
Defines functions get_columnselect_text

Documented in get_columnselect_text

#' Column text selector
#' Handles the text string given by user for starts with/ ends with/ contains
#'@param expression what function is being checked
#'@param intext the text to search over
#'@param labelorname the input value, label or name
#'@param dataname name of data frame
#'@param contains if expression is contains, this is TRUE
get_columnselect_text <- function(expression, intext,
                                  labelorname, dataname,
                                  contains = FALSE){

    #split the text into the individual units, split by & or |
    startvect <- strsplit(intext, "(&|\\|)")[[1]]

    # get all the & and |s locations
    special <- gregexpr("(&|\\|)", intext)[[1]]
    #if any exist, create schar with the special characters added
    if (special[1] == -1){
        schar <- NULL
        schar<- as.character(unlist(Map(substr, intext, special, special)))

    get_terms <- function(expression, term, labelorname, dataname,
        if (substr(term,1,1) =='-')
            add <- '!'
            term <- substr(term,2,nchar(term))
            add <- ''
        if (contains)
            paste0(add, expression, "('", term, "', names_label(", dataname,
                   ",'", labelorname, "'))"

            paste0(add, expression, "(names_label(", dataname,
                   ",'", labelorname, "'),'", term, "')")
    full_terms <- as.character(
        unlist(Map(get_terms, expression, startvect, labelorname, dataname, contains))
    if( !is.null(schar)){
        schar<- c(schar, '')
        full_terms <- as.vector(rbind(full_terms, schar))
        full_terms <- paste(full_terms, collapse = ' ')
kieranjmartin/viewenhance documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 3:59 p.m.