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An R package to create input files for and analyze output files from Nemo.

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Nemo is an individual-based forward-time simulation program created and maintained by Fred Guillaume. The latest release is available for download here.

This package is meant to aid in writing input files for Nemo, particularly when dealing with large landscapes consisting of many patches that require large range-wide matrices for specifying dispersal distances or distances within which breeding can happen from a focal patch. See additions to the Nemo code documented here for some of the capabilities that this package is meant to deal with. Future updates will include functions for analyzing stat file outputs and other output files.

The package can be installed using devtools, which itself can be installed from CRAN with


Once devtools is installed, run


and the package will be installed and open.


An example script shows how this package's functions may be used to produce a .ini input file for Nemo.

The main function make.input takes all of the parameters that would normally appear in your input file with some defaults already set. See ?make.input for details. This function really provides no advantage unless you use the additional functions to create large matrices and kernels that can now be automatically inserted into the input file without worry about copy and paste or bracket errors.

Miscellaneous functions used for making inputs

Selection landscape

Useful for running analyses on Westgrid or other similar Grid Engine clusters

Useful for running analyses on Ubelix or other similar slurm clusters


Handle outputs

Developer Notes

For sanity's sake, remember that the latest version of roxygen2 is not compatible for its method of creating .Rd documentation files. Current version is using roxygen2 v4.1.0, installed via install_version("roxygen2", version = "4.1.0", repos = ""). I think it is most likely just me that has not kept up with the latest R package development tools.

kjgilbert/aNEMOne documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:25 a.m.