#' Calculate rates from IPUMS DHS data
#' @param x TODO
#' @param geo_dir TODO
#' @param num_var TODO
#' @param num_cond TODO
#' @param denom_var TODO
#' @param denom_cond TODO
#' Calculate rates from ipums data and associated geography
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calc_rates(dd, geo_dir = "ext-data/idhs/geo")
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by ungroup rename_all filter summarise n
#' select all_of mutate
#' @importFrom ipumsr read_ipums_sf as_factor lbl_clean zap_labels
#' @export
calc_rates <- function(
x, geo_dir, num_var, num_cond, denom_var = NULL, denom_cond = NULL
) {
check_ipums_data(x, "x")
x$country2 <- ipumsr::as_factor(ipumsr::lbl_clean(x$country))
if (is.null(denom_var)) {
x[["___denom___"]] <- 1
denom_var <- "___denom___"
if (is.null(denom_cond)) {
denom_cond <- unique(x[[denom_var]])
if (!dir.exists(geo_dir))
stop("directory '", geo_dir, "' doesn't exist")
ff <- list.files(geo_dir, pattern = "geo_", full.names = TRUE)
if (length(ff) == 0) {
stop("no files starting with 'geo_' were found in the directory '",
geo_dir, "'")
ftbl <- dplyr::tibble(
f = ff,
country = substr(basename(ff), 5, 6),
start_yr = as.integer(substr(basename(ff), 7, 10)),
end_yr = as.integer(substr(basename(ff), 12, 15))
# there are duplicate shapefiles for many countries
# for now, choose those that have the latest data
# and also go back the farthest
# (could add an option later to do latest start and end date)
ftbl <- ftbl %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$country) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$end_yr == max(.data$end_yr)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$start_yr == max(.data$start_yr)) %>%
ff <- ftbl$f
xnms <- names(x)
res <- list()
for (f in ff) {
geodf <- ipumsr::read_ipums_sf(f, verbose = FALSE) %>%
names(geodf)[3] <- "dhscode"
geodf$dhscode <- as.integer(geodf$dhscode)
cur_var <- gsub(".*(geo_.*).zip", "\\1", f)
cur_cntry <- geodf$cntry_name[1]
message(cur_cntry, ": ", cur_var)
# if (cur_cntry == "South Africa") {
# geodf <- fix_south_africa_geo(geodf)
# }
if (!cur_var %in% xnms) {
message(" not found...")
vars <- c("year", "perweight", num_var, denom_var)
# first get just the country
tmp <- x %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$country2 == cur_cntry)
# then get rid of years where n == nna for numerator variable
tmp2 <- tmp %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$year) %>%
n = dplyr::n(),
nna = length(which(is.na(.data[[num_var]])))
) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$n == .data$nna)
tmp <- tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(!.data$year %in% tmp2$year, ) %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(cur_var, vars))) %>%
ifelse(x %in% vars, x, "dhscode")) %>%
region = ipumsr::as_factor(ipumsr::lbl_clean(.data$dhscode)),
dhscode = ipumsr::zap_labels(.data$dhscode)
if (nrow(tmp) == 0) {
message(" no data for '", num_var, "'...")
if (all(is.na(tmp[[denom_var]]))) {
message(" denominator variable '", denom_var, "' is all NA...")
if (
length(which(is.na(tmp$year))) != 0 ||
# length(which(is.na(tmp$sexactiv4wk))) != 0 ||
length(which(is.na(tmp[[num_var]]))) != 0
) {
# browser()
stop("something isn't right...")
yrregstats <- tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[denom_var]] %in% denom_cond) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$year, .data$dhscode, .data$region) %>%
n = sum(.data$perweight),
n2 = dplyr::n(),
nsti = sum((.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond) * .data$perweight),
nsti2 = length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
pct = 100 * .data$nsti / .data$n,
.groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::mutate(country = cur_cntry, geo_var = cur_var)
regstats <- tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[denom_var]] %in% denom_cond) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$dhscode, .data$region) %>%
n = sum(.data$perweight),
n2 = dplyr::n(),
nsti = sum((.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond) * .data$perweight),
nsti2 = length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
pct = 100 * .data$nsti / .data$n,
.groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::mutate(country = cur_cntry, geo_var = cur_var)
yrstats <- tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[denom_var]] %in% denom_cond) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$year) %>%
n = sum(.data$perweight),
n2 = dplyr::n(), # length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
nsti = sum((.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond) * .data$perweight),
nsti2 = length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
pct = 100 * .data$nsti / .data$n) %>%
dplyr::mutate(country = cur_cntry, geo_var = cur_var)
allstats <- tmp %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[denom_var]] %in% denom_cond) %>%
n = sum(.data$perweight),
n2 = length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
nsti = sum((.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond) * .data$perweight),
nsti2 = length(which(.data[[num_var]] %in% num_cond)),
pct = 100 * .data$nsti / .data$n) %>%
dplyr::mutate(country = cur_cntry, geo_var = cur_var)
res[[cur_cntry]] <- list(
country = cur_cntry,
geo_var = cur_var,
allstats = allstats,
yrstats = yrstats,
regstats = regstats,
yrregstats = yrregstats,
geodf = geodf
class(res) <- c("list", "ipums-rates")
# #' @importFrom sf st_sfc
# fix_south_africa_geo <- function(a) {
# idx <- which(a$admin_name == "Western Cape")
# if (length(idx) == 1) {
# bb <- a$geometry[[idx]]
# bb <- bb[-c(1:8)]
# a$geometry[[idx]] <- sf::st_multipolygon(bb)
# attr(a$geometry, "bbox") <- NULL
# a$geometry <- sf::st_sfc(a$geometry)
# }
# a
# }
# # ipumsr::read_ipums_sf("ext-data/idhs/geo/geo_za1998_2016.zip")
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