperature
    daymet_data$tmean = (daymet_data$tmax..deg.c. + daymet_data$tmin..deg.c.)/2

    # calculate the long term daily mean temperature and realign it so the first
    # day will be sept 21th (doy 264) and the matching DOY vector
    ltm = as.vector(by(daymet_data$tmean, INDICES = list(daymet_data$yday), mean))
    ltm = c(ltm[offset:365],ltm[1:(offset - 1)])

    # shift data when offset is < 365
    if (offset < 365){
      ltm = c(ltm[offset:365],ltm[1:(offset - 1)])
      doy_neg = c((offset - 366):-1,1:(offset - 1))
      doy = c(offset:365,1:(offset - 1))
    } else {
      doy = doy_neg = 1:365

    # create output matrix (holding mean temp.)
    tmean = matrix(NA,
                   nrow = 365,
                   ncol = length(years))

    # create output matrix (holding min temp.)
    tmin = matrix(NA,
                  nrow = 365,
                  ncol = length(years))

    # create output matrix (holding max temp.)
    tmax = matrix(NA,
                  nrow = 365,
                  ncol = length(years))

    # create output matrix (holding vpd)
    vpd = matrix(NA,
                 nrow = 365,
                 ncol = length(years))

    # create output matrix (holding precip)
    precip = matrix(NA,
                    nrow = 365,
                    ncol = length(years))

    # create a matrix containing the mean temperature between
    # sept 21th in the previous year until sept 21th in
    # the current year (make this a function parameter)
    # for the default offset, if offset is 365 or larger
    # use the current year only
    for (j in 1:length(years)) {
      if (offset < 365) {
        loc <- which((daymet_data$year == (years[j] - 1) &
                        daymet_data$yday >= offset) |
                       (daymet_data$year == years[j] &
                          daymet_data$yday < offset))
      } else {
        loc <- which(daymet_data$year == years[j])

      tmean[, j] <- daymet_data$tmean[loc]
      tmin[, j] <- daymet_data$tmin..deg.c.[loc]
      tmax[, j] <- daymet_data$tmax..deg.c.[loc]
      precip[, j] <- daymet_data$prcp..mm.day.[loc]
      vpd[, j] <- daymet_data$vp..Pa.[loc]

    # calculate daylength
    l = ncol(tmean)
    Li = daylength(doy = doy, latitude = lat)
    Li = matrix(rep(Li,l),length(Li),l)

    # recreate the validation data structure (new format)
    # but with concatted data
    data = list("site" = site,
                "location" = c(lat,lon),
                "doy" = doy_neg,
                "ltm" = ltm,
                "transition_dates" = phenophase,
                "year" = years,
                "Ti" = as.matrix(tmean),
                "Tmini" = as.matrix(tmin),
                "Tmaxi" = as.matrix(tmax),
                "Li" = Li,
                "Pi" = as.matrix(precip),
                "VPDi" = as.matrix(vpd),
                "georeferencing" = NULL

    # assign a class for post-processing
    class(data) = "phenor_time_series_data"

    # return the formatted data
  } # end of helper function


  # list all files in the referred path
  transition_files = list.files(path,"*_MCD12Q2_gee_subset.csv",
                                full.names = TRUE)

  # get individual sites form the filenames
  sites = unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(basename(transition_files),"_"),"[[",1)))

  # track progress
  cat(sprintf('Processing %s sites\n', length(sites)))
  pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(sites), style = 3)
  env = environment()
  i = 0

  # get data
  validation_data = lapply(sites, function(x) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i + 1)
    assign("i", i+1, envir = env)
    format_data(site = x,
                transition_files = transition_files,
                path = normalizePath(path))

  # rename list variables using the proper site names
  names(validation_data) = sites

  # assign a class for post-processing
  class(validation_data) = "phenor_time_series_data"

  # return the formatted data
khufkens/phenor documentation built on June 28, 2024, 2:30 p.m.